Phoenix Rising Rock Band: The Series

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Phoenix Rising Rock Band: The Series Page 30

by Kathryn C. Kelly

“I thought you said he was a man,” I retort.

  Grandma shoots Sloane another filthy glare. “He’s a boy to me and a man to you.”

  “Fine,” I relent. “Yes, I want to marry the person who’s a boy to you and a man to me.” She’s about to blast me, but I’m tired, and I want peach cobbler with whipped cream mixed with strawberry ice cream. “I love him, Grandma,” I whisper. “Please, don’t send him away from me. Please. I’m begging you.”

  “Georgie,” Sloane begins and his voice cracks.

  “You love him? The man who fucked your mother so his aunt could get into your father’s bed without suspicion?”

  A cry escapes my lips. I shake my head in horrified denial.

  “Fuck, Helen. Stop—"

  Grandma ignores Sloane, relentless in her explanation.

  “He felt sorry for you, so he decided to take you away while I dealt with your disgusting parents. You served no purpose but to keep his ugly scandals from getting out. He was sending you home in nine days. If your behavior hadn’t improved, I would’ve responded accordingly. He had to get control of you.” At this, she glares between the two of us. “I do believe I’ve figured out his means to do it.”

  “Sloane, is that true?” I croak out. By his guilty look, I know that it is. My heart stutters as nausea and dizziness rush through me. “So…so you never really wanted me?” My voice is a broken whisper.

  He gets up from his seat and starts towards me. My grandmother’s look stops him, like she has an invisible wall between us.

  Sloane’s tumultuous eyes beg me to understand. “Georgie, sweetheart. Yes, it’s the truth, but so is the fact that I couldn’t rest without knowing you were safe and healthy. I don’t feel whole without you.”

  I smile at him through my tears. He loves me, as I love him. We’ll be fine, the moment he defends us. Him. Our relationship. “Then tell them. Tell her. Tell her that you want to be with me.”

  “No.” He looks at my grandmother and his face hardens. “We’re done. Keep the baby. Your special memento of our time together. She’ll find a seventeen or eighteen year old boy to claim paternity, but we’re finished, Georgiana.”


  “Go to hell,” Georgie blasts when she’s over her shock. She can’t believe I said those things. Fuck. Neither can I. “You’ve never wanted me. Have you? It’s only your dick that does.”

  I know I shouldn’t, but I feel a surge of satisfaction when Georgie starts with her language. Helen hates this the most about her.

  “That’s all it has been with you. Right?”

  She wants me to refute those words. She’s falling apart before me. I can put her back together, tell her we’ll work this out. Swear my undying love to her. Anything to take her hurt away.

  “Crowell explained it to me,” she continues. “Men don’t want sixteen-year-olds. Only their dicks do, so if I want attention I have to appeal to a man’s cock. You didn’t fuck me. Only your dick did.”

  “That’s enough, Georgiana,” Helen says coldly. “Go wait for me in the car.”

  Panic replaces her burst of fury. I haven’t budged. “Sloane, please. Please. Please don’t do this to me and the baby. Please.”

  She sounds so fucking pitiful, I think I’m going to fucking throw up, and I have a damn strong stomach.

  The way Dad revered Mom slides through my memory. Is this how he felt whenever Mom hurt or cried? Was the impetus for his behavior the same helplessness I feel at this moment? He didn’t care who he destroyed as long as she was happy.

  I’ve never wanted such a complete love. It frightens me. My father drowned his own daughter. I’m afraid to fall so hard for someone that I follow in his footsteps.

  That I’m willing to spend a very long time behind bars to claim Georgie, and make her tears go away, tells me all I need to know. My personality is addictive and Georgie has become my all.

  I’m my dad all over again.

  I can’t be.

  I walk to the window of the receiving room, cold and heartless just like she’s said, and stare out. “Go to the car, Georgiana.”

  She’s sobbing, but she listens. Through the window, I watch her stumble to the Mercedes limousine, and throw up on the curb. I know it isn’t my baby making her sick. She’s just had cravings, not morning sickness.

  “How does it feel, Sloane?” Helen asks from behind me. “To have your entire world destroyed? You love her. I know you do. You’d serve jail time for her, but your life’s too sordid to be known.” I glance over my shoulder. “My daughter is…ill, thanks to you, Parnell, your father, and your aunt. Georgiana is stronger than her mother, so I’ll put her back together myself. Cassandra is another case. However—“ She gets to her feet and grabs an expensive handbag. “She’s finally avenged to my satisfaction. Don’t make the mistake of having me do the same on my granddaughter’s behalf.”

  “Helen, we need to talk.” This is the first thing Dad has said since this meeting began. “Just you and me.”

  “Unless you have another on dit about my family, there’s nothing more to say. We’re even. One for one. I shared something with you. You shared something with me—"

  “What the fuck does that mean?” I choke out, although I suspected this scenario. No fucking way would Dad bend to Helen’s games if she hadn’t discovered a secret—or according to her highbrow terminology on dit—about our family. Mom, especially. But she’s saying he willingly shared a detail. “You’re a sick fuck, Dad.”

  He jumps to his feet, but I raise my hands, so close to killing him I see his blood draining from his body.

  “Good day, Rand,” Helen says venomously, nodding to Parnell, the useless asshole. “Come.”

  A moment later, they’ve cleared out.

  Remorse, of all things, flashes in my father’s eyes. “It’s best this way,” he says heavily and leaves me, just as Helen and Parnell did.

  Alone. In a state of loathing, confusion, and denial. And, more importantly, without Georgiana.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  I’m finally starting to show. On the day I discover I’m having a girl, Sloane is photographed on the French Riviera with a movie star. I cry myself to sleep.

  A week after that horrible scene in his house, I called him, but his number had been changed. He never once tried to contact me. I’m crushed, even as my “memento” of our time grows in me.

  Grandma doesn’t allow many people to see me. I know Mom is back with Dad, but I don’t know how either of them are. Grandma says it’s best I have no contact with them. I agree.

  I eat to keep the baby healthy, but I really don’t care about much. I’ve failed all of my subjects that the tutor Grandma hired for me taught me.

  After I see his photo, I can’t sleep or eat. I’m just here.

  The weeks slug along but, eventually, my due date approaches.

  Ten days before I’m supposed to deliver, my phone rings. I grab it, always with the hope that Sloane has changed his mind. It shows up as Unknown and I quickly answer.


  Kiln. He’s the last person I expect to hear from, but he’s a confidante of Sloane, so I perk up a little.

  I don’t prevaricate and pretend I care about Kiln. “How’s Sloane?” I ask, desperate for information. “Is that actress his girlfriend?”

  He releases a breath. He loved to stare in silence at me. In person, it was bad enough. Over the phone it’s unreal.

  “I’m having a little girl,” I sniffle. “I’m carrying Sloane’s daughter. Can I talk to him? Please. I just want him to know.”

  A huff and a soft laugh, before the line goes dead.


  We’re partying and I’ve drank half of a fifth of scotch, but it doesn’t take away thoughts of Georgie. Her heartbreak that final day slays me. After months away from her, I detest the fear that stopped me from standing up for her. Fear of her age. Fear of love.

  I’ve fucked my way through the European tour, bu
t it doesn’t help. Now, I’m in Adam’s room. I beckon the pretty blonde with the green eyes, tattooed back, and willing mouth. We sixty-nine each other for hours. She makes me come twice before Adam begins to fuck another girl doggy-style. Quint drops a third girl down, who promptly turns on her hands and knees. Adam’s fuck buddy scoots forward, burying her face in the pussy of Quint’s fuck buddy. Quint looms in front of his partner and shoves his dick into her mouth. I pull the blonde to the group and complete the train. I’m the only one on my knees, facing everyone.

  This is what my life has become again. I saved Georgie once, but now I’m backtracking into my old lifestyle. I’ve been miserable without her. The temptation to do drugs again lures me, but I don’t. Eventually, it’ll get back to her. I believe—hope—that she expects better from me. The father of her baby. The one who will be born any day. I don’t even know if she’s having a boy or a girl. As long as they’re both safe, I don’t care.

  Grunting, I bury my hands in the woman’s hair. And still I wonder about Georgie. How will I live the rest of my life without touching her again?

  The thought tortures me.

  I’m on the verge of coming when there’s a commotion, and the door bursts open. Cops stream in, guns drawn. The women squeal while we all scramble, attempting to follow their orders.

  A flashlight glares in my eyes. “Sloane Mason, you’re under arrest for the rape of Georgiana McCall.”

  “What?” I snarl. That bitch, Helen, swore she’d leave me in peace.

  “We’ll get Jaeger,” Maitland swears, paling.

  The girls are wide-eyed and frightened.

  “This is fucking ridiculous. I’m suing your asses for defamation of character, bringing me in on false charges.”

  One dickhead pats me down, even though I’m fucking naked.

  “False charges?” an officer sneers, yanking me to my feet and cuffing me. “It was her who reported it.”

  Her? “Georgie?” I push out, for clarification.

  “Georgiana McCall, yes.”

  A pair of pants are thrown my way. They aren’t even my pants, but I’m made to wear them anyway. The hallway is lined with official fuckheads, glaring at me. The elevator is waiting for us. Once we board, it seems to take forever to reach the first floor. When the doors open, a crowd roars around me and flashbulbs nearly blind me. Suddenly, an army of security is shielding me from supporters and protesters alike. I have no idea when the story broke, but it’s already big.

  I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe Georgie instigated this. Not the girl who begged her grandmother to let us be together. Who said she loved me.

  A detective slides in next to me. “I suppose even little girls want revenge when the man they’re pregnant for is escorting an actress on the French Riviera.”

  If my hands weren’t cuffed, I’d break the asshole’s nose. Seething, I sit back and swear Georgie is going to suffer for what she’s done to me.

  If it takes me the rest of my life, I’ll get my revenge.

  The End


  Phoenix Rising Rock Band, Book II


  A Phoenix Rising Rock Band Novel

  Kathryn Kelly

  Copyright 2015 Kathryn Kelly

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the Author’s imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organizations or places is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the Author. All songs, song titles and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.

  Editing by Swish Design & Editing

  Formatting by Swish Design & Editing

  Cover design by Crystal Cuffley

  Cover image Copyright 2015

  Danni List Werner, our daily texts and weekly calls mean a lot to me.

  Judie Stewart, thanks for always checking on me.


  First and foremost, I’d like to thank Crystal Cuffley

  for her awesome covers. Her talent is incredible.

  Kaylene Osborn of Swish Design and Editing Services. You were there to hold my hand and let me cry on your shoulder many, many days. Even in my darkest hours when I didn’t think I could finish, you encouraged me to continue.

  Angie Stanton, from one hottie to another, your memes keep me sane. I always need the laughs.

  Kristin Inselman, taking a break so I can catch up with you helped me to get my second wind.

  To the members of Kat’s Krewe and Kat’s Bodacious Babes. Thank you for all that you do on my behalf as I immerse myself in the lives of my characters.

  To my daughters and my mom. You live with me while I live with all the characters who populate my imagination. It isn’t always easy, but you make it all worth it.

  Claire Richards, thank you for sticking with me even when I’m stuck in my writing cave and don’t come up for air for days at a time.

  Melanie Cooper, the candy is delicious and perfect for late night writing sessions.

  Finally, to my fans. Without you, none of this would be possible.



  Sloan’s Song For Georgie



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Play List

  Connect with Me Online

  About the Author

  © Kathryn Kelly 2015

  Verse 1:

  The fire inside of me

  The love that I feel

  Is what dried up

  my heartache and tears


  Your love made me heal

  Your love made me feel

  Your beauty consumed me

  Your touch was my torch

  That turned into an inferno





  Verse 2:

  I’ll gladly cast

  My soul into the flames

  As long as you join me

  And bathe me in your sweet love


  Your love made me heal

  Your love made me feel

  Your beauty consumed me

  Your touch was my torch

  That turned into an inferno






  You’ll always burn inside of me

  Your amethyst eyes

  are the mirror

  to all that we share
  You’re the only girl

  who’ll ever own me


  Your love made me heal

  Your love made me feel

  Your beauty consumed me

  Your touch was my torch

  That turned into an inferno






  You’re the moth to my flame

  The raven haired beauty

  who made me heal

  Your love is an Inferno

  My inferno


  Georgie has destroyed me. She's threatened my freedom and everything I've worked so hard to build. My band, my music, is the last thing on my mind. I want her to pay for all she's done.

  But she's still my Georgie, and my desire for her is as hot as ever. She's my inferno, my biggest mistake and my greatest reward.

  My fans see her as their idol's downfall. When her life is threatened, I realize there's nothing in the world more important to me than her.

  She's my flame.

  I'm her anchor.

  Together, we're explosive.

  We are incendiary.

  For mature audiences only. Incendiary is not a standalone novel, but is the conclusion to Georgiana McCall's and Sloane Mason's story that began in Inferno.


  Waves roll onto the sand, the rush of the water energizing me and soothing away my disappointment over Dad’s sudden decision to have only Steffie and I spend the day on the yacht with him. The sun is just cresting on the horizon, turning the sky a flaming pink-orange. The guys would’ve enjoyed the sight, even though they’re as hung over as I am.

  Then, again, maybe they’d tell me to fuck my awe of the beauty of the sunrise. They appreciate Dad’s changed plans. Maitland and Adam understand, and Quint’s surly anyway, so I didn’t take his annoyance personal.

  “Fuck, man, I got up for nothing!” he’d bit out less than an hour ago when I gave him the news as he stumbled to his feet.


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