Consumed By The Lost Highlander (Steamy Scottish Historical Romance)

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Consumed By The Lost Highlander (Steamy Scottish Historical Romance) Page 14

by Maddie MacKenna

  “You are alive.” She looked around quickly, her voice had been too loud. No light came from the small archway, and she continued in a hushed tone. “I did not think that you were going to make it. You looked so fragile on the horse when we came into town.”

  “They dinnae tell me much in here, but I did hear of the lass that got me tae town safely.” Juliana could not see him well in the darkness, but she could sense the smile on his lips.

  Andrew gazed into Juliana’s eyes, and she could feel that something was different, something had changed. The last time that they had properly talked, she had felt the finality of the exchange. This time, she could feel a renewed hope, a glint of the future in Andrew’s eyes.

  How can I be so torn? I still have a duty to marry the Laird, and he arrives here soon, yet my feelings are being pushed in a different direction once again.

  “I did not do anything,” said Juliana. “I only helped the horses to get to the Castle. There was nothing else that I could do.”

  “If ye hadnae, I’d be dead now.” His somber voice was plain and simple, and it was the truth. Without her, he would be dead.

  Juliana could feel her hand being squeezed. The powerful man, her Highland warrior was not there yet, but he was on his way back. There were fragility and weakness, but the strength was starting to return.

  “I will stay here with you until you are fully recovered,” whispered Juliana.

  “Ye will dae nae such thing.” There was raw fury in his voice. “We both ken that ye cannae be seen with me like this.”

  “I do not think that Lady Drechten likes me.” Juliana hoped that she could change the subject.

  “She’s probably just worried about the situation. She’ll send word out tae Laird Lochenbrew, no doubt. The two of them have always had a tumultuous relationship.”

  “What do you mean?” Juliana was suddenly interested to hear more about her future family.

  “I dinnae ken much. I’ve heard wee bits here and there. The Laird disnae like a lot of people, so it’s no surprise that he disnae like his own sister. Just rumors, though, I cannae claim tae know anythin’ about the two of them. I dinnae like bein’ here, but I cannae leave until me strength returns.”

  “What was that?” A noise startled Juliana, taking her from safety. She let go of Andrew’s hand and looked around the room for the source of the noise. The room was so quiet that any noise would be noticeable.

  Juliana did not stand up; she did not dare move from her crouched position on the floor. She looked around the beds, barely able to see in the darkness. The shadows played across the room, sending long towers of darkness across the beds, sent by the pregnant full moon.

  “Oh, no,” gasped Juliana.

  Andrew sat up in bed a little, wincing a little at the pain that the movement brought. Juliana looked from the archway to Andrew, they both could see it. The light that had vacated was now returning. Juliana wanted to jump up from the side of the bed and run, but there was nowhere to go.

  She looked to the window, and there was perhaps a chance that she could sneak through it, but if she were caught, then she did not know how she would explain it to everyone. The light was approaching so fast that she did not think that she had time to try. Her brain was racing at a lightning-quick pace, but there was no coherent thought. Perhaps, if she crouched down beside the bed, the lady with the light would not see her.

  “Get in,” Andrew urged her.

  Juliana looked at the Highlander in the dim glow of the moonlight. She could see the slight amount of pain showing through his expression as he held the blanket aloft, and shifted to make room. The space in the bed beside him was a thrilling opportunity, so much so that she almost spoke out.

  Can I jump into bed with this man? It is not very ladylike to share this sacred space with someone I am not yet married too. I would protest if only I had more time to do so.

  Of course, in the back of her mind, she knew that they had already shared a bed together, just not like this.

  There was no time to think it through, for the light was getting brighter. Juliana quickly shifted and got into the bed beside Andrew. He pulled the blanket over her.

  The bed was small, and there was no space for them not to be touching. Juliana had to roll and wrap herself around Andrew a little, her head on his chest, for them to fit in the tiny bed together. He placed his arm around her back and held the blanket there.

  What am I doing here? Did I expect to find this when I set out tonight? I do not know, yet I am glad that fate has thrown us together. I cannot be caught like this for Lady Drechten will not be pleased if I am, nor will my future husband.

  She could see a faint light through the thin blanket. As the light grew closer, the thinness of the blanket became more and more apparent, and Juliana did not dare to move for fear that she would be discovered. She let her head rest on Andrew’s chest, and it rose gently in a musical rhythm, almost fooling her that he was deep asleep.

  The light was coming from behind her, so Juliana could not see the source through the blanket, but she could see some of the room lit in a pale yellow glow of an oil lamp. She could see the shapes of the other people in the beds, and a shudder ran through her. With close inspection, there was no way that they could fool whoever was holding the lamp,

  Juliana clung to Andrew with all of her senses. There was a muskiness that came from the blanket, years of being used by patients in the infirmary, and there was stuffiness in the air, especially being trapped under the blanket, but there was his smell too. She could smell his scent, the warm sweetness of earth and thorny thistles, and found security in it.

  She could also feel his hard muscles. They tensed slightly more as the light grew brighter, whoever was brandishing it was coming closer. Instinctively, she gripped onto Andrew tighter, finding warmth and strength in his body. She could hear his gentle breathing as he lay there, presumably with his eyes closed, not daring to look toward the light.

  I wish that this moment could last forever. I have never known a man like this, a man with whom I seem to become wrapped up in unbelievable situations. We have overcome danger and death once, and I feel it close once again. Light is usually a beacon of hope, but I will only feel safe once the darkness thrives once more.

  It did not take long for the light to disappear. The glow weaved its way around the room, coming close but not standing directly over Andrew. It seemed like an eternity, but, in truth, the woman with the lamp did a quick lap around the room and left. When the light had been extinguished from the room, Juliana allowed herself to breathe again. She dared not move.

  The embrace lasted a moment more before the blanket was lifted, and Juliana looked up to see Andrew’s face just above hers, their lips so close to each other’s once more.

  Juliana raised her hand to her mouth and clamped it over to stifle the laughter that was erupting from her chest. Andrew laughed too, without a sound, his chest rising and falling in quick succession.

  “What have we become?” She was asking the question of herself also. The situation was so ridiculous, that she hardly believed it was happening.

  “I dinnae know,” admitted Andrew.

  “We seem to find ourselves sharing a bed in the most awkward circumstances.” The giggling erupted from Juliana, she could not keep it in anymore. Any thoughts about how this had happened again, the shared bed, only brought about more laughter.

  “Yet, it’s the most braw thing,” whispered Andrew.

  The words stopped the laughter. Juliana had found humor in the situation, relief too at not being found, but the mood had shifted.

  “It is,” agreed Juliana. “I must admit that I am glad that the woman came back to the room. I do not know if I would have had the courage to get into the bed.”

  “And, I dinnae know if I’d have had the courage either.” There was a vulnerability in his voice, something that Juliana had not yet heard.

  “Perhaps the fates are drawing us together.” Juliana was not s
ure if that was what she believed, or if it was something to fill the silence.

  “They are,” assured Andrew.

  “The morning will come, and—”

  “Dinnae finish,” pleaded Andrew. “I know that ye cannae be with me. I understand and respect yer choice, but ye are here now. Let me just have this night with ye. That’s all that I ask. A few moments until the sun begins tae rise.”

  “In this room? I do not think—”

  “Not like that,” interrupted Andrew with a little shame. “I dinnae think that I could, anyway, in me condition. I know that ye are tae marry the Laird, and I cannae dae anythin’ tae spoil that when yer family is countin’ on ye. I only want tae lie here with ye. That’s all I need.”

  “That is all that you need?” Juliana was disappointed.

  “Och, ye know what I mean. What more can I say, I want ye tae be happy in life, and I want ye tae be with me too, but ye cannae. That’s all I want. That, and, perhaps…one more kiss.”

  “One more kiss?” Her heart beat frantically in her chest.

  “Aye,” replied Andrew.

  I know that I should not, yet it is all that I want. We are sharing a bed, for the second time, why not share a kiss for the second time?

  “One kiss,” declared Juliana.

  She lay there, looking up into his rich, azure eyes. She lost herself in the moment, waiting for him to kiss her.

  “Aye, I dinnae think that I can be the one. The pain in me side, ye know? Ye’ll have tae come tae me.”

  Juliana looked down at the bandages on Andrew’s torso, admiring his muscular body as she did, before looking back up to his lips.

  “Of course.”

  She shifted in the bed, moving the blanket from her, and looking around the room for any other movement. She was sure that the lady with the lamp was gone, but she could not risk someone else in the room seeing them kiss, no matter how much of a thrill the idea brought her.

  Juliana moved up the bed to bring her face over Andrew’s. He lay on the bed, unmoving. The surrounding area could not be more different to the first kiss, a dark infirmary surrounded by sleeping bodies, instead of a wide-open countryside with lake and mountain, but all that Juliana could see was Andrew and his alluring eyes. All that she could feel was his body as she placed a hand gently on his chest.

  She was so close to his face that she could hear and feel his breathing. She leaned in close and kissed him on the lips. Andrew leaned up as much as he could to press his own lips into hers. Then, there was joy, familiar joy. Juliana was transported back to the lake. It seemed so long ago now, yet it had only been a little more than a day.

  So much has changed.

  Juliana lost herself once again, closing her eyes and feeling him with every fiber in her body. She pushed herself into Andrew, feeling his arms wrap around her back and pull her in close. She could feel him wince as his wound was pressured, but that did not stop him, he wanted this as much as she did.

  A low moan came from Juliana’s lips as the kiss intensified. It felt better than the first, more real, and she had to stop herself from moaning again, and waking everyone. There was more passion in this kiss, but that passion had to be contained.

  She wrapped herself around Andrew, continuing the kiss, doing exactly what she wanted to do, and what she knew he wanted too. The muted passion thrilled her, and, when they were done, she could not leave. She did not want to go anywhere else.

  They talked in hushed whispers, and agreed to spend a little more time together, but for Juliana to leave before anyone could find them there. They both found security, warmth, excitement, and, eventually, they both drifted off into a deep sleep.


  A Daring Escape


  The tone was hushed but urgent.

  Juliana tried to open her eyes, but could not, there was only darkness. She blinked again as her name was whispered to her. “Juliana.”

  It all came back to her in a rush of panic. Sneaking around the Castle to find the infirmary and Andrew. A moment of warmth came back to her as she was reminded of his embrace and the kiss. That tender moment lasted as she felt his embrace still around her.

  Oh, no!

  She knew in an instant what had happened. She was only supposed to rest her eyes for a moment and enjoy a little more time with him before sneaking out again, but the worst thing in the world had happened, she had fallen asleep. He had fallen asleep too. At least, she hoped that he had.

  No, he would never purposely ruin my life. For if we are caught, it will not end well for either of us.

  She realized why there was darkness around her still. She was under the blanket, with Andrew’s arms wrapped around her. She blinked again and could see small glimpses of light as they shone through. She knew that it was morning.

  It was the worst thing that had ever happened to her. She tried to wriggle free of the blanket, but Andrew held her tight.

  “Dinnae move.” There was an urgency in his voice, and his body tensed all over.

  “What do we do?” Juliana had felt comfort in sneaking into the infirmary, but the reality of the situation flooded back into her.

  I should not have been so stupid.

  “I dinnae know. The nun is makin’ her rounds.”

  “What do we do?” Juliana grasped for something. If she continued to ask questions, she was certain that an answer would come.

  “Shh!” Andrew tensed again and that only brought more fear to Juliana.

  Juliana stopped talking. She was worried about what would happen to her, but she knew that there was a risk to Andrew too. She could not believe that she had got herself into this situation.

  “She’s already in the room.” His voice cracked again.

  “I could run.” Juliana knew that she would not, but she was running out of options, and facing Lady Drechten after this was not an option.

  “They would catch ye,” said Andrew.

  Juliana could feel the tension in Andrew’s body. Where she had enjoyed it before, it only worried her now. He was on the edge of sacrifice, and Juliana knew that he was going to burst from the bed to distract everyone while she escaped.

  Do not do this for me. Please, let me be the one to act, for I was the one who got us into this mess. Oh, if only I had his bravery.

  “She’s gettin’ closer,” whispered Andrew.

  She could feel him tense even more and knew that he was going to go through with it. Juliana tried to get a glimpse of something through the blanket, but all that she could see was the stone ceiling above her, and she dared not move in case she was seen. If the nun was in the room, there was no means of escape for her.

  “Do not sacrifice yourself,” pleaded Juliana.

  “Everythin’ is goin' tae be fine.”

  “No, no.” She searched under the covers for Andrew’s hand and tried to take it. He quickly moved his hand away before she could grab it and tether him to the bed, to her. He did not want to be bound to Juliana, he did not want to drag her into whatever he was planning.

  Juliana knew that she would be harshly punished if she was found. She had sacrificed everything for her family, and this would ruin all of that.

  Would I be cast out? Would they imprison me? Either way, my family would suffer, and this would all be for nothing.

  She knew that Andrew would face a more unpleasant fate. She could not help but picture his lifeless body. Nothing was yet decided, but the thought of him deceased brought tears to her eyes. She blinked as her vision blurred, her heart beat quicker as she tried to wipe the thought from her mind.

  Juliana found a moment of bravery and wanted to burst from the blanket, but that would condemn them both. She clung tighter to Andrew, hoping to keep him in the bed, keep him with her a moment longer.

  “I love ye,” whispered Andrew.

  He tensed one more time, and an almighty scream rang out.

  “Aargh! Me Bleedin’ leg! Aargh! I cannae see, I’ve gone blind!”

/>   The tension in Andrew’s body subsided. The scream had come from the other side of the room. Juliana could hear footsteps as someone frantically backtracked across the room. She shifted a little to try and see what was going on but could see nothing. The screaming and moaning continued.

  “Well dinnae just stand there! I cannae breathe! Go get the physician!”

  There was an animal-like whimpering from the man across the room. Juliana could not help but feel sorry for him. He had obviously come in here to be treated but had only gotten worse. From the tone of his screams, she did not think that he was long for this world. But, his shortened life may just have lengthened Andrew’s.


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