The Prodigy Slave, Book Three: The Ultimate Grand Finale (Revised Edition 2020)

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The Prodigy Slave, Book Three: The Ultimate Grand Finale (Revised Edition 2020) Page 65

by Londyn Skye

  His impersonation of his father drew a round of soft laughter.

  “How ever did I inspire such a thing?” William asked.

  “More times than I can count, my fatha’ told us the story about how you changed his life foreva’ when he was twelve,” Wyatt explained. “He said he worked all summa’ cleanin’ horse stalls to save money to travel from Virginia to Manhattan to see you perform. While he was there, he said you let a poor farm boy like him…”

  “Wait a minute!” William suddenly interrupted when the story instantly triggered a forty-two-year old memory. “Your last name is Collins, correct?” William asked, a serious tone now in his voice.

  “Yessa’,” Wyatt replied, nodding.

  Finally putting the pieces together, William turned to Lily. “Levi Collins … is that your father?”

  “Yes, he is,” she replied, looking stunned.

  “My God.” Though the words came out of William’s mouth as a whisper, the curious silence in the room made it easy for everyone to hear.

  “You rememba’ him?” Wyatt questioned, looking genuinely shocked.

  “I will never forget that young man,” William replied, after the shock subsided from his own brain.

  A roomful of intrigued eyes and ears now had William’s undivided attention.

  “Young Levi told me he had worked on farms all over his community to save money, so that he could pay for himself and his family to watch my first ever performance at Winter Garden,” William explained. “A ticket taker overheard his story and passed it along to my manager, who then told me. When I heard that a twelve-year-old prodigal pianist had worked for months to journey from Virginia to Manhattan to see me, I just had to meet him. Levi came back to my dressing room when the show was over. He was such a humble and respectful young man. I will never forget the wide-eyed look on his face when he walked in and saw me, nor the way he touched my heart when he told me that I was his musical inspiration.”

  “Afta’ seein’ your show, he said he told you it was his dream to perform to a sold-out crowd at Winta’ Garden … just like you,” Wyatt added.

  William nodded. “He did indeed.”

  Wyatt smiled. “He said you told him, ‘there’s no betta’ time to practice for that dream than…’”

  “‘Right now,’” William finished, smiling at the memory as well. “When he told me that he had taught himself to play piano, I couldn’t resist the chance to hear him play. He walked out onto the stage and looked around that empty theater, like he was envisioning a crowd full of people. He had an air about him like he knew the stage was where he was meant to be. He seemed so nervous, though, when he first sat down at the grand piano. But the moment he closed his eyes and struck the keys, it was as if angels had invaded his body and transmitted the most heavenly melody through his fingertips. He blessed my ears with the most enchanting song … and filled my eyes with tears. All these years, I had wondered whatever became of his career. He was, without question, one of the greatest young pianists I had ever seen.” William turned to Lily to find her eyes brimming with tears. “Young Levi was who I immediately thought of the first time I ever saw you play … You are indeed your father’s daughter.”

  The sincerity of his statement made the waiting tears in Lily’s eyes cascade down her cheeks.

  William turned to Wyatt. “Seems your sister has fulfilled your father’s dream.”

  Wyatt furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

  “She played a Christmas show at Winta’ Garden,” James explained.

  Wyatt’s mouth fell open, and he turned to look at Lily, who gave an affirmative nod. Wyatt’s eyes then darted back to William, his stunned mind needing further confirmation.

  “Not an empty seat in the entire theater,” William boasted proudly.

  Wyatt looked back at Lily. When she nodded again, he felt all the emotions he had held back during the day threatening to explode from his eyes all at once. With a table full of men, though, he kept his emotions from breaking through the dam. Despite it, Lily could easily sense how much her accomplishment meant to him. It motivated her to stand and embrace her big brother tightly for the first time in her life. As she hugged him, a few of his tears seeped through his closed eyes onto his little sister’s shoulder.

  Now more eager than ever to share Lily’s accomplishments, William guided Wyatt and everyone else to the library. It was a room created not only for Lily, but also to show her mother the incredible achievements her daughter had made during their years apart. Now with the revelations about Levi, William knew that the library would be just as meaningful to Wyatt.

  Hand in hand, James and Lily watched with smiles as Wyatt and Maya fawned over the artistically preserved memorabilia from the Dream Symphony that lined the library shelves.

  “Your fatha’ was convinced that you were gonna be special,” Maya said, picking up a framed newspaper article with Lily’s picture. “He said he knew it from the very first moment he looked into those big bright curious eyes ‘a yours as a baby. He felt it with all his heart. I have no doubt in my mind that he’s lookin’ down right now sayin’, I told ya’ so!” she smiled, still unable to pull her eyes away from the article.

  “He’d certainly have every right to boast,” Wyatt added, glancing up at the massive oil painting of his sister.

  Maya walked up beside Wyatt. Fresh tears began forming in her eyes as she gazed at her only child’s portrait. “My God. I’d give anything to sit front row and watch you live on a stage like this,” she said, her voice suddenly overcome with emotion. “I’d be burstin’ with pride.”

  “I’d love to see this live too,” Wyatt confessed.

  “You would?” Lily smiled.

  Wyatt turned around and walked over to Lily. “Years ago, I had the great honor of seein’ you play at Mary Jo Parker’s party.”

  “You were there?!” Lily replied, astounded by the coincidence.

  “I sure was. I’s standin’ in the back, my eyes wide, lookin’ just as awestruck as everyone else afta’ you easily replayed that young fella’s song. You reminded me so much of our fatha’ while you played. Your mannerisms, your expressions, your theatrics … everything. Felt like I’s watchin’ ’em play all ova’ again. There’s one difference between you and him though…”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re far betta’ than he eva’ was.”

  “You really think so?” Lily smiled.

  “I know so,” Wyatt quickly replied. “I didn’t think it was humanly possible for anybody to play betta’ than him, but you damn sho’ proved me wrong. But that’s the one thing our fatha’ always wanted … for all his children to go on to be betta’ than he eva’ was. You’ve certainly done that already. You’ve accomplished somethin’ that he literally dreamed of doin’. I just know he was lookin’ down, his eyes full ‘a prideful tears, as he watched his beloved little girl on that Winta’ Garden stage, livin’ out the sort ‘a life he prayed you’d have. It damn near brought me to tears just to watch you play at that party all those years ago. So, I know I’d be one hell of an emotional mess if eva’ I had the honor of sittin’ front row at the Dream Symphony, watchin’ you command a sold out theata’.” He gently touched Lily’s cheek. “’Cause I’d be so damn proud ‘a my little sista’ too,” he confessed, his sincerity evident by the tears glistening in his eyes again.

  Lily closed her eyes at his touch and tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Wyatt wiped at his eyes before his tears could make another appearance. He then took hold of one of Lily’s hands. “Me and my brotha’s may be able to carry on our fatha’s name, but you have the ability to carry on his true legacy. I honestly think that would mean more to him than anything else in this world. So, if eva’ you decide to resume your musical quest, you can best believe that all your otha’ brotha’s and I will do whateva’ it takes to help you go on to achieve your dreams … that’s a promise.”

  There was suddenly complete silence in the library. With all h
er beloved friends and family surrounding her, Lily walked to the center of the room. With tears cascading down her face, she slowly turned to appreciate a library that a musical legend had transformed into a shrine in her honor. She then walked over and sat down at the brand new, custom made grand piano, that was artistically carved with shadowed scenes from the Dream Symphony. Through the blur of tears in her eyes, she looked up at the massive canvas mounted on the wall, that depicted a show she had created from the brilliant fantasies of her unique mind. Having just completed her father’s journals, the oil painting suddenly became even more sacred to her. Even though her eyes remained fixated on the one-of-a-kind artwork, Lily was envisioning a moment in her life that was once a source of extreme pain. But now, standing on an auction block, shivering alone as a child, was suddenly a source of extraordinary strength. Had it not been for her father sacrificing her on behalf of her brothers, Lily realized that the Dream Symphony would never have come to life. She would never have touched crowds of people or touched a man so deeply that he was inspired to paint her with such painstaking precision. She perhaps never would have touched a piano at all. She most certainly would not currently be sitting in the library of a man who helped hone the God-given musical gifts that her father had passed on to her. As tragically as her journey to this moment had begun, Lily was now convinced that God had indeed answered her father’s prayers to give her a grand life … in His usual mysterious ways.

  After returning from her trance-like state, Lily lifted the key cover on her brand-new grand piano. She then took a moment to gaze with appreciation at the eighty-eight smooth pieces of black and white ivory in her sights. She then glanced back up at Musical Dreams, recalling what the eighty-eight keys beneath her fingertips had the power to do. Lily suddenly closed her eyes when she was overcome with a rush of emotions. Music that her mind had composed and locked away, during the years she had been torn apart from James, suddenly began bursting through the repressive mental prison that held them captive. Tears began to well in James’s eyes as he gazed with adoration at the woman he loved. Simply by the smile that suddenly graced her angelic face, he instantly knew that Lily Adams was finally ready to resume her mystical journey.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  United States of America


  Amendment XIII Section I

  Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

  One year later

  June 1866

  Lily’s hair blew beautifully in the wind as she stood on the bow of a steamship with James loyally at her side, holding her hand. William and Maya were on either side of them. All of Lily’s brothers, friends, and the rest of her massive entourage were all standing on the upper deck. Everyone was completely silent, entranced by the breathtaking skyline of the Old World as it came into view.

  “Please tell me this ain’t a dream,” Lily said, as her eyes swept across the beautiful city in her sights.

  “If it’s a dream, I pray we neva’ wake up,” James replied, looking equally awestruck by the view.

  “Welcome m’lady,” William said proudly when the ship finally docked. Seeing Lily’s joyful tears caused his eyes to mist over as well.

  “Thank you,” Lily smiled. “I’m so thrilled to finally be here!”

  “And I’m equally thrilled to finally show you around my homeland. Which will probably be much easier to do once we get off this boat!” William joked.

  “Agreed!” Lily laughed.

  William offered his elbow to Maya to help guide her down the exit ramp. James and Lily followed closely behind. Hand in hand, they officially took their first steps onto the land they once vowed to start life anew in together.

  “My ship has been waiting an awfully long time to bring you here, young lady.”

  Lily turned toward the man who uttered those words. “Landon Von Brandt,” she smiled.

  “The brilliant and beautiful Lily Adams,” Landon smiled, greeting her with a slight bow and a kiss on the back of her hand. “You know full well that I’m an impatient man. How dare you keep me waiting on this port for six long years,” he playfully teased.

  Lily laughed at his sarcasm. “Proved to be a little tougha’ boardin’ your ship than we had anticipated. My apologies for the delay,” she joked.

  “Oh, I suppose I’ll accept your apology … this time,” Landon replied.

  Lily laughed lightly. “I’ve missed you, Landon. You and your sarcasm.”

  “My, how I’ve missed you too,” he replied, absent the sarcasm. “To see those joyous tears in your beautiful eyes has certainly just made the agonizingly long wait to see you again so incredibly worth it.”

  “Thank you, Landon,” Lily said as she hugged him. She then stepped out of his embrace and took her mother by the hand. “This is my motha’, Maya,” she introduced.

  “Pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, ma’am. I see where your daughter gets her beauty,” Landon smiled, slightly bowing as he took her by the hand.

  Maya smiled back. “I like you already, Mr. Von Brandt.”

  Landon offered his elbows to Maya and Lily. “Come now ladies, some drab old lady, who calls herself the queen of some antiquated palace, is eagerly awaiting your arrival.” Lily and her mother laughed as they slipped their arms into the crook of Landon’s elbows. They were then guided to the first of a dozen waiting carriages.

  After loading everyone up, Lily’s entire entourage was whisked away by a convoy of pristine horses, draped in signature royal attire. When the convoy reached London, Lily began gazing out the window. Her face lit up with a grand smile, as she passed by dozens of billboards and banners hanging from buildings that donned the Dream Symphony logo. The vast array of advertisements for her show proved that Landon was still eager to share the talents of Lily Adams with the world.

  James donned a smile equally as brilliant as Lily’s. However, there was not a landmark in the streets of London that had brought him to such a joyful state. He was infected by the sight of the woman he loved, lost in pure rapture as she gazed with childlike wonderment at the architecture of the Old World. Maya wore a brilliant smile as well, but it was the loving look on James’s face, as he gazed at Lily, that had induced her gleeful expression. For over a year now, she had seen daily proof of James’s unconditional love for her daughter, from small displays of affection to the monumental efforts of helping Lily prepare for this journey. The combination of it all left Maya convinced that James’s love for her daughter was impenetrable. The way James loved Lily reminded Maya of Levi. After Lily taught her to read, Maya spent weeks immersed in the mind of a man whose love for her and Lily was far grander than she ever could have realized. Life through Levi’s eyes indeed purged years of pain and made room in Maya’s soul for complete inner peace, just the way Lily had predicted.

  Peace was hardly the emotion Lily was currently feeling. She was as giddy and restless as a child, who was beyond eager to make it to an exciting destination. But when the team of horses turned a final corner, her restlessness immediately ceased. Disbelief paralyzed her and the childlike smile faded from her face. Her vivid imagination had not even come close to envisioning what she was seeing in the distance. James scooted next to Lily and put his arm around her. She snuggled close to him and gazed out the window at the massive historic landmark adorned in royal flags, whose majestic elegance had tears coursing down her cheeks.

  In normal Lily fashion, she had wrangled her emotions by the time the convoy reached the Buckingham palace gates. There was nary a tear in her eyes when the carriage doors opened. As she exited the carriage, though, the view before her nearly reignited her tears. But she took a deep breath and remained stoic after emerging to the beautiful sight of the queen’s staff, standing in royal formation to welcome her. Despite the feet of a former slave suddenly touching regal grounds, Lil
y was treated like nothing less than princess. She was greeted according to royal protocol. She and her entourage were then escorted through the superlative double doors of the palace entrance. The magnificence of the dual staircase in the grand foyer nearly stole Lily’s breath upon entering. But still, she composed herself and carried on in a dignified manner. With James, Landon, her mother, and her beloved mentor by her side, Lily Adams was guided through the elaborately decorated corridors of Buckingham palace. As they walked, they passed by tapestries, priceless artwork, and generations of royal portraits. Lily’s heart was pounding from a blend of enthusiasm, fear, and anxiousness. But the fireworks going off inside her body were not remotely obvious to anyone. She exuded an air of nobility in her external demeanor, as she strolled toward a true noblewoman perched on a throne. When they turned a final corner in the maze of the palace, Lily inhaled quietly to further steel herself for the revered honor that was now only ten steps away. She then reached over and held the hand of the man who loved her enough to take her on this journey, one that began in a filthy cottonfield six years ago and had now led to the pristine throne room of a queen. As they approached the end of the hall, James gently squeezed the hand of the only queen in his world. The simple return of affection ignited a sensation of warmth in Lily that radiated throughout her body and instantly melted her nervousness. Hand in hand, James and Lily then took the last steps to the threshold of royalty, and had the double doors opened for them by guards. With distinguished poise, Lily stepped inside the throne room of Buckingham Palace to finally meet the aristocratic woman, who had personally scripted the invitation for this once-in-a-lifetime moment.

  As emotionally overwhelming as the moment was, to finally be face to face with the queen of England, Lily presented herself with the reverent etiquette that William had taught her. Respectfulness and humility were paired perfectly in every facet of Lily’s demeanor as formal introductions were made.


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