Raggedy Ann Stories

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Raggedy Ann Stories Page 12

by Johnny Gruelle


  Jeanette was a new wax doll, and like Henny, the Dutch doll, she couldsay "Mamma" when anyone tipped her backward or forward. She had lovelygolden brown curls of real hair. It could be combed and braided, orcurled or fluffed without tangling, and Raggedy Ann was very proud whenJeanette came to live with the dolls.

  But now Raggedy Ann was very angry--in fact, Raggedy Ann had just rippedtwo stitches out of the top of her head when she took her rag hands andpulled her rag face down into a frown (but when she let go of the frownher face stretched right back into her usual cheery smile).

  And _you_ would have been angry, too, for something had happened toJeanette.

  Something or someone had stolen into the nursery that night when thedolls were asleep and nibbled all the wax from Jeanette's beautifulface--and now all her beauty was gone!

  "It really is a shame!" said Raggedy Ann as she put her arms aboutJeanette.

  "Something must be done about it!" said the French doll as she stampedher little foot.

  "If I catch the culprit, I will--well, I don't know what I will do withhim!" said the tin soldier, who could be very fierce at times, althoughhe was seldom cross.

  "Here is the hole he came from!" cried Uncle Clem from the other end ofthe nursery. "Come, see!"

  All the dolls ran to where Uncle Clem was, down on his hands and knees.

  "This must be the place!" said Raggedy Ann. "We will plug up the holewith something, so he will not come out again!"

  The dolls hunted around and brought rags and pieces of paper and pushedthem into the mouse's doorway.

  "I thought I heard nibbling last night," one of the penny dolls said."You know I begged for an extra piece of pie last evening, when Mistresshad me at the table and it kept me awake!"

  While the dolls were talking, Marcella ran down-stairs with Jeanette andtold Daddy and Mamma, who came up-stairs with Marcella and hunted arounduntil they discovered the mouse's doorway.

  "Oh, why couldn't it have chewed on me?" Raggedy Ann asked herself whenshe saw Marcella's sorrowful face, for Raggedy Ann was never selfish.

  "Daddy will take Jeanette down-town with him and have her fixed up asgood as new," said Mamma, so Jeanette was wrapped in soft tissue paperand taken away.

  Later in the day Marcella came bouncing into the nursery with a surprisefor the dolls. It was a dear fuzzy little kitten.

  Marcella introduced the kitten to all the dolls.

  "Her name is Boots, because she has four little white feet!" saidMarcella. So Boots, the happy little creature, played with the pennydolls, scraping them over the floor and peeping out from behind chairsand pouncing upon them as if they were mice and the penny dolls enjoyedit hugely.

  When Marcella was not in the nursery, Raggedy Ann wrestled with Bootsand they would roll over and over upon the floor, Boots with her frontfeet around Raggedy Ann's neck and kicking with her hind feet.

  Then Boots would arch her back and pretend she was very angry and walksideways until she was close to Raggedy. Then she would jump at her andover and over they would roll, their heads hitting the floorbumpity-bump.

  Boots slept in the nursery that night and was lonely for her Mamma, forit was the first time she had been away from home.

  Even though her bed was right on top of Raggedy Ann, she could notsleep. But Raggedy Ann was very glad to have Boots sleep with her, evenif she was heavy, and when Boots began crying for her Mamma, Raggedy Anncomforted her and soon Boots went to sleep.

  One day Jeanette came home. She had a new coating of wax on her face andshe was as beautiful as ever.

  Now, by this time Boots was one of the family and did not cry at night.Besides Boots was told of the mouse in the corner and how he had eatenJeanette's wax, so she promised to sleep with one eye open.

  Late that night when Boots was the only one awake, out popped a tinymouse from the hole. Boots jumped after the mouse, and hit against thetoy piano and made the keys tinkle so loudly it awakened the dolls.

  They ran over to where Boots sat growling with the tiny mouse in hermouth.

  My! how the mouse was squeaking!

  Raggedy Ann did not like to hear it squeak, but she did not wishJeanette to have her wax face chewed again, either.

  So, Raggedy Ann said to the tiny little mouse, "You should have knownbetter than to come here when Boots is with us. Why don't you go out inthe barn and live where you will not destroy anything of value?"

  "I did not know!" squeaked the little mouse, "This is the first time Ihave ever been here!"

  "Aren't you the little mouse who nibbled Jeanette's wax face?" RaggedyAnn asked.

  "No!" the little mouse answered. "I was visiting the mice inside thewalls and wandered out here to pick up cake crumbs! I have three littlebaby mice at home down in the barn. I have never nibbled at anyone's waxface!"

  "Are you a Mamma mouse?" Uncle Clem asked.

  "Yes!" the little mouse squeaked, "and if the kitten will let me go Iwill run right home to my children and never return again!"

  "Let her go, Boots!" the dolls all cried, "She has three little babymice at home! Please let her go!"

  "No, sir!" Boots growled, "This is the first mouse I have ever caughtand I will eat her!" At this the little Mamma mouse began squeakinglouder than ever.

  "If you do not let the Mamma mouse go, Boots, I shall not play with youagain!" said Raggedy Ann.

  "Raggedy will not play with Boots again!" said all of the dolls in anawed tone. Not to have Raggedy play with them would have been sad,indeed.

  But Boots only growled.

  The dolls drew to one side, where Raggedy Ann and Uncle Clem whisperedtogether.

  And while they whispered Boots would let the little Mamma mouse run apiece, then she would catch it again and box it about between her paws.

  This she did until the poor little Mamma mouse grew so tired it couldscarcely run away from Boots.

  Boots would let it get almost to the hole in the wall before she wouldcatch it, for she knew it would not escape her.

  As she watched the little mouse crawling towards the hole scarcely ableto move, Raggedy Ann could not keep the tears from her shoe-button eyes.

  Finally as Boots started to spring after the little mouse again, RaggedyAnn threw her rag arms around the kitten's neck. "Run, Mamma mouse!"Raggedy Ann cried, as Boots whirled her over and over.

  Uncle Clem ran and pushed the Mamma mouse into the hole and then she wasgone.

  When Raggedy Ann took her arms from around Boots, the kitten was veryangry. She laid her ears back and scratched Raggedy Ann with her claws.

  But Raggedy Ann only smiled--it did not hurt her a bit for Raggedy wassewed together with a needle and thread and if that did not hurt, howcould the scratch of a kitten? Finally Boots felt ashamed of herself andwent over and lay down by the hole in the wall in hopes the mouse wouldreturn, but the mouse never returned. Even then Mamma mouse was out inthe barn with her children, warning them to beware of kittens and cats.

  Raggedy Ann and all the dolls then went to bed and Raggedy had justdozed off to sleep when she felt something jump upon her bed. It wasBoots. She felt a warm little pink tongue caress her rag cheek. RaggedyAnn smiled happily to herself, for Boots had curled up on top of RaggedyAnn and was purring herself to sleep.

  Then Raggedy Ann knew she had been forgiven for rescuing the Mamma mouseand she smiled herself to sleep and dreamed happily of tomorrow.


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