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Absolution Page 20

by Peter Smith

  “And you want to make sure we’re on the winning side. That way Kellen will be focused on holding accountable those Spire families that resisted and hopefully he’ll let us slip away with minimal consequences.”

  She nodded, “Kellen can’t lose. He’s established himself enough with Maria that she’ll protect him from annihilation at Trotsky’s hands. He even set up the situation that led to her marrying one of his soldiers instead of you.”

  Fitz blinked, he had never once considered that the reason Maria and he had ended, might have been because of the political manipulations of a global power player, but it made sense. He had hoped after her brief affair with Chen, that she would return to him. But then she grew closer to Sean after he had been named a military attache to her. Fitz’s heart ached again, and he suffocated the feeling, it wasn’t one that he could allow to grow, “So Sean doesn’t love her, he’s just under orders?”

  His mother shook her head, “No, the mark of a great strategist is that they can guide their assets and enemies in such a way as to make them think their decisions are their own. Kellen gambled that she was emotionally damaged from the revelations with her father and what she did to end his reign. Emotionally damaged people seek one another out.” Her voice trailed off as her eyes lost focus for a moment.

  He knew she was thinking about the affair she had with Jeffery Chen, Nathaniel’s father. He brought her back to the present, “How does that protect his people though, she’s made it clear she won’t go to war for them.”

  “She’s also been clear that she won’t allow for harm to come to them. And her husband, while absolutely loyal to her, is also loyal to Kellen. She won’t let his forces die, because to do so would be to allow her husband to hate her. Trotsky has no such control over her and her army.”

  Fitz slowly nodded his head, “So no matter what, Trotsky can’t destroy the remnants of the old world, but they can destroy him.”

  She took his hand, “And that’s why I made this alliance Fitzy. To make sure we were on the winning side and when the trials start and the executions follow I want to have earned enough credit with General Kellen and his people to save all of us, or at least you and Erwin.”

  He smirked, “What about Cassy?”

  His mother shrugged letting go of his hand, “If it wasn’t for my grand baby I’d still be rooting for you to win back Maria.”

  He stood there, not sure how to respond to what his mother had just stated. Normally his response to such an insult against his wife would have required a sharp retort. Maybe it was the months of fighting with his spouse or the recent threat of taking their son, but his instinct to protect her had dulled. For the briefest of moments he remembered Maria’s bare flesh against his. Guilt flooded over him, and he quickly looked away. He managed to ask a simple question as he did, hoping to distract from the obvious discomfort he was displaying, “Thought you didn’t like her?”

  His mom smiled slightly, “I don’t think she’s making the best decisions right now, though I never said that I didn’t like her. You chose well, my boy.”

  He looked back at her, “Is that true, or were you just hoping that I would marry her and give us protection from Patterson’s wrath?”

  She stepped up to him again, cupping his face, “Nothing would protect us from that man. In fact, you two being together would have sped up his plans for us. But if anything would save us, it would have been her humanity and ironically, the lessons in ethics he instilled in her. Plus, you were good for each other, you complimented each other’s strengths and weaknesses.”

  His head dipped and his face pressed into his mother’s hands. The softness of them provided him with comfort that he hadn’t realized he needed. Tears flowed from his eyes as sobs gripped at his chest, “She threatened to take Erwin from me.”

  “Cassandra?” Her mother asked, surprised.

  Tears flowed as he fought against the urge to draw in ragged breaths. He stood upright, his mother’s hands slipping from his face as he wiped at the moisture, “She thinks you’re putting us in danger and she’s going to move them both to Versailles, I got the impression I wasn’t invited.”

  “I never liked that French whore” she spat, her face flushing red with anger. Fitz wasn’t sure what bothered her more, the idea that she was being questioned; her son was hurt or that she might lose her grandson.

  “If it weren’t for their deepwater ports on the Mediterranean, I never would have approved of their suggestion for you two to wed.” She looked at him, “I’ll speak to her parents and snap them in line. She’ll find that she won’t be heading home soon.”

  He nodded, gratitude filling him. He knew he’d have to address the fact that Cassy was willing to break up their family, to take his son, but for right now he wanted to focus on wrapping up this war and bringing peace swiftly back to the globe. After that he could reevaluate their marital status, preferably before she did. His studies had also taught him that being the first to strike was often the best position to be in.

  “She’s not entirely wrong though, Berlin is no longer safe.”

  His mother sighed, nodding her head, “I know.”

  He stepped toward her, taking her hand, “I’d like to send them to The Hague.”

  She frowned slightly, “That would put you on the coast, Trotsky has been adept at using his submarine forces to slip in his commandos.”

  He smiled, noting that she hadn’t denied the idea outright, but was instead looking at a potential threat, “True, but ours and the London naval drones are patrolling the waters between our lands heavily now.”

  “Still,” She said sending his stress level upward, he wondered if he had misjudged her earlier acquiescence. She squeezed his hand, “I’d prefer if you relocated to Brussels instead. It’s well inland, we have a sizable garrison there and Brunssum is less than ten minutes away by aircraft. It’s far enough away from the border with Trotsky’s alliance and if need be even those cheese eating surrender monkeys in Versailles can respond to protect their brat. I’m sure that they wouldn’t stay out of the fight if she were in danger.”

  He exhaled, relieved at the fact that she was agreeing and then he smirked, “Have you ever thought the reason they didn’t join our side is because you say things like that?” He laughed, “They may not have many soldiers but they fight like hell when needed to.”

  She waved a dismissive hand, “I wasn’t referring to their men and women in uniform, but I promise you her parents have said far worst about me and to me.”

  “I’ll plan for the move then.” He said getting ready to access his virtual interface. His mother looked away, and he knew what she was thinking.

  “After we get settled, I’ll come back and assist with the war effort.”

  She looked back at him, slightly shocked, “I thought you didn’t want to be a part of this anymore.”

  “I’ve never wanted to be a part of this, but I won’t let you fight it by yourself and if I want my son to come back home, this war needs to be over sooner.”

  She smiled, “Thank you Fitzy.”

  He smiled and kissed her gently on the top of her head and started toward the door, he stopped when she started talking again, “I’m sorry about your father.”

  His heart skipped and his mouth went dry. He turned and looked at her as she continued, “I know you were closer to him than me, I know I’ve been harsh to you sometimes” She paused, looking for the words, “I know that I hurt you both.”

  He stared at her, lost for words. She appeared as if she wanted to step closer to him, her muscles shifted but she held her place, “Please tell me you don’t think I’m why he did it.”

  The sting he experienced from her words made him wince, but the usual frustration and anguish he felt wasn’t there at the moment, “I don’t hate you mom.” Were the only words he could muster.

  “But do you blame me?”

  He took a deep breath, processing what she was asking and his own emotions, he looked out the window a
gain, into the night, “What you did was wrong.”

  Her expression tightened, and he continued, “But no one is perfect and I know that your relationship with each other had grown complicated. In the end, Dad made his choice, and it was his decision alone. I don’t think you tried to push him onto that path.”

  She stepped up to him, wrapping her arms around him, “Thank you” she said into his chest.

  He closed his eyes and rested his cheek on the top of her head, “I love dad, but he decided to leave me, you decided to stay.”

  They stood there, mother and son, for just a moment longer. Then he pulled away, “I have to go mom.”

  She nodded her understanding, wiping at the tears on her cheeks, “General Kellen and Dawson are arriving shortly, I have to prepare to meet them,” She smiled at him, “I love you.”

  “I love you too, mom.”

  He stepped out of the office, heading toward the elevator that would take him to his suite. He began to work himself up for the next fight he was about to have. An argument he knew could cause his family being broken up, but he would not lose his son no matter what happened. If Cassandra couldn’t compromise, then he’d let his mother pressure her parents and if that wasn’t enough, he’d end the marriage himself.

  Not for the first time he wished for things to have been different between him and Maria. Frustration also filled him. She had the power to stop all of this, yet she was holding her hand. His mom was right, you didn’t always get to do what you wanted to once you reached a certain level of responsibility.

  Maria wasn’t directly accountable for this. They had all made their choices, but many innocents would be hurt if something didn’t happen soon to end the conflict. He respected her decision to give peace a chance, to encourage the two sides to negotiate a compromise at the Kauai Summit, but he was at the point now where he didn’t think it would work. Something dramatic would need to happen, and soon. He stepped into the elevator, looking out over the darkened city.

  He wondered if she were aware of what was happening in this part of the world. As far as he knew she was still working to get the summit back on track. Her husband should have let her know. He was, after all, a member of the forces rolling down the darkened streets below. But if he hadn’t told her, then she would need this information. If, Sean hadn’t told her, what might that mean for their relationship? He pushed that thought from his mind, but the possibilities it presented threaded themselves deep.

  He’d have to send her a message, to make sure she was fully aware of what was going on.


  Maria Patterson

  New York Spire

  She ended the connection with Fitz. What had been a pleasant surprise at seeing her old flame had quickly shifted into a rock hard feeling in her stomach. Fitz hadn’t been contacting her to talk about old times, he had dropped a bombshell in her lap.

  She connected to her robotic protector, “Toby, confirm General Kellen’s location.”

  “The Satellite tasked with his surveillance has not noted his departure from the London Spire.”

  She closed her eyes, took a breath and cursed the man’s capacity for pigheadedness and subterfuge, “Have we had any luck on breaking their encryption protocols yet?”


  She sighed, it made sense given the Director’s past employment that he could keep Marine communications secure and critical personnel from her view. After all, both men had hidden several thousand Marine warriors for over a decade. She now had to contend with the reality that General Kellen had slipped her surveillance. Meaning several things. That first, he was aware or suspected that she was having him tracked. Second, that if he was in Berlin, the build up she was monitoring between both sides in this conflict was the prelude to largest land engagement since her father’s last attempt to conquer the world.

  “Toby, increase surveillance over Eastern Germany. Look for Kellen’s security entourage or even Dawsons. We might not find them, but they travel with a lot of gear and personnel. Before I crawl up either of their asses, I want proof they are in the region.”

  “Such an activity would be detrimental to the health of both men.”

  She smirked, wondering if Toby was developing a dry sense of humor, “That’s their problem. Find them, Toby.”

  She closed out the communication line and then looked up the location for her father-in-law. He was in the gym and she mused that she probably didn’t need the Spire’s computer to know that.

  She moved from her office and to the gym with purpose, traversing the several floors in the elevator without even realizing it as her mind reeled through the variety of possibilities and options she was now faced with. War was coming, and in one of Earth’s last heavily inhabited areas. Eastern Europe wasn’t as densely populated as Hong Kong had been, but there were still free and enslaved peoples that lived within the lands of the German Spire and the Trotsky Alliance. If she didn’t act, and quickly, many of them would die. She couldn’t let more death hang upon her soul or that of her family name.

  The doors to the gym parted and she could hear the sounds of her father-in-law’s feet pounding against the treadmill. She watched as the muscles under his olive green t-shirt shifted, his fists punching into the air before him. They shifted quickly, from strikes to blocks, and never once did his stride fail. She came around in front of him and she could see his eyes tracking her as she entered his peripheral vision.

  He raised his chin questioningly as she stood between the machine and the windows. She motioned for him to remove his ear buds and he did so, only slightly annoyed at the interruption to his workout, “What’s up?” He asked in between deep breaths.

  “Did you know that your boss is in Berlin?” She asked, not trying to be subtle about her irritation.

  He swiped through the air and the treadmill slowed, “Should be in London, meeting with Dawson.”

  “He’s in Berlin, where a whole hell of a lot of yours and your allied Spire hardware and personnel are gathering.” She stated.

  His hand seemed to slap the air, and the treadmill came to a stop, “Are you tracking James?” He said, using his CO’s first name.

  “Of course I am, he’s a major political player. But I got this bit of information from a different asset.”

  He stared at her for a second and then nodded, appearing to accept the logic, “So he’s in Berlin,” He said matter-of-factly, as if it wasn’t a huge deal. “The extra hardware is probably just his security element. Since London we’ve increased its size.”

  She had to fight from rolling her eyes at how her father-in-law was refusing to accept what she was sharing with him. She realized that he had been cut from the loop, now he seemed to fail to accept it. She accessed her intelligence files on the troop movements from both sides and motioned her hand toward him.

  The files transferred to his virtual vision and his eyes opened a fraction larger, but just for a moment. Then his expression clamped down and she could see the look in his eyes he had when preparing for a fight, “Well that’s disconcerting,” he grumbled.

  “All hands on deck soldier man, I need you to contact your BFF and get him to have a meeting with me before this shit in Germany turns real.” She said, heading back toward the door.

  “What are you going to be doing in the meantime?”

  “Finding a replacement shoe, I’m about to lose this one in Trotsky’s ass.”

  Maria was past being able to quantify the amount of frustration she was experiencing as Trotsky’s assistant, Valentina, provided her with the usual dismissive formality, “Unfortunately the President is not available, shall I inform him you called?”

  “No, you can turn the damn camera!” Maria shouted, her index finger rising into the air just as her mother did when she was really upset, “Then tell him to man the fuck up and talk to me rather than hiding behind his side piece.”

  Valentina’s face went deep red, “Excuse me little girl but”

  Maria inter
rupted, “Little girl, do you have any idea who the hell you’re talking to, I’m the most powerful person on the surface of this planet and if your boss doesn’t want to experience even a fraction of what I can bring to bear he better”

  The screen disappeared, and Maria was staring at the other side of her office. She blinked, “She hung up on me.”

  The doors opened and both Sean and David came through in full combat armor. Maria looked at them both as they stepped up to her desk, “That bitch hung up on me.”

  Sean looked at her quizzically, “Who?”

  She motioned to the space where the image had seemed to hang in her field of vision, “Trotsky’s assistant, she hung up on me.”

  She paused, finally processing what they were wearing, “Uh, what the hell are you two planning to do?”

  David barked out a laugh, “If you think we’re going to standby while our brothers and sisters get into a fight, you’re wrong.”

  She turned to Sean and could see the determination in his eyes. She knew she could get him to abandon this ridiculous idea if she brought up his obligation to Alex, but his father didn’t have the same consideration. If David were to go off to war and get hurt or worst, Sean would never forgive her and that would be the beginning of the end for their family. She thought she had made her peace with this possibility when they had gotten married. It turns out her feelings on the topic were far more complex that she had been willing to acknowledge at that time.

  A message appeared in her vision from Tobor. The world would not pause for her to have a personal crisis right now. She nodded her head as she closed her eyes and contemplated if it would be hypocritical for her to pray to a god that she didn’t believe in, “You two head out.”

  She looked at her father-in-law, “And bring my husband back in one piece.”


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