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Bound By Cage Box Set (Complete Series Books 1-4) : MMA Romance

Page 45

by Brittany Crowley

  “Yeah stop or I’ll…” I cut Savvy off.

  “Fuck me up, I know. We’ve been over this.”

  “Baby, we know you’re a badass. I’ve seen you arm wrestle.” Zander tries to calm Savvy down.

  “That was bullshit and you know it bro! She cheated!”

  Everyone laughs as we sit there together. The Pats make the best comeback in the history of any Super Bowl, it was a fantastic fucking game. When it’s over Georgie excuses herself making up a bullshit reason on why she has to leave.

  Somethings up with her and I’m going to figure it out. I just hope I’m not too late when I put the puzzle pieces together.



  As I rush from the house the nerves in my stomach start to consume me. How could the Patriots win? I thought the other team was a sure thing. Victor must be freaking the hell out right now.

  Victor is my life long best friend. We both survived some crazy things from our childhoods. He surprised me and decided he would try to find his place in life just like I’ve been doing a few weeks ago when he showed up on my doorstep. Having someone familiar, safe even, is the stability I need. Until all of this started happening.

  I get into my car and drive towards my house. My fingers tap on the steering wheel. Being able to drive a car still makes me giddy. I got my permit the first week I arrived in Massachusetts. Ashlyn told me I needed it for the independence kick I’m on. She’d been an okay teacher at best. So, Josh took over and taught me. He has way more patience than Ash and I didn’t feel bad at all telling her our lessons were finished. She looked just as relieved as I did.

  When I park the car, I look up towards the house. Sure enough, Vic is pacing in front of the window. I let out a deep sigh and make my way to the front door. I don’t even have the door closed before the panic ensues.

  “What the hell are we going to do Georgie?”

  “We’ll figure it out Vic.” I’m hoping my voice is more reassuring than I feel.

  “Figure it out? I’m pretty sure your bartending job and mine over at the gym isn’t going to cover it this time. Why didn’t we stop? We’re in way over our heads, you need to call your sister.”

  “No freaking way am I dragging Ash into this! They’d go after her, and with her comes Josh and Mia. I can’t put them in danger after they’ve done so much for me. No way, non-negotiable.”

  “Just ask her for the mon-”

  “No! I told you, this is our mess and we’ll handle it.”

  Victor rubs his hand down his face and sighs. “Okay.”

  “I have a plan anyways. Marco told me to come to a party this weekend, I’m sure I can persuade Skid to let it slide.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me Georgie? No way can I let you go by yourself. You shouldn’t be going period. So, what? You think he’ll let you work in his club and everything will be forgotten? It doesn’t work that way.” He’s shaking his head back and forth.

  “It’s not your choice. I already told him I’d be there. I met with him last week and he gave me an out, and if you haven’t noticed, we need an out after tonight.” I look towards the floor feeling uncomfortable.

  “What did you do?” He asks in a panic.

  “You ever notice how attracted Skid is to me? His little remarks about my body?” I’m hoping that’s enough of a hint.

  “Nope, no way. You are not offering up your virginity to him!” He yells.

  I walk away towards my bedroom. I’ve already decided what I was going to do after we lost big last weekend. The Super Bowl was a last-ditch effort that was silly on our part to even take part in.

  I strip out of my clothes and head for the shower. Once I get the temperature just right I step in. I’m not one of those people that needs a shower to be scorching hot. I don’t need my skin melting off. As I bow my head under the shower head, I think back on my time since the compound got raided. That was the best day of my life, my new beginning.

  My mind slowly wanders to earlier, in the kitchen with Jayden. The way he pressed up against me, being able to feel everything, has me reaching my hand between my legs. I can still feel his massive erection pushing up against the small of my back, hard like steel. My fingers move feverishly and before I know it I’m gasping out his name.

  I’m breathing heavy when there’s a knock on the door. I peak my head out of the shower as Victor opens the door and comes inside, sitting on the closed toilet seat.

  “Girl, you have it bad for him.” He laughs.

  My face turns red, not that he can see it behind the shower curtain. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “That’s fair, we’ll pretend you didn’t just shout out his name in a fit of ecstasy. I’ll give you that. But you can only lie to yourself for so long.”

  Out of nowhere tears form in my eyes. Back at the compound it was customary for a woman to remain a virgin until marriage. Her parents choose her husband which still makes me cringe. I remember the decision my parents made for me. Clay, the 48-year-old cook wanted me as his fourth wife. That’s why I ran away in the first place before that evil bitch Gwen dragged me back to the depths of hell.

  If life had gone differently I could actually envision being with Jayden. Him being my first, in everything. I’ve never had a boyfriend, never been kissed and clearly never had sex with anyone. Who am I kidding, I don’t know why I even let my mind go there. He doesn’t do relationships and he stated it point blank. Casual will never be my thing so that’s all it will ever be, a dream. A freaking fantastic fantasy.

  I sniffle loudly and I hear Victor get up off the toilet. “I’m fine.”

  “Liar. You’ve never been a good liar. You know, you’re my best friend. Talk to me, I won’t judge you.”

  I shut off the water and place my hand outside the shower. He puts a towel in my hand and I wrap myself in it before stepping out. He takes one look at my face and pulls me into an overwhelming hug.

  “You don’t have to do this. We’ve let so much dictate our lives. Our parents, the adults in our community, Mr. Caldwell. Don’t give someone that doesn’t deserve it a piece of yourself that you’ll never get back.”

  “It’s the only way.” I wipe my face and take a step back. “It’ll be okay, I’ll be fine. Anyone ever tell you that you worry too much?” I laugh.

  Victor rolls his eyes. “You, all the time.”

  I let out a loud and dramatic yawn. “Alright Vicky, time for me to get to bed. I have to open the bar tomorrow.”

  He nods his head and starts walking out of the bathroom.

  “Hey!” I yell getting his attention. When he turns towards me once again I smile. “I love you.”

  A smile lights up his face. “Love you too.”

  As I crawl into bed, I know this weekend won’t be easy, it’ll probably be the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do. But I need to do it to keep me and Vic safe.

  I can do it for him if not for myself.

  When we left the compound, I vowed he would never feel in danger or like he had to hide who he was ever again. He went through some stuff that he hasn’t told me yet, bad stuff from the little tidbits of information I squeezed out of him. He hasn’t confirmed it, but I’m convinced someone in the cult knew about his sexual orientation and used it against him.

  For all the crap he’s gone through, I’m going to make this right.

  I’m going to keep that promise, no matter the cost.



  “What the hell are you doing? Are you constipated?”

  “What? Fuck, no. And I wouldn’t talk to you about my bowels anyway Ky.” Who the fuck asks if you’re constipated?

  “The face you were just making… never mind I guess.” He digs back into his giant bowl of spaghetti and meatballs like a beast.

  “Has nobody shown you the spoon twist trick?” I look around. “And you wonder why you can’t get a girlfriend.”

  “I can get a girlfriend.” He says around a f
ull mouth of food and I just look at him with a duh look on my face. He finishes his bite, grabs his napkin and dabs at the corners of his mouth. “I can get a girlfriend jack ass. There’s no one that I want that with yet.”

  “Is that your story?”

  “I’m sticking to it.” He smiles and dives back into his food.

  We’re sitting in the little Italian place across the street from Monkey Bars. I have it on very good authority that Georgie is supposed to be starting her shift soon and I’m staking her the hell out. I’ve been in the bar practically every day trying to get her to change her mind and nothing. Although, I can say we’re becoming what some people might call friends. Sure, she rolls her eyes when I walk in and tries to act busy so she can’t serve me. But I’m on to her. I know she’s a hair’s breadth from cracking that rough exterior of a shell that makes up her whole snarky demeanor. She’s hindering the inevitable and I tell her that all the time. If ever two people were fated to fuck, it would be us. The sexual tension is so stifling, sometimes I want to pull her into the back room and push her up against a wall. Could she really say no?

  “Now I know why you wanted to eat here for lunch.” Kyles eyes are across the street. I quickly look and see my unicorn walking down the sidewalk. In fucking daisy dukes.

  “Fuck me.”

  “I think that’s the problem.” He laughs. “She won’t. Tell me Jay, is she the first female to tell you no? Is that the appeal?”

  “Of course, that’s the appeal! It was at first anyway, now I’m not so sure. And I don’t know how to explain it without sounding like a pussy.” I sigh. “Before I know it I’ll be walking around like Z and Josh. Completely pussy whipped and I can’t be like that. Or can I? I don’t fucking know anymore. All I do know is she’s fucking with my head and I’m about to lose my sanity.”

  “About to? I think you’re already in crazy town bro. What’s your next step?”

  “Hell if I know.”

  Shit, she’s about to go into the bar and she doesn’t know I’m here. I bang really loud on the window of the restaurant to get her attention. After a couple seconds she looks across the street and narrows her eyes trying to see what the ruckus is all about. I start waving my arms in the air like a fucking loon, and that’s exactly what I am. She raises her hand in hesitation and gives me a slight wave.

  “See, what the hell’s wrong with me Ky? This isn’t me! I don’t do this shit. Jayden Cage picks up women, fucks them, then sends them on their slightly less horny way. They may be ruined for any other man they sleep with after me, but that’s a risk they were willing to take.”

  He looks deep in thought for a moment before he smiles at me. “Jealousy.”


  “Make her jealous Jay. That’s a guaranteed way to have her saying yes to you. Women never want to see the person they’re interested in with some whore. Find a whore Jay.” He winks.

  “I feel like I shouldn’t be taking advice from you, but fuck if I have any other ideas. Shovel that shit in your mouth so I can proceed with operation envy.”

  “It’s foolproof, what’s the worst that can happen?” He questions and I hope he’s right.


  Me: I’m going down like the Titanic. This isn’t fucking working asshole.

  Wittle Baby Bro: Why the hell would you take my advice? I’ve never been in a relationship.

  He adds the thinking emoji and I want to throttle him. Why did I have to make a decision on the fly and listen to Kyle? I’ve been here at the bar for over two hours and Georgie won’t even look at me anymore.

  I did as Kyle suggested. When I opened the door to the bar I didn’t even acknowledge my beauty. No, I honed in on a sexy little thing sitting in a booth in the back. Blonde hair, tits like you see in porno’s. I knew she would do the trick so I went to her straight away. After introducing myself I learned her name was Catherine and she is an aspiring actress. I wanted to ask her how aspiring can you be living in Massachusetts?

  Fast forward to the present. Kitty is currently seated in my lap at the bar, in Georgie’s line of sight, for optimal viewing I might add. The eye rolling I expected, even the bitchy attitude. But what I didn’t expect was for her not to care. She straight up doesn’t fucking care that this chick is on my lap, rubbing my chest and occasionally whispering a random dirty thought in my ear. But guess what? I’m not even hard. No wood to be felt in my nether regions. No, my cock all of a sudden decided to grow a conscience and stand in solidarity to the one and only Georgie McNamara.

  Not that I want to fuel this chick who’s clearly well acquainted with dick. No, this is all a game and I lost. What does that mean for my future dabbling’s with Georgie? Is she really not in to me?

  Caesar makes his way in front of me and crosses his arms across his chest. “What the fuck are you doing Jay?” He cocks his eye brow.


  He chuckles. “A word of advice? This is having the complete opposite effect of what you’re going for rock star. Her biggest hang up is that you’re a whore, and guess what? You’re acting like a slut confirming her doubts.”

  “Son of a bitch.” I yell and stand up placing Kitty on her feet quickly. “Your job is done here.” I take my seat and I hear her whine.

  “I thought you were coming back to my place daddy?”

  I think my entire male anatomy just shriveled up. Daddy? What the hell is that shit?

  “Nope. Hey look, that guy in the corner’s eyeing you. Go, be free!” That does it, she’s now stomping her way out of the bar.

  “Be free? She’s a woman not a goldfish man.”

  “What the fuck ever.” I run my fingers through my hair. “What the hell am I supposed to do now? I’m no closer to getting Georgie to change her mind. Hell, I’m further away.”

  “Some more advice?”

  “Because the advice I took from my baby bro worked out so well for me.” I groan.

  “That’s your fault. Who’d take relationship advice from Kyle? Anyhoo, be yourself, show her who you really are. You’re confirming every one of her fears of you just by trying too hard.” He winks and walks away.

  “What does that even mean?” I say to no one in particular.

  Georgie goes to walk by me but I halt her by calling out her name. She stops with her back to me but doesn’t turn around.

  “Excuse me, Sunshine?”

  She ever so slowly turns around and a look of relief washes over her face. It must be the fact that I don’t have Hollywood Barbie on my lap anymore. Thank god she gave me that. I needed to see something that shows she cares. And once again, I’m back in the game.

  It’s time for me to leave. She gave me a sliver of hope tonight. It’s time to reconvene and figure out my next move.

  Whatever the hell that is.



  It’s Saturday and I feel like I could vomit. I’m at the end of my shift and tonight’s the night. The deals been made. I have to psych myself up and keep reminding myself why I’m doing all of this. To keep me and Victor safe. I’d be doing a lot better if the bar were busier right now. Being busy would be a huge plus to keeping my mind off everything.

  I look around and see Jayden walk through the door. Great, he’s sure to keep me occupied and my mind away from all the dark thoughts that have consumed it. He hasn’t tried to pick up anyone else in front of me since that bimbo was on his lap a few days ago. Just remembering the image in my head has me feeling ragey.

  “Hey Sunshine.” He calls out before sitting in front of me.


  “Come on now, you have to give me more than that. We are best friends after all.”

  “Besties.” I say sarcastically.

  “I’m glad you agree. Having a one-sided friendship is hard as shit.”

  I try not to chuckle but it happens. “I’m starting to think you have a drinking problem buddy. You’ve been in here almost every day, you’re gonna start getting a beer gut.

  I should know better than to criticize his physique.

  Jayden stands up and lifts his shirt upwards giving me an unbridled view of his rock-hard abs. Damn, could he be any more perfect? I’m finding it hard to swallow when he puts his shirt back in place and once again takes a seat.

  “Still worried I’m letting myself go?”

  “One beer, coming right up.” I mumble.

  After I pour it and turn around I see an anxious looking Victor sitting next to Jayden. I put the biggest smile I can on my face and deliver Jayden his beer. What the hell is he doing here? If it’s to try and convince me once again not to give up my precious flower he’s mistaken. If he couldn’t talk me out of it already it’s not going to happen.

  “Hey Vic, I wasn’t expecting you tonight.”

  “Oh you know, just stopping in to see if you were up for seeing a movie?” He narrows his eyes at me.

  What’s his angle?

  “Nope, busy tonight sorry.” I turn around and busy myself with tidying up the liquor bottles.

  “Busy doing what?” I hear Jayden question.

  “Maybe you can help me convince her to change her mind...”

  I whirl around. “I’m going out with Ash and Savvy tonight. Girls night!” I raise my arms in enthusiasm.

  “Why would you have to change her mind dude? Sure, the girls can be unpredictable, but with Savvy seconds away from motherhood, how freaky can they get?” Jayden looks confused, or it could be suspicious.

  Glancing at the clock I realize its 8pm and my shift is up. Looking over I see Caesar making his way to the bar. Hopefully while Victor’s gawking he’ll be so distracted and won’t notice my stealth exit?

  “I have to run to the bathroom gentleman. I’ll be right back.” I walk towards the lady’s room not waiting for a reply. At the last minute, I turn to make sure they aren’t looking before heading into the kitchen for the back exit. I need to get out of here before Victor gets desperate and opens his mouth. There’s no turning back now. I made a deal with the devil and there’s no crossing Satan.


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