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Ambush Page 14

by R M Mulder

  “Right…” she winked at him.

  “Stop distracting me.” He focused his wand mechanism as it emitted an odd sound, “Help me send this alien back into the shadows!”

  “What do you need us to do?” The bald man in the brown jacket asked.

  “Get as many lights on as you can find!” He rallied, eliminate the darkness from the obscure places and corners!”

  “Yes, Doctor.” The two spoke in unison as they scrambled in opposite directions.

  Matt couldn't maintain consciousness anymore. He let his head fall, and he blacked out.


  Matt didn't know how long he had been unconscious. He heard a British woman's voice coaxing him awake.

  “Hello, mate?” She spoke soothingly, “Are you awake?”

  Matt frowned in response.

  “Doctor!” She called to the far side of the room, “This one is waking up!”

  “Good, good.” He heard the older gentleman's voice getting closer, “How is he?”

  Matt forced his eyelids open, and squinted in the blinding light.

  “Who… who are you guys?” He managed to get the words to form.

  “I'm Bill.” The woman spoke with a smile, “Looks like we showed up just in time.”

  “Whenever do we not?” The old man spoke wryly, “Hi there. I'm the Doctor.”

  “Doctor?” Matt asked, “Doctor who?”

  “Just The Doctor is sufficient.” He smiled, “And I believe you have something that belongs to me.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes.” He held out his palm, “Please return the Temporal Artifact.”

  Matt's face reddened as he reached into his pocket, “Oh, that.”

  He retrieved the curious item and placed it in the man's extended palm.

  System Alert!

  The Temporal Artifact is no longer in your possession. Your foresight skill had been deactivated.

  “Thank you kindly.” The Doctor smiled as he placed the small hourglass in an inner pocket of his jacket, “Now, what's your name?”

  “Matt.” He said, “Matthew Martin Richards, Police Detective.”

  “Hmm, I see. That simply won't do. Timur is familiar with that moniker.” The Doctor furrowed his bushy eyebrows, “Even though I was able to cast him back into the shadows, mark my words - he'll be back. And likely with a vengeance.”

  “What are you suggesting, Doctor?” The bald man with the brown coat asked as he rubbed his hands together, “Is a memory wipe and a name change in order?”

  “Ah yes, Nardole.” The Doctor nodded, “Indeed, that does seem to be necessary in this circumstance.”

  “Excuse me?” Matt stammered.

  “Let's see here…” The Doctor paced for a moment, “How about Douglas? Yes, that has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Douglas Steven Carlton.”

  The woman shot The Doctor a disturbed look, “You can't be serious?” She then turned to Nardole, “Can he?”

  “Oh, he's serious all right.” Nardole chuckled, “In fact, he's done it to me a few times. At least, I think so.”

  The Doctor smirked and then aimed his wand-like contraption at Matt's face, “Hold still. This might be a little uncomfortable.”

  Matt tried to protest, but was too late. The tip of the wand began to glow blue, and then he blacked out.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Identity Crisis

  He woke up inside a forest in DarkForce without any memory of having logged out previously. The trees thickened around him every time he thought the forest would give way to plainer lands. He had escaped the crowding of the city to plainer greens but instead, he had entered a strange forest with dark boughs and large protruding roots that hampered his path every possible instance. The air around was musty too, making it difficult to breathe. The environment seemed like it wanted to draw every bit of strength out of him.

  Moreover, it was dark. The thick canopy above didn't help. His inner voice started to voice its apprehensions about continuing any further. Though his map told him that the path would take him to the greenlands, the path itself seemed to tell him otherwise.

  He wished he could see the skies, experience the freshness of open air. He wanted to welcome the sun on his face and if it was night in the outside world, look at the twinkling stars and appreciate the crescent moon's beauty. Unfortunately, it wasn't to be. He was stuck here in this forsaken forest.

  Silence was everywhere except for the occasional chirping of birds somewhere. Oh, but he could not see them! Fate denied him the luxury of that. But at least he heard them. Though what a bird would do in such a dark forest was beyond his comprehension. The forest was a cage. No living thing would like to stay cooped up inside such a cage.

  Eager to get out, he quickened his pace, often tripping over the protruding roots. He still carried his old spear. Primarily using it as a hiking stick to maintain balance. He cursed every time his mouth opened to let out a word. Soon, all he did was complain and whine. If anyone had been near him, they would have most likely thwacked him on his head. His bones complained of ache and demanded rest. Yet he gave no thought to his avatar body's complaints, strengthening his grit to leave the place as soon as possible.

  “Stupid shortcut!” he mumbled and cursed.

  Regardless, he moved, slowly inching away into the forest's depths. A chilly wind blew, making him shiver despite the armor he had. Usually, it kept him warm, but this cold seemed uncanny. The trees around him changed, its boughs even darker, its canopy even thicker. He grunted and stopped. He hesitated. Should he be moving forward? Wouldn't it be better to retrace his steps and get out of this wretched place some other way? The darkness in front of him did him no favors.

  Yet, when he looked backward, he felt a sense of dread catch him. The way back seemed no longer safe as it had been while he trudged along. Yellow lights dotted in every direction. He felt like he had been trapped between a hammer and an anvil. Whichever way he went, he would have trouble getting out. Perhaps he might not even find his way out.

  What those yellow lights were, he had no idea. They had appeared out of nowhere. He was pretty sure they weren't there before. Was there someone following him? His friends, perhaps? No, if they were his friends, they would have called out to him. Instead, the yellow lights just lingered, never coming near. It was as if they were gauging the risks of approaching him.

  A grunt escaped his mouth and he made his way forward, not liking the strange arrivals. He was in a strange forest and he had no intention of fighting stranger things in such a place. He did not even like the air in it. It smelled funny.

  He took narrow steps, wary of his surroundings. The trees closed in around him, trying to hem him in from all sides. It felt as though the trees talked to each other and had decided to trouble his way forward.

  Then he heard it - a whisper. Perhaps it was just the air. If it smelled funny, it behaved funnier still. He didn't like any of it. The dread only increased every passing second.

  Looking behind, he saw the yellow lights disappear and heaved a sigh of relief. Perhaps it was just a trick of his eyes. He was about to thank his fortunes when the yellow lights appeared again, this time closer and brighter. A frown encroached on his forehead.

  What are they? And why are they following me?

  He heard a hiss, like that of a snake.

  It made the hair on his skin stand, alert. He looked here and there, trying to decipher where the sound came from. The yellow lights blinked suddenly. He closed his eyes and realized the error in his guess. The lights didn't belong to the torches people carried. They were eyes. He wanted to smack his forehead, but refrained. He should have known. If he was thinking straight, he would have known.

  By its sound, he was pretty sure it was a reptile. Sure enough. When the creature swished its tail, he saw its dark green scales hit a tree, leaving a dent in its thick bark. As it drew near, he saw its face. It looked somewhat like a dragon, but with a snake-like body. It had no legs.

sp; Threat Detected: Level 20 Basilisk

  HP| 2,000/2,000

  Strengths: Prolonged exposure to the basilisk's eyes can cause temporary paralysis of players and on occasion instant avatar death. Once paralyzed, the basilisk will often bite its prey with its poisonous fangs, causing instant avatar death. Further, a single drop of basilisk poison is potent enough to melt skin upon contact. Classified as one of the rarest creatures in DarkForce, but yet one of the most dangerous.

  Weaknesses: Unknown.

  He retreated, trying to make his footfalls as quiet as possible. Not that it would make any difference, but he knew if he ran, they would follow. Snakes could outrun most animals and humans, and there was not just one of them here. There were many. He counted at least six. Though, the rest of the five stayed where they were.

  How can I get rid of one basilisk, let alone six?

  He had no weapon that could kill them or anything that could protect him from its strikes. When the reptile opened its mouth, it displayed its fangs, green ooze dripping off it.


  “You've got this Doug!” He tried to rally himself.

  Doug… why does my name feel weird when I say it?

  He shook away his moment of confusion and raised his spear and waved it in the air, issuing a challenge to the reptile. It was stupid, it was reckless, but he did it anyway. Running was no solution. Standing rooted to the spot thus, waiting for it to strike him, was no solution either. The only way out was to go swinging. The basilisk snarled at his movement. It seemed angered at his challenge.

  Instead of bringing its teeth down on him, it lashed out with his tail. He could not really jump over it. The tail's breadth could match a decently sized road. He could not duck under it either.

  It struck him at his side, sending him smashing into a tree. The bark penetrated his skin, drawing out blood.

  [-400 Damage]

  But it was not so much the bark pricks that pained him as the breaking of his bones did. The impact with which he had hit made them crack. He heard it - a thunderous crunch. He groaned. His forehead contorted, his mind having decided that he was going to die soon. He was in no position to get up.

  But he raised himself up somehow, the virtual pain ever rising. There was no time to drink a healing potion.

  The basilisk roared and started wrapping him with its tail. It was tightening the noose. He had been stabbed, he had been attacked by zombies, he had been slashed. He had never been crushed to death. That was going to be something new. Well, better that than trying to get out of the forest all alone. He would have died of hunger anyway if he did not find a way out soon.

  His spear had fallen out of his hand, so the only thing he had were his hands and legs. He slapped the tail with his hands, but it did not matter. He squirmed in the grip, but refused to scream.

  Doug began to think that he was finally going to die and lose that inventory he had gathered by a lot of hard work.

  Just then, the basilisk gave a loud screech and released the grip. He fell down to the ground to see a familiar figure slashing and stabbing.

  Even though @doomsday16 was doing everything he could to keep the basilisk away, he did not know of the other yellow eyes that lurked. They too joined the fray and soon his friend was hard put to defend himself against all of them. Even so, he fought, ever so valiantly. Slashing, stabbing, crouching, whatever he could do to save himself from dying too.

  Doug tried to get up, but the pain became too much to bear. But @doomsday16 was providing an efficient distraction. The basilisks were occupied. Matt quickly procured a healing potion and gulped the whole flask down in one shot.

  System Alert!

  Your HP has been filled to 100% capacity.

  [HP | 3,400/3,400]

  His wounds healed and he heard his bones snap back into place. A warm sensation weaved its way through his skin. He then looked for his spear.

  The fight had pushed it away. He quickly leaped over a couple of tails and landed next to the spear, he picked it up and turned. A basilisk had come right atop him, its bright yellow eyes bearing down on him. He felt a deep sense of dread grasp him tight. His legs straightened and felt as though nerve impulses had completely disregarded them. Was this how paralysis felt like?

  Its fangs bared, he saw the green ooze drip. His armor melted when the poison connected with it. The poison was far more lethal than he had thought. Mustering his courage, knowing another drop would melt his skin, he raised his spear and drove it deep into the top of its mouth. He twisted and yanked It out. The basilisk screeched and raised itself before falling down again.

  StabTwist: Difficult

  Instant Kill

  [+270 XP]

  The basilisk's entire weight bore down on him, but he rolled over to the left before he could feel its brunt.

  Phew! Missed me by a couple of inches!

  One basilisk down, he moved on to the others who had swarmed around his friend, who kept fighting as if there was no tomorrow. He couldn't help but admire him.

  Screaming a battle cry, he attracted. Two of the basilisks slithered towards him, fangs trying to strike at him. He swiftly moved from one to another and back. Like an oscillating pendulum he was, striking and dancing with his sword.


  [-50 HP]


  [-70 HP]


  [-20 HP]


  [-40 HP]

  Reptilian screeches were the only sound in the forest. Heaving a deep breath, he thrust his spear into one of the basilisk's eyes, blinding it.

  [-500 HP]

  Unable to see, it moved here and there, crashing into the others. Seeing an opportunity, he moved to the side, climbed up a tree and scaled along a branch. Quickly storing the spear in his inventory, he pulled out the broadsword that @doomsday16 had given him. He then jumped onto the blind snake, and stabbed through its head. The basilisk crashed down to the ground.

  HeadStab: Difficult

  Instant Kill

  [+270 XP]

  As it fell, he pulled his sword out and slashed across the necks of two others.

  NeckSlash: Difficult

  Instant Kill

  [+270 XP]

  Skill Unlocked: NeckSlash

  Delivers an Instant Kill when slashing across an opponent's neck in close range. Greater chances for Instant Kill increase with higher levels. Requirements: Level > 14, Agility > 10, Stamina > 14, Intelligence > 12


  +1 Agility

  NeckSlash: Difficult

  Instant Kill

  [+270 XP]

  Four down. Two to go.

  When he looked towards his friend, he saw another fall at @doomsday16's sword.

  As he rushed forward to help, he saw his friend behead the last basilisk with a strong move of his gleaming sword. Doug's eyes opened wide, admiring the brute strength.

  And then as if nothing had happened, without giving him even a cursory glance, he walked away on the path that led eastward. Doug followed close behind.

  Onwards, to the next quest!

  About the Author

  Husband to a gorgeous redhead, father of two little boys, an angel in heaven, and a beautiful baby girl. Currently working on a Bachelor’s Degree at Brigham Young University.

  Most of his friends from High School still don't even know his first name. Known only as either “Mulder” or “Agent”, there was an unforgettable moment when a girl he was dating expressed her confusion when a friend approached him and called him “Richard”. The ongoing joke was “Hey Mulder, where's Scully?” Ironically he later married a redhead...

  R. M. Mulder began querying agents for his novel CONQUEST back in January 2016. He then received some inspirational feedback from one of the editors involved in a query contest that had stated in part, “Honestly? Everything about this screams 'Blockbuster self-pub!!' Writing is sharp and commercial. Author has a plan. Go be Hugh Howey. I don't think querying is gonna go your way, a
nd you've got big vision.” Mulder ran with this inspiration, and has since become an Amazon Bestselling Author.

  Before You Go

  Do you enjoy GameLit or LitRPG stories? Come join the Facebook group LitRPG Books to find many more similarly addictive stories!

  Some of my favorite authors in this genre include the following, who you should also check out:

  Dave Willmarth:

  Angel Ramon:

  Zachariah Dracoulis:

  Paul Bellow:




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