Better Than Heaven (The Bachelor Brothers Book 1)

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Better Than Heaven (The Bachelor Brothers Book 1) Page 13

by Honey Holloway

  I nod in understanding. She takes a deep breath and then looks up at me.

  “You know...I don’t think we’re similar at all,” Violet says quietly. “I think I brought out the worst in Oliver.’re going to be good for him. I’m really sorry again, Willow. I’ll see you in class.”

  I let her leave without another word. There’s nothing more we need to say. She scurries out of the flat without saying goodbye to Oliver, who is at the kitchen counter about to make the tea. He looks anxious as his eyes meet mine.

  “Was it okay?”

  “It was fine. It went as well as it could’ve,” I say, crossing the room. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around him to hug him close. He seems surprised, but he hugs me back.

  “It’s good to see you. I was wondering when you’d call,” I tell him, breathing him in. Something about the way we’re holding each other feels so right.

  “I didn’t know if you wanted to hear from me...I thought maybe you needed space. I’m still learning you...I should’ve come sooner. But I didn’t want to mess things up. I haven’t, have I? Messed it up?”

  I realize as he says it that Oliver isn’t a cocksure as he always comes across. He’s still learning about me and I’m still learning about him. How can I hold it against him when I can tell from his face as I look up at him that he’s spent the past few days agonizing over this?

  “It’s okay, Oliver. You did everything right. You stuck up for me, and that means the world to me.”

  “So we’re okay? You’re not mad at me?”

  I pull away for a moment. “Oliver...there was a moment where I thought maybe you were involved in the picture getting out. Then there was a moment where I considered that maybe it was your fault because of the things that happened between you and Violet. But then I really thought about it and I realised that you’re the one person who has my back. You’ve made mistakes, but I’m okay with that. Everyone does sometimes. I really want this to work. Even if it’s a bumpy’s one I want to take.”

  Oliver smiles. “Me too. Willow...I…”

  He reaches out to touch my cheek, but he doesn’t finish his sentence. I grin.

  “Have words escaped the wordsmith?”

  He grins. “Shut up.”

  “Only if you kiss me.”

  He does as I ask. Our lips connect and I feel hope rise inside me. Hope that this might be something good. Hope that we’re not going to screw this up now. Hope that we’re past all the uncertainty, the fighting, the nervousness and the bad decisions.

  Hope that that I might finally have some luck.


  Three months later...


  The grass is a little damp as I lay out the picnic blanket on it at Sefton Park. I’ve chosen one of Willow’s favorite spots, right close to the fountain and the ice cream shop. She’s managed to wrangle the day off so that we can have this date before the launch of the university magazine later tonight. It’s the perfect opportunity to make her feel special for the day. The sun is shining, even if it is a little cold, and the park is quiet and serene. Willow is going to love this when she shows up.

  I’ve sent her a text to tell her where to meet me. I unpack the picnic I’ve made of all her favorite foods and a bottle of rose wine. I made sure not to go crazy with the expense. I know that Willow can be sensitive about money, especially considering that all of my debts were paid off by my brother. But starting this week, all that is changing. I’m beginning my job at the same cafe she works at to begin the process of paying my brother back. I’ll be taking out a loan for my master’s degree next semester like the majority of students, and I’ll have to pay it off myself, with interest, like everyone else. I’m moving out of my expensive flat and I’ll be moving somewhere more affordable. But that’s the part I haven’t told Willow yet. That’s the part I’m saving for this picnic.

  When she shows up, she takes my breath away as usual. She’s wearing short dungarees that show off her thick thighs and her luscious hips. Her blue hair has been woven into a crown on her head and her face is clear of makeup. She looks so beautiful that I have to take a second to remind myself that she’s mine. And now that I have her, I’ll do pretty much anything to keep her at my side.

  “This is so sweet,” she says as she examines the picnic blanket. “And wine at lunchtime? It makes me feel like an adult…”

  “Well, I guess we are adults now,” I say as she sits down beside me. “University is pretty much over...after the showcase tonight, all we have left is graduation and results day.”

  “And then another two years of classes for our masters degree,” Willow laughs. I smile. I’ll admit, I was torn about taking the master’s degree. Another two years of studying seems like a lot, especially when all I’ve done is complain about the workload since I started uni. But Willow was set on doing it, and I’m not ready to head back to America, especially if she won’t be coming too. Besides, a master’s degree will at least set me apart from other students. Losing a spot in the magazine this year really humbled me, even though I was ridiculously happy for Willow. She deserved it more than anyone, but I guess it means I have to work harder to stand out when she shines so damn bright next to me.

  “It’s going to be worth it to spend another few years in this city, with these people...with you,” I tell her. She smiles and leans in to kiss me.

  “You’re sweet.”

  I grin. “Well, I’m glad you think so...because I have something to ask you. It’ll definitely go down better if I’m in your good books.”

  Willow takes one of the plastic cups from the picnic basket and begins to pour herself a glass of wine. “Uh oh...I get the feeling I need a drink in my hand for this.”

  I laugh. “It’s nothing bad, I swear...I just think it makes sense.”

  “Go on then. I’m listening.”

  She takes a sip of wine and I breathe in. This is it. I slide my hand into hers and she brushes her thumb over my knuckle. It relaxes me a little.

  “Okay, so...we’ve been dating a while now…we spend basically all our time together, at my place or at yours...and now that we know we’re going to be staying in the same city for the next few years...well, I just figured...I could use a roommate.”

  Willow grins at me, sipping her wine with a raised eyebrow. She can tell I’m struggling talking about this. “A roommate, hmm? So you’re looking for a buddy to live with?”

  I sigh, rolling my eyes with a smile. “You know what I’m asking. I want to live with you, Willow. Not just because it makes sense to split rent with someone...but because I want to spend all my time with you if I can.”

  “What, going to classes together and being co-workers isn’t going to be enough for you?” she teases.

  “Not even close...I know I sound clingy, but when I’m with you...I’m just happier. Happier than I have been in a really long time,” I tell her honestly. I don’t talk this honestly very often, but I want her to know how I really feel. When it comes to her, she’s perfect. She feels like home already, but now I want to share a home with her for real.

  Willow chews her lip. Then she smiles. “You know what? If someone had told me that I’d say yes to moving in with a boy I’ve only been dating for a few months last year...I wouldn’t have believed them. You know how careful I am, Oliver. I’m not exactly impulsive. But I do trust my gut...and my gut is telling me that this is a good decision. So yes...I’ll move in with you.”

  I grin so hard that my cheeks hurt. Willow smiles back, cupping my cheeks as she leans in to kiss me. She tastes sweet from the wine and it only lifts my soul even more. She’s right. This feels so perfect. When she pulls away, her cheeks are flushed and she picks her wine back up.

  “Wow. I guess we really are celebrating then.”

  “We already were,” I tell her, pouring myself a cup of wine and raising it to her. “I want to toast to you making it into the top spot in the magazine. To you acing all of your coursework and
presentations while balancing two jobs and a needy you being absolutely perfect. To you, Willow.”

  “To us,” she murmurs. “Always to us.”


  The pub is loud and intimidating as I stand at the front of the room by the microphone, ready for my reading. As the winner of the prime spot in the magazine, it’s compulsory for me to read out a snippet of the story I wrote. I close my eyes with a small smile and remember all the things that inspired it. My new found relationship with Oliver. The darkness of my past. My time as a stripper. My life has been far from conventional, and my work has always reflected it. But standing up here in front of all my classmates, ready to let them see all my scars, is pretty damn scary.

  It’s even more terrifying when I see who is sitting right at the front of the room. On one side is Oliver and a few of our closest friends, waiting eagerly for me to speak. They’re the scariest bunch to perform for. I feel like if it goes wrong, I’ll be a disappointment to them. They’re here for me and I don’t want to get it wrong when they’re desperate to support me.

  And then on the other side, there’s Violet. I haven’t seen her much these past few months. I think she’s been avoiding lectures, trying not to show her face. But she’s here tonight and when I look her way, our eyes lock together. She offers me the smallest smile and some of my fear about seeing her fades away. I wave to her and just like that, none of what happened between us matters to me anymore. Sure, it hurt at the time. Sure, she tried her hardest to make sure me and Oliver wouldn’t get a happy ending. But I got everything I wanted. I moved on and I’m sure she has done too. I think that’s why she’s here. It’s the end of our final year, the end of everything we’ve spent three years building up to. It’s the end of an era and the start of a new beginning. I don’t need to hold on to any of it...except for Oliver.

  But standing in the way of me and my future is this reading. This damned speech. I came here to be a writer, not a public speaker, but it’s also customary for the person who takes the prime spot in the magazine to make a speech about their time at the university before they do their reading. I clear my throat, ready to begin. I want to get this over with, really. Everyone’s eyes turn to me and I take a deep breath.

  “Hi, everyone. I’m honoured to be standing here as both a student of this university and an accepted member of the magazine,” I begin. “This year has been one of the most challenging...most years of my life. I started this journey feeling like I was alone. I felt overwhelmed by my own life. And now, through this course...through the friends I’ve made along the way...from my own resilience, I’ve found happiness that I never thought would be in my reach. And that’s why I’m humbled to be standing here in front of you all, ending this year on a high note.”

  There’s a light spattering of applause around the room and I pause with a smile. Oliver is leading the way, clapping hard for me. I can barely believe that we’re going to be moving in together. It feels like everything has suddenly fallen into my lap. I have everything I could want. As I look out at the room, I recall that there were people in here happy to see me fail. I remind myself that they’re not all my friends. But even though this moment in time feels so important right now, it’s just a pinpoint in our long timelines. What’s the point in being bitter when this will all be behind us soon? I smile at the room. It’s time to just enjoy myself. This is my night. I earned it. It’s time to show them that.

  “I’m surrounded by so many talented people in this room and so many people deserved the top spot. But I can’t pretend that it means nothing to me to be selected, because it means everything. It’s a testament to how hard work and patience can take you wherever you want to go. Next year, someone else will stand here and feel this. Next year, someone in this room will accept their dream job, or get married to the love of their life, or travel to the one place they’ve always dreamed of seeing. Success comes when you least expect it...and yes, life can be tough sometimes. But moments like this remind me that the world has something good in store for everyone. No matter your struggle, no matter how much time it’s worth it in the end. Thank you for listening, I hope you enjoy my reading.”

  As I finish my speech with a smile, the room breaks out into applause properly this time. Some people stand to applaud and I blush, ducking my head for a moment. But then I see Oliver smiling at me and I lift up my chin. He’s my reminder that I’ve made it. I’ve found happiness. I’ve found hope. I’ve found love.

  It’s time to hold my head high and embrace it.


  About the Author

  Honey Holloway is a professional ghostwriter and editor from Liverpool. She spends her spare time writing even more, reading, baking and spending time with her cat. She aims to spread positivity with her writing and entertain everyone with her stories.

  To read Honey’s work for free, click on her Wattpad account and read her books before they’re published.

  Instagram: @honeyhollowayauthor

  Wattpad: @HoneyHolloway

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