Running with the Wolves (The Chronopoint Chronicles Book 1)

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Running with the Wolves (The Chronopoint Chronicles Book 1) Page 24

by J E Reed

  Iggy asked her to stay put and walked up the stairs, cracking the door to whisper of her arrival.

  “Thank you, Iggy, I’ll see to it soon.” Definitely male.

  A dark-skinned man standing a full head taller than the rest followed Iggy through the door. He stared at Kiuno a moment before positioning himself in a corner where he set to examining the lines in the floor as if he’d never seen them. Everything about him radiated dominance, daring anyone to question his motives. It made her even more curious.

  Iggy’s bright eyes drew her attention. “He’s in a meeting.”

  “How long?” The rude one asked. She’d almost forgotten he was there, though her shin certainly hadn’t.

  “I’m not sure.”

  The male sighed, frustrated. “We have jobs to do, lock her up, he can send for her later.” Her stomach dropped. Lock her up? In a cell? No way. She needed a way to escape, she promised Scorpios she would return.

  “He wouldn’t approve,” Iggy said.

  “That man is too damn sentimental to women, she’ll be fine for an hour, it won’t kill her.”

  Kiuno scanned the three men in the room, weighing her odds. Iggy could be reasoned with, the one in the corner was questionable, and the other just needed his teeth knocked out. She wished their bracelets weren’t covered, though she didn’t expect any less after seeing the organization. A major detail like that wouldn’t be overlooked.

  “He’s going to be upset,” Iggy said.

  “So?” They turned to her.

  “If you think I’m going to let you stick me in a cage, you’re sadly mistaken.” Kiuno took a few steps back and clenched her fists.

  Iggy tried to reason. “It’s only for a short while, I’ll escort you myself and keep you informed. You must understand, it’s for our safety.”

  “Against one woman?” He fell silent.

  “You’ll do as you’re told and wait as long as we see fit. If you resist, I’ll drag you myself.”

  Kiuno smirked. “I’d like to see you try.”

  He reached for her and that was the last thing she could handle. Fire melted her bonds, and she punched him in the mouth, feeling the satisfaction in her fist as he stumbled. She jumped back when they drew the weapons.

  Iggy held a staff, perhaps if she could wrestle it from him, she’d be able to fight them off. His stance told her such a thing wouldn’t be easy.

  The one in the corner worried her more. He stood straighter, but hadn’t drawn his weapons. Two swords, one on either side and well-defined arms spoke of rigorous training. Did he feel Iggy could subdue her? Even with the magic? That meant he had his own. She needed to be cautious.

  The unnamed male charged forward, but she sidestepped his body and shoved him into the nearby table. A vase fell, shattering on the floor, at least that could give her a makeshift weapon.

  Iggy tried to placate her. “Kiuno, let’s talk about this, we’ll wait here if you—”

  “Like hell we will.” His lip bled, but it was hardly enough to silence his loud mouth. She’d hit him harder next time.

  “Hunt, stand down,” the man standing in the corner commanded. Hunt ignored him and ran at her again. She pulled at the current beneath her skin.

  Water slammed her back and a staff planted itself in her side. Kiuno ducked under the second swing and took a few steps back. Iggy followed her movements flawlessly and hit her a second time, knocking the wind from her body. Scorpios would never let her live this down.

  She tried to move around him again, but she was shoved against the cold stone, a blade pressed to her throat. Kiuno stilled. Dark eyes held her in place, their intensity daunting. Her flames didn’t touch him.

  Double doors slammed open and a thundering voice echoed against the walls. “What is going on out here?” His voice brought everyone to a halt. Determined eyes swept the scene. Kiuno wasn’t sure whether to be frightened or relieved. This was their leader.

  The one pinning her pushed back and sheathed his knife. “Hunt provoked her.”

  “Typical.” Piercing eyes shifted to her and suddenly the names fell into place. Hunt. Iggy.

  “Blade.” The dark-skinned male furrowed his brow at her, then they both turned to his leader. There was no question.


  His face softened as he studied her. “Kiuno?” All eyes sparked recognition. The flames faded, and everyone relaxed as she tried to restrain herself from bounding up the steps.

  “Do we shake hands or am I allowed to hug you without being mauled?”

  He smirked, giving her a brief embrace. He was alive, along with those that always stood by his side. In the game he’d led an alliance stronger than her own and managed to pull those same people together, creating a group just as powerful in this world.

  Like many of her other gaming friends, they’d known one another for years, though her relationship with K.J. ran deeper than most. They had a friendship that went beyond the game, sharing both dreams and fears of their future. Countless sleepless nights passed between them and he’d grown to be more like family. Her only regret was not being able to meet him in the real world.

  She’d been suspicious of most of the people she came across, wondering if they were the same in this world as they’d been in the gaming world, but if there was one she would never have to question, it was him. He was cunning, commanding, able to talk his way into anything. Some claimed him manipulative, but those loyal enough knew he could be relied on.

  “What kind of trouble are you causing out here?” he asked, looking at the overturned table, the broken vase and a tapestry that had a small charred corner. The other three followed his eyes, and Kiuno wasn’t sure how to respond.

  “Hunt tried to put her in a cell.” Blade crossed his arms.

  “Explains things.” K.J. gave Hunt a meaningful glare and nodded to his lip. “I’m sure you earned that.”

  Tension shot between them and for a moment she wondered if he might try coming after K.J. next. It seemed like her friend was hoping for it. Instead Hunt wiped the blood from his mouth and stormed off, cursing under his breath.

  K.J. turned back to the others. “Thank you, Iggy, I’ve got it from here.”

  He nodded, gave her a smile and followed Hunt. Blade joined them in what looked like a study.

  K.J. gestured to a chair. “Have a seat, do you need anything?” She shook her head, but he eyed her with doubt. It dawned on her how bad she must look. How long had it been since she saw her own reflection?

  “I’m fine really, just been traveling for a while.”

  “I trust you weren’t alone.”

  “The others are waiting with Reece.”

  “Yes, I know him.”

  “He claims you’ve never met.”

  “According to him.”

  She smirked. “Shady as ever I see.”

  He burst out laughing. “Eyes and ears everywhere Kiuno, sometimes even my own. He seemed like a good man.”

  “He is.”

  “You know him well?”

  She shrugged. “We played Chronopoint together so as well as I know anyone.”

  “And they let you come alone?”

  “I didn’t give them much choice, though Scorpios is plotting how to take the place down if I don’t return.”

  “I’d like to meet the one crazy enough to attempt such. I’ll send someone for them now. Blade, would you mind?” The man nodded and left the room.

  She stared after him, a sense of fondness growing at how Blade watched his friend. “It seems like you found everyone.”

  “Most found me.”

  “Not surprising, you’ve always had a way of attracting people.”

  “We’re similar in that regard, how many are with you?” he asked.

  “Just a handful.”

  “You don’t have your own army yet?”

  “I’ve been looking for my husband, so I haven’t stayed in one place too long. Those with me are the ones I was closest to in the game. I
think you remember me mentioning Scorpios and Maltack.”

  “Sounds familiar, how did you convince Iggy to bring you?”

  “I might have failed to mention my group was on the small side.”

  “And you claim I’m shady.” Both smiled and turned when the doors opened again.

  A beautiful woman with a puzzled expression waltzed in. “Should I ask what happened in the lobby?” She was gorgeous. Blonde hair tied back in a tight braid, long legs and startling bright eyes.

  K.J. smirked. “Hunt tried to put Kiuno in a cell.” Kiuno turned to him, waiting on an introduction, but a strange expression crossed his face. His eyes sparked as he looked between the two of them.

  “She’s a fighter, I like her already.” The woman winked, putting her hands on her hips. “You may not remember me though.”

  Kiuno shook her head, once again turning to K.J. for some direction. “I’m sorry.”

  She waved her hand. “Perhaps he didn’t mention me as much as he claims. I’m Palindrome, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Kiuno’s heart flipped and she turned to K.J.’s broad grin. Palindrome, one cause of the many sleepless nights.

  He loved her, spoke highly of her until one day she just vanished with a promise to return. She never did. He wanted to find her, convince her to just talk with him, to let him help with her suffering. As time passed, their hope of finding her dwindled and everything led to a dead end. Now, here she stood, just as glorious as all claimed her to be.

  Kiuno stood and took her hand. “It’s good to finally meet you.” Questions raced through her mind, most out of curiosity, but she held back. There was plenty of time, she doubted she’d be leaving anytime soon.

  Palindrome informed K.J. on the supplies from Reece and brought him up to speed on a few details she didn’t quite understand.

  Kiuno couldn’t stop staring, wonderment filling her at the site of two of them together. Palindrome’s eyes were her most startling of features. Bright. Adventurous. Challenging.

  “I’ll let you two catch up, I look forward to talking with you later Kiuno. K.J.’s told me a lot about you.”

  The room fell silent when the doors shut.

  “You found her.” Kiuno finally managed.

  “Again, she found me, Hunt is only here because he was with her. I’m not fond of him, but if he’s willing to put himself on the line for Palin’s sake, I’ll tolerate his presence.”

  “When did you meet up?”

  “Third realm,” he said, laughing. “Her army was twice the size of mine.”

  “Did that surprise you?”

  “Not really.” He seemed to drift before coming back to reality. “Where have you been hiding these past months?”

  “I could ask you the same,” she said. “Do you realize no one even knows your name?”

  “It’s intentional.”


  “Prevents those I don’t want from finding me. Most within the walls know who I am, but beyond that it’s only the other leaders.”

  “Don’t want your crazy fangirls breaking down the walls?”

  “Hell no.”

  “I’m sure Palindrome would chase them off.”

  His expression darkened. “No, she wouldn’t, I’ve come across one crazy and that woman told me to handle my own crap.”

  “You’re alive and uncaged, seems like you managed.”


  She laughed again. “I ran across Scorpios and the others in the fourth realm. Took me longer to find them than I expected.”

  “Did you travel on your own before that?”

  She paused. “No.”

  He continued as if not noticing. “What about your husband, any luck?”

  “That’s why I’m here. I planned to meet with each leader, see if they had any news.”

  “What’s his name? I’ll have the record keepers take a look.”

  “He’ll be going by Elite.”

  K.J. paused, looking up from a note he started. “You’re sure?”

  “Have you heard from him?” Her heart quickened.

  “Do you know anyone named Silver?”

  “My cousin! Are they all right?” Kiuno was out of her chair, heart beating wildly as she leaned on the desk.

  “I only met Silver, but he mentioned his co-command as Elite. Your cousin appeared to be in good health and he didn’t mention anyone needing medical attention, though that might change. He is incredibly reckless.”

  “Why, what happened?”

  “They sought my help in clearing a piece of land.” He stood, shuffling a few papers.

  “You declined?”

  “I mentioned getting a team together, but he didn’t want to wait. When they set off, I thought they were only fighting a small group of monsters, but there’s more headed that way.”

  She didn’t think her heart could beat any faster. “How bad?” The doubt that flashed across his face made her gut wrench.

  “Optimistically, they could walk out with at least half still standing.”

  “When were they here?”

  He shuffled a few more papers. “Yesterday morning.”

  So close.

  “I’m going to pull Blade in here, and organize a group to leave immediately.”

  “You’ll do that?”

  He paused and looked up. “Of course, they’re important to you. Sit tight, we’ll be back in a day or two.”

  “I can help.”

  “I don’t doubt it, but you look dead on your feet already. Just wait here.” K.J. started calling for people as soon as he exited the room.

  Helpless. She hated that feeling. Kiuno knew he wanted to keep her safe. To prevent her from acting rashly with her husband so close. She clenched her fists. After all this time, after all the battles she’d fought.

  He was risking his life, what difference did it make if she risked her own?

  REALM: 5

  DAY: 225

  A woman arrived a short while later and led Kiuno to a small room where she was told to make herself comfortable. A small bowl of water and towels sat in one corner, with a bed and fresh cloths in the other. It would be nice to settle down, let herself relax, but only after she had Elite.

  The running back and forth continued for another hour, then the halls fell silent. Kiuno peeked around the door. No one in sight. The hardest part would be finding her way out.

  She trotted down the hall and peered around the staircase before bounding down the steps. A few men walked through the next hallway, and she followed them. Hopefully they would lead her out.

  Ten more minutes passed before the doorway came into view. Once outside, she paused. When K.J. said he’d organize a march, she didn’t envision him having an entire army. Most were outside the main gate already.

  Looking to be sure no one saw, Kiuno ducked into the crowd and made her way around the guards. Most seemed preoccupied with the soldiers leaving. She found a corner that let her see them and crouched behind the wall to wait. When they were far enough out she’d go. Kiuno wasn’t sure what she’d be able to do, but she couldn’t just sit idly by.

  A hard grip spun her around.

  “Going somewhere?” She blinked at Scorpios, Maltack and the others coming up behind him. He appeared out of breath. Kiuno looked at the retreating army and bit her lip. There wasn’t time to explain.

  “I have to go.”

  “Why didn’t you to begin with?”

  She pulled away. “There isn’t time.” Her panic must have thrown him off and he followed her gaze.

  “You weren’t going to wait for us?”

  “I didn’t ex—” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, do you have everything you need?”

  “Never had time to unpack.”

  Kiuno took off running, the others on her heels. Scorpios, Maltack, Blue, Jim, and Liam all chasing an entire army. She imagined the guards laughing behind them.

  “The guy that came for us didn’t do much explaining,” Blue s
aid. “Care to fill us in?”

  “K.J.’s the leader.”

  “Why are we chasing them?” Scorpios asked.

  “Because he knows where Elite is, and if we don’t get there in time they’re going to be in a lot of trouble.”

  “He’s just willing to grab an army and go?” Scorpios asked.

  She smiled. “He is.” Scorpios seemed surprised, but her ties with K.J. ran deep. She’d do the same if it were Palindrome.

  K.J.’s quick pace forced them to jog to keep up, but she was thankful. She didn’t want Elite and Silver fighting the odds alone.

  It wouldn’t be long now.

  That night her group avoided a fire and camped behind one of the larger stones. Kiuno wasn’t sure how K.J. might react should he see her, and she wasn’t about to be sent home like a child.

  Fear gripped her heart. What if they arrived too late? What would she do if she found him out on the field motionless?

  She looked at each of her companions. Did they know what they were following her into? Her gaze lingered on Liam, the nervousness in his expression. What if she lost them because she hadn’t listened to K.J.? What if she lost Elite because she had?

  “You’re nervous.” Scorpios sat beside her.

  “What if this is a mistake?”

  “Decisions like this are never easy. Your mind wanders to what might happen, what terrors the future could hold, but we’re here because you feel we should be. Something tells you you’re needed, and we’ll help you with whatever that is. Instinct has gotten you this far.”

  “Scorp,” she started. “I’m not anyone special. Just a normal girl thrown here like anyone else. You guys followed me in a game, something innocent and fun, but this isn’t a game anymore.”

  “Whether you realize it or not, you’re a natural leader. That’s what drove us to follow you in the first place. There were hundreds of alliances, and you drew in the best. Do you think that was coincidence? You listen, people are drawn in by your character. Inside the game or out, we trust you, and if your decisions are ever questionable, you’ve always listened to reason…mostly.”

  She tried to smile. There was no one she trusted more than Scorpios. He had something to go home to. A son. A reason. She doubted anything would prevent him from doing just that. If he trusted her decisions, then she ought to trust in herself.


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