Loner in Space

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Loner in Space Page 2

by Steve Simons

  Soon Paul reaches the next door, he notices there are brown patches on the floor, also on the door itself. He repeats the torch waving activities, whilst also nervously looking up and down the corridor, in-case the flickering light from his torch attracts any undesirable attention. His attention is rapidly brought back to the door as it slides open. Something is emerging from the now partly open doorway. It is heading straight for Paul. For a brief moment he does not know what to do, he is rooted to the spot in fear. Trying to figure out if whatever is approaching is a threat, or purely responding to the call of gravity. Paul decides to take no chances and heads at speed for the entrance. As he reaches the doorway to that cabin that he had become a temporary prisoner of, there is a loud clatter noise. Paul briefly glances over his shoulder expecting something or someone to be in hot pursuit. However, he sees a pile of something had fallen onto the floor in front of the now fully open door. Paul slows up, looks again over his shoulder and is relieved to see that whatever it is, has stayed where it had landed. Paul stops retreating and cautiously heads back to the now open doorway and whatever has fallen out of it. Prepared to again retreat at speed, if needs be.

  When Paul reaches the pile of stuff, he gently kicks it just to make sure it that it is not alive. There is no reaction apart from a bit of the pile yielding to Paul's shoe influence. Paul breaths a sigh of relief. He examines the pile more closely, it appears to be some sort of clothing. Paul looks through the doorway, there is another of these things hanging up and sure enough, it looks more like... more like.....space suits! Are they space suits or some sort of protective clothing, perhaps there's something dangerous down here that requires anyone who gets near it to wear one of these suits? Perhaps its whatever is making that strange noise.

  Paul steps over the suit on the floor and proceeds on down the corridor, towards the next door, being careful not to trip over the objects strewn all over the floor and also keeping an ear out for any extra sounds, in-case there is someone else down here. Paul jumps and rapidly looks around him as he sees the walls light up. Has someone thrown a light switch? Should he make a run for it and get out of here quickly, before he is trapped? He stops walking and continues to look up and down the corridor, in anticipation of one of the doors opening.

  After what seems like an eternity, Paul is at the same time relieved and disappointed that nothing happens. Paul decides to carry on down the corridor, perhaps the lights coming on was simply triggered by some sort of presence detector. He has now reached the next door, a bit of torch waving results in the door sliding open.

  Result! Beyond the opening door the room appears to be lit and there are the backs of two chairs and beyond those, what looks like a large screen or window. It is difficult to tell which. Below that is what looks like a desk or control panel. Paul looks round the room, there are some things laying scattered on the floor. Paul carefully and quietly kicks one of them into the pathway of the door, he doesn't want to get trapped in here, so is hoping that by placing this item in the doorway will prevent the door closing, in the same way that lift doors won't close if you put a hand or foot in their way. Paul steps round the item on the floor and enters the room, half expecting one or both seats to swing round. He approaches cautiously. Then jumps as he hears the door start to slide shut. He dashes back towards the door, but he need not worry, his ploy had worked, the door gently touches the item and opens again. Paul quickly looks back round to the seats, expecting to have attracted the attention of whoever is sitting in them. But no they do not appear to have moved. Paul approaches the seat to the left of him and again, he is fully prepared to make a run for it if necessary.

  Paul reaches the seat and is relieved to see it is empty, as is the second chair. However, the nearest chair is covered in brown patches, as are parts of the desk before it. The desk looks like a control panel of some sort, but there are no knobs or switches. Instead there appear to be glass bumps and black glass panels. The area nearest Paul where the brown stains can be seen, seems to have suffered some damage, two of the black panels are cracked and covered in brown patches and some of the bumps look as if they have seen better days. The whole desk looks quite complicated. Paul tries pushing some of the bumps, then tries to move them from side to side, but no luck they are fixed firmly in place.

  After looking closer at the items scattered on the floor, Paul cannot figure out the purpose of any of them. They appear as if they had been dropped and left in a hurry where they had fallen. Paul decides to abandon this room, it just is not going to reveal its secrets.

  Paul decides to leave the item in the path of the door, it won't hurt and will save him the effort of triggering the door opening mechanism, if he wants to come back here to investigate further.

  The next door reveals a small room with some sort of equipment, which again has the glass nodules on it, but also rectangular holes in it and two of the black glass panels. Nothing really exciting here. Paul moves onto the next door and as it opens, Paul is somewhat more excited, as this is the source of the noises that he could hear. There are lights flashing and strange symbols on its black screens. There are several banks of lights that are rising and falling in some regular patterns. As this is the last door in corridor, Paul comes to the conclusion that this must be the power source or if it is a space craft, it could even be the engine or computer that controls this place. Paul stands for quite a while watching the lights, fascinated by their patterns. His mind racing to make some sense of the whole thing.

  Paul glances at his watch and realises that he must head back home. He heads back up the corridor, kicks the item out of the pathway of the control room door. Then heads back towards the exit at speed. He is only slightly startled when the the wall panel lights go out, confirming his presence detector theory, this is closely followed by the closing of the control room door. Paul is a lot more relaxed now about being in this place. He even bends down and picks up the suit that had fallen on the floor and hangs it back up. As he walks away the door slides shut.


  Chapter 3  The Unpredictable

  The Xbox seems to be particularly slow starting today, but isn't that always the way when you are in a hurry? At last, here it is, the first screen Paul wants, he switches to friends list and is relieved to find that the person he wants to talk to is online. The screen reads 'Zlaxmaser365', Paul knows him by his real name of Zack. Paul often plays games with Zack, even though the Zlaxmaser is twice Paul's age, Paul is 11. The two of them have become good friends, Zack is at university doing some research, in the field of electronics and whilst a lot of his work is rather hush hush, those parts that aren't, fascinated Paul and they often have long conversations about Zack's work, whilst blasting things up in a game and enjoying both activities at the same time.

  Drat! The Zlaxmaser is in a game with someone else. 'Typical when I want to talk to him privately.' thinks Paul to himself. He decides to get on with his homework instead, although it is not due in, until two days time, he might as well get it out of the way. He just hopes Zack is not going to take too long. Paul gets out his books and the homework sheet. The sheet seems to make no sense at first, after the third reading, the pieces start to click into place and Paul gets ripping into it. When he next checks his Xbox, he finds that Zack has signed off. This isn't going to be Paul's night. He just hopes that Zack isn't annoyed at the fact that Paul wasn't on the Xbox yesterday, for their usual game. They both looked forward to it as a wind down at the end of their frustrating or busy days. Paul settles down to finish the homework, but becomes increasingly frustrated, as he has come across a series of questions he just cannot figure a way of answering. The more he strains to work it out, the worse it becomes. He checks the Xbox again, still no sign of Zack. Paul's mind is still buzzing with all that he had seen at the den yesterday, he is desperate to discuss it with someone he can trust.

  Paul decides to take a break and fix himself a snac

  On returning to the Xbox later, Paul is delighted to see that the Zlaxmaser is back. Paul hurriedly picks up his headset and calls up Zack. Despite Paul's fears, Zack seems delighted to hear from Paul

  Zack says, Hey good buddy what you been doing? I missed you, you OK?

  Paul replies, Yes I'm fine, wanted to talk to you about something I have found....

  Then Paul tells Zack all about his den and the things he has seen. Zack is very enthusiastic about Paul's discovery, as well as quite concerned as to who owns it and what it is used for. He wonders if whoever owns it still goes there, the fact that Paul had found the device at the end of the corridor, still operating was rather suspicious. Zack suggested that if it had been some sort of abandoned research facility,he would have thought that everything would have been turned off. Paul suggests that maybe that device has to stay on in order for the doors to work. Perhaps it is just ticking over so to speak.

  Zack suggests that Paul set up some form of movement detector that counts the number of people passing a particular point, that way Paul will know for sure if he is the only person who visits the place. Zack asks if Paul can get some photos of the place, especially close ups of the control room desk and those other two devices. Paul tells Zack that he will go back again tomorrow and see what he can get, then they discuss a device that Paul can use to detect if anyone else is entering the den. Paul remembers that he had an electronic kit somewhere in his cupboard and it might be able to do what Zack has suggested. He searches for a while then suddenly comes across what he was looking for. Zack guides Paul through the process of construction and testing. Sure enough Paul ends up with a device that not only detects someone passing by it, but also counts how many times. Paul says he will find something to disguise the device later.

  The conversation turns back to the control panel and the things strewn around on the floor. Despite Paul's quite accurate description of some of the items on the floor, neither he nor Zack are able to figure out what they are likely to be used for. As for the control panel, Zack suggests that it sounds like the glass beads take light in and use it as control signals. He says he is basing this on the fact that the opening of the doors was triggered by light. Zack suggests that Paul test this out a bit more with his LED torch next time he is at the den, but to be careful to only trigger one thing at a time, so that Paul can observe the effect. Paul says that he wonders why his sample tests in the control room had no effect. Zack suggests that maybe the glass beads were too dirty and needed to be cleaned up. Paul plans to take some damp wipes with him tomorrow. This reminds him of the brown patches that he had seen. Zack suggests these could be leakage of some sort from some device that had been carried into the area. Then Paul suggests that maybe someone had been injured and it may be blood. At that thought, Zack suggests that Paul wear some gloves when he does the cleaning up just in-case. Then Zack back tracks on himself and suggests that this may all be too dangerous and maybe he should report his discovery to the police in-case there had been a murder or something like that.

  Whilst the mention of a murder makes Paul somewhat uneasy, he protests, saying that it is his discovery and there was no way that he is going to hand the whole thing over to the local police. In any case the local police are useless, they couldn't even solve the mysterious padlock destroyer case. This would be well beyond them. Zack suggests that Paul discuss the matter with his Dad. To which Paul says, He wouldn't be interested at all. Zack suggests that Paul's Dad would be really concerned if anything bad were to happen to him.

  ~~ Later ~~

  Paul asks Zack, So did you get the photos alright?

  Zack replies, My e-mail nearly deleted them as it thought your email address was some sort of spamming email. What on earth made you choose that name and provider?

  Paul says, Well my Dad insists that I don't use my real email address, except for family and school stuff, so I signed up for one of those temporary things and I was a bit stuffed for a username.

  Yeah but terminator99? I thought it was one of those bot things that pass nasty viruses and nearly deleted it myself. informs Zack.

  Paul replies, Yeah yeah, anyway what did you make of the pictures any use?

  Zack is silent for a moment then says, Thanks just what I needed.... oh down there will do..... oh my pal the one I told you about.

  Paul is about to interrupt as he is wondering what Zack is talking about, when he gathers that there must be someone else in Zack's room. He wonders who it is and whether they are trustworthy. As there's now a break in the conversation at the other end Paul asks, Who's that with you? Is it OK to continue talking?

  Zack laughs and says, Oh yeah sorry, its Kirsty, she just fixed me something to eat. Kirsty is OK with our secret, she's an Aero major.

  Paul in a surprised voice, asks, What's one of those when its at home?

  Zack says, Oh sorry, that's uni talk for Aeronautics expert. Kirsty is working on a special project for NASA, all hush hush at the mo, but connected with shuttle replacement technology, nod nod wink wink.

  Paul replies, Oh in that case she'll be used to keeping quiet about something like this.

  Zack says, Yep sure is good buddy, she's seen the photos and like me she's convinced that what you've got there is some sort of sophisticated light controlled panel, the darker panels are display panels, as evidenced by the photo of that thing-a-my at the end of the corridor. What was that Kirs?.... Oh Kirsty says she has to commend you on the quality of the photos by the way. She said that it couldn't have been easy. What we have to do now is identify what the control panel operates.

  Paul replies, Der. Tell me something I don't know.

  Zack asks, Did you manage to clean up in there, like we discussed?

  Paul says, Yep, sure did and I wore the gloves etc. like you suggested. I kept samples of the brown stuff, in-case it is a murder investigation site as you also suggested.

  Zack says, Hey you are good. Did you have a chance to test out any of those glass bumps?

  Paul asks, What with the torch you mean?

  Zack confirms, Yeah that's right.

  Paul replies, No I was a bit late getting there, setting out the intruder detecting system, taking the photos and cleaning up took up all my time. I'm going back tonight, so I'll be able to report back to you tomorrow.

  Zack asks, Could I ask a favour, if you come across any of the circuitry that's a bit damaged, can you send it to me?

  Paul says, So long as it isn't too heavy, I haven't got a lot of money you know.

  Zack agrees, OK that's fine with me, shame I can't send you anything. Hey actually I can, I can set up a Paypal account for you. I'll sort that tonight and let you have the details tomorrow. I think that's all for now, isn't it?

  Paul says, Yep I think so. Until tomorrow then?

  Zack says goodbye and wishes Paul good luck and tells him to take care in-case there is someone visiting the den.

  Paul gathers up the things he'll need for his trip to the den. Nearly forgets to take his door key with him, suddenly remembers and darts back into the house, fetches the key. The familiar sound of his Dad's car can be heard. 'Oh dash it!' thinks Paul to himself, as he was hoping to get away long before his Dad got home. Should he try to make a quick break for it and dash off before his Dad gets a chance to open the car door? Paul decides to have a go, as he re-opens the front door he sees he's too late, his Dad is already out of the car.

  Paul decides to bluff it, with, Hi Dad, finished my homework and just off to a friends house, been invited for tea.

  Paul's Dad asks, Oh right, who is this friend, have I seen him before, where does he live?

  Paul, stunned that his Dad is showing any interest at all, says nothing at first, as his mind races like mad seeking an answer to the question, it is like a swan paddling like mad whilst above water it glides. Paul replies, Its a new boy who has just transferred i
nto the school, I thought I'd make him feel welcome and in return he invited me to his house, its down near those new houses.

  Have you got an address? asks Paul's Dad,

  He did tell me, but I kept forgetting it, so he just told me to meet him at the entrance to the building site. replies Paul, wondering why his Dad was suddenly taking such a great interest in him.

  Paul's Dad asks, Why didn't you write it down?

  Couldn't, we were walking between classes. replies Paul hoping this will put the matter to bed.

  Instead, Paul's Dad suggests, Couldn't you have written it down once you got to the next class?

  Paul thinks, 'He's a slippery one alright, got every angle on this, still I've got to persist.' Paul replies, Dad you don't know what its like at school these days, as soon as you're in the classroom the teachers want to get on with the lesson, they don't have any time to waste.


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