The Tailor and the Prince

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The Tailor and the Prince Page 11

by Pelaam

  For a moment, Bertie was aware of nothing other than Ichirou’s warmth beneath him, and his own thundering heart. As his wits slowly returned, his flesh softened, and he silently mourned the loss of the most intimate connection he and Ichirou had shared.

  Mindful of his lover’s slighter form, and his recent infirmity, Bertie quickly rolled to the side and gathered Ichirou into his arms, then smoothed away the hair that clung tenaciously to Ichirou’s damp brow.

  The moment Ichirou opened his eyes, Bertie leaned in to whisper a kiss across Ichirou’s lips. He pulled Ichirou closer, and deepened the kiss. When they finally moved apart, Ichirou snuggled close, resting his head on Bertie’s shoulder.

  “I love you. I shall always love you, no matter how far apart we may be.” Ichirou pressed a kiss to Bertie’s throat and Bertie tightened his hold on the prince.

  “I can hardly believe I travelled so far from home to find my one true love, only to have to return leaving my heart behind.”

  “Don’t be sad, Bertie-chan.” Ichirou wriggled to look up at Bertie, smiling. “I have known your love and I will always have this day to hold on to, just as you will. I would rather have this, than have lived my whole life not knowing love.”

  “Yes.” Bertie was certain his heart had cleaved in two. He’d wanted to make love with Ichirou with every fiber of his being. But now the reality of the situation hit home. Bertie was as certain as Ichirou, that there would never be another for him. But Ichirou was a prince, while he … he was plain Bertie.

  There was nothing else for it. When the time came, he’d have to leave Ichirou, but Bertie hadn’t been joking when he’d said he’d be leaving his heart behind.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Aware that their time was limited, Bertie and Ichirou spent the next several minutes holding one another, kissing softly, and caressing gently. Bertie didn’t know when, or even if, they’d have such a chance again and, like Ichirou, didn’t want to waste a single moment of shared intimacy.

  As much as it pained him to do so, Bertie finally pulled away slightly from Ichirou.

  “We need to join the others. I know they’re our friends, but we cannot stay here forever, no matter how much I may wish we could.”

  “You are right.” Ichirou rolled onto his back, gazing upward, and sighed heavily. “We must go, although this has been a dream beyond all compare, and a memory I’ll keep forever. One last kiss?”

  Another few precious seconds were given to the last kiss before they finally parted. A jug of water for washing was set inside a basin, and Bertie poured the water so they could clean themselves before dressing.

  The moment they reappeared on deck, Cherry Blossom shuffled away from Makoto and disappeared downstairs. Several minutes later she returned with platters of food.

  “I shall bring tea soon. Please eat.” Cherry Blossom gave one platter to Tom, one to Bertie, and the last to Makoto, but he handed it to Keitaro.

  “You may need help. Lead me.” Makoto bowed to Ichirou. “Excuse me, Ichirou-denka.”

  “Of course.” Ichirou waited for him to go before turning to Bertie with a grin of pure delight. “I hope he realizes what a treasure Cherry Blossom is. She’s perfect for him, if only he’d be a little less worried about what others think. As prince, I can ensure no one speaks against him.”

  “You’re a good man, Ichi-chan, like Makoto himself. Perhaps he’s beginning to appreciate the jewel that Cherry Blossom is.”

  “I hope so. They’re my dearest friends. I want them to be happy.” Ichirou smiled at Bertie. “And I know what would make each of them happiest, is to spend their life with the other.”

  “Yes.” Bertie nodded. “I imagine it would.” He reached out his hand and Ichirou clasped it, holding it tightly as they waited for Cherry Blossom to return with the tea.

  “When we go back to the palace, I shall announce to Takeshi that you have the contract and that I wish him to make arrangements for the formal announcement tomorrow.” Ichirou gazed into Bertie’s eyes. “I will also tell Makoto.”

  “Make sure you have guards to protect you tonight, my love.” Bertie leaned in close, feathering a kiss to Ichirou’s cheek. “Neither Felton nor Takeshi will be pleased to hear such news.”

  “Your work is by far the more superior. The fabric seems to come to life when one wears it and it flows through my hands. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. Much as I did the man who made it. However, I wanted to be certain that my affection for you had not clouded my judgement. I was not wrong in my choice.”

  “Thank you, Ichi-chan.” Bertie smiled. “And yet I’d happily sacrifice even the contract for your business with my father’s firm to spend more time, like this, with you.”

  “I love you, Bertie. Now and always.” Ichirou pressed his palm against Bertie’s cheek. “Never forget.”

  His own hand covering Ichirou’s, Bertie turned his head to kiss his lover’s palm. “I shan’t. And I love you.”

  “Tea is ready.” Cherry Blossom called out, emerging with a tray of cups for the tea, which was in a large, richly decorated pot that Makoto carried on a separate tray.

  Bertie watched them emerge and then snickered softly. Although Cherry Blossom looked immaculate, some of her powder was visible on Makoto’s chin. It seems that Makoto has decided to follow his heart. At least a little.

  When the food and drink had been consumed, Ichirou announced they needed to return to the palace. Bertie could see that his wasn’t the only one whose heart sank at the announcement. Makoto and Cherry Blossom exchanged longing glances as the geisha carried away the platters and teacups.

  They descended with far less enthusiasm than they’d ascended, and as Makoto assisted Ichirou to leave the gondola, Takeshi came to meet them.

  “I trust you are happy now, Ichirou-denka?” Takeshi’s expression looked as if he’d sucked a particularly sour lemon, and Bertie wondered just how Ichirou managed to deal with such an unpleasant individual day after day.

  “Indeed.” Ichirou inclined his head the smallest fraction. “Now I should like to bathe and change. Cherry Blossom and Makoto will tend to me. I want a banquet ready in two hours.” Ichirou looked away from Takeshi. “Blackwood-san, many thanks to you and your people, it was an afternoon I shall remember for the rest of my life. Keitaro will attend you. I’m sure you would all like to bathe and refresh yourselves.”

  With a gesture of dismissal aimed at Takeshi, Ichirou walked away, Cherry Blossom and Makoto following, leaving Takeshi to stare after him. Bertie smothered his gasp at the way Takeshi’s face contorted with undisguised hate, for just a fraction of a second, before the bland expression was quickly back in place.

  “Blackwood-san, if you will come with me.” Keitaro bowed low and Bertie nodded.

  “Yes, of course. Tom, Hayate, are you coming?” Bertie called out to his friends, but Tom shook his head.

  “Not yet. We need to secure everything. You go ahead, Bertie. We’ll come as quickly as we can.”

  “Very well.” Bertie left with Keitaro at his side. On the way to his suite Bertie was surprised when Felton appeared from behind an ornate column.

  “May I speak with you, Blackwood? Privately?” Felton glanced toward Keitaro who bowed.

  “I shall wait at the end of the hallway, Blackwood-san.”

  In deference to Felton’s request, Bertie waited while Keitaro moved away. A quick glance at the other man had Bertie concerned for his health. Gone were the ruddy cheeks and the supercilious smile. This Felton Coleman was a pale imitation of the man Bertie knew.

  “Are you ill? Should I call Keitaro back to summon a physician?”

  “No. There’s nothing they can do for me. I wanted to warn you.” Felton lowered his voice and his gaze darted left and right as if expecting someone to materialize at any moment. “There’s something evil in the palace.”

  “What?” The words, so in tune with Bertie’s own feelings, sent a cold sensation slithering down Bertie’s spine.

nbsp; “Evil.” Felton nodded, his gaze in constant motion. “Madam Kana is not a seamstress. She’s no employee of mine at all. She came to me and told me that the contract was mine so long as I said she was under my employ and brought her with me. We need to get out, Bertie. Leave this place. Before it’s too late. I thought Takeshi was easy to manipulate. He’s greedy, both for wealth and for power. I bribed him, promised him a cut of the profits if he showed favor to my store. I agreed to Kana, because I thought I was covering all my bases.” Felton shook his head. “But the prince likes you and your work. Kana is furious. You’d think she really was the seamstress the way she’s acting.” Felton touched his cheek as if remembering a painful blow. “She goes missing. I don’t know where she goes during the day. I can’t sleep at night. I have dreams of a large cat, crushing me. My protections aren’t working.”

  “Felton. You have to go.” Bertie grabbed hold of Felton’s arms and shook him, trying to get the man to look at him. He may have tried to sabotage my chances of winning the contract, but I can’t ignore him. “Keitaro. Come here, quickly.”

  “What is it, Bertie-san?” The soldier came at a run. “What’s wrong with him?” Keitaro looked from Felton to Bertie who shook his head.

  “There’s bruising on his neck like Ichirou had. If he stays in the palace, I fear for his health, and his sanity. Is there any way to smuggle him out? I doubt he’d be allowed to walk free.”

  “Cherry Blossom knows the palace better than anyone else I know. Take Coleman-san to your rooms, I’ll see if I can get her to help.” Keitaro took off at a run, and Bertie guided Felton to his suite.

  Urging Felton to lie on his bed, Bertie paced the floor, but the first to arrive were Hayate and Tom.

  “What’s he doing here?” Tom folded his arms and glowered at Felton.

  “He’s unwell.” Bertie shrugged. “I couldn’t turn my back on him. Keitaro’s gone to fetch Cherry Blossom. We need to get him out of the palace.”

  “Him?” Tom huffed. “If there’s any dodgy stuff going on here, he’ll be in the thick of it.”

  “You know, I don’t think he is.” Bertie shook his head. “Oh, he certainly tried to stop us getting here. But I’m also sure his only motive was ensuring he got the contact for Lalleyman’s. This whole situation feels much bigger to me. I think he’s a pawn. Not a king.”

  Everyone turned at the tap on the door and Cherry Blossom shuffled into the room, stopping when she saw Felton.

  “Bertie-san. Keitaro says you have need of my help. He looks like Ichirou did.”

  “Yes, I know. Cherry Blossom, is there any way you can get him out of the palace? To somewhere safe?”

  “I could get him out of the palace, but as to somewhere safe,” Cherry Blossom shook her head. “I have no family and no friends outside of the palace.”

  “He could stay with my parents.” Keitaro smiled at Cherry Blossom. “I can write you a note, give you their address. They don’t live too far from the palace.”

  “He doesn’t look as if he’s capable of walking far, and the best ways out of the palace are quite torturous.” Cherry Blossom gazed from Felton back to Bertie.

  “Bertie-san. We could use the balloon.” Hayate spoke up, touching Bertie’s arm. “It’s an easy walk there, and no one would question Tom and I going to it, or even taking off. Perhaps while the banquet is underway.”

  “Ichirou would be visible.” Cherry Blossom nodded. “My absence wouldn’t be questioned.”

  “I doubt anyone would miss me or Hayate. But someone might question Felton’s absence.” Tom rubbed at his chin. “Can someone bring a message that he’s feeling unwell and remaining in his room?”

  “I could inform one of the servants.” Keitaro shrugged. “She wouldn’t question me, and all she’d need to do would be to let one of the servants in attendance at the banquet know. They’d inform a senior servant, who’d advise Ichirou. If you could let him know, Cherry Blossom, then he could ensure no one disturbs Coleman-san.”

  “That should work.” Cherry Blossom nodded, then peered at Felton. “Are you sure he can make it?”

  “He has to.” Bertie strode over to the ailing man, gripped his shoulders, and gave him a light shake. “Felton, we can get you out, but you need to help us to help you.”

  “Please, Bertie. Anything.” Felton clutched at Bertie, who gently pulled Felton’s fingers from his arm.

  “Right, now listen to me, Felton.” Bertie used his sternest tone which seemed to keep Felton’s attention focused on him. “You must return to your room. Keitaro will go with you. He’ll ensure that Takeshi is advised you’re ill and won’t be attending the banquet. You must be ready, with whatever you wish to take with you when Cherry Blossom arrives. She’ll take you through the palace to Tom and Hayate who will take you to a relative of Keitaro’s where you’ll be safe.”

  “No, Bertie, please. Not back there.” Felton’s piteous moan touched Bertie deeply and he looked around at his friends.

  “He and I are about the same height and build.” Tom stepped forward, shrugging off his jacket and starting on his waistcoat. If I put on his clothes, and don a hat, keeping it pulled down, no one will realize it’s not Felton.”

  “I’ll go with you.” Hayate caught hold of Tom’s arm.

  “No, you go and get the balloon ready.” Tom patted Hayate’s hand. “Keitaro will be with me. I’ll be safe enough.”

  “You’ve never been seen in anybody else’s company but Tom’s.” Bertie spoke up when he saw the way Hayate jutted out his chin as if ready to argue. “It might draw undue attention and endanger Tom.”

  “I have no wish to bring danger to Tom.” Hayate’s shoulders slumped and he huffed an unhappy sigh. “I love him.” Suddenly realizing what he’d said out loud, Hayate clapped his hands over his mouth and stared with wide eyes from Tom to Bertie and back again.

  “It’s all right, Hayate.” Tom closed the distance between them and wrapped an arm across Hayate’s shoulders. “I love you, too. You know that. We were going to tell you, Bertie, but so much has been happening that there never seemed a good time.”

  “Now is a good time.” Bertie held out his hand to Tom. “I’m very pleased for you both.”

  “Thank you.” Tom clasped Bertie’s hand.

  “Thank you, Bertie-san.” Hayate bowed low. “Thank you.”

  “No need to thank me. You’ll be very welcome to return with us to England. If that’s what you want?” For a moment Bertie’s heart skipped a beat as he glanced from his best friend to the man who stood beside him. Please don’t let Tom want to stay here. I couldn’t bear to leave him behind as I must Ichirou.

  “Yes, it is.” Tom nodded.

  “Good.” Bertie stifled his sigh of relief. “Right then. Let’s get Tom dressed in Felton’s clothes.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Although Makoto was present for the banquet, Bertie felt the loss of Tom from his side. He missed his friend’s long-standing intimacy and hoped that he and Hayate had successfully transported Felton from the palace.

  As he waited, Bertie watched as the rest of the courtiers, including Takeshi, and Madame Kano, filed into the room to take their places. Flanked by Keitaro, Ichirou came into the room last of all.

  The gathered guests bowed low as Ichirou walked slowly, his head high, to his place at the head of the table and sat down gazing imperiously at those still standing. A sense of pride suffused Bertie. Ichirou looked immaculate, his make-up and hair were styled to perfection, and he conducted himself with all the regal dignity of the prince that he truly was. How could such a man have a future with me?

  The thought pained Bertie, but he had to face reality. No matter. I must leave my heart here—it will always belong to Ichirou. I’ll visit him as often as I can.

  “Sit.” Ichirou commanded, and everyone obeyed.

  From Makoto’s side, Bertie didn’t miss the look of confusion that flitted briefly across Takeshi’s face, nor the deep scowl that darkened madam Kana�

  “Ichirou-denka. We seem to be missing a guest.” Takeshi indicated the empty space where Felton should be, but Ichirou gave a curt shake of his head.

  “No one is missing. Coleman-san passed on a message to say he was unwell and would not be joining us this evening. I have arranged for food to be taken to him, and he’s being attended to, and he is not to be disturbed.”

  “As you command, Ichirou-denka.” Takeshi bowed his head, but not before Bertie glimpsed a look of fury that flashed quickly across the courtier’s face.

  Bertie ducked his own head to hide his smile. Thanks to Ichirou, by the time Takeshi found out that Felton wasn’t in his rooms, the other man would be out of the palace and safe with Keitaro’s family. And even if he suspects I had a hand in it, there’s no way to prove it. Tom played his part to perfection. According to Keitaro, everyone Tom and Cherry Blossom passed believed he was Felton.

  There was no way to ignore the tension in the air as the banquet commenced. It hung oppressively over them, and finally Takeshi made a show of looking around.

  “I do not see your normal servant, Ichirou-denka. Is Natsu also … unwell?”

  “He is undertaking work as I instructed him to do. He will attend me when it is done, and not before.” Ichirou glared at Takeshi. “I trust that’s sufficient answer for you?”

  “Thank you, Ichirou-denka.” Takeshi glared at the prince, and Bertie was ready to speak out until Makoto briefly rested his hand on Bertie’s wrist.

  “Let Ichirou deal with Takeshi.” Makoto’s voice was so soft, that Bertie barely heard him. “Takeshi isn’t used to Ichirou treating him like a lesser member of the court. It’s good to see the prince assert his authority. But he’ll need to maintain that strength. Things will be difficult for Ichirou in the future, I fear. He’s never so openly defied Takeshi. It’s something that will be long-remembered.”


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