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Oliver Page 9

by Pepper North

  “Do you drink protein shakes made from a powdered mix?” Dr. Richards asked with a concerned look on his face. When Oliver nodded to confirm, he continued. “We’re going to stop the powered, protein mix. Your intestines are not processing it well. I’ll send you home with several liquid protein supplements. It’s best if you can drink these from a bottle with your Mommy’s supervision.” He continued his exam completing his path across Oliver’s torso.

  “I’ll need to look inside his tummy. Has he had an enema lately?” Dr. Richards asked Mia.

  “Yesterday afternoon. I gave him a cleansing enema followed by a clear rinse. I discovered that his stomach wasn’t in good shape. I hope you can help me establish a schedule that will work for him,” Mia asked squeezing Oliver’s hands when he started to protest.

  “You’re reading my mind. That’s exactly what this active Little boy needs.” Dr. Richards walked from the side of the table to stand in between Oliver’s legs. “Stomach problems are frequent in athletes.” He looked at Oliver and explained. “Oliver, I’m going to look at your penis and testicles before I check your stomach closer. This can be uncomfortable mentally for men. It is very probable that you will become aroused. That’s a good thing. I need to check if your body functions correctly. Before we start, I need to collect a urine specimen. I want you to keep your eyes on your Mommy”

  The Little boy turned his head to the side and felt Mia’s soft hand cupped his cheek. He felt Dr. Richards pick up his penis and hold it comfortably in his hand. A cold mist coated the head of his penis and he instinctively tried to look at the bottom of the table. Mia’s hand held him in place. She shook her head at him. “Mommy?” Oliver asked trying to move his head. He felt a thin tube inserted in his urethra and it began to slide deep into his organ. “Mommy! Make him stop! Please!” Oliver pleaded.

  “Almost there, Oliver. You’re being a good boy and holding still for me. Is the tube hurting your penis?” the doctor asked as he threaded the catheter into the Little boy’s bladder. Draining the urine from his bladder to fill a sample cup, Dr. Richards was already finished and removing the invasive tube before Oliver could admit that he was okay. The doctor pressed a small injector of lubricating fluid into his urethra to soothe the tissues. “All done, Oliver. You were very brave.” He capped the urine specimen and labeled it, watching his patient carefully.

  “I’m okay. But I didn’t like that,” Oliver grumbled unhappily.

  Still holding his penis in his hand. Dr. Richards began to examine the organ checking for abnormalities. “I know Oliver. It’s hard to be the patient,” he consoled him with pat on the thigh. His fingers stroked the length of Oliver’s penis. He began to press on the area around the base of the organ.

  Oliver bit his lip as he tried to control his reactions to the doctor’s exam. When Dr. Richards’ fingers roamed to his testicles, Oliver was fully erect. The doctor gave his penis a firm squeeze. Oliver moaned at the sensations of the doctor’s hand on his penis. When his hand released Oliver’s penis, his hips arched toward him reflexively. He heard a squeak as the doctor sat down on the low stool between his legs. A dab of cold lubricant made Oliver’s eyes close.

  “Take a deep breath, Oliver. Now, let it out slowly,” the deep voice instructed Oliver.

  He felt a large finger press into his rectum. It moved in and out increasing his desire. Suddenly, one finger became two as they scissored in his bottom stretching his tight opening. The doctor’s fingers were replaced by a thick cylinder that began to invade his rectum.

  “This may feel a little cold, Oliver. I’m just taking a look inside your tummy. Let me know if it hurts,” the doctor said kindly. “Mia, I’m going to have you start relaxing Oliver’s tight anus. Do you have a set of anal dilators? Perfect,” he said seeing her nod. “I’d like you to start with the smallest dilator that enters with a little difficulty. That’s probably the second smallest in the pack. Start putting it in for two hours, two or three times a day. When it begins to slide in and out easily, move to the next larger size. I’d like to see Oliver in two weeks to see how the change in protein is helping.”

  The flexible rod kept advancing into Oliver. Finally, it was implanted in Oliver’s bottom as far as possible. Dr. Richards’ lowered his head to look through the viewer. Oliver could feel his warm breath on his thighs. His penis twitched in reaction. The device stretched his anal opening and pressed against his prostate gland. He moaned low in his throat as he felt the rod begin to vibrate slowly. His eyelids squeezed together as he attempted to hold back the orgasm that was shivering through his body.

  Dr. Richards verified his suspicions as he looked at the walls of Oliver’s intestines. He allowed the vibrations to increase as small bits of sediment began to separate from the intestinal walls. Dr. Richards stood and walked to the medicine cabinet withdrawing a small container of blue powder. He mixed this in a large bag of distilled water with a wide hose extension and hung this on a IV stand next to Oliver’s feet. As the mixture thickened automatically, the doctor rolled the bag between his hands for several seconds. He grasped Oliver’s penis and gave it two firm strokes up and down. Almost instantly, a fountain of fluid burst from the overstimulated Little boy. Dr. Richards captured a sample in a cup and labeled it. “Good boy, Oliver. You’re doing a great job. Just relax and allow yourself to enjoy your pleasure.”

  The doctor pressed a couple of places on the inserted viewer jostling the device in Oliver’s bottom. The vibrations began to slow down, and Oliver felt something moving inside him. Dr. Richards removed the scope from the protective tubing leaving the inserted tubing deep in his intestines. He connected the wide hose on the bag of blue medicine and released the clamp. Warm, gel-like fluid began to ooze thickly into his body. It felt silky smooth inside him moving deeper as it flowed into his intestines. Oliver smiled at the pleasant feeling. He felt his body relax completely on the exam table. He heard Mia and the doctor step away from the table to discuss supplements and schedules. The doctor loaded a large bag of supplies for his new patient.

  In several minutes, the mixture had entered Oliver. He felt warm from the inside out. Dr. Richards began to slide the tubing slowly out of his bottom. He rubbed Oliver’s inner thighs once again. As the end of the tube approached his anus, Oliver felt the doctor reach for something on his supply tray. He opened his eyes to see a gray anal plug in the doctor’s hand. As this disappeared between his thighs, Oliver took a deep breath as the plug slid smoothly inward to replace the tubing. He laid there quietly for a few minutes as his legs and hands were released from the restraints. His Mommy wrapped a fresh diaper around his bottom before helping him sit up slowly.

  Oliver met Dr. Richards kind eyes. “I think I feel better,” Oliver said slowly.

  “You’re going to feel a lot better with some additional treatments. The powered protein was building up as a residue in your intestines. This causes a lot of irritation. I inserted a calming mixture in your bottom. After a couple of hours, it should all be absorbed. Your Mommy will take out the plug and any surplus will drain into your diaper. It’s very important that you wear your diaper while your Mommy and I are treating your bottom. You choose which protein drinks you like, and we’ll switch you over to those formulas. I think you’ll see some increased muscle health,” the doctor explained. He put an arm around Oliver’s shoulders. “I’m very glad you came to see me today. Your tummy needed some help. I know you don’t like doctors, but have I relieved some of your anxiety over medical exams?”

  “That medicine you put in . . . inside me really helped,” Oliver stumbled over the words in his embarrassment.

  “I’ve marked it in your chart to give you the medicine each time you come to see me,” Dr. Richards assured him. “So, strong guy. I’ve finished my exam and your Mommy has lots of medicine and supplements for you. If you’re ready to get dressed, I’ll let you choose a treasure from the chest in the lobby.

  Oliver’s Mommy helped him dress. He was eager to look in the treasur
e chest. As they walked back through the exam room door, Oliver saw Zoey doing cartwheels across the floor. He cleared his throat to try to warn her, “Ahem!” Unfortunately, she didn’t hear him fast enough.

  “Zoey Elizabeth Richards! I have told you not to do gymnastics inside. Go to the corner immediately and put your nose on the wall. I will come talk to you in just a few minutes. I want you to think about what happens to a disobedient Little girl that doesn’t follow her Daddy’s rules,” Dr. Richards voice became lower and unyielding.

  Oliver watched Zoey walk across the floor to the corner of the waiting room already rubbing her bottom in anticipation. She pressed her nose to the corner sticking out her bottom. He felt really sorry for her. “I’ll give up my treasure if Zoey can skip her spanking,” he suggested to Dr. Richards. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zoey whirl around in her corner and look at him shocked.

  “That is very nice of you, Oliver. Your Mommy is very lucky to have such a compassionate Little boy. I want you to choose a treasure and I’ll take five spanks off Zoey’s punishment because of your kindness.” The doctor stopped talking as a blond streak darted across the floor to launch herself up into Oliver’s arms. She pressed a kiss on his cheek before dropping to the floor to jump into her Daddy’s arms. She peppered his face with kisses as she thanked him over and over. Dr. Richards laughed and set her on the floor. “Back to your corner, Little one.”

  They watched her walk slowly to the corner and begin to press her nose to the wall. At the last minute, she turned and winked at Oliver, waving briefly before her nose met the wall. Dr. Richards opened the treasure bin with a deep sigh. “Come look inside, Oliver. You’ve earned a bit of treasure today.”

  Oliver peeked into the treasure chest. He smiled at all the amazing toys and games inside. Without hesitating, he reached in and selected his treasure. He held the package of crayons and a coloring book against his chest. “Can I really have this?” he asked looking at Dr. Richards with excitement.

  “The treasure is all yours, Little boy. Be good for your Mommy and I’ll see you in two weeks. I want to hear that your tummy feels a lot better,” the doctor smiled pleased that Oliver was happy at the end of his difficult exam. He’d look forward to getting to know Mia and Oliver more. He handed Mia a flyer with several events that other Mommies and Daddies had planned as social gatherings for their Littles. “Please come join us!” He walked them to the door and waved goodbye as Mia drove back down the drive before turning to deal with his twirling, rule breaker.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  That evening, Oliver’s crib was completed and sitting in the location that Mia had cleared for it. His Mommy had wanted to cuddle him after his first doctor’s appointment, so she’d allowed him to sleep again in the large bed with her. He had fallen asleep quickly after the stress of his first doctor’s appointment wrapped in her arms.

  The sound of his diaper tape being unfastened had woken him to the room lit dimly by the glowing nightlight. Oliver spread his thighs automatically as cool fingers reached inside the padding to check his diaper for wetness. They hesitated before wrapping around the thick erection that filled his diaper.

  “Mmmmmm, Little boy. What is this? Maybe, you would like a treasure from Mommy, too?” Mia’s voice flowed over him seductively. She stroked up and down his thickened flesh as she pulled the diaper from his body dropping it to the trash can near the bed.

  “Please, Mommy. I want to touch you, too.” Oliver began to wake up fully. He rolled over to press urgent kisses down her throat. Reaching her plump breasts, he alternated kissing and sucking at the reddened buds. He loved hearing his Mommy’s husky praise for his caresses.

  Oliver protested as his Mommy pressed her hands firmly against his chest pushing him onto his back. Instantly, his voice changed to encourage her as her body moved to straddle his massive thighs. She grasped his penis and brushed it through the silky moisture gathering between her thighs drawing a moan from them both. Oliver’s hands reached up to cup her breasts as she fit his thick erection to her body. “Aaaaahhhhh!” Oliver moaned feeling her warmth envelop him as she glided downward.

  Nothing had ever felt this good before. Then, Mia moved, and Oliver realized he’d had no idea of the pleasure possible as his past relationships became shabby in his memories. His hips rose to press deep into her tight vagina. He thrust repeatedly inside of her as he lost track of the world around him, focused only on the feel of her body wrapped around his.

  Mia’s soft voice praised and encouraged him as she moved above his body. His eyes didn’t know where to look as he watched her beautiful face and eyes react to the pleasure of their joining and her soft curves tantalized. He cupped her bouncing breasts enjoying the feel of their heaviness in his hands. Looking at the sight of his penis as her body alternatively welcomed his invasion and lifted from his body captivated him. Oliver tried to delay his pleasure for as long as possible.

  He felt her body reach it’s pleasure twice as he held on to his control with rigid force. Her inner muscles clamped on his penis. As her body began to writhe once again on his, Oliver felt her hands grip his muscled chest, “Come with me, Little boy. Come into me, now!” her whispered directions destroyed the last of his willpower and his body arched into hers, erupting with pleasure. He held her tightly against him as they anchored their shuddering bodies together. Oliver drifted into sleep knowing he loved Mia more than he’d ever be able to express.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Their lives began to fall into a comfortable pattern. Mia would wake them early in the morning to help Oliver use his diaper before cleaning his bare skin thoroughly. The thermometer would spend five minutes at least inserted deep in Oliver’s bottom. She would dress him in a new diaper and some comfortable clothes before getting dressed herself. They walked each morning across the garden to prepare breakfast for the Redmonds and themselves. After breakfast and cleaning the kitchen, they’d return to Oliver’s quarters where Mia would cuddle her big boy in her arms and feed him a bottle of his special protein supplement.

  Oliver’s body had thrived on the new protein. He had built muscle and lowered his body fat easily. All the guys at the gym were pestering him for the secret to his success. He’d just look in the mirror and laugh as he ran a hand down his chiseled abs. They’d never believe him if he told them bottle feeding and enemas every other day were the keys to his muscle increase and loss of bloating. There was a competition next week. Oliver actually believed that he might win his weight class for the first time.

  Their apartment was almost finished. They planned to move in after the competition. Oliver loved his nursery. Charlotte and Jake had been so fun to work with during the project. He couldn’t wait to move his crib to its designated spot in the light blue room. The hand-painted decorations of Ringo, his stuffed raccoon, tumbled all over the room, thanks to Charlotte’s talents.

  Madi, Ryan, and Nora loved having Mia join their family. The group of five was extremely close. Everyone enjoyed their delicious meals together. The Redmonds couldn’t believe their luck in finding such a talented chef who had a magic touch with vegetables and their Little girl, Madi. They were also thrilled that Oliver had found his Mommy. There were no doubts in their minds that she was perfect for him.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  One week later, Mia sat in the hard seats arranged in front of the stage and watched the body building competition unfurl in front of her. Nora, Ryan and Madi had come with her. Ryan had given Nora and Madi several sideway glances as they enjoyed the parade of chiseled male flesh that paraded across the stage. He sucked in his stomach self-consciously. When Nora and then, Madi, gave him sizzling kisses at intermission, he decided he liked this competition.

  Mia thought Oliver was in the best shape of everyone. Her heart thrilled to see him in his miniscule bikini briefs. Secretly, she preferred to see him running around his quarters dressed in his diaper when he woke up energized after his nap. His body was beautiful. Hard and strong,
the muscles glistened under the bright lights. She glared hard at floozies calling Oliver’s name and throwing him kisses.

  The judges had narrowed the contest to two bodybuilders. Oliver stood there proudly rotating slowly to show the muscle definition across his entire body. His competition would be hard to beat. He was older and therefore more heavily muscled than Oliver but not as defined. The judges finally reached a decision. The two body builders shook hands and stood at attention in front of the admiring audience. In a vote of three to two, the older body builder was proclaimed the winner. He graciously accepted the award before turning to Oliver to shake his hand again.

  “You’ll have me for sure next time. I thought you would win today. I’d love to learn your training secrets,” He looked to the group waiting to swarm Oliver. He followed the younger man’s eyes to Mia. “I’m sure you won’t share, but happiness looks good on you, Oliver. I’ll see you at the next contest. Just try not to leave me too far behind in the dust.” The older man patted Oliver’s back with a blow that would have dropped a smaller man.

  “Thanks, Joe. Congratulations!” Oliver said graciously before turning to lift Mia into his arms and twirl her around. “We did it, Mia!” he crowed happily.

  “But you didn’t win, Oliver!” she said softly.

  “I did win. Thanks to you and Dr. Richards, I made huge improvements. He’s right. I’ll win next time. But more importantly, I have you and the Redmonds.” At his glance, they swarmed around him with Madi jumping up and down as she swore that Oliver should have won. He wrapped his arms around everyone enjoying their friendship and love.

  Madi was the first to wipe off her cheek. “Oooh, gross. You’re all oily. I’ve been slimed,” she announced loudly drawing laughs from the other members of the audience roaming around.

  Oliver lowered his head to whisper to them conspiratorially, “I have to talk to my fans and then, I’ll be ready to go. I’m starving. Would anyone like pizza? I’ve been eating healthy food for way too long!” Everyone endorsed his idea.


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