Chapter 63
Months passed while Riley trained the tribe. The tribe didn’t stay in one location. As leader it was her job to choose where they would go and how fast they would travel. Mostly, she asked Gakra and the other tribe members for their advice. She knew nothing about this after all. Gakra was pleasantly surprised to find she would listen and even follow his advice.
Considering what happened to most lords who were ousted, he was doing pretty well for himself.
Riley enjoyed moving around the plains. She missed her trees. And the giant cats (at least the plains had medium-sized giant cats). Other than that she found great pleasure in her new home. There was no concrete around her anymore, no walls. She didn’t have to hide her strength- in fact she could flaunt it. She could race the other gemengs and leave them in the dust and that was a good thing! She could run all night if she wanted, moving silently through the tall grass, the world lit only by the moon, her only company a sense of the aliveness of the world around her. There was a curious sense of being alone in the world here, a sense of timelessness. The tribes didn’t talk to each other, so there was no news of the outside world. Of any world other than that of the tribe.
There was a freedom here she had missed.
It was not something she ever intended to lose.
And finally the day came when they were ready.
Her tribe’s response the next time they were invaded left her with a glow inside. Pride, satisfaction.
It wasn’t her plan, not really. She had merely given them the tools and the instruction- don’t kill them, and make sure they don’t come back. The details were left up to them.
Riley watched, hidden so well her tribe couldn’t spot her. The attackers were stripped, their trophies stolen and distributed among the thieves. Then they were tied up and sent running back to their own tribe with laughter following in their footsteps.
It took a few more attacks and humiliations, but eventually the attacks stopped.
And they were alone.
The Lord of the Plains Page 65