A Companion to Late Antique Literature

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A Companion to Late Antique Literature Page 91

by Scott McGill

  Waddell, Helen. (1929). Mediaeval Latin Lyrics. London: Constable.

  Ware, Catherine. (2012). Claudian and the Roman Epic Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  Wilde, Oscar. (2008 [1890]). The Picture of Dorian Gray. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  Wilson, Edmund. (1931). Axel’s Castle. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

  Wood, Ian. (2013). The Modern Origins of the Early Middle Ages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


  No single work examines nineteenth‐ and twentieth‐century approaches to late antique literature, but there are fine studies on particular periods. On late antiquity in nineteenth‐ and early twentieth‐ century French literary culture, see the meticulous survey of David (2001). For Victorian England, see Jenkyns (1995–1996) and Vance (1997, pp. 195–268). On changing critical visions of late antiquity as a historical period in the twentieth century, see Rebenich (2009) and Wood (2013, pp. 268–309).


  À rebours (“Against the Grain”) (novel by Huysmans) 628–629, 630, 637

  Abbasaid Caliphate 103, 575, 576

  abbots 39, 166, 394

  abbreviated texts 433, 437–439

  Abelard, Peter (d. 1142) 589

  Abgar of Edessa 55, 362, 410

  absorption, Byzantium period 561–562

  Abū Ḥātim al‐Rāzī 569, 570

  Acacius of Melitene 80, 212

  accents 455, 456

  Achilles Tatius 223, 244

  Acts of the Apostles see Apostles, Acts of

  Aeneid (Virgil) 222, 244, 436, 465, 585, 621

  Aethicus Ister 292, 407

  Aetius, Flavius 229, 246

  Africa 38, 87, 111, 171, 187, 545, 577 North Africa 32, 229, 272, 419, 513, 532, 533, 562, 571, 589

  Agapetus, Pope 434

  Agat’angelos 81, 82, 83, 93

  Agathias (d. 582) 13, 248–249, 252

  agency 507–508

  Aḥikar story 530–531

  Aithiopika (Heliodorus) 14

  Alaha‐Zekha 172

  Alan of Lille 282

  Alaric (Visigothic leader) 228

  Albanian language 88

  Alcuin 457, 585

  Aldhelm (seventh‐century Anglo‐Saxon poet) 34

  Alexander of Aphrodisias 56, 57 philosophical commentary 298, 300–305

  Alexander of Neckham (d. 1217) 589

  Alexander Romance, The, 283, 288, 530, 531

  Alexander the Great 75, 407, 444

  Alfoldy, Geza 510

  Allegorical Content of Virgil 290

  Ambrose of Milan (374–397) 30, 150, 195, 270, 329, 335, 349, 395 biblical commentary 314, 315, 317, 319

  Ambrosiaster 314, 317, 320

  Ammianus Marcellinus see Marcellinus, Ammianus

  Anastasius Sinaites 408

  Anastasius the Librarian 170, 246

  Anatolia 92, 98

  Anaximander 297

  Ancient Menippean Satire 281

  Ancient North Arabian language 126, 127

  Ancient South Arabian language 126, 128

  andarz texts (wisdom literature) 110

  anegyricus Messallae 212

  Annales of Nicomachus Flavianus, lost 144, 148

  Anthemius (Emperor, 467–472) 29, 229, 246

  anti‐Chalcedonianism 63, 70, 71, 394, 560 see also Council of Chalcedon

  Antiochus (ca. 125–68BCE) 301, 441

  antiquarian literature 539–553 definitions/terminology 539–540

  past and present 548–550

  perspectives on the past 544–547

  presenting the past 540–543

  antiquity, late see late antiquity

  Antonine Itinerary 363–364

  Aphrodite 198

  Aphthonius 463, 464, 475–479, 484

  apocalyptic and visionary texts 14, 108–110, 262

  Apocolocyntosis (Seneca) 281, 283

  Apocryphal Acts, early Christian 14

  Apollinaris, Sidonius see Sidonius Apollinaris (d. ca.489)

  Apollinarius of Laodicea 226, 260, 264, 335

  Apollo 198

  Apollonius King of Tyre 283, 288

  apologetic chronology 183

  Apologia Secunda (Athanasius) 165

  Apostles, Acts of 34, 80, 231, 344, 586

  apostolic preaching 345

  Appendix Probi 456–457

  Apuleius 284, 288, 291, 525

  Aquinas, Thomas 338

  Arab Conquests 16, 17, 127, 132, 558

  Arab ethnogenesis 127, 128

  Arabia “Arabization” of 125

  defining 124

  linguistic heterogeneity of 125

  maps 124

  northern Arabia inscriptions 126

  Arabia Felix 125

  Arabian Peninsula 124, 127

  Arabian/Arabic literature 123–140 grammatical noun endings 130

  inscriptions 126–128

  and Islam 123, 124, 127, 128, 132, 135–138

  Northern Arabian graffiti 130

  “Oral Formulaic” verse 130

  phonemic vowels 129

  poetry 129–133, 138

  Arabic languages 124, 130 Ancient North Arabian 126

  Ancient South Arabian 126, 128

  and Arabic reception of late antique literature 569, 571

  classical Arabic 127

  of everyday life 130

  Modern South Arabian 126

  Old Arabic 127, 128, 129

  Arabic reception of late antique literature 569–582

  Arab‐Islamic conquest, seventh century 123

  Aramaic language 13, 104, 129

  Arator 34, 231, 245, 273, 586

  Ardā Wirāz Nāmag (The Book of Righteous Wirāz) 108, 109

  Ardaxšīr Romance (Kārnāmag ī Ardaxšīr ī Pābagān) 115

  Argonautica (Orphic) 223

  Aristides, Aelius 80, 210, 332

  Aristotle/Aristotelianism 11, 12, 16, 32, 80, 194, 213, 301, 331, 461, 525, 561, 603 and Arabic reception of late antique literature 577, 580

  Aristotelian logic 330, 338, 339, 525, 572, 599

  Categories 57, 298, 301, 303, 525

  philosophical commentary 298–304, 307, 309

  Physics 303, 306, 572

  and pseudepigraphy 402, 406

  Armenia/Armenian literature 75–85, 528 and Christianity 76, 77

  “classical” literature 76

  commencement of literature compared to language/oral culture 76, 77–78

  culture 76

  ecclesiastical/theological works, in prose 79–81

  historians 82–84

  and Islam 80, 84

  language of Armenia 75, 76, 77–78, 88

  Third Council of Duin (607) 94

  written literature 77

  Zoroastrianism 79, 80, 82, 83

  Arnobius (c. 310) 333, 590

  Ars dictaminis (art of letter writing) 590

  Ars maior/Ars minor (Donatus) 452, 453, 454, 455

  Arsacid regime, Parthian 75, 76, 87, 95

  Artes grammaticae 453, 460

  ascetics/asceticism 39, 51, 89, 226, 247, 380, 635 Armenian 77, 80

  and Christianity 65, 236, 247, 261, 270, 638 Christian poetry 261, 270

  Coptic 61, 66

  epistolography 393, 394

  female 93, 320

  monastic tales 381, 382

  Syriac 51, 52, 53

  Aspasius 303, 304

  astrology 115, 225, 527, 528

  astronomy 115, 527

  Athanasius of Alexandria 39, 62, 165, 284, 289, 410, 434 Christian theological literature 328, 329, 335

  hagiography 380

  The Life of Antony of Egypt 70, 380, 381, 562

  audiences inscriptions 517–519

  school texts 484–487

  sermons 352–353

  Auerbach, Erich 633

  Augustine of Hippo (395–430) 150, 184, 248, 270, 334, 339, 453, 597, 600, 601 biblical commentary 314, 317, 318, 321

an theological literature 327, 328, 335, 336–337

  City of God 614–615

  Confessions 264, 374, 375, 376, 525, 616, 639

  and Latin literature 27, 29, 30, 31, 34

  and letters/letter collections 390, 395, 397

  panegyrical works 209–210, 216

  and sermons 343, 349, 353

  style 614

  Aurelius Victor see Victor, Aurelius

  Ausonius, Decimus Magnus 29, 209, 210, 270, 443, 529, 589, 590, 612, 613, 614, 634 epigrams and occasional poetry 242–245, 249, 254, 255

  legal texts 421–422

  Mosella 32, 495

  authentication of texts 403

  authorial personae, replicating 563–564

  autobiography/autobiographical poems 264, 373, 374, 375–377 political autobiography 375–376

  Avesta 106–107, 111

  Avitus (d. ca. 518) 586–587

  Avitus (Emperor, 455–456) 29, 34, 35

  Avitus, Alcimus Ecdicius (bishop of Vienne) 232

  Avitus, Flavius Eparchius 229

  Avitus of Vienne 629

  Ayādgār ī Zarērān (Memoir of Zarēr) 111

  Babylonian Talmud 107

  Baghdad 571, 573, 576

  Balkan wars (250s–270s) 146

  banquet etiquette, Iran 112

  Banū Saʿd ibn Thaʿlaba, tribe of 133

  Bar Sahde 172

  “Barbarian histories” 38

  Barbarus Scaligeri 180

  Bardaisan of Edessa (154–222) 49, 50, 56, 57, 329

  Barhadbeshabba Arbaya/Barhadbeshabba d’Bet‐’Arbaye 56, 172

  Bar‐Maryam, Daniel 165, 172

  Bar‐Tabahe, Simon 172

  Barwick, Karl 452, 453, 455, 458

  Basil of Caesarea 62, 77, 80, 202, 260, 353 biblical commentary 314, 317, 318, 323

  Christian theological literature 335, 336

  Hexaemeron 226, 318, 319

  and school texts 473, 482, 483

  Basilikos Logis (treatise) 211

  Bassae suae/Gaudentius 243

  Bassius, Junius 254

  Bassus, Caesius 464

  Baudelaire, Charles 630

  Baum, Armin D. 401, 402

  Beat Generation 636–638

  Bede 186, 363, 457 ecclesiastical history 170, 173

  and Western Middle Ages 584, 585, 591

  Bentley, Richard 404

  van Bergen, Antoon 605

  Bernard of Clairvaux (d. 1153) 589

  Bethlehem 361, 362

  Bible see also biblical commentary; New Testament; Old Testament

  Gothic 533

  Greek as language of 11

  Hebrew 11, 65, 533, 607

  King James Version 64

  narrative 262

  paraphrase 264, 314

  poetry 34, 226, 231 New Testament 34, 230, 231, 232, 271

  Old Testament 34, 227, 231, 232, 271

  Sahidic 64

  topography 363

  translation see translation

  biblical commentary 31, 313–325, 330 see also Bible; Christian theological literature; New Testament; Old Testament

  and literature 315–317

  origins and development 314–315

  Scriptures 314, 316, 317, 319, 321

  survey 317–322

  Syriac literature 48–49

  biblical epic 230–232

  Bibliotheke (Photios) 145, 558, 559

  biculturalism 61

  bilingualism 61, 63

  biography 149, 374, 377–380 see also hagiography

  ecclesiastical history 166

  Greek 14

  vs. hagiography 378

  historical 143

  for individual and communal self‐definition 379

  as “parasitic” 378

  premodern 373

  serial 172

  Syriac 52–53

  bishops 69, 273, 322, 334, 361, 432, 433, 441, 508, 565 see also priests

  and Armenian literature 78, 82, 84

  ecclesiastical history 162, 166, 172

  and Latin literature 37, 39

  school texts 472, 482

  sermons 343, 347, 348, 350, 354

  and translation 533, 535

  Blaudeau, Philippe 167

  Blemmyomachy (Homerizing poem) 224

  Blemyomachia 407

  Bodmer papyrus 225

  Boethius 283, 303, 337–338, 339, 461, 613, 623 Consolation of Philosophy 32, 282, 284, 285–287, 289, 291, 584, 588

  pre‐Boethian and post‐Boethian traditions 291–292

  translation 525, 526

  Book of Enoch 106, 113

  Book of the Hierotheos, The, (Stephen bar Sudhaili) 52

  Book of the Laws of the Countries 56

  Bordeaux pilgrims 364

  Bracciolini, Poggio 600

  breviaria (epitomes) 143, 144, 149, 170, 436, 438 see also epitomes, historical

  Breviarium ab urbe condita (Eutropius) 150, 444, 591

  British Library, Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) 601

  Brown, Peter 87, 539, 611 The World of Late Antiquity 611, 628

  Budé, Guillaume 603

  buildings and poetry 265

  bumberazis (titanic champions) 96

  Bundahišn (The Book of Primal Creation) 106, 114–115

  Burchard of Worms (d. 1025) 589

  Buzandaran (Pseudo‐Faustus of Byzantium) (Agat’angelos) 82, 83

  Byzantium Empire/period 17, 64, 557–568 absorption 561–562

  Byzantium Church 557

  continuation 561

  “early” and “middle” 558

  and Greek 16

  literary criticism 564–567

  papyri 10

  replicating authorial personae 563–564

  rewriting 562–563

  Caelius Sedulius 231

  Caesar Gallus 152

  Caesar Julian 152

  Caesarea 333

  Caesares (Victor) 149–150

  Caesarius of Arles (502–542) 30, 40, 354

  Caesars (Julian) 283, 284, 289, 291, 614

  Cain and Abel 226

  Calcidius (scholar) 12

  Calvino, Italo 391

  Cameron, Alan 269, 549

  Cameron, Averil 378

  Candidus 155

  canones (regnal lists) 183

  canonical texts 404, 407, 433

  Canons (Shenoute) 67, 68, 69

  Capella, Martianus 27, 31, 32, 248, 288, 292, 437, 452 Marriage of Philology and Mercury 283–284, 291, 452, 589

  Cappadocian formula 336

  Capture of Troy (Triphiodorus) 222

  Cardigni, Julieta 290, 291

  Carmen contra paganos (anon) 269, 270

  Carmen Paschale (poetic version of the Gospels) 34, 586

  Cassian, John (d. 435) 39

  Cassiodorus 153, 420, 434, 437, 457, 525, 584, 585 and chronicles 182, 184

  and ecclesiastical history 164, 165, 170

  Institutions of Divine and Secular Learning 28, 434

  and Latin literature 28, 29, 34, 35, 38

  Cassius Dio 145, 148

  Categories (Aristotle) 57, 298, 301, 303, 525

  Catholic Church/Catholicism 38, 94, 173, 376, 604, 608

  Cato, M. Porcius 407, 495

  Caucasian region 87–88, 90, 92, 94 see also Georgia/Georgian literature

  aristocracy 95

  Caucasian Mountains 87, 88

  and Iran 91–92, 99

  Parthians 95

  social structure 91

  Cavafy, C.P. 634–635

  Cedrenus 147

  Cellectio Avellana 420–421

  Cellectio Sirmondiana 420, 421

  Cento nuptialis (Ausonius) 242

  Cento Probae (Proba) 267, 268

  Cento Vergilianus (Proba) 496

  centos 242, 264

  Chalcedon, Council of see Council of Chalcedon

  Chalcedonian formula 335, 336

  Charisius 453–454, 460, 462, 463

  chreia 476–477, 484–485

  Chrestomathoi of Helladius 439–440

  Christian history Iranic colors 97–100

  Latin 37–40

  Christian literature see also Christian theological literature

  autobiographical 376

  classical/Christian binary 4–5

  Middle Persian 113–114

  pseudepigraphy 407–411

  Christian poetry 225–227, 257, 259–280 epitaphic verse 254

  Golden Age for Christian verse 270, 271

  Greek 260–266

  Latin 266–273

  and paganism 261, 263, 269, 270

  Christian theological literature 327–342 see also biblical commentary

  definitions/terminology 327–331

  emergence of 331–334

  end of late antiquity, consolidation and reception toward 337–338

  “Long Fourth Century” 334–337

  Orthodox 335

  scholasticism 330

  schools of 329

  Christian Topography (Indicopleustes) 367–368

  Christianity see also Christian literature; Christian poetry; Christian theological literature; Christology; church history; ecclesiastical history; hymns; Jesus Christ

  Armenia 76, 77

  and asceticism 65, 236, 247, 261, 270, 638

  Catholic Church/Catholicism 38, 94, 173, 376, 604, 608

  conversion to 48, 262

  early languages 17

  emergence as a privileged religion in Roman period 4

  legal texts 107

  literature and poetry see Christian literature; Christian poetry; Christian theological literature

  monotheism 125, 332, 362

  and new genres 435–437

  Nicene 50

  as official religion of Roman Empire 404


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