Judge (Blackwings MC - Devil Springs Book 2)

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Judge (Blackwings MC - Devil Springs Book 2) Page 22

by Teagan Brooks

  I immediately opened the envelope and unfolded the papers inside. I read over them twice before I shoved them into my purse and went to meet Jonah for lunch.

  He smiled when he saw me, but his smile quickly disappeared. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I rasped and cleared my throat. “I just, uh, here,” I said and shoved the papers into his hands.

  He glanced between me and the papers before sitting at his desk and reading them. “When did you get these?”

  “About fifteen minutes ago. Gwendolyn Ellison came by the house and gave them to me after she apologized for her part in everything that happened to me,” I said.

  “She what?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I know. The whole thing was really weird. She apologized, handed me that, and left. She obviously feels guilty if she went to all that trouble.”

  The envelope she’d given me contained two sets of papers. The first set was from the nursing agency I used to work for. All penalties I’d been fined for breaking my contract were gone and I was listed as no longer under contract but in good standing and hirable for future contracts. The second set of papers was a job offer for a full-time position in the ER at the hospital.

  “Well, what’re you going to do?” Jonah asked.

  I looked at him incredulously. “Are you serious? I’m going to take the job at the hospital.”

  He grinned. “Just checking.”

  Chapter Forty-Four


  When I returned from lunch, Officer Dunk was waiting for me in my office. “Lana, I’m surprised to see you here. Is everything okay?”

  “It’s nothing like that,” she waved dismissively. “Just have some information to share. Would you mind closing the door?”

  “Sure,” I said and felt my insides start to twist as I waited to hear what she had to say.

  “What I’m about to tell you cannot be repeated to anyone, not even Copper. I shouldn’t even be telling you, but I feel like you have a right to know.”

  “You know I can’t promise to keep it from the club. If it in any way effects—”

  “It doesn’t,” she assured.

  At my nod of agreement, she began, “As you already know, we found the drugs in Mitzie Mayfield’s house and arrested her as well as her son. Tests have confirmed the heroin in her house matches the heroin found in her stepson. Mitzie claims her sister-in-law, Gwendolyn Ellison, asked her to buy the drugs for her. According to Mitzie, Gwendolyn’s plan was to plant it on the people who played a part in her daughter’s death and have them arrested. But, Mitzie’s son, Tristan, tells a different story. He says Gwendolyn asked him to take the heroin and replace it with some that was laced with something that would kill anyone who used it. He did it and she paid him handsomely for his troubles. He also said she asked him to make sure his brother and father knew about the tainted drugs.”

  “Are you saying Gwendolyn actually was behind this whole thing?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “I’m saying it came down to her word against theirs. She’s Chairman of the County Council with a stellar reputation. She’s supported Mitzie and her family for years and just recently refused to continue supporting them because of their ongoing drug use. It looks like they made these accusations against her because they were pissed that she cut them off.”

  “Why was she supporting them?” I asked.

  “She’s married to Mitzie’s brother, Paul. After Roy and Mitzie married, Roy worked for Paul’s company and was hurt on the job. When his workers’ comp payout ran out, they threatened to sue claiming he was permanently disabled. Gwendolyn comes from a very wealthy family and they chose to handle the matter out of court.”

  I sat back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. “I see. So, you think they’re trying to get more money out of her?”

  She shook her head, “Off the record, I think they’re telling the truth, particularly Tristan.”

  I sat forward and leaned on my elbows completely shocked. “You think Gwendolyn purchased tainted heroin and intended to what? Kill people with it?”

  She nodded. “That’s exactly what I think. Tristan said she pointedly told him to make sure his brother and father knew about the drugs. I don’t believe she did that because she was trying to protect them. I think she knew one of them would steal it.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “According to Tristan, Gwendolyn’s daughter was introduced to heroin by Brett Owens, Oliver Burgess, Tristan Mayfield, and Roy Mayfield one night when she was spending the night at her best friend’s house. Her best friend was Brett’s sister, Didi Warren. Now, do you honestly believe it’s a coincidence that every single person involved is now dead or in jail?”

  “Fuck,” I breathed. “What are you going to do?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing. There’s no proof.”

  “Gwendolyn showed up at my house a few hours ago to talk to River. She said she wanted to apologize for any part she played in River’s arrest. She also went to great lengths to restore River’s good name with her previous employer as well as provide her with a job offer at the hospital,” I shared.

  “That was probably her last stop on her way out of town.”


  “She resigned from her position as chairman and her husband turned his company over to his second-in-command. You didn’t know?”

  “I had no idea. Wait, what kind of company does her husband have?”

  “He owns GP Construction and Contracting,” she said and nodded. “Yeah, the city inspector used to work for him. See what I mean? It’s all circumstantial and speculative, but it’s all there. Everyone’s greatest fear should be a mother’s wrath.”

  “I don’t disagree with you. Thank you for sharing that with me. And, I won’t say a word, not even to River,” I promised. Telling River about the conversation I’d had with Lana wouldn’t change anything. And not knowing what was actually true would drive River crazy.



  I was on the back of Jonah’s bike and we were headed to Croftridge with most of the Devil Springs chapter. I’d only ever ridden with Jonah, so it was my first time riding in a formation. I was amazed at how fluidly they moved as a unit, seeming to anticipate one another’s movements.

  I fully expected to be a nervous wreck during the ride, but that wasn’t the case. I was definitely excited to meet my baby niece and my brother’s wife, but being plastered to Jonah’s back as the wind whipped around us brought me a special kind of peace I knew I’d never find anywhere else.

  When we arrived at the Croftridge Clubhouse, I was surprised when we didn’t pull into the forecourt with everyone else. “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “To Phoenix’s house. I thought you’d want to see the baby and meet your brother’s wife without an audience.”

  He pulled up to a massive plantation style home that was on the same property as the clubhouse. Before we made it up the stairs, the front door opened and my brother engulfed me in a bear hug. “Jailbird! You made it,” he crowed.

  “Of course, I did Reed BROOK Lawson!” I shouted as loud as I could. “How are you, Brookie boy?” I asked and arched an eyebrow. I knew how much he hated his middle name and it gave me great pleasure to use it when he was being an insensitive asshole.

  He held his hands up in surrender. “Too soon. Got it.”

  “Shut up and show me the baby,” I said jovially.

  After he shook hands and back-slapped with Jonah, we followed him to a packed living room with far more people than I expected. My steps faltered, but Jonah reached out to steady me.

  “Everyone, this is my sister, River,” Reed announced. “River, you know Phoenix, Copper, Layla, and Coal.” Somehow, Copper, Layla, and Coal had gotten there before us. “This is Phoenix’s wife, Annabelle, and their babies, Flint and Blaze. This is Annabelle’s son, Nathan,” he said and moved to a beautiful blonde woman who looked just like Annabelle and Layla. She placed t
he baby she was holding in his arms and stood. “This is my wife, Ember, and this our Raven,” he said proudly and placed the bundle in my arms.

  I gazed at her for long moments and gently ran my finger down her cheek. “She’s beautiful,” I said and tried to choke back my emotions. “Lucky girl doesn’t have your nose.”

  Ember laughed so hard she doubled over and clutched her stomach. “Hey,” Reed said sounding offended. “There’s nothing wrong with my nose.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with your nose now. But your nose has been that size for as long as I can remember. Most boys have to grow into their bodies. Not you. No, you had to grow into your nose,” I laughed.

  “Come sit down and please tell me more,” Ember giggled.

  “Fucking hell,” Reed grumbled.

  “Language,” multiple women snapped.

  Reed threw his hands into the air in exasperation. “They can’t even talk yet!”

  Ember completely ignored his outburst. “What else can you tell me? Did he sleep with a stuffed animal? Dress up as a princess and play tea party with you?”

  I smiled down at my brother’s pride and joy. “He was a good brother. He let me sleep in his bed when I had a bad dream or was scared. He made sure I had clean clothes to wear and I know there were times he went hungry so I could eat. He made sure I was taken care of even when he didn’t’ have to.”

  I looked up when I heard Ember sniffle. Reed was already there wrapping her in his arms. She wiped a few tears from her face and smiled. “Damn pregnancy hormones.”

  “Way to bring the house down, Raindrop.”

  “Fuck off, Brook,” I retorted.

  “Hey! Why doesn’t she get a ‘language’?”

  “I didn’t hear anything. Did you?” Annabelle asked Layla.

  “Sure didn’t,” Layla laughed.

  “Are you ladies ready to move this to the clubhouse?” Phoenix asked.

  With that, everyone got up and started gathering the unbelievable amount of stuff required to move three babies from one location to another.

  I managed to catch Phoenix’s eye and he came over to where I was standing. “Everything okay, River?”

  “Oh, yes, everything’s fine. Um, well, Jonah told me not to worry about it and Reed did, too, but I just wanted to make sure you got your money back from when you bailed me out,” I said nervously.

  His lips twisted and his eyebrows narrowed for a brief second before his face relaxed and he graced me with a warm and friendly smile. “Every penny was returned to me the day after your charges were dropped.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief and felt my body visibly sag. “Oh, good. I’ve been so worried about that,” I confessed.

  “All’s good, darlin’,” he said and went back to help Annabelle with the babies. Or that’s what I assumed he was doing until he extended his arms and smacked Jonah and Reed in the back of the head at the same time.

  Phoenix grumbled something I couldn’t hear causing both Jonah and Reed to turn to me. “Sorry,” they both said at the same time.

  I blinked in shock and glanced between the two of them. Jonah reached for me and pulled me against his chest. “I didn’t realize you were still concerned about the money. When I told you not to worry about it, I meant don’t worry about it because it was in the process of being returned.”

  “Well, you should’ve said it like that.”

  “You’re right,” he admitted.

  “Okay, then,” I said, a little taken aback by how easily he owned up to being wrong.

  He smiled like he knew what I was thinking, but didn’t comment further. Instead, he led me to his bike and we rode the short distance to the clubhouse.

  “Brother Judge,” Harper shouted and made a beeline for Jonah as soon as we walked through the door.

  “Sister cousin,” he returned as he picked her up and swung her around.

  He placed her on her feet and she immediately reached out to hug me. “River! It’s good to see you again.”

  When I felt something cold and wet press against my hand, I looked down and yelped at the big beast actively licking me.

  “It’s okay,” Harper assured. “He just wants some attention, too.”

  “Aren’t you afraid he’ll get hungry and eat you one day?” I asked as I tried to calm my racing heart.

  She laughed. “No way. He’s a big ole baby. Aren’t you, Titan? You just want some loving, too, don’t you?”

  “Don’t talk to him like he’s a baby, Harper. Treat him like the badass he is,” Carbon said and patted Titan’s head. Carbon extended his hand to me. “Welcome to Croftridge, River.”

  “Thanks,” I said and shifted uncomfortably. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed with all the attention on me. I turned to grab Jonah’s hand, but he was no longer standing behind me.

  I started to search for him when a loud whistle cut through the noise. The room fell silent and the crowd parted revealing Jonah in the center of the room. He met my eyes and crooked his finger.

  I walked toward him wondering what he was doing. When I was two steps from him, he reached for my hands and dropped to one knee.

  “Jonah,” I gasped.

  “I knew I wanted you from the moment you held my hand in the ER while my hand was being sewn up. I knew I wanted to know you from the night you came to Precious Metals. I knew I wanted to protect you after the fire. I knew I would do anything for you after you stepped in and took care of my mother. I knew I wanted to ride with you forever after you rode the dragon with me. I knew I would rain hell down on anyone who tried to take you from me after you were arrested. I will go to my grave loving you. Nothing will ever change that, but you’d make me the happiest man in the world if you’d agree to be my wife for the rest of our days.”

  He flipped open a box I didn’t even know he had in his hand and presented me with a ring I didn’t so much as glance at. “Yes!” I screamed and tackled him to the floor. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  He kissed me while we laughed in each other’s arms on the floor of the clubhouse with everyone watching.


  We returned to Devil Springs after spending the night celebrating our engagement in Croftridge. Instead of going to the rental house, I decided it was time to show River the house I was having built.

  I expected her to question where we were going and was surprised when she didn’t.

  I turned onto the long driveway that lead to my secluded house. When I came to a stop and turned off the bike, I tapped River’s leg so she would know I wanted her to get off. She handed me her helmet, but still didn’t ask where we were. I took her hand and led her to the front door. I pushed it open and was greeted with twin shouts of, “Surprise!”

  I whirled around to see my mother and River grinning at me. Confused, I turned back to the house and walked inside.

  My brand new, custom built house was fully furnished and decorated from what I could see.

  “You two did this?” They both nodded. “When?”

  “Two days after I was released from jail.”

  “You said you were helping Mom with some shopping.”

  She grinned. “I was. I was helping her shop for stuff for your house.”

  “Quit standing here asking questions and go look at the rest of the house,” Mom ordered.

  I took my time going through the house and taking in each room. I was amazed how much thought and time they’d put into the house. When I returned to them, I was at a loss for words.

  “Well? Do you like?” River asked excitedly.

  “It’s perfect. Better than perfect,” I said and pulled them both in for a hug. “Thank you.”

  Mom patted me on the back and stepped back. “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  “Oh, Mom?”

  “Yes, dear?”

  “Well played.”

  She pressed her hand to her chest and gasped. “Whatever do you mean?”

  “Getting River to help unknowingly decorate her future home. Nice mov

  River’s mouth dropped open in surprise.

  Mom shrugged and headed for the front door. “I want grandbabies. I’ll head out now so y’all can get started. Love you, mean it,” she said and closed the door behind her.

  Bonus Scene


  Months Later

  We were getting ready for the biggest event in the history of the Blackwings. Not one, not two, but three club officers were getting married, all in one ceremony. Duke and Reese, Carbon and Harper, and Judge and River. After a bit of discussion, they all agreed to have the ceremony in Leigh’s backyard, followed by the reception at the Devil Springs clubhouse.

  I’m not sure how it happened, but somehow or another, Leigh and I became the unofficial coordinators for everything involved with the wedding and reception. We’d spent weeks planning, organizing, and coordinating, and we were finally in the homestretch with two weeks left before the big day.

  We did almost all of the shopping online. Anything we needed for the reception was sent to the clubhouse, while all wedding supplies were shipped to Leigh’s house. She’d made a remarkable recovery from her heart attack, but I still didn’t want her trying to do too much, particularly lifting any of the packages delivered. So, I made sure to be at her house when a large delivery was expected.

  On the day the custom arches, aisle runners, decorating fabrics, garland, and several other miscellaneous items were scheduled to be delivered, I was waiting by the front door. The text alert came through, and right on time, the driver pulled up to the house, and proceeded to unload box after box after box until I was standing beside fifteen boxes.

  “I didn’t realize this much was scheduled to be delivered today. Did you?” Leigh asked and studied the boxes.

  I shrugged. “No, but maybe some stuff came early.”

  With that, I started moving the boxes to the room we now referred to as the wedding room while Leigh huffed and picked up a box anyway.


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