Corner (Hallow Brothers Book 4)

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Corner (Hallow Brothers Book 4) Page 13

by Tricia Andersen

  “No,” Henry answered. “Those were tranquilizer bullets. They’ll wake up naked with a killer headache. But they’re alive.”

  “Oh. Good.” Sarah absently ran her fingers along Josiah’s snout. “Where are his brothers? Why didn’t they come to save him?”

  “They were sent a decoy text saying he was heading to Connecticut. Our texts were blocked from telling them he was heading to Maine instead. Hopefully, they are on their way home. We still can’t text them.”

  “Who would send them to Connecticut?”

  “Sarah, you are barely hanging onto the news that the guy you share that mark on your back with is a werewolf. You’re pale and shaky. I can see it from here. You might want to stop there for the night.”

  “Tell me. Who sent them?”

  Henry sighed. “Vampires. Your promoters. The ones you’re going to fight for in a few weeks? Both vampires. I watched them kill my assistant when I worked as a librarian in Duluth.”

  “Oh, heavens.”

  “Maybe we should get some shuteye,” Meg suggested. “It’s been a long day.”

  There was a murmur of agreement among them. Delilah cuddled up with Henry as they laid down in the bed of the truck. Eve and Meg followed their example. Sarah could only hug Josiah. With everything she had witnessed, how could she sleep?


  The sunrise piercing her senses woke Sarah up from her fitful slumber. She finally dozed off long after the rest of those in the back of the truck. Henry did help her pry the shackles off her wrists before he fell asleep. It took at least an hour and nearly every tool in Littlefoot’s toolbox but she was free from her physical bonds. Her mental ones would take some more time. Her dreams were filled with horrifying images. It was difficult to stay asleep.

  She sat up and yawned as the others started to stir. She bolted straight as the beast in her lap started to shake violently. Fur turned to flesh. Claws and fangs returned to fingernails and teeth. Where a terrifying beast once was now lay a gloriously naked man. Sarah licked her lips as she stared at Josiah’s hard cock.

  The others weren’t as impressed. “Oh, shit,” Meg called out.

  “Hello. That’s a whole lot of naked.” Henry slipped by Josiah and Sarah and pounded on the back window.

  Littlefoot pulled over and climbed out. “What is it?”

  “He changed back,” Delilah reported as she pointed.

  Littlefoot chuckled. “I didn’t plan for that. I’ve got a blanket in the cab. Joe, you can cover up with that. We’ll stop in a little bit and look for clothes. Noah can examine you in your human form then too.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Josiah answered weakly.

  Littlefoot reached into the back of the cab and rummaged around. He pulled out the midnight blue fleece blanket and tossed it to Josiah. The Hallow sat up and wrapped it around his waist. Then he leaned against the back window next to Sarah.

  “So,” he said.

  “So,” she repeated.


  “About you being a werewolf? Loads.” She pointed to the other four in the truck. “But they covered the basics.”

  Josiah frowned at Meg, Eve, Delilah, and Henry. “What are you four doing here? Where are my brothers? I asked them to come help me.”

  “Our cell phones were jammed,” Eve answered. “Instead of getting your text, they got one saying the vampires had Sarah in Connecticut. They took off right after they got it.”

  “But you’re here. Explain that one to me.”

  Meg wrapped an arm around Eve and gave her a squeeze. “Our resident hacker read the text over her hubby’s shoulder and realized something wasn’t right. The message was too abbreviated, and we know how much you freak out about that sort of thing. So she hacked into whatever super secure program she shouldn’t have been in and found your original text. We couldn’t reach the boys, so we took off after you instead.”

  Josiah wiggled to get the blanket tucked around him tighter. “You shouldn’t have. You should have stayed put at camp.”

  Henry held up his index finger. “One, you’re welcome for us coming to save your ass.”

  Josiah shook his head. “It’s not that I’m not grateful. I owe you all my life and Sarah’s. Literally. But you girls are pregnant. You put the lives of your unborn children at risk. That’s unacceptable. You were the safest at camp.”

  “Really?” Henry countered as he raised another finger. “Two. Think about it. You’re heading to Maine. The other six are heading to Connecticut. That leaves the camp unprotected. And Rock and Cort know how to get there.”

  Josiah bolted upright. “Momma.”

  Delilah offered a weak smile. “At the reservation with Ruby and the amulet. When the bloodsuckers get there, the place will be empty. Granted when we get back, we’ll probably have one hell of a mess to clean up.”

  Josiah grinned at them all. “I’ll take that over losing any member of this family. But I’m echoing what Littlefoot said. Next stop you three mothers are in the cab. Henry is welcome to hang back here with Sarah and me. But no more risking those babes. Got it?”

  There might have been some reluctance when the three women nodded, but they did agree. Josiah wrapped an arm around Sarah’s shoulders and held her tight. She wrapped her arms around his naked torso. That overwhelming need to straddle him and have mindless sex filled her. It was almost too much to resist. He was naked under that blanket, after all. She remembered what the others said about the full moon and having sex with a Hallow. She bit her lip hard to suppress her desire.

  Josiah leaned toward her until his lips brushed against her ear. “I want it too, baby. More than you can imagine. But you aren’t carrying my child into the cage. Maybe after your fight.”

  Sarah’s breath hitched in her throat. Despite the lust coursing through her, she couldn’t help her deep-learned morals from seeping through. “Josiah, I’m not bringing a baby into this world without a husband.”

  “I’m your mate. Same thing.”


  He pulled away from her. “Can’t stop beating on that drum, can you?”

  She cocked a grin at him. “Wow, not a profanity in sight. And there were a couple of spots where they would have fit nicely.”

  He huffed. “Yeah, tell me about it.”

  She laughed as she laid her head on his shoulder. He stiffened at first. Then he relaxed under her caress. He was finally making a concession to her wishes. Maybe it was time to give in a little to his?

  Chapter Ten

  They rode in silence for several more miles until they reached a small rural town. Josiah had no idea where they were. He had been a very large, wounded beast for most of this journey. If they crossed state lines, he wasn’t aware of it.

  Littlefoot pulled to a stop alongside a farm implement store and turned off the engine. He hopped out. “I’m heading in to get Josiah some clothes. Eve, Meg, and Delilah, get in the cab of the trucks.” He looked at Josiah. “Be back in a bit, son.”

  Josiah blinked at him as his thoughts spun in his head. Atticus called him son. He was Josiah’s biological grandfather. Yet he told the old man to fuck off.

  There was only one possible response he had for Littlefoot, his father’s best friend, not even a blood relative. “Yes, sir.”

  Henry slipped the latches free on the tailgate. Then he hopped down and offered a hand to Eve, Meg, and Delilah. Once all three women were safely on the ground, they went searching for a free spot in one of the trucks to settle in. Henry glanced unsurely at Josiah and Delilah. Josiah waved him off with a smile. Henry took off after his mate like an excited puppy.

  “You should go get in the truck too,” Josiah told Sarah.

  “I’m not leaving you,” she answered as she hugged his arm tight to her.

  Noah appeared at the tailgate and climbed inside the truck bed. “Since you’re already undressed, I might as well examine you.”

  Josiah tossed the blanket off with a grin. “Go for it.”

  Noah looked a little shocked for a brief moment. He kneeled down and studied Josiah’s wounds. Sarah scuttled away to give the doctor more room.

  Noah nodded satisfied. “They’re healing nicely. Last night you needed sutures. I saw bone and sinew. Now they’re just flesh wounds. By the time we get home, there will just be mild scars. Feel free to cover yourself before the local sheriff wanders by and busts you for indecent exposure.”

  He gave the couple a brief wave before he jumped out of the vehicle and made his way to his own. Josiah tossed the blanket over himself again. Sarah was back at his side before it settled on his skin.

  He smiled at her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. He watched her in silence. Yes, her bullheaded resistance to move in with him, even to keep her safe, drove him batshit crazy. But fuck, she was beautiful. She was smart and noble and one hell of a spitfire. Just the perfect woman for an alpha male.

  He was one lucky son of a bitch.

  It didn’t take long for Littlefoot to come back with a large brown paper bag with a paper woven handle. He set it in the truck bed and then headed to the driver’s door. Josiah pulled one item of clothing out at a time and discreetly pulled it on. Once he tugged the last boot on, he folded the bag and tucked it under his ass.

  Before he could pull Sarah in his arms, he slammed his hand on the back window again. The truck skidded to a stop.

  Littlefoot didn’t bother getting out to see what was wrong. He shouted out the window. “What do you need now?”

  Josiah pointed toward a meadow at the base of a grove of pine trees. In the middle was a small white chapel surrounded by wild grass. A dirt road cut through the weeds to it. “There. We’re going there.”

  Nothing more was said. Littlefoot took a sharp turn that sent the two of them sliding across the truck bed. Josiah was surprised one of them didn’t fall out. The other vehicles followed as Littlefoot sped down the dirt road.

  “What are you doing?” Sarah questioned.

  “Getting things settled once and for all,” Josiah answered.

  The three trucks parked on the lush green lawn outside the building. There wasn’t any parking lot to speak of. The grass wasn’t matted down from the parishioners who parked there for service. Josiah stared at the chapel as he worried. It was in great shape for being abandoned. He hopped out over the side of the truck and approached the church.

  Littlefoot opened the driver’s door and leaned out of it. “Joe, we don’t have time to screw around. Your brothers are missing. We need to get home and track them.”

  Josiah looked at him over his shoulder. Then his gaze drifted to Sarah. She stood in the bed of the truck, watching him over the cab. “I have business. I have to protect what’s mine.”

  “No one’s here. Let’s just get back on the road and…”

  Everything went quiet as the wooden front door of the church opened. A small, bald man shuffled out in full black robes complete with a cowl and a large gold cross hanging around his neck by a thick, gold chain. He held a Bible in his hands. He couldn’t have stood taller than five feet. Josiah cursed under his breath. Where the fuck did he come from?

  The minister’s voice was soft as he spoke. “I’m Reverend Grop. Can I help you folks with something?”

  Josiah rolled his shoulders back until his chest stuck out. “We need to get married.”

  “Hold up.” Sarah slipped over the side of the truck and jumped to the ground. She hurried to Josiah’s side. “Who said we’re getting married?”

  Josiah stared into her eyes. “You aren’t safe in Bemidji. You should see that by now. But you won’t move in with me unless I’m your husband. I love you too much to play roulette with your life. So let’s get married.”

  “Nice proposal,” Eve replied.

  Josiah glared at her. Everyone had unloaded from the vehicles to witness the scene. Josiah scowled at her. “Don’t need your opinion.” He turned his attention back to Sarah. Her eyes were wide. “So? How about it?”

  “You just told me you love me,” she answered.

  Josiah was silent for a moment. “I do. I love you.”

  Sarah smiled. “I just wondered if my feelings were one-sided. I love you too. But Joe, we don’t have a marriage license.”

  “We’ll have the ceremony and figure the rest of it out later.”

  “It won’t be legal.”

  “So what?” Josiah turned to the minister. “We’re ready to get married.”

  Sarah clung to him as she, too, addressed him. “We don’t have a marriage license.”

  Reverend Grop beamed at both of them. It was unnerving. “No need for concern, Sarah. His mother and father didn’t have one either when I married them. Zane and Evelyn were such an attractive young couple. Everything will be legal when we’re finished just like it was for them.”

  “How can…” Sarah’s words died on her tongue. “How did you know my name?”

  “Why don’t all of you fine folks come inside while we wait for the others.”

  “You married my parents? Others?” Josiah questioned.

  Sarah tugged on Josiah’s arm as he gaped at the preacher. He finally looked at his mate.

  “Something is really wrong here. Besides, do you really want to get married like this?” she questioned.

  Josiah shook his head. “Hell, no. I want my brothers here to witness this. But what can I do?”

  The sound of engines tore everyone’s attention away. At first, they couldn’t make out the vehicles coming down the dirt road. Josiah’s heart leaped into his throat when the Jeep came to a stop. The truck parked behind it.

  “Oh, that’s just fucking creepy,” Henry muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

  Micah stepped out of the Jeep and slowly approached the group. The other five Hallows followed. “What the fuck are you all doing here?”

  “We could ask the same thing,” Delilah countered.

  “We were asking for directions. We got lost after a bunch of confusing road construction. We were sent on a pointless wild goose chase. Fucking fantastic thing to do during a full moon,” Caleb answered. “And you?”

  Meg jogged across the lawn to Caleb and hugged him tight. Delilah and Henry greeted Samuel the same way. The only one not wrapped in their mate’s arms after the long time apart was Eve. And Micah didn’t look happy about it. He clenched his hands on his hips as he glared at her.

  “Joe and Sarah are getting married,” Meg told Caleb.

  “What the fuck?”

  Reverend Grop cleared his throat. “Now that everyone is here let’s come inside and begin.”

  “Hold up.” Littlefoot waved his hand in objection. “You know too much about us for my liking. How is that?”

  “There are many magical beings that know about the Hallows. They know that the Hallows now have the amulet. A few know that they also have the Heka in their midst. They will stop at nothing to possess both. There are trying times ahead. A war is coming, one that could end the way of life as we know it. You are the protectors. You are the ones to stop the evil coming.”

  “You mean the fate of the entire world is in the hands of the seven beasts of Satan,” Ezekiel quipped. “Well, that’s it. Everyone’s fucked.”

  “Zeke, shut up,” Josiah chided. He faced the preacher. “And why should we trust you? What are you?”

  “A few of us believe that you will complete what you are fated to do. We are tasked to protect you, to help when we can just like Littlefoot, and his tribe do. I am a gnome. It is my honor to marry you and your mate. If you are more comfortable, we can do it right here at the front step of the church.”

  “A gnome?” Abraham questioned. “Like those little statues people put in their yards?”

  Reverend Grop glared at him. “You will find soon, young Abraham, not all magical creatures appear like they do in the fairy tales. You will learn this lesson better than your brothers, I imagine.”

  Abraham looked baffled at the news. Grop smiled and turned h
is attention back to Josiah and Sarah. “Shall we begin?”

  “Not yet. One more thing before we start.” Josiah pressed a kiss to Sarah’s lips before he pulled from her arms and strode over to Eve. He pointed at Micah standing across the yard. “He needs to know. Now. Go over by the Jeep and talk. We’re going to stand here until you do.”

  “Josiah, this isn’t the time,” Eve protested.

  “Bullshit. Didn’t you have an ultrasound shortly after the full moon? When are you going to tell him? When you drop a little bundle of joy in his lap? Go, now. We’ll wait.”

  She huffed loudly as she glared at him. Then she shuffled to her husband and tugged him with her behind the Jeep. Josiah returned to Sarah and hugged her tight.

  “What did you do?” Sarah questioned.

  “Just watch,” Josiah answered with a grin.

  Everyone could see the argument. Eve barely got a word or two out before Micah laid into her. The group could make out about every third word that came from his lips. It was usually a curse word. It went on for a few minutes. Eve looked away the entire time.

  Finally, she faced him and spoke. Micah froze in mid-sentence. His eyes went wide. His mouth gaped open. His gaze met her face and then dropped to her belly. The next moment she was smothered in his embrace. Whatever he said, it was quick. Eve must have to tried to explain, but her words were cut off with kisses.

  Finally, he dropped to his knees at her feet. He nudged away her shirt enough to place a gentle kiss on her stomach. Then he looked up at her, and she had the biggest smile on her face. He rose to his feet, took her hand in his, and led her back to the others.

  “Everything good now, Mike?” Josiah asked.

  “Nope. I’m still pissed as hell. How long have you assholes known?”

  Samuel laughed. “Since the test came back positive.”


  “Mike,” Eve objected.

  “I’m hurt you didn’t tell me sooner. But I get why. And I love you for wanting to protect me. But it’s my job to protect you. So let me. And don’t keep things like you’re pregnant a secret again. Okay?”


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