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Pretty Much Invincible

Page 10

by Carey, Stephen

  “Sure.” She rolled her eyes at his pathetic attempt to fool her.

  “I’m telling you, kid!”

  “You think I’m just a stupid little kid, don’t you?”

  “I think you two should get the fuck out of our neighbourhood!” Danny yelled. He quickly calmed himself. This kid was dangerous. “I’m telling you, your dad is wrong.” He put his fist to his mouth and coughed.

  He seemed genuine, but some people were good liars. Sally decided to make conversation, to pass the time. “You have any kids?” she asked.


  Sally shrugged. “Just asking.”

  “No. No kids. Thank Christ. I wouldn’t want kids in a world like this!” He then thought about his current situation. “I wouldn’t want my kids to see me get kicked out of my own home—kicked out into the wasteland. All because you and your father said so.”

  It was a terrible thing, infected people had to be kicked out. Bye, bye, have a nice life—what little of it remained. Many times, Bruce had had to ask (force) someone out of the group because they had gotten bitten or scratched or whatever. Now this Danny guy, he would have to leave his friends, family. Sally wished that there were something she could do for him, for anyone who got infected.

  The front door creaked open, Shane and William walked in. Shane quickly shut the door behind him. Sally jumped to her feet and stepped aside—time for the grown ups to talk.

  “Danny!” William said, wiping a tear from his eye.

  “Dad!” Danny yelled, getting to his feet. “This is a mistake!”


  “It’s not a mistake!” Shane said. “He’s infected.”

  “No I’m fucking not!” Danny roared.

  Puzzled, William turned to Shane. “What’s going on?” he demanded to know.

  “This asshole saw me coughing and he thinks I’m infected!” Danny yelled. “He made me strip—he examined me and found no marks!”

  William was trying to get his head around all this. “What?”

  “True, he has no marks,” Shane said. “But it seems pretty obvious to me...”

  “It seems obvious to you?” William bellowed. “You fucking bastard! You just assumed...” He stopped himself from striking Shane. “You had no real reason for thinking my son was infected, yet you came into my house and told me he was!”

  “If you had seen him earlier...” Shane said. “I’m right, I know I am.”

  William stood face to face with Shane and gritted his teeth. “I thought I had lost my son... all because you had a feeling!” the old man growled.

  Was her father wrong? Sally hoped to God that Shane did not make such a big mistake.

  “Soon... a mark will appear,” Shane said with confidence. “I’m right!” He glanced at Danny. “Your son has to leave. As soon as possible.”

  “My son is not going anywhere!” William roared.

  “I am telling you... if you had seen him earlier...” Shane said calmly. “You have to trust me. Your son has to go. I’m sorry William, truly.”

  William shot a fearful glance at the superhuman little girl, then he looked Shane in the eyes. “I am the leader of this place.”

  “A leader should do what’s best for the group,” Shane said.

  “I always have!”

  “He’s your son, and that’s going to affect your judgement. I understand that.”

  William rapidly shook his head. “This has nothing to do with the fact that he is my son. You are asking me to banish someone... because you have a feeling!”

  After a long, tense silence, Shane said, “He has to go. That’s just the way it is.”

  “No!” William yelled. “You can’t make me—”

  “I can!” Shane looked at Sally. “You know I can.” He looked at William. “You’re not thinking straight. You can’t make this decision.”

  William and Danny exchanged a fearful glance. What the hell were they going to do?

  Shane thought for a moment. “Tell me, William... if you did believe me, if it were clear to you that your son was infected... would you banish him?”

  “I would. Yes.” Of course, it would not be an easy thing to do, but he was sure he would do it. “I would have to.”

  “Not sure I believe that.”

  William was full of anger and fear. He wanted to kill these two outsiders—but he was powerless. “W-What n-now?” the old man said shakily.

  Sally felt so sorry for poor old William.


  Why? Why are we still playing this silly game of survival?


  Danny could not believe that this was actually happening. He was slowly approaching the row of cars, wide-eyed, a backpack with some supplies over his shoulder. William, Shane and Sally were escorting him. Carla spotted them coming, she noticed William sobbing. She placed her rifle on a car hood and walked over to Danny.

  “What’s going on?” Carla asked, concerned.

  Danny stopped in his tracks and forced himself to look Carla in the eyes. “I’m...”

  “He’s being kicked out!” William said angrily. “Kicked out of his own home by these two fucking strangers!”

  “What?” Carla said, shocked. “What are you talking about?”

  “This asshole thinks I’m infected,” Danny said, fresh tears forming in his eyes.

  “You’re infected?”

  “No! I’m not!” Danny said loudly. “He’s making a mistake!”

  “Trust me, he’s infected,” Shane said. “He has to go. I’m sorry.”

  Carla’s head was spinning, she couldn’t get any words out.

  William yelled, “This outsider is wrong. But he has made up his mind and there’s not a thing I can do about it!” He wanted the gathering crowd to hear him. The old man’s heart was racing, as was his mind—he was about to lose his son. He dropped to his knees. “You want me to beg? I’ll beg! Don’t do this!”

  Shane felt embarrassed for the old man. “Get up, please.”

  “Don’t do this to my son!” William begged, pressing his palms together.

  Carla drew her pistol and aimed it at Shane’s head. “You’re not doing this!” she said, fury in her eyes. “This is our home!”

  Shane smirked. “If you shoot me, you will have to deal with my little girl. And there’s nothing you can do against her.”

  Sally did not like being used to scare the crowd like this. But she told herself that it was necessary. This had to be done. If Danny were infected, he would be a danger to all around him—he would make all these people sick. Her dad was just trying to protect everyone. Danny would get sicker and sicker, his mind and body would begin to fall apart. The darkness was inside him. Yes, he had to go. Now.

  Sally stood between Carla and Shane. “Lower your gun,” Sally said, calmly. “This has to be done.”

  If Carla shot Shane, this little girl might go on a damn rampage. Carla lowered her gun and began to sob.

  “I’m sorry,” Sally said sympathetically.

  “Let’s go,” Shane said to Danny.

  Shane would not allow William to hug his son goodbye—he would not allow anyone to make any physical contact with the young man. Danny made his way over to the row of cars, climbed over and turned to get one last look at everyone. He then began his lonely walk into the wasteland.

  “Wait!” Carla yelled. Danny turned to see Carla hopping over the row of cars, rifle slung over her shoulder. She ran toward Danny. “I’m coming with you!” she said, looking lovingly into his eyes.

  “No,” Danny said, softly. “You can’t.”

  “I’m coming with you!” Her mind would not be changed.

  Holding hands, Carla and Danny went off into the wasteland together.

  William could not believe what Carla had just done, but at least his son would have company. The old man slowly got to his feet and faced Shane—he faced the man who had just cast out his son. How long? How long would Danny survive out there? The anger inside him grew and
grew until...

  William punched Shane in the face and roared, “You son of a bitch!”

  Shane wiped his bloody lip with the back of his hand. “You need to watch yourself, old man,” he said trying to keep calm. “I know it’s not easy, but it had to be done. You know it did.” Shane noted the displeased (to say the least) looks he was getting from the crowd. “William, your leader,” he yelled at the crowd, “was unable to do the right thing. Danny had to go—I am trying to keep everyone safe.” He looked at everyone as if they were ungrateful children. “William could not accept the fact that Danny was infected. He would not listen! And I understand, it’s his son... but he can’t risk the lives of everyone else—”

  “Fuck you!” William roared as he ran at Shane and grabbed him by the neck. “He was not infected, you stupid cunt!”

  Shane kneed the old man in the balls—William released his grip and dropped to his knees. “Restrain him, Sally,” Shane commanded.

  Sally stood behind William and put her hands on his shoulders, he was unable to get to his feet. This poor old man, she thought.

  “Get the fuck out of our home!” William roared, his face red with anger.

  “Me and my little girl, we’re here to stay!” Shane said to the crowd. “We just want to fit in and help you all whatever way we can!”

  You did the right thing. Danny... gone. Out of here. Darkness. He had to go. Infected with the darkness.


  Sally had to get away for a bit, clear her head. She made her way to the opposite end of the neighbourhood from where they had first entered, and leaped over the row of cars that were blocking that entrance. The riflemen looked on in awe as the little girl sailed through the air and landed on the road outside.

  Sally looked up to the dull sky and thought about her mother. It was difficult to think about her mom without crying, so Sally forced her mind to focus on other things. She pulled her goggles down over her eyes and began her walk. Suddenly, Carla popped into Sally’s head. What a thing she had done. She had gone off with Danny. Such a risk. They must have loved each other so much. Maybe Sally should have escorted them to somewhere relatively safe. Maybe this, maybe that. Goddammit. Just walk, Sally, clear your head, don’t think too much about anything. Just walk... don’t think...

  Don’t think this is all going to work out. The world is on its deathbed and there is nothing anybody can do!

  Stop that! Just stop it! Hope, Sally! Hope is a superpower!

  Hope, hope, hope. Nope!

  Hold on to it, little girl! Don’t you dare give up! Don’t you...

  Think this is all pointless?

  Stop that! You are Super Sally Rogers, you do not give up. You do not qu—

  Quit bugging me! Let me feel like crap for a while. Allow me to be without hope for a moment. Hope is a heavy thing to carry around all day long! I just want to put it down for a goddamn second and drift into despair.

  Fine, be without hope—place it gently on the ground and do not go too far.

  Dull, dull sky. A world where colour fades. This place could do with a lick of paint. Perhaps Sally could go around with a giant paintbrush and restore all the bright colours. Nah, it wouldn’t last long, everything would fade to grey all over again. The world is dying, say goodbye. Nice knowing you, world.

  Sally picked up a large stone and stared at it blankly for a moment. Then she squeezed, crushing the stone. Easy as crushing a paper cup. She tilted her hand and the tiny pieces of stone fell to the ground. Breaking things was so easy.

  “So easy,” Sally whispered grimly.

  She continued to walk the lonely road, like a shambling zombie. Then, something caught her attention, up in the sky. A crow was flying straight at Sally. The bird picked up speed as Sally just stared at the thing. Closer and closer until... wham! The crow hit Sally right in the face, fell to the ground and began to twitch. Its eyes were wide open as it clung on to life. Its black eyes—was it infected? Or did all crows have eyes like that? Of course it was infected, that was why it had pulled such a crazy move. Sally couldn’t help but imagine what it would have been like if she did not have her powers. The bird’s beak would have went right into her face. But then, Sally reckoned, without her powers she would not have just stood there, staring like a fool.

  Sally knelt down at the dying crow. “Poor thing,” she whispered. Now what? Put it out of its misery? Stay here and keep it company until it was dead? Was it definitely going to die? Would it recover? Sally raised her goggles and rubbed her tired eyes.

  That was quite enough, little girl!

  Get up and return to hope—pick it back up and hold it tight. The world is ending, but keep on defending, don’t stop pretending! Pretend. Play your game until the very end. Play hero until the population reaches zero! Super Sally Rogers—up, up, and off your ass. Do that thing that heroes do—keep on going when all seems lost. The darkness thinks it has won, well kick the darkness in the—


  Inevitable? Preventable? Whatever. Fight. Hope is a superpower!

  Sally put her goggles over her eyes and leaped to her feet. She pointed to the crow and yelled up at the sky. “This creature is under my protection!” She raised her fists as imaginary villains appeared. “Come on! Do your worst!”

  The first villain to attack was a large frog man in a boiler suit. He lunged at Sally but she was far too quick—she ducked and the frog man went right over her head.

  “You will not harm this crow as long as I’m around!” Sally bellowed.

  Next up, a silver robot with two glowing red eyes. The robot took two small steps forward and opened its mouth wide. Suddenly, a laser beam shot out of the robots mouth and hit Super Sally right in the chest—she flew back, hit a tree, and dropped to the ground. Sally’s armour was damaged, nothing major. Quickly, she got to her feet. The frog man grabbed her from behind, pinning her arms. But Sally’s strength was too great—she easily freed her arms and then pushed the frog man away into the distance.

  Sprinting at the robot, as it recharged, Sally roared, “You will not harm this poor creature!” She punched the robot’s head right off before it could fire another laser. “I am Super Sally! The world’s greatest hero!” She picked up the robot’s head and kicked it high up into the sky. “I will never give up!”

  Then, Sally froze—she could not move a muscle. What was this? A short man with a huge head came out from behind a tree. “I have you!” the man said. “I have control over your body!” He grinned.

  “W-Who are you?” Sally was now able to speak, but nothing else.

  “Mind-Marvin! I can control people with my mind!”

  “You... can not... control... me!” She tried, but still could not move.

  Mind-Marvin laughed out loud. “Oh yes I can! You can not do a thing unless I allow it! I am in your head! I have total control!”

  Move, Sally! Your body is strong, but your mind even more so! Move it, Super Sally! Show him that you can not be controlled! Fight it!

  Sally’s right arm twitched, Mind-Marvin was now a little nervous. Her left hand formed a fist. Mind-Marvin’s head was throbbing, he struggled to maintain control of the mighty girl. Forcing her feet to move, Sally moved slowly toward the villain.

  Sweating, Mind-Marvin said, “Impossible! Stop! Do not resist! Obey! Submit!”

  Now, Sally could move at full speed. “Stay out of my head!” She ran at Mind-Marvin and punched his big, squishy head. The evil creep was out cold.

  Don’t mind me, Mind-Marvin!

  “I will never give up!” Sally yelled.

  All the villains had been defeated. Back to reality. Sally turned to the crow. No movement. Dead.

  “Never... give... up...” Sally whispered to herself, her eyes full of sorrow.


  Lucy joined Shane at the kitchen table. It was probably not the best time to ask, but Lucy decided to ask anyway. “Will I be allowed to stay?”

  “What?” Shane said, staring into space.
  “Well...” Lucy awkwardly scratched the back of her neck. “Now that there are less people here... I don’t need to go anywhere. Right?”

  Shane looked at Lucy and said, “I suppose that’s right.”

  “I mean, two people left.”

  “Two people left.” Shane nodded. “No reason why you should leave.” That was right, she could stay—with them. Look at her, just as beautiful as Maria. “You can stay.”

  Lucy felt like jumping for joy, but she controlled herself. She thought for a moment. “Plenty of vacant houses around here. I could...”

  “You’re welcome to stay here, with me and Sally.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled. “But...”

  “But what?”

  “I don’t know.” She considered it for a moment. “Sure, OK. I’ll stay here with you guys.”

  Look at her, Shane. So beautiful. Just like—

  Maria! Oh, God, Maria! No, no, no!

  Lucy! Beautiful! Danny out, Lucy in! Danny out, Lucy in!


  William had barely left his house over the last couple of days. He was still trying to come to terms with the fact that he would never see his son again. That stranger had taken Danny from him. William stood at his living room window, watching Shane and Lucy laughing as they walked down the street. That bitch was supposed to be long gone. William was the leader, he—

  He had no power, not anymore. Shane was in charge now. Look at him out there with that outsider. Two goddamn outsiders, laughing in the street while William’s son wandered the wasteland. Shane had a thing for the woman, William could see it—clear as day. They looked just like Danny and Carla used to look, at the beginning of their relationship. The old man could not stand the sight of the two of them. He grabbed his trench coat from the coat rack and stormed out the door. William quickly put his coat on and then marched across the street, over to Shane and Lucy.

  “That bitch is supposed to be gone!” William roared, jabbing a finger at Lucy.

  “Don’t talk to her like that!” Shane said, glaring at the old man.

  “I told you she had to go!”


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