More Trouble!

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More Trouble! Page 8

by Katrina Kahler

  “I’m still with you, Paula girl!” Large Marge shouted. “I’ve never liked dogs and cats.”

  Jason flew up above me. “I’ve got Paula! You take out Large Marge!”

  Large Marge bent over and stuck a finger that was much bigger than my face into my face. “Ha! Puny girl! You don’t have a chance against me now. The bigger I get, the stronger I get.”

  I grabbed the super large finger and pulled Marge up into the air. Zooming up to the sky. I flew higher and higher.

  “If you drop me, you’ll squish so many people below!” Large Marge taunted.

  “Exactly!” I told her without looking at her. “So I’m not going to drop you!”

  I kept going higher and higher.

  Marge’s eyes opened wide. “Ah, I see what you’re going to try to do. You are going to knock me out by depriving me of oxygen to my brain.”

  “Smart lady!” I said.

  “But here’s the thing, you have to breathe too!” Marge taunted.

  “True, but I have super strong lungs!” I said. “I can hold my breath for a LONG time!”

  “True, but I have huge lungs now. I bet I can hold my breath even longer.” She inhaled deeply. She closed her mouth tight.

  Flying upwards, I realized that Large Marge may have had a really good point. She quite possibly could hold her breath longer than I could. I doubted it. But I couldn’t take that chance. After all, if I passed out from lack of air, we’d both go crashing to the ground. That crash would cause a LOT of damage. This called for a different line of attack. I needed to force her to breathe now. I focused my glare on her. Activating my heat ray vision, I hit her right in the head with a red-hot blast of energy.

  “Ouch!! That smarts!” Large Marge shouted at me, waving a fist at me with her free arm and staring at me in surprise. She gasped for air. “Oh, well played, kid!”

  They were her last words before she stopped struggling and passed out. I slowly lowered her huge body back to the ground. With Ms. Trickster gone, Large Marge sleeping and Jamer Ju no longer willing to fight, the tide had turned. In fact, Paula was simply sitting there talking with Jason and Piper.

  “Man, being a supervillain isn’t nearly as glamorous and fun as TV and comics make it out to be,” she sighed.

  “The good news is, you haven’t really committed a crime,” Jason said.

  Pointing at her, I added, “Unless you made those animals at the park attack people?”

  Paula shook her head, “No, that’s not my style.”

  Somehow I believed her. I didn’t think that upsetting animals was something Paula would find fun or challenging. Looking at Paula, I asked, “Okay, where do you and I stand?”

  “I find you a worthy opponent and I’m going to have to improve if I am to beat you,” Paula sighed. “I’m sure when my parents see how much I spent on this equipment, I’ll be grounded for at least a while. My parents are never thrilled when I spend millions of dollars. They are so old school. They won’t even buy me my own satellite network.”

  “Wow! You’re so deprived!” I replied sarcastically.

  “Yeah, sometimes parents just don’t understand,” Zeke added. “Mine always told me not to drink from the sewers. And look at me now! Hundreds of years later and I am still alive!”

  “Am I free to go?” Paula asked. “Or…I can recharge my arms. They’re solar powered and we can battle if you wish; maybe record the fight and sell it to Netflix or something? It might generate some nice cash. If nothing else, we could post it on YouTube. We could become YouTubers.”

  “Maybe another time,” I told her.

  “That’s a shame! I’d really like to see that battle,” Zeke said.

  Paula rolled her eyes at him, fired up her wings and flew off.

  “Bye, Paula! See you in class when the summer is over!” Zeke said. Looking at Jason and me, he added, “I think she really likes me.”

  Jamer walked over to us. “So what about my mom and I?” she asked.

  Now, this posed a more interesting problem. While I didn’t believe Jamer was bad, she and her mom had robbed diamond shipments. Plus, if we hadn’t stopped them just now, they would have continued to rob even more shipments. They wanted to take from the rich and give to the poor, which I understood, but it was still illegal.

  “I made a phone call,” Jason said.

  “Excuse me?” I asked him.

  “I contacted Doctor Dangerfield at the North Pole,” he explained. “It was actually Hana’s suggestion. First of all, I asked Hana if we could recruit Jamer for our team. Hana said we couldn’t because Jamer is a wanted criminal. But Doctor Dangerfield has different standards than we do.”

  “Wait, so I have to go to the North Pole?” Jamer Ju asked.

  “Yes, but Doctor D. will help you learn to use your powers,” Jason told her.

  “I do love to snowboard,” Jamer said.

  A compact high-speed shuttle drone hovered above us. When we looked in the window we could see two seats inside the drone.

  Large Marge walked over to us. “Even if I wanted to go to the North Pole. I can’t fit in that little thing!”

  “Mom, just shrink to normal size!” Jamer told her.

  “But normal size is just so normal!” Marge whined.

  “I can take you to the Capital City Special Prison instead if you want,” I told her.

  Marge shrank down to normal size. It actually turned out that she was a rather small woman. “Jamer takes after her dad,” Marge told me.

  The drone landed and popped open. A holographic image of Doctor Dangerfield and Tanya appeared. “Jamer and Marge, I assure you that you will enjoy your time with me.” Doctor Dangerfield said.

  Tanya leaned over Doctor D.’s shoulder. “The place is pretty cool and Doctor D. really knows her stuff!” Tanya waved to Jason and I. “Hey, Lia. Hey, Jason.”

  We both waved back. “Hey, Tanya!”

  Jamer and Large Marge both climbed into the drone. The drone hatch closed. The drone took off.

  “Man, you people sure are cool!” Piper said, riding over to us on her horse. “I’ve sent all the dogs and cats home. I thanked them for their help.”

  “Piper, how did you find us?” I asked her.

  “Some lady called the university where my aunt and uncle work. She told them you might need backup. The woman gave them this location. My aunt and uncle passed the information to me. I shared it with my animal friends. A lot of them wanted to help out.” She smiled. “I really enjoyed it.”

  “We really appreciate your help,” I said.

  “If you want, I can give you my cell phone number. You can call me when you need backup,” Piper suggested.

  “That would be great,” I told her.

  Zeke ran over to us. “Can I pat your horse? Can I please pat your horse? Pretty, pretty please?”

  “Sure,” Piper nodded. “His name is Blaze. My aunt and uncle keep him on a farm near where they live. He’s a good boy.”

  Blaze made a neighing sound.

  “Now, Blaze, that isn’t nice to say!” Piper scolded.

  “What did he say?” Zeke asked.

  “Ah, well,” Piper hesitated.

  Blaze made another neighing sound.

  “Let me guess, he’s complaining that I smell kind of funny,” Zeke said.

  Piper’s eyes popped open. “Actually, yes!”

  Zeke nodded. “Yeah, smart horse. I was unfrozen after Lia used her frost breath on me, so I am a bit damper and mustier smelling than usual,” Zeke said.

  “True, he doesn’t usually smell this bad,” I nodded, standing up for Zeke.

  “Exactly!” Zeke said. “Normally I do have a manly musk but I am usually dryer.”

  “Nigh neighhh,” Blaze said.

  “He says he’d like to meet you again when you smell better,” Piper said.

  “Deal!” Zeke grinned. “I like horses. I ride a talking T. rex that would love to meet him as well!”

  Dear Diary: Yep, that’s what
my life has become…my zombie friend who rides a talking T. rex wants to hang out with a girl who talks to horses. This is after we just defeated my arch nemesis, teamed with an illusionist and a giant mad lady as well as another cool girl who could generate massive amounts of energy. But it really is a cool life. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I feel confident knowing that even though a bunch of my friends and crime-fighting teammates are away, Jason and I (and Zeke) still held off the bad guys. Plus, we now have a new team member. Life is cool like that. Things are always changing. But once you accept change, it can be fun!

  Of course, I still don’t have any idea who Ms. Trickster is or what she was up to. And I have no idea who or what made the animals in the park go crazy. But I can worry about all that later. All that matters is that I feel confident my friends and I can handle whatever the world throws at us next.

  The Surprise Meeting

  As Jason and I flew home, MAC’s voice sounded. “Nice job, team! Now, Lia, your dad would like to meet with you. He’s having iced tea with your mom right now. He also wants to meet with Jason.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked MAC.

  “Your dad has returned from his meeting with the UN,” MAC explained.

  “Yeah, I figured that part out already!”

  “True, you are quite smart,” MAC said. “I believe your superpowers allow your brain to function at a higher level. All human brains are fast but yours is even faster. Wow! It’s amazing.”

  “MAC, you are stalling,” I said.

  “See, that’s how super-duper-uper sharp you are; you can tell when a supercomputer is stalling in order to not give you information. Well done!

  “MAC, tell me what’s going on,” I ordered.

  “You are flying home to meet with your father who is having tea with your mother. I believe there are also donuts involved. Your dad brought some from the Capital. A very nice assortment. I believe you will be pleased. Man, I wish I could eat donuts. Donuts look good.”

  “Wow, you are not very good at stalling,” Jason told MAC.

  “Not so, we are now only one minute away from Lia’s home and your home too, Jason, since you two are neighbors. What was Lia like as a kid? Did you make mud pies? Did she fart often?” He paused. “Phew, we are here. Your dad will now tell you what he needs to tell you.”

  Jason and I flew into my house through an open upstairs window. MAC instantly changed me from my superhero costume to a checkered blue and purple flared skirt and a pretty blue top with a purple headband and shoes to match.

  Jason’s nano-armor disappeared and he was dressed in regular clothes as well. We headed down the stairs together.

  “Honey, nice to see you,” Dad said. “Great job stopping those super-powered ladies.” Pointing to the donuts he added, “Have a donut. You too, Jason.”

  “Don’t mind if I do!” Jason said.

  “Would you like milk, juice, or tea?” Mom asked.

  “Milk, please,” Jason said.

  One thing about Jason was that no matter the situation, he could always eat.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, slowly sitting down.

  Mom brought me an iced tea and a donut. Man, that donut looked great. I took a bite. Okay, I gotta admit there are times when donuts really do help.

  “I’m back from meeting with the UN,” Dad said.

  “Yeah, I see that.”

  “Yes,” Dad replied a little hesitantly. “The UN is, of course, interested in the increasing number of super beings appearing on the planet. You still seem to be the most powerful, which is good, because I assured them they can trust you.”

  “Man, I bet some countries and some organizations would love squads of super beings,” Jason said.

  Dad nodded. “Yes, that is one of the concerns of the UN. They want to make sure people aren’t going to create armies of super beings. They are also interested in my defensive armor as a counterbalance to super beings,” Dad explained.

  “Wow, that could be quite lucrative for you!” Jason grinned, impressed.

  “Yes, absolutely! And those resources would allow me to improve the armor even more. After all, even though the armor makes a normal person much stronger, those people still pale in comparison to Lia.”

  “Yeah, she can still pound me to a pulp,” Jason said.

  “Plus, currently we don’t have any real strong defenses against other powerful supers like Tanya and Marie.”

  “But they are both good people, no need to defend against them,” I said.

  “True, but others with similar powers might be developed and they may not be as trustworthy. For instance, Tanya’s sister Kayla. But even so, none of them have your raw power and invulnerability.”

  “Well, even I have weaknesses,” I said. “Just now, when fighting Large Marge, I had to make her pass out before I could defeat her. I might be able to hold my breath for a long time but I still eventually need to breathe.”

  Dad nodded. “Yes, for now, you do, but as your powers continue to grow, you might be able to generate energy without eating and breathing. Truthfully, we don’t know. You are certainly fascinating, my daughter.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled. “Surely though there is more to your visit, especially arriving straight from the UN…than simply to tell me I am amazing.”

  “And that your powers are growing!” Dad added. “We don’t think there are any limits to your powers.”

  “Thanks,” I said. I like the idea of my powers growing. Of course, it also scares me a little.

  “But that’s why I am here. The UN is a little worried about how super you are,” Dad said.

  “I’ve done nothing but help the world since my powers arrived,” I argued. “Sure, I had a couple of accidents, but nothing too bad. I just want to help make the world a better and safer place.”

  “And, honey I believe you!” Dad said.

  Mom put a hand on my shoulder. “I have complete faith in you!” she told me.

  “Good, then what’s the problem?” I asked.

  Dad took a deep breath. “The scientists at my lab, along with a few others in the world, have been looking into why some people become super. It turns out there’s a gene in a very small percentage of people, less than 0.001 percent, that when activated, can enable a variety of superpowers.”

  “Okay, so I have that gene,” I said.

  “Yes, honey, you do,” Dad said. “But the interesting thing about you is that part of your power is the ability to also activate that gene in other people you come in contact with. Lia, your presence alone may very well create other super beings!”

  I stared speechless at my dad as I processed what he was telling me. In that instant, I knew my life was about to become even more interesting. Whether that was a good scenario or not, I really didn’t know. One thing I was certain of though, I’d need to be ready for surprises.

  But with my super-powered team alongside me, I was confident I could face anything!

  To be continued…

  Find out what happens next in

  Diary of a Super Girl…Book 11 – Under the Sea


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  John and Katrina x

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  Have you read all about Lia’s superhero BFF, Adam yet?

  Click on the link below to see all the details.

  This series is perfect for both girls and boys and is funnier than ever!

  Diary of a Super Clone

  Some more great books by Katrina and John that you might like to check out…

  Nina the Friendly Vampire

  Ghost Busters– Book 1

  Zara the Ghost Zapper

  I Shrunk My Best Friend – Oops!

  (This book is FREE!!)

  Girl Power

  Time Traveler
  About The Authors:

  John Zakour is a humor / SF / fantasy writer with a Master's degree in Human Behavior. He has written thousands of gags for syndicated comics, comedians and TV shows (including Simpsons and Rugrats, and Joan River's old TV show.)

  John has been a contributor to Nickelodeon magazine writing Fairly Odd Parents, Rugrats and Jimmy Neutron comic books. John currently writes Bart Simpsons comics for Bongo comics.

  In the 80’s and 90’s, John was a computer programmer and web guru for Cornell University and was also an EMT and judo instructor. John currently lives in upstate NY with his wife, a professor at Cornell University. The two of them have one son, a student at Cornell. For exercise, John plays softball, is a competitive pickleball player and javelin thrower, and still hits his punching bag daily. To relax, John likes to play World of Warcraft, watch TV and do Tai Chi.

  Find him on FB! 

  Katrina Kahler is the bestselling author of Julia Jones Diary, Twins, Mind Reader, The Secret, Angel, Diary of a Horse Mad Girl and Julia Jones the Teenage Years.

  She lives in the beautiful coastal town of Noosa in Australia and has 2 grown-up children. Check out her other books at

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