Wicked Fireman

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Wicked Fireman Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “He’s really nice.”

  “You’ve been spotted out with him a few times now.”

  “The entire town is talking about it,” her brother, Erik, said, coming in. He took a bite out of an apple and smirked at her. “Everyone wants to know what our girl has got that no other woman has.”

  “She’s beautiful, thoughtful—”

  “I heard she made him work for it, unlike all the other single girls that were just throwing themselves at him. Good for you, Blair.”

  “It wasn’t like that. Dwayne’s really nice. I … was in a bad place, and I wasn’t ready to be with him. I did like him, but it just didn’t seem like the right time.”

  “Yeah, well, so was your banker guy, and look what happened to him. It was good that you took your time with this one,” Erik said.

  None of her family had liked her ex. She hadn’t realized it while she’d been with him, but he always looked down on them as if they were less than he was.

  Money wasn’t everything, but the number of dates she’d zoned out of she’d lost count. He’d talk about financial rates, borrowing, mortgages, and it was all just really crazy.

  “Let’s not talk about him. He’s already had way too much air space as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Yeah, and if he ever decides to come back to town, I’ll kick him right on out of it.” Erik wrapped his arm across her shoulders, giving her a squeeze. “No one hurts my sis.”

  She chuckled. “All this squeezing I’m going to go and get some air.”

  Making her way outside, she took a seat at the small table and chairs that were on the patio. Her parents were known for having dinners and throwing parties. They were always the kind of people that loved having people over.

  Since she got her own place she’d enjoyed the peace and quiet, but she did also like spending time with her parents.

  “You okay?” Erik asked, following her out.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Do you like this guy Dwayne?”

  “Yes, I do. You don’t have to worry about kicking his ass or whatever it was you had in mind. We’re good. We’re not dating.”

  Erik took the seat opposite her. “Doesn’t look or sound like you’re not dating.”

  “You know how you’re casual with a lot of women. Emphasis there on the ‘lot.’”

  “I get it. Yes. There’s too much goodness from this Curtis to settle down with one woman. Besides, I don’t break hearts. I help bring other people together.”

  She rolled her eyes. She didn’t know how women put up with him. They willingly threw themselves at him, and then allowed for him to sleep with other women. It was a thing or something.


  She didn’t want to think of her brother bedding women; totally gross.

  “I’ve heard several women have asked him out,” Erik said.

  “I know. He’s even showed me the numbers on napkins and stuff. It’s crazy.”

  “You never slipped your number to a guy?”

  “Nope. I don’t plan on it either.”

  They sat in silence for several minutes.

  “Is it wrong of me to just want some fun?” Blair asked. “To not put a label like dating onto it.”

  “I don’t mind at all. It shouldn’t be a problem, Blair. People will talk. It’s what people do. What you’ve got to try and do is to think about what makes you happy, and if that’s having something casual with this guy with no chance of marriage and babies, then do it. It’s your life.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  “See, that’s why you keep me around. I talk a whole lot of sense.”

  “Actually, I keep you around because you just won’t leave.”

  “That’s cold, sis, really cold.”

  She giggled. “Thank you.”

  “Anytime.” He slapped the table. “I’m starving. I’m going to see how long dinner is.”

  Five minutes after Erik left her, she got called in for dinner. As she sat around the table, she enjoyed being with her family.

  She watched her mother and father talk about everything and nothing from work, to funding, to charity work. They’d always been able to keep a conversation going, but then they were both so close. She loved being with her parents.

  There was a time she had hoped to find a man who’d … get her. Her father got her mother, and there were so many happy memories from her childhood.

  After dinner, she helped her mother do the dishes, and seeing as it was really warm outside, they took some coffee in the garden. She sat next to her brother, who only stayed for an extra thirty minutes before he had to leave. Leaning back, she couldn’t help but glance at her mother and father.

  They were snuggled together, watching the sun go down.

  “I’m getting hungry,” her mother said. “I’ve got some spare pie. You want some?”

  “Yeah, honey, I’d love some.”

  Her father kissed her mother’s head and helped her up from the table before taking a seat.

  “How are you, Blair?” he asked.

  “I’m good. You?”

  “Better than anything.”

  “Good, good.”

  “I heard about you dating Dwayne.”

  She chuckled. “We’re not really dating. We’re friends, Dad.”

  “He seems like a nice enough boy.”

  “He’s not a boy. He’s in his thirties.”

  “Yeah, well, he’s a boy to me. Your brother is thirty years old and you don’t see me thinking of him as a man yet, do you?”

  She joined him in laughing. “No, you’re right. Erik is a little boy. Seriously, Dad, don’t think that something is going to happen. There’s no permanent thing on the cards. I have no intention of moving in with him or offering to marry him, or something crazy like that. We’re just having some fun. Honestly.”

  “And you’re happy with that?”

  “It was my idea for it to just be that.”

  “If you’re happy, I am. I’m not having anyone else hurt my girl.”

  “No one else will, I promise.”

  Chapter Six

  “Did you always want to be a fireman?” Blair asked.

  Dwayne ran his nose across her hair, enjoying the scent coming from her. He loved the way she smelled and the feel of her against him. They were down by the lake, and it was nice, peaceful, and he just wanted to spend a few hours away from everyone asking them questions. He didn’t want to talk about his relationship with Blair, or to have people whispering behind their hands.

  He could only ignore their rudeness for so long before he’d be forced to do something about it.

  “Yeah, I did. I was a kid, and the apartment building where we were living caught on fire. I remember everyone being so scared. I must have been six years old at the time. The moment the firemen came panic seemed to disappear. I knew that I wanted to be like that. I wanted to stop people from panicking when I turn up.”

  “You don’t talk about your parents a lot,” she said.

  He loved how she jumped from one question to another. Her conversation never stayed on one pattern.

  “They died a few years ago. Dad from cancer, my mom in a car accident a few years before that. It was a tough time.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m good. I was ready for one of them. My dad was so torn up for years after. He was miserable without my mom.”

  “Wow, Blair, know how to make something really sad.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You’d have to find out sooner or later. It’s one of the reasons I made the decision to come to a small town. I grew up in the city. Both of my parents were from small towns, and they went to the city with big dreams. Of course, those big dreams never came about, but they couldn’t make enough to go back to their towns, and then of course they were in love, and made the most of it with me. I figured I’d do what they couldn’t. They always talked about a small-town life as some kind of paradise. A dream in contrast to the awful
city life.”

  “And now?” she asked. “You’ve had a few months to become acquainted with it. What do you think?”

  “Besides the fact that everyone wants to know your business, and that you can’t really walk anywhere without someone saying hello, I actually rather like it.”

  This made her chuckle. “It’s home. I feel safe here. I grew up here. I love it here.”

  He held her a little tighter. “Did your ex ever ask you to leave to go with him?”

  “No. I wouldn’t have done it either. I know I wouldn’t have been happy, and besides, we both wanted different things. As we all know, that’s never good for a relationship.”

  He agreed.

  It was getting hotter than hell. They’d already finished their lunch, but he couldn’t resist. “How about we do a little skinny dipping?”


  “You know, get naked in the lake. I know I’m an old man now, but we can have some fun. Pretend we’re teenagers again. That water looks so inviting.” He stood up and made his way toward the edge of the lake. Pulling his shirt over his head, he began to kick off his shoes and jeans.

  “You can’t do that. What if someone comes?”

  “No one is going to come. We’ve been sitting here all alone. No one will ever know.” He gripped the waistband of his boxer briefs and removed them.

  She covered her face, but he heard and saw her laughter. “This is crazy.”

  “No. Crazy is having the chance to do something fun and not taking that opportunity. Are you not going to join me in this, babe?” He raised a brow as he stepped back. Finally showing off his ass, he swam out into the middle of the lake.

  “This is just … I can’t believe I’m even considering it,” she said, standing up.

  “The water is great. It’s so cool and amazing.” He stretched out on his back, not caring that he was completely naked.

  Out of the corner of his eye he watched as Blair took a deep breath and then began to remove her clothes. When she was stripped bare, she was a beautiful sight, all curves and soft flesh. His cock responded to the sight, and he wanted her. It didn’t matter how many times a night he fucked her or found an excuse to visit her during the day, his need for her only kept on growing.

  When she started to move into the water, he swam toward her and smiled. “It feels good, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes. I didn’t realize how hot it was.” She ducked under the water, wetting her blonde hair, coming up with a smile on her face. “I’ve never done this before.”

  “Never ever?”

  “Never ever.” She chuckled. “Have you?”

  “I’ve gotten naked into a lake a few times. Admittedly not with a girl.”

  “You lie.”

  “Nope. I like to swim alone most of the time.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her closer to him. His cock pressed against the round softness of her stomach. “I like being with you though. You’re pretty good company.”

  “I live to serve.” She tilted her head back, and he couldn’t resist a kiss. Pressing his lips against hers, he felt her moan. Her hands traveled up his chest, circling his neck as he deepened the kiss. It only took a glide of his tongue across hers for her to give him exactly what he wanted.

  She met him halfway, stroking his tongue with hers. Running his hands down her body, he gripped her ass, groaning at the feel of her soft flesh. He didn’t know what it was about Blair, but only she could drive him crazy with need and longing.


  “We’re so not having sex in a lake, Dwayne.” Blair pulled away from him even as her body craved more of his touch. She didn’t want him to stop, and now she felt lost without it. They were supposed to be having fun.

  “Come on, baby, live a little. You don’t know what you’re missing out on,” he said. “There’s something to be said about feeling the water around you as I fuck you.”

  She watched as he leaned back in the water. The hard length of his cock stuck right up in the air, and she ached to feel him inside her once again.

  Swimming away from him, she moved to an area that was secluded by some large boulders. This wasn’t the first time she’d come to the lake. When she was younger, her brother and a few friends would always come here as kids, and hang out in the heat of the summer. Of course, in recent years other spots became way more popular to a lot of kids, so this was mostly private.

  “Dwayne,” she said. “Come here.”

  Her heart pounded, and as he came toward her, she smiled at him.

  “Now that smile is full of the kind of promises I like.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and spun him around until his back was pressed against the boulder. “Now I’m more than happy to make out.”

  “What was wrong with my spot?”

  “It was way too open, and don’t you like privacy?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with being watched. I don’t care.”

  “I do.”

  He lifted her up in the water, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Holding his face, she took possession of his mouth, and whimpered as the hands on her ass squeezed just a little tighter. She wanted him so badly.

  “Are you wet for me?” he asked.


  “Then grab my cock and put me inside you. Show me how wet you really are.”

  They’d already done the necessary checks and they were both clean, not that she expected anything different. Dwayne would be the first man she’d been with without a condom, and it felt rather intimate. He was turning into more than fun, but she didn’t mind that, nor was she scared about it.

  Wrapping her fingers around his length, she worked him, sliding up and down his erect flesh. He was already so hard that it shocked her. Whenever they were together, he was rarely flaccid, and it made her feel so damn good.

  When she placed the tip of his cock against her pussy, slowly he began to thrust inside her. Once a couple of inches were in, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him as he filled her, driving the entire length of his dick within her.

  “Damn, I can’t get over how fucking tight you are. I’m going to have to keep on taking you until you’re used to the size of my cock.”

  She took his lips in a kiss to try to stop him from talking. Whenever he spoke dirty it always drove her arousal for him higher than ever before. Each word just seemed to drive her crazy, wanting all the dirty things that he said, and then he’d start a fire that made her want more. She wasn’t used to it.

  Dwayne spun her around, and this time she was pinned against the boulders.

  “Your pussy feels so good,” he said, breaking from the kiss and trailing his lips down her neck. “You were made for me, for taking my dick.”

  Over and over, he thrust inside her, and she cried out as he seemed to hit the right nerves within her.

  “You feel that? Your pussy wants me there, baby. Your body knows what it wants, and you should listen to it.”

  “I will.”

  Reaching between them, she began to touch her clit, stroking herself, bringing herself to orgasm as he fucked her hard. His hand on her hip went tighter as he filled her over and over. She didn’t want it to end, but she felt the peak near and before she could stop herself, she came, crying out his name.

  Seconds later Dwayne followed her, and the growl of her name on his lips filled her with so much joy. His cock pulsed deep within her, and she felt each thrust of his cum spilling into her pussy, which only made her come even harder.

  They were both panting by the time he stopped.

  “Well, I have to say you totally blew me away,” Dwayne said.

  “I’ve never skinny dipped before, and I think you’ve just made it one of my favorite experiences.” She stared into his dark eyes, and was completely swept away by him.

  Sinking her fingers into his hair, she wasn’t in a rush to leave or to move.

  They both froze when they heard splashes from the other side
of the boulder.

  “What is that?” Dwayne asked.

  “Someone’s here.”

  The new arrivals hadn’t come in the direction of Dwayne’s and Blair’s clothes.

  He pulled out of her, and they both moved toward the boulders and looked past them. There was Ben, one of the guys from his work, and a woman that she didn’t recognize. They were both naked, and Blair gasped.

  “We can’t watch them.”

  Dwayne took her hand. “Why not? They could have watched us.”

  Her curiosity got the better of her, and she watched as Ben lifted the woman up in his arms, sucking on her nipples.

  Fire bloomed within Blair.

  She’d never watched another couple have sex like this in front of her. This was real. Porn didn’t have this. The passion in the two people was real, and she felt an answering heat fill her. Even though she’d already come, she wanted to do so again.

  As she stood in front of Dwayne, his hand moved down her body, stroking her pussy once again, and she reached behind her, stroking his cock. He was flaccid this time, and as they watched the two people in front of them, she got him ready again.

  It wasn’t long before they came, watching the scene in front of them.

  Blair didn’t feel shame though. She felt a connection with Dwayne that she’d never had with anyone else.

  Chapter Seven

  “What does Blair like?” Dwayne asked.

  Ben looked at him with a frown. “Why are you asking me?”

  “Because you know her.”

  “No, no, I said we went to school together, but that didn’t mean I know her or what she likes. You know her better than I do.”

  They were playing cards, waiting for any emergency calls that would require their attention. They were on a late shift as these were shared among the men. Two weeks he had a morning shift, then two weeks, he did a night shift. This meant that no one had an issue in their lives, and it was what the Chief organized and it suited everyone. Of course, that meant he didn’t get to see Blair until the morning so they didn’t get to sleep together. He missed having her in his arms though.


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