Scepters of Empyrea

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Scepters of Empyrea Page 5

by Vignesh Ravichandran

  When Cleo went near them they chirped and directed her to the woods where the dazzling light shone. As she walked, the flowers began to blossom and welcomed her. Seeing this, the squirrels, butterflies, rabbits, beavers, and birds emerged from the forest and fell in step alongside her. We all stared in amazement but Empyrea had more for us. The Magpies took Cleo to a giant tree, she stood beneath that giant tree and faced a majestic white elk with lovely antlers nourishing itself in the glittering pond. The air around the White elk shimmered with a golden light. The elk raised its head and saw Cleo, her face lit up in the same golden light and her eyes shone.

  As the tiny golden fishes let her in the pond her small feet gradually took her near to the elk. The golden light brightened when Cleo stroked the elk's neck. At Cleo’s touch, the elk felt goosebumps and shook showering Cleo in the process. She laughed with love and went near it again. She was not even as tall as its foot. The elk bent its head down allowing Cleo to touch its antlers. When she tightly held onto the antlers, the elk raised its head and lifted her some feet above the ground and started moving out of the pond. She was delighted and laughed removing her hands from the antlers and fell on the ground below and continued to laugh.

  The elk came to her and licked her face. Soon the other animals surrounded her and played with her. Cleo had a lovely time with them but it was interrupted by a bestial bawl of a mammoth. The elk darted back into the forest and the other animals scattered in all directions.

  The mammoths and mastodons were the creatures that thrived along with moose in the forest. They could be fiercely aggressive and was known to trample even one or two rhinoceros to death at the same time. They seemingly had the capacity to display bouts of rage and had even engaged in activities that had been interpreted as vindictive and razing.

  Emperor Mysterio fed the mammoths with bananas and made Cleo ride one of the mammoths. She felt a little shiver because it was more than 14feet in height and weighed more than 10000kg. Mysterio was so careful with Cleo and took every one of us for a small ride on it. We went along the banks of the river Isis on mammoths and mastodons. We saw some greenish people like Mysterio living there along the banks of the river Isis. They were called Empyreans, and they looked very much humanlike, the only obvious difference was their greenish

  skin and the elongated skull.

  Then we went inside the castle. It was set up with towers and spires and was spectacularly sited on a high point over the Isis River. It was about 570 meters in length and an average of 130 meters in width. It was a vast and imposing building with tall and diversely colored roofs, towers and myriad windows and balconies adorned with stone carvings. There was a warm air heating system for the entire building, and the running river water on every floor was spectacular. Every castle in the world was unique in some way, no two are the same, but this one even though it was rather outside earth and humble compared to some, it was probably the only one that stood majestically integrated on the island covered with the loveliest garden we have ever seen. The garden had majestic golden statues of Elks and unicorns, along with the dolphin fountains.

  They had crafted their insignia everywhere on the palace. The insignia had been designed like a scepter before the merging of the sun and the moon. They had also crafted and painted important aspects of their culture on their walls. One look at them and you could understand and follow what Empyrea stood for or represented. Imhotep, one of my chancellors, took a keen interest in their architecture and scrutinized their paintings.

  Mysterio led us to the hall of the first court. His chancellors stood and welcomed all of us. The hall was filled with paintings and crafts. The side of the hall was painted with the sun and the moon shining together, and the rays of both fell on a person sitting on an unusual throne wearing a crown. Soon Osiris Mysterio wore a crown which was similar to our white crown of Upper Egypt, but with the addition of two curling Phorusrhacid feathers on each side. Mysterio made his way towards a lovely throne, the likes of which I had never seen before in my life.

  The throne which was placed in the hall of the first court was about 6 feet long and 4 feet wide. The legs and crossbars were covered with gold inlaid and enriched with numerous diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. In the middle of each bar, there was a large ruby with four emeralds around it. The underside of the canopy was covered with diamonds and pearls, with a fringe of pearls all around. Above the canopy, which is a quadrangular-shaped dome, there was a phoenix bird on the throne with an elevated tail made of blue sapphire and other colored stones. The body was made of gold inlaid with precious stones, having a large ruby in front of the breast. On both sides of the bird, there was a large bouquet of the same height as that of the bird consisting of many kinds of flowers made again of gold inlaid with precious stones. Mysterio’s brother tyrant Seth and their children also had similar thrones but it was not as pretty as his, this was simply majestic, and everyone I’m positive would crave to possess it.

  The other primary element of Empyrea was Emra and Emla, each group of people worshipped, Emra (sun), and Emla (moon) as their major gods and worshipped their part creatures as sub gods like Nagas, who worship snake.

  When I spoke to Mysterio, he narrated the story of Empyrea,

  100years ago, our planet Vathura was also like your planet Emrath(earth) with ordinary people, creatures, and reptiles. Though Vathura had many ruthless reptiles and mysterious creatures, the people had an enjoyable life here. And moreover Vathura hadn’t been covered with 90% of the water before, there was only 60% of water. The difference of 30% had continents and islands but what happened to those continents and the people has been a mystery to all of us.

  During spring, unexpectedly an asteroid struck our planet Vathura. The stroke was on the mainland Lukriya which was 1400miles away from Empyrea. The asteroid hit us with the speed of 4500miles per hour. It destroyed nearly everything in Vathura. After this, on Lukriya’s land, instantly the pressure rose, and we had a gigantic volcano erupt all around our planet Vathura. 80% of the people, creatures and other species that lived in Vathura were buried in its heat. It didn’t stop with that. The impact was disastrous. Within hours, thousands of boulders rained down like meteors, there were earthquakes and tsunami’s battled the coasts of Vathura.

  Many continents broke into pieces and sunk into the sea. The continents Lukriya and Zambvia were nowhere to be seen. The only land left in Vathura was Empyrea, and even that was shattered in pieces. The meteors that dropped into the sea changed its color to pink by emitting some gases. It raised the sea temperature as well, the plants and the creatures in the sea died, some buried in its heat and some floated dead. Within a few days, the sea water evaporated and came pouring in as acid rain. Some of our people managed to escape from that rain. Others didn’t get a chance to hide from the rain. The effects of the acid rain added a lot of complications to the people’s body. Not only did the existing people suffer but newborn babies were affected too.

  The changes that we witnessed were alarming and dreadful. On one end, the ones who escaped started to give birth as normal Empyreans like humans in your Emrath, but on the other hand, the people affected turned wild as the apes and other creatures. We named them as Nagas, Rhinorios, and Dinomen. These changes made them wild just like the bizarre creatures. Except the Empyreans, everyone else started to assail one another. It was a bloody rampage. The wild creatures were preying on Empyreans and on the other hand the Nagas, Rhinorios, and Dinomen attacked each other. They turned cannibals. Empyrea was the only land left over in Vathura, but it also started to annihilate. The rest of us gathered and started to pray to Emra & Emla by offering a sacrificial fire. We prayed for peace, we built temples and believed we would be saved and guided on the right path.

  One beautiful day, Emra and Emla blessed one of our Empyrean families with spectacular powers to rescue many lives and help the people affected by the meteor strike. Emra and Emla gifted each one of the family members with a scepter, which had many special powers. The
y were blessed for the purpose to rule Empyrea peacefully and save it from danger. That family consisted of two brothers and their children. The younger brother was made the emperor of Empyrea, and the elder brother and their children were made to rule each part of Empyrea. That family was none other than mine. From that blessed day, we brothers and our children have been maintaining peace in Empyrea. Our aim is to spread peace to all people. We did make huge attempts to discover the root cause for the people’s sudden transformation and tried to cure it but in vain. Nature had her own vicious way, and her decision was final, said Mysterio and completed his narration.

  We saw Mysterio helping the people of Empyrea to evolve beyond cannibalism and to learn farming skills. I prided myself that I had the privilege of knowing Mysterio, a true God and cherished our friendship.

  Emperor Mysterio after having completed his narration invited us to the arena to watch the inaugural show along with his family. The show was to commence in the evening at Falconnia. Post the invitation, he went to make the necessary arrangements for our travel to Falconnia.

  In the meantime, Imhotep who had been examining the crafts on the walls of the castle discovered some intriguing information. What he saw worried him. He rushed towards me to inform the same. When I saw Imhotep, he was profusely sweating, and his hands were shivering. I knew immediately he had some dreadful news.

  With those crafts, he had gathered the knowledge of the powers of the scepters gifted by Emra(sun) and Emla(moon) to the Empyrean family.

  His first message was,

  The scepters gifted to the Empyrean family weren’t ordinary scepters. They were the symbol of power. The person who owned those scepters would become the king of Empyrea, and he won’t be regarded as king alone, rather he would be worshipped as a god by the

  people of Empyrea. The person would receive a mysterious power to have control over all the creatures and the people of Empyrea.

  I was astonished hearing those words. Imhotep said that each scepter had a different power, and he started to explain them one by one.

  When the Empyreans raised the sacrificial fire, the lords Emra and Emla made their presence and blessed one of the Empyrean family with five powerful scepters. The most powerful scepter was gifted to the younger brother of that Empyrean family for being fearless and saving many lives at the time of the meteor strike. That was Osiris Mysterio, his scepter had special powers, by which he could make the galaxy go either way.

  The scepter gifted to him was the “Scepter of Nature”. It was said to represent the threefold qualities of nature: creation, preservation, and destruction. With this, he got the power to control all the elements of nature like wind, water, fire, land, sky, etc. His powers didn’t stop with these elements. He also had this wondrous power to transform himself as the strongest Mastodon with huge tusks to protect the family of mastodons.

  With these powers, he was bestowed the title ‘Emperor of Empyrea’, by the lords Emra and Emla, to maintainpeace in Empyrea. Osiris is known as “Mysterio” among the people, because of his specialization in sorcery. He would play his dices and calculate with the stars. He was a sorcerer.

  Mysterio was the reason for getting back Empyrea to its original standard form. After the asteroid and meteors had hit the land, there was unbearable heat, and it would have taken 100 years to change this temperature, if not for Mysterio who with the power given to him brought down the temperature of the land, stabilized the weather, neutralized the acid rain, and rejuvenated the vegetation by creating more plants and trees.

  The second powerful scepter was gifted to Mysterio’s elder brother “Tyrant Seth”, he owned the “Scepter of Power.” His scepter was designed with many dinosaur heads to showcase the power it has on the dinosaurs. Tyrant was made to rule “Dinolaya” by the lords Emra and Emla to control and guide the vigorous dinosaurs to the right path, and also to safeguard the other creatures from them.

  Dinosaurs were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates throughout Dinolaya. There were plenty of dinosaurs, and they moved as families. As a result of this, they multiplied every day, and the power of the tyrant grew. The scepter gave him the extra power to transform himself to any dinosaur he wished to be. He could transform himself into a Quetzalcoatlus (flying dinosaurs) or a bigger one like the Tyrannosaurus (giant dinosaur) and likewise.

  The next mighty scepter was presented to tyrant’s son “Pitheceus Babi”, the “Scepter of Arrogance”. The scepter was designed with an ape face at the center of its blade. Pitheceus was made to rule Sorgamia to control the arrogant apes. Comparatively, he had equal powers to that of his father tyrant. He also had the ability to transform himself to a “Giant Kong”, the king of Apes, to control the vigorous apes and to safeguard others from them.

  Tyrant’s daughter, "Kraity Wadjet" received the next mighty scepter, the “Scepter of Venom.” The scepter was designed like a vicious snake swirling her scepter wholly. Kraity was made to rule “Nagamalya” by the lords Emra and Emla. Like the others, she too had the power of transforming into a gigantic snake.

  The emperor Mysterio’s son “Horus” was gifted with the “Scepter of Excellence.” The scepter was designed with two heads of roaring saber tooth tiger below the scepter blade. Horus was made to rule the "Falconnia" by the lords Emra and Emla. Like his family, he also had a crucial power of transforming himself to a massive saber tooth tiger, saying Imhotep.

  I stopped Imhotep and questioned him; now, as per the crafts and Mysterio’s narration, the gods Emra and Emla gifted the scepters to Mysterio’s family well before 100 years, it would be possible for Mysterio and his brother Tyrant to live for 100years but how come their children Pitheceus, Kraity and Horus, who look less than twenty five got that power before 100years, they wouldn’t have been born at that time.

  Imhotep replied stating: My lord, the age calculation of the children are wrong, they all are much older than your calculations. Indeed, they are older than us, said Imhotep.

  With a tremor I said, what do you mean Imhotep, how is that possible? They look so young.

  As per the crafts, the lifetime of the empyreans is much higher than that of our people, empyreans minimum lifespan is about 600years. Pitheceus is 250years old, Kraity is 220 and Horus is 207, said Imhotep.

  I was awestruck and asked; then, what would be the ages of Mysterio and his brother Tyrant?

  There is no precise time of birth mentioned about them in the crafts, they must be well over 450 years. And Mysterio’s family isn’t referred to as gods of Empyrea in the crafts. It’s emphatically stated that they are the lords of the planet Vathura. As Empyrea was the only living place left in it.

  After listening to all of this, I could hear my heart beat so loud, but Imhotep had more to say.

  The scepters not only gave them the powers, but it also brought the power of God to them. When Empyrea was struck by the meteors, the people of Empyrea turned abnormal as an after effect. The people affected by the dinosaurs turned into hunchbacks with dinosaur skin. They started to follow tyrant because he was blessed by Emra and Emla to protect the dinosaurs. Tyrant named those people as Dinomen.

  The people who were affected by snakes turned like people who had the skin tone and elliptical eye pupils like that of the snakes. They were named Nagas for their snake behavior. They all worshipped Kraity as their god because she was the gigantic snake among them.

  I was even more surprised listening to Imhotep, so I asked how was it possible for a meteor to change people to such strange forms. The answer he gave stupefied me.

  Lord!! The answer would be known only to god, and I am not god. But, I could definitely give my opinion on that, replied Imhotep.

  The meteors have thousands of tiny crystals in it, which almost look like salt. The crystals have a droplet of liquid in it. Naturally, once the meteor strikes the land, it explodes, and after the explosion, the crystals start to melt in the heat and becomes liquid. Moreover, the meteors are the reason for bringing water to earth aiding in cult

  The same thing happened in Empyrea but in a different way. In the case of Dinomen and Nagas, their transformation would have occurred when the meteor stones fell on the eggs of the dinosaurs and snakes. The egg yolks and the meteor crystals combined and formed a new substance, and only then the meteor might have exploded. The explosion could have helped the new material to blow up towards the sky, and the same might have come back in the form of rain, which is nothing but the acid rainfall.

  As a result of this, the people who didn’t find a chance to hide at the time of the rain had the combination of egg yolk and meteor’s crystal liquid in their DNA, which resulted in an Animo-Empyrean transformation in them. But, it was different in the case of Rhinorios. The people weren’t transformed strangely because of the acid rainfall but might have been born with the deformity in Falconnia post the meteor strike. The strike might have made an internal change in their DNA.

  Listening intently, I asked Imhotep about the black skinned people, Vathroos in Sorgamia, and the empyreans in Armania whether they were also transformed like the Nagas and the Dinomen.


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