Rule of the Monk; Or, Rome in the Nineteenth Century

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Rule of the Monk; Or, Rome in the Nineteenth Century Page 41

by Giuseppe Garibaldi


  The "army of Rome," as already related, gave the proscribed a long timefor preparation, and they, knowing the nature of the delay, troubledthemselves little about the matter. And now we must return to some ofthe principal and most cherished personages of our book--namely, Juliaand her companions, of whom we took leave when they escaped so narrowlyfrom the storm, and whom we have neglected far too long.

  Two days after the departure of the _Seagull_ from Porto d'Anzio sheentered Porto Longone, with all her sails set and her colors flying. Assoon as she anchored, our friends saw a group of persons issuing fromLiberi, a small village overlooking the port, who, on reaching theshore, embarked in a boat and rowed out to the yacht.

  Julia received the party--which was composed of both sexes--gracefullyand courteously, and offered them refreshments in her saloon, which theycordially accepted.

  Seated at table, each with a glass of Marsala in hand, the guests turnedtowards Manlio, whom they imagined to be the master of the vessel, andaddressed him with a Tuscan accent. It is one less manly than the Roman,but sweeter and more sympathetic, and though it be but a dialect of thereal Italian, to it Italy owes much of her revival, and in this dialect,dignified by so much genius, must be found the language of Italiannational unity.

  "Sir," said the elder of the visitors, talking Tuscan, "in Liberi thereexists a custom that if a vessel comes into port at the same time birthis given to an infant, the captain is requested to stand godfather tothe newly-born child. Will you therefore vouchsafe to comply with thiscustom, and do us the honor of becoming a godfather, and your graciousyoung lady a godmother, to a little one who has this day entered uponexistence."

  Manlio smiled at this odd request, and all present admired the facilitywith which the visitor in Elba can form an alliance with the islanders.Manlio replied, "I am simply a guest on board, like yourself, Signor;this young English lady is the owner of the vessel, and must decide whatshall be done."

  Julia--the traveller, the artist, the antiquary, and the friend ofItalian liberty--was enchanted to find such simplicity of mannersamong these good people, and said, "For my part I gladly accede to yourproposal, and as I hear the captain of the ship must be godfather, Iwill send for him, when, if he be agreeable, we will place ourselves atyour service."

  Captain Thompson was immediately summoned, and the English ladyexplained to her commander what was required. He laughed merrily, andaccepted the invitation as she had done, declaring that he should feelimmensely honored to stand godfather with his gracious mistress asgodmother. Captain Thompson then gave his orders to the mate, and theyall embarked in company for Liberi.

  Here our narrative stumbles again upon the topic of the priesthood, andit is a fatality that, in spite of the invincible antipathy which theyexcite in us, they are thus continually coming in contact with theprogress of our tale. But the cure of Liberi was a man of a differentstamp.

  A modest but hospitable table was spread for the christening party inthe house of the islanders, and it was made pleasant by the cordialityand simplicity of these kind islanders. The guests were all delighted,while Captain Thompson, although a little confused, was happy beyondmeasure at the honor the beautiful Julia did him by leaning on his arm,and still more so at being sponsor to her godchild. So elated was theworthy seaman that he neither heard nor saw as they walked towardsthe village, and stumbling over some obstacle in the way had well-nighfallen, and, to use his own phrase, "carried away his bowsprit."

  Luckily Julia did not perceive the profound confusion of her companion,and walked on with a calm and stately demeanor, in unintentionalcontrast to the tar's awkward gait, for the excellent Thompson, dreadinganother stumble, counted every stone on the road as he paced by herside.

  In this manner they arrived at the church. Captain Thompson here puton a very imposing appearance, and, although a little wearied by theinordinate length of the ceremony, gave no sign of impatience. Having anexcellent disposition, the tediousness was relieved by the pleasure ofholding his new godson in his strong arm, to which, although a plump andwell-formed babe, it appeared but as light as a feather.

  The ceremony ended, the guests invited to the christening bent theirsteps to the house of the second godfather, who entertained them at amore formal banquet, the excellent wine of Liberi receiving muchfavor. Captain Thompson, having to reconduct Julia, and remembering thestumble, partook very moderately of the liquor, contenting himself withpassing a disinterested eulogy upon it.

  The captain had another motive for being temperate and keeping in checkhis decided predilection for good drink. He was most anxious to pleasethe Signora Aurelia, who, though past the bloom of youth, was extremelyamiable, and had a brilliant complexion. She was full of gratitudefor the many attentions the captain had lavished upon her during theterrible storm, and by no means repulsed the signs of sympathy, loyaland honest, if not courtly, which the gallant sailor manifested.

  All went very merrily for our amphibious friends, for, much as one mayresemble a seahorse in constitution, land with its pastimes and comfortsis always preferable to the tempestuous sea. On leaving, Julia wascovered with blessings and thanks by her new acquaintances, after themanner of olden, times.

  Manlio was meditating over a statue in marble, which he determined tocarve when he should return to Rome, representing the beautiful Julia asAmphitrite guiding the stumbling Triton. Aurelia and Thompson, absorbedin thoughts of tenderness, were oblivious of the incidents of the past;and thus our yachting party returned on board, accompanied to the shoreby all the villagers, with music and joyful hurrahs.


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