Scepters of Empyrea

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Scepters of Empyrea Page 9

by Vignesh Ravichandran

  Tyrant family accepted it half-heartedly and left the place.

  The powers of the scepters will disappear not only on a new moon night but also at the time of an eclipse. The reason for this is the sun will be covered by the other planet in the galaxy and the moon will be nowhere to be seen in the daytime. Therefore, at the time of an eclipse, the scepters will not have the power to control the creatures and the people of Empyrea.

  The eclipse occurs in Empyrea when the neighbor planet Kasumbia transits between the sun of Andromeda galaxy and the planet Vathura. Kasumbia is the third planet of Andromeda galaxy, it is a red color planet with two outer rings and supposedly the biggest planet in that galaxy.

  During the transit, planet Kasumbia can be seen from Empyrea like a circular red disk with two outer rings moving across the face of the Sun. At this time entire planet Vathura will be dazzled in red color. It will take hours to move from the path of the sun and the transit is similar to that of a solar eclipse by the Moon. There is a chance to destroy the scepters until this transition ends but to avoid conspiracies from the tyrant family, they need to finish the process when planet Kasumbia hides the entire sun post which the scepters will regain power.

  The Lord was busy planning to destroy the scepters and had also calculated the duration time of the transition. Overall, it was 7hours and 31minutes but it hid the full sun only for 3hours and 17minutes. After this period, the scepters would regain power second to second.

  Nevertheless, the Lord and I went to the waterfall an hour before the start of the eclipse. The Lord began creating the stone by merging the elements of nature. He was very keen on completing this as quick as possible.

  For creating the empyrean stone, he took the water from the waterfall first, added the sand of Empyrea and made the substance turn into a form of clay. In the clay, he made five holes with his scepter and then added some environmental wind into it which made the substance grow bigger. Then he added the piece of a meteor stone that he collected from the meteor stroke. The meteor will help the stone to explode after all the scepters fixed into it. Finally, the Lord fired the substance with lava which automatically turned the substance from clay to rock. With this, the empyrean stone was successfully made. It had five holes on different sides to it.

  It was nearing the time of eclipse and everything was ready except the tyrant family. The outer rings of the planet Kasumbia started to appear but tyrant’s family had not turned up yet. As a result, we lost an hour. Entire Planet Vathura dazzled in red. The Lord was nearly murderous and by now the full coverage began with only 3hours and 11minute of eclipse remaining but there was no sign of the Tyrant family yet.

  At last, they arrived only when 1 hour and 7minutes to go. For the time being the Lord did not question them but started his proceedings with some magical words. This lasted for about twenty minutes after which he plugged his scepter at the center of the empyrean stone (Thunders Rumbled all over the sky) and motioned his brother Tyrant Seth to plug his scepter. We were running on our last 45minutes of Kasumbia’s transit over the sun.

  Tyrant raised his hands as though he was about to plug the scepter inside the hole but stopped short of the scepter’s sharp blade touching the hole and gave a sneering smile at the Lord. Pitheceus and Kraity also joined their father.

  Within a blink of an eye, Tyrant stabbed the Lord in his abdomen with his scepter (Massive thunders rumbled). Pitheceus and Kraity pointed their scepters towards me. I couldn’t stop them as they were more powerful even without their powers and they were prepared for this very minute.

  (Started Raining)

  The Lord didn’t have a sword to protect himself too as his scepter was plugged inside the empyrean stone and could not be unplugged. The Lord no longer retained any power, he was neither an emperor nor a god of nature anymore. Tyrant owned the next mighty scepter and so once he killed the Lord he would automatically become the Emperor of Empyrea.

  Tyrant looked straight into the eyes of the Lord and said, “Now we are the Lords of Empyrea, you are an ordinary Empyrean. Kneel under my feet and I will give you an opportunity to live”.

  (Thunders rumbled)

  I replied, “Mind your words Tyrant, he is our Emperor and you have no right to treat him like a slave”. You will pay for this. I will not leave you if anything happens to my father.

  But Tyrant now, even more enraged stabbed the Lord repeatedly with his scepter till Lord coughed out his blood with immense pain. The Lord struggled against him and rolled to the floor. On the other hand, I was finding it difficult to defend myself from Pitheceus and Kraity. They were exceptionally skilled in using their scepters and I knew for a fact that once Tyrant joined them that would be the end of me.

  Tyrant turned his attention towards me and raised his scepter to slay me but didn’t. Instead, he pointed it to my neck and invited me to join them to rule the universe after murdering the Lord. Without missing a heartbeat I said, "I am not a filthy animal to kill my own father. I will win or I will die with him, I Will not join you".

  Then both of them come and kneel to your new Lord and pay your respects. Once your father dies, I will be Emperor of Empyrea and for this entire universe, boasted Tyrant.

  Pitheceus and Kraity started to laugh at us,

  You have completely crossed the limit here and blinded by the greed for Power and Authority. I may not be the emperor or the god of nature anymore but I’m still Mysterio, the king of magic, said the Lord struggling to stay alive. (Thunders rumbled)

  Why are you blabbering even at the last minute of your life..? You can’t stop us. We are the Lords of this universe. The Emrath(earth) and even the entire universe is going to lose its peace like hell. We have already set ourselves ready praying to the Dark Lord in Evila and opened the portal of the dark spectrum. Soon the Dark spectrum will bring the dark warriors from dark horse Nataska(nebula). That poor Djoser caught us while we slaughtered ermaid(mermaid). We couldn’t finish him at that moment but now we will wipe out his entire Emrath(earth), said Tyrant with conviction.

  If I set my mind, I can stop all of you and can safeguard the peace of Emrath and the entire universe too, said Lord.

  Tyrant could no longer bear another word from the Lord and filled with spite stabbed him again (Thunders rumbled), Lord coughed out his blood again. Just then the full coverage of Kasumbia came to an end and the sun started to shine. With that, the Lord crumbled in pain on the ground, and cruel Tyrant kicked the Lord’s body and made it fall into the river Isis.

  As the sun shone brighter the scepters once again started to regain power.

  Tyrant approached me. You poor Horus, my Emperor life for the entire universe has started, you should have joined us. Yes..! I am your uncle..! But, now I am going to rip your heart out, such a pity. If you have any last wish, ask me kid..? I will try to accommodate that while I’m in the mood for it.

  I spat on his face, he completely lost his temper and raised his scepter to slice me into pieces. When Tyrant was about to do that, Pitheceus interrupted his father and said, he is not your match father...! So, allow me to finish him once I get back my power. I will make him feel hell and send him along with his father.

  Don’t be stupid! It will take more than an hour to get back our full powers right now we can only summon our scepters. Finish him now itself. We need to go to the Evila to establish our dominance in the universe, ordered Tyrant.

  Pitheceus raised his scepter to finish me, at that time, unexpectedly there was a sudden gush of water from the river Isis and all of us turned towards the river to see what that was and to our surprise, the Lord came walking out. He looked so strong without any blood wounds on him.

  Witnessing that, Tyrant hurled his scepter towards the Lord aiming for his neck. With a calm smile on his face, the Lord merely swerved right and escaped the scepter. He advanced towards Tyrant and kicked him in his chest. That threw him like 10metres away from where he stood. Tyrant filled with fear made his scepter fly back to its place and ordered hi
s children to hide their scepters too because eclipse had another hour to go.

  I know you so well brother, that’s why I prayed to the sun god Emra by sacrificing my life to him and locked the door to Emrath, said the Lord.

  Tyrant retaliated, Oh my poor brother, the door is only locked. By the powers that we possess, we will become dark Lords and we can start the war travelling in space.

  How pathetic of you being stuck here and yet you speak bravely, we will finish you within minutes, said Pitheceus.

  You kid, I am Mysterio, I too know conspiracy. You haven’t trapped me, I have trapped you all. I saw the future, said the Lord.

  With this, the eclipse came to an end. The trio raised their arms to get back their scepters. I decided to transform myself into a saber and get even with Tyrant. Emra started to glitter, I transmitted myself into a saber and ran towards tyrant. In an extreme turn of events, the Lord cursed them and turned them into stones.

  I knew my uncle’s family would pay for what they did but what I didn’t expect was the Lord’s decision. He took out his heart from his body and made that as a key for the new locked door, the key to Emrath. This was the key that would unlock the door which served as the gateway for the people and creatures of Empyrea to get to Emrath.

  I knew that was the end of the Lord but still, I ran towards the river Isis took some water in my hands and fed the Lord by placing him on my lap.

  The Lord’s last words were, “Horus, don’t allow any human blood of Emrath near the stones of your uncle’s family. They can come back even if they receive a single drop of human blood. You should save Emrath, find out the hidden scepters, fix it in the stone and destroy them. Promise me that this universe would stay in peace”, said the Lord and breathed his last, holding my hands.

  Later, I realized that was the greatest decision made by the Lord. He was the real god. I promised him to spread peace in the universe. But the one thing that still puzzles me is how he came out alive from the river.

  With this Horus finished his narration to king Djoser.

  Meanwhile, Anubis the chancellor came to the palace and announced that the emperor’s body reservation process was done and that he was ready to receive his afterlife.

  Prince took Mysterio’s body into the Empramid for burial. This would enable Mysterio to receive his afterlife and become one among the gods travelling to Nataska (nebula) taking the form of a star.

  The emperor Mysterio was dressed with the crown which was similar to the white crown of Upper Egypt but with the addition of two curling ostrich feathers on each side. He also carried the crook and flail. The crook represented Mysterio as a shepherd god. This was resulting from Mysterio’s childhood fanaticism with the sheep. He also depicted a lunar god with a crown encompassing the moon.

  Inside the Empramid, there was a chamber for the sarcophagus. It was a box-like funeral receptacle for a corpse, carved in stone, and displayed above ground. The emperor’s body was tied up on granite and dropped 30metres down to the sarcophagus without any damage. Horus, who was down at the sarcophagus lifted the body and kept it down. Above the sarcophagus chamber, the stars were crafted beautifully and painted on the ceiling for the blessing of the emperor’s body for his afterlife.

  Then came the most awaited moment for everyone. Prince Horus placed all the needs of his father for his luxurious afterlife and mummified Lord’s body with tears streaming down his cheeks all the whiles.

  Emperor Mysterio was mummified with his belongings and the walls were painted with scenes from the dead person’s life. All the objects used by the Lord in real life were kept inside the Empramid including food for his luxurious afterlife.

  After the proceedings in the Empramid, Horus and I came back to the palace. I tried to console him but couldn’t. But prince Horus asked for a help. I was quite surprised at hearing that word but replied that I would do anything for his family.

  Kindly safeguard your Key to Empyrea, we need to be prepared for the worst to both the planets. Let’s meet near the waterfall after dinner tonight, said prince Horus.

  Meanwhile, in the real world, the scroll of Empyrea ended with some scribbled words. Hannah started exploring the other part of the library excitedly to find the continuation scroll.


  2017A.D, At Goa, India

  The streets are lit red and green, the trees are decorated with bells and stars. The city is echoing with songs and frolic. Stars are hanging on the porch of every building and glistening with lights. Shops are crowded with people busy buying gifts. An aromatic smell of baked cake pervaded the air. It’s undoubtedly the Week of Christmas.

  It’s a beautiful night to enjoy with friends and family. Everyone happily enjoys their Christmas week with their loved ones. Every kid is delighted shopping with their parents. But the 5year old girl in flat 13b is shivering in fear. She is hiding under the piano in the storeroom to protect herself from the bizarre man who is searching for her upstairs.

  The man looked like a giant, 6.2 feet tall and his eyes were a raging red desperate to find the girl. He was muscular with a slight tan and a scary mustache. He was wearing a long dirty coat covered with bloodstains. The blood on his coat seemed fresh. He was calling out the girl’s name… Sylvia.. Sylvia.. Where are you? You can’t escape from me. I am going to get you, Sylvia. It’s not very difficult you know… Come on out now Sylvia…

  At this very minute, the girl was shivering in fear more because of the growling sounds coming from the graveyard next door. Sylvia was overwhelmed with foreboding. At one end, a bizarre man was searching for her and on the other, these eerie sounds were coming from the graveyard. And on top of that, she was getting uncomfortable in the storeroom which was infested by rats. The rats were scampering everywhere in the storeroom, each rat was pudgy, and the room looked disgusting.

  Sylvia could hear the sound of boots echoing which grew louder and louder every passing second. She knows he is coming to the storeroom for her. She inhaled a deep breath afraid to breathe when the man opened the storeroom door, but he instantly shut it because of the stench and went back towards the living room. She chuckled but suddenly heard the fast playing sound of the piano and that’s where she was hiding under. She flinched and jumped out from the bottom. When she looked at the piano, there was no one there, she felt her heart hammering because she was the only person inside the storeroom. Her own sweat glistened in the streak of light streaming through the window.

  Suddenly a wave crashed against her window, she spun around in fright!! Her eyes were locked onto a silhouette of a strange bird sitting on a nearby tree in the full moon night, without any warning it rotated its head and flew towards her with its dark brown unblinking large eyes, she fell and crawled back in fear, the bird twisted before the window and went eastwards, that's a mature owl. When she got up slowly, she caught sight of her reflection in the old cobwebbed mirror. A growing sense of uneasiness swept across her and when she looked intently her face filled with horror.

  She was trying to assess the situation reasonably and for the piano playing assumed it would have to be the rat which could have jumped on the piano and ran on it.

  The man heard the sound of the piano too and ran back two steps at a time towards the storeroom. The girl knew the man would return, but she didn’t know where to hide.

  Sylvia looked down and noticed her trembling hands and tried controlling it, but it got worse when she heard the storeroom doorknob turning. She quickly made a dash for the nearest spot to hide.

  The man entered the storeroom and walked towards the piano. He could not see anyone in the room, it looked empty. He started walking all around the storeroom searching for the girl. While he crossed the piano, he let his left hand sweep across the keys letting out a light tune but quickly bent down to check whether the girl was hiding under it but she was not there.

  He began to lose patience but all of a sudden a grin broke on his face as though he knew exactly where the girl would be and dashed across to th
e table only to be disappointed.

  Sylvia, on the other hand, was watching his every move. She was hiding inside a cardboard box next to the piano. She saw the man’s feet nearing her. The blood stains on the man's dirty coat smelled repulsive and made Sylvia close her nostrils.


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