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Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series

Page 20

by Zane Menzy

  “Matts coming to—” Damon hesitated. Thinking twice before so blatantly labelling Matt as the family cleaner. “I’m dropping Matt off home.”

  “I thought you lived in the peak? That’s not near Damon’s place.” Todd stared across at Matt, oozing with intimidating confidence. He was about the same height as Damon with an equally fit body. Todd though, had short blond hair and piercing blue eyes, the type of innocent look you’d find in a boyband. But there was something about the guy Matt didn’t like, a duplicity which coruscated with a crafty polish.

  Matt nodded. “I do.” He felt his stomach drop. He opened his mouth to admit being the cleaner but Damon cut him off.

  “Matt’s our new cleaner. His mum was awesome at it, so Jenna is hoping hard work runs in the family.” Damon flicked his chin up at Matt, trying to include him in the conversation

  “Yep. I’m the help,” Matt joked, his voice coming out feeble.

  Todd stared blankly at him. “Righto.” The blond stud turned to face his equally handsome pal. “Anyway, Damo. Would you be able to drop me off too? You know, since you’re playing the role of taxi.”

  “Where’s your car?” Damon asked.

  “My brother’s borrowing it for the day,” Todd said, he shook his head. “I feel like I’m missing a limb without it.”

  Damon laughed. “All good. I think I have room for one more. Jump in.”

  “Shotgun!” Todd blurted, racing around the car and stepping in front of Matt to jump in the passenger’s seat. A whiff of his overly sweet body spray brushed Matt’s nostrils.

  Matt sat down in the backseat, placing his school bag on his lap. As soon as they drove off, Todd and Damon started talking about their plans for the weekend, completely oblivious to the person sitting in the back. Their unawareness to his existence was fine by Matt, sparing him the torture of trying to think of something to say.

  He looked up at the rear-view mirror and was greeted with the image of Damon’s square jawline wearing a faint hint of stubble. Matt lowered his gaze to Damon’s muscly sun-kissed arm. A pang of jealousy rippled through him at how bloody blessed Damon was with looks. He quickly looked away to the passenger side, only to be greeted with the sight of Todd’s toned limbs in a white t-shirt and blue shorts—he too, exuding the same level of blessed looks.

  Matt tugged at his baggy black t-shirt which covered his less-stellar body in comparison. He discretely inspected his arms, resenting how pale and thin they were.

  Todd’s head spun around from the front seat, catching Matt by surprise. “So, what about you, Matt? Have you got any plans for the weekend?”

  “Umm… I think my friend Jason will come over Saturday night for some drinks but that’s about it.”

  Todd gave him a puckish grin. “Your friend, aye?”

  Matt nodded. “Yeah. Jason Tuki. He used to come to our school but he left at the start of the year.”

  “Yeah, I know who you mean,” Todd said. “I just thought that he was your boyfriend, not your friend.”

  Matt felt his face begin to go red. “No, he’s—”

  “Are you gay?” Damon said loudly. “It’s okay if you are. I just never knew.” He looked back at Matt via the rear-view mirror. His eyes wide with surprise.

  Matt shook his head, panicked by the wrong impression being given. “No, no. I’m not gay. Jason is just my friend. We’ve known each other for years.”

  “That’s what they all say,” Todd said, winking.

  Damon chuckled. “And how would you know?” He tapped Todd’s leg. “Have you got a gay lover you not telling me about, Nancy?”

  Todd sat upright in his seat, flailing his wrists around as he spoke with a lisp, “Yes, darling. I’m a bum basher from waaaaay back.” He burst out laughing at his own impersonation, returning his voice to its normal sound, “Nothing quite like a tight arsehole is there, Matt?”

  “Honestly, I’m not gay,” Matt replied almost in a whisper.

  “Just ignore him, Matt. Todd’s just winding you up,” Damon said, still half-laughing. “Anyway, we know you’re not gay.”

  “Cool,” Matt said, feeling relieved.

  Damon smiled. “Yeah, no gay guy would dress like you do.”

  Todd and Damon both sniggered at the supposedly good-natured joke. Matt joined in with the laughter, feeling a wave of embarrassment for being dressed so messily. The thought of buying new clothes suddenly seemed the most important thing in the world. Jason did say I should.

  Todd turned back in his seat to face Matt. “If you aren’t a poof, tell me which girls at school you like?”

  “No one really,” Matt lied, his mind screaming Lexi’s name.

  “Nar, come on. There’s quite a few hot girls in our year, surely one of them must tickle your fancy,” Todd said with a salacious grin. He tapped Damon on the shoulder. “Plenty of talent in our year don’t you think, Damo?”

  “Only one,” Damon replied.

  Todd groaned. “Fuck off. Zoe’s not in the car with us right now, drop nuts. She’s not even in the country. You can be honest.”

  Damon shook his head. “I am being honest.”

  Todd rolled his eyes at Matt. “Seriously, Matt. Damon here has never been the same since Zoe cut off his balls.”

  Matt laughed, more out of politeness than actually finding the comment funny.

  Damon sounded like he choked on a cough. “Piss off, Todd. Just ‘cos I am dating the hottest girl at school while your left to wank alone ain’t my fault.”

  Todd’s mouth dropped open. “Fuck off. I could have any one of the girls I choose.” He stared at Matt, a serious expression on his face. “I’ve had quite a few already, but why date them when you can move onto something new, right?”

  “Guess so,” Matt said, hoping he was saying what Todd wanted to hear. He looked out the window, breaking away from Todd’s gaze, hoping Lexi wasn’t on the list.

  “Yep, I can’t deprive the world of this big cock. All the girls deserve a turn on this fella,” Todd said, groping his crotch.

  “Yeah, it would be such a shame for the ladies to miss out on your huge four inches, Toddy,” Damon teased, laughing.

  Matt laughed too, this time for real. Maybe Todd and Damon weren’t so bad after all. Matt wondered if perhaps he had judged these guys wrong all through high school. He played with the fantasy of how awesome it would be if they were his friends. He would get invited to all the parties, be popular just by association and best of all he would be able to hang out with Lexi.

  Dreams are free, said Matt’s inner voice. He ignored the mental downer and gazed out the window, choosing to live a little longer in the fantasy of being part of Damon and Todd’s crew.


  Jenna’s Knickers

  Two hours into cleaning and Matt felt his knees burning red from kneeling on the ground, scrubbing the kitchen tiles that Jenna insisted needed an extra-good going over. He felt his face flush with exhaustion and his body slick with sweat. He had no idea how much work went into cleaning this house, and for the first time, he realised how hard his mum must have worked.

  The drive to the Harris home with Damon and Todd had gone smoothly. Matt hadn’t contributed much to the conversation, just sitting in the back, smiling and nodding along to the two boy’s random spiels.

  Rather than be dropped off at his own house, Todd had decided to come back to Damon’s. When the three of them arrived at the Harris household, Jenna was in the kitchen and she didn’t seem too pleased at all. She dished out an inhospitable stare and huffed like she was angry about something.

  In a voice bordering on aggressive, she told Damon she was on her way out to visit a friend. When Damon had asked her who, Jenna ignored the question. Instead, she barked an order that Damon and Todd leave the house so Matt could clean alone in peace and quiet.

  Secretly Matt was grateful for her banishing command. He hadn’t liked the idea of cleaning up while Damon and Todd lazed about watching him earn his pennies.
br />   Jenna had pointed at the kitchen bench to a piece of paper and a fifty dollar note, telling Matt that was his list of chores and payment. She then barged past them, escaping out the front door, slamming it behind her.

  “Fuck, man, is your mum on the rag or what?” Todd had joked.

  Damon had shrugged like it was nothing. “You never know with Jenna.”

  They had disappeared upstairs to Damon’s bedroom, leaving Matt to get to work, attacking the list of chores in Jenna’s note; Clean the kitchen floor, laundry, vacuuming and skirting boards.

  By the time Matt had filled the mop bucket up with a toxic potion of heavy duty cleaning liquids, Damon and Todd had come back downstairs. They were both dressed in brightly coloured boardshorts, each with a towel draped over their shirtless shoulders.

  “Hey, Matt. If Jenna comes back, tell her we have gone for a swim at the beach,” Damon said.

  Matt nodded. He again found himself with pangs of envy trickling through his conscience as he subtly appreciated Todd and Damon’s fit physiques. I bet Lexi would date me if I looked like them, he thought.

  Damon and Todd hurried out the room. The sound of the front door shutting let Matt know he was alone in the extravagant house.

  The quietness had an eerie quality at first, but now after two hours of cleaning, he was all too tired to even notice. When Matt finished scrubbing the last of the kitchen tiles, the entire floor shone brilliantly. He hummed a sigh of relief to finally be done with it.

  He trotted through to the laundry—a room bigger than his own bedroom at home. It seemed crazy to have so much space for what was essentially a place to store just a washing machine and dryer. But even such a low-key room in the Harris household reeked of plush ponce. On the terracotta-coloured walls were fancy pieces of pottery, each gleaming with specs of melted glass moulded into their ornate features.

  After admiring the artistic clay pieces, Matt emptied his bucket of dirty water, then stored it away under the laundry sink. He ran a hand through his dark hair which was matted to his forehead with sweat. “I wish I was the one swimming at the beach,” he said aloud.

  He looked at the washing machine, checking on the load he had thrown in earlier. It’s panel of lights flashed green, telling him it was finished. He hoisted the lid up and reached in grabbing out the wet nest of clothes. Judging by the shape and style of the shirts and pants it was obvious these were all Damon’s.

  With Damon’s wet washing in one hand, Matt leant down to open the dryer door. He nearly threw Damon’s bundled washing on top a pile of dry, fluffy garments already sitting inside the tumble dryer. Matt placed Damon’s clothes back in the washing machine to tend to the surprise of dry clothes hogging the space he needed. Grumbling to himself about the inconvenience he reached in and plucked out the soft clean clothes in the dryer. They were a mashup of pale pinks and whites, but in the middle of the bundle was a striking blackness that on closer inspection turned out to be a pair of laced panties.

  Jenna’s! Matt felt his mouth go dry and his heart skip a beat. Instinctively Matt listened out for any noise in the house. Matt’s cock twitched in his pants, it knew what he was about to do even before he did.

  With shaky fingers, he pulled the black panties out, retrieving them with deft precision, as if he were holding an explosive device. Matt pressed the knickers into his face, breathing in the clean scent of Jenna Harris’s private undergarment. The feel of the smooth material pressed against his nose made him imagine how smooth her inner thighs would be and how good she would taste. Matt sucked down on his tongue, contemplating if he had time to jack off in the privacy of the empty house. He only wished he could find a pair that hadn’t been washed.

  Matt dug his hand under the waistband of his pants, gripping hold of his dick, squeezing it with firm resolve. He slowly started his rhythm, tugging back and forwards on his growing erection. He continued to bury his face in Jenna’s knickers, wanking along to the fantasy of seducing an older woman.

  Matt pulled his pants down past his arse cheeks, unleashing his dick and balls. If only he could be fully naked while doing this, he thought.

  It didn’t take long to become fully hard, the girth and firmness in his hand conveying just how much he enjoyed the deviancy of masturbating with his boss’s knickers.

  Matt’s teenage balls burned with cum, eager for release. He began grunting, feeling close, gasping and sighing into Jenna’s panties. Completely lost in the moment, he was mere seconds away from cumming, when a noise behind him killed the fantasy and left him frozen in time.

  “What the fuck!” said a shocked voice.

  Matt dropped the knickers, pulled his pants up and spun around to find Damon and Todd standing in the laundry doorway.

  FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Matt’s mind burned with a level of scare he didn’t know existed, he thought his heart would burst through his chest. Where the fuck did they come from? He had been so fucking horny, he hadn’t even heard their footsteps. He looked down and saw why. They were barefoot, feet covered in sand from their swim at the beach. No noisy sneakers to give away any approach.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Damon demanded, his face laced with shock.

  “Nothing. Sorry. I was just uh… doing the washing,” Matt said, pathetically. His face burned red, the hairs on the back of his neck sticking up.

  “Fuck off you were,” Todd said, heatedly. “You were having a fucking wank!” He pointed at the ground to Jenna’s dropped knickers. “With those!”

  Matt said nothing. What could he say? He had been snapped and the incriminating evidence was at his feet and his pants bulged with an erection.

  Damon shook his head and muttered, “Fuck sake. That’s pretty low, bro.”

  Matt finally found his voice, “I’m so sorry.”

  “You fucking should be,” Todd said. His eyes narrowed and singed with anger. “That’s not how you clean up someone’s house you dirty pervert.”

  Matt shook his head in shame. He did feel like a pervert. “I am so sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say.

  “You’re sorry now that you’ve been caught, you filthy fucker.” Todd sighed in disgust.

  “Well, just… I dunno. Finish with the cleaning and go home, Matt,” Damon said, running a hand through his wet hair. He went to turn and walk out but Todd grabbed him by the shoulder, stopping him from leaving.

  “Nar, Damo. This cunt needs to be taught a lesson. You don’t come into someone else’s home and do that sort of thing.” Todd glanced Matt up and down like he was some sort of disease.

  Matt wished he could just melt into a puddle and seep through the floor, and escape the most embarrassing moment of his life.

  Damon flicked his eyes at Todd with a questioning look. “What do you mean?”

  “I think we should teach young Matt here that there are consequences for behaving like a sexual predator.” Todd’s lips curled up with sadistic glee.

  “I’m not a sexual predator,” Matt protested. “I promise, I’m not.” He saw Todd give Damon a sly wink, one that made him feel uneasy.

  Todd walked from the doorway into the laundry, folded his arms across his bare chest and leaned his back against the wall. Damon watched his friend set the scene and followed suit, walking and standing beside Todd, puffing his chest out aggressively.

  Matt waited for them to beat the shit out of him. The pair’s steely faces honed in on him ominously. “I said I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “Do you think a sorry is what Jenna wants to hear? Or the police?” Todd said, a nasty tone ringing through his voice.

  “The police?” Matt gasped.

  Todd nodded “Yes. The police. I mean, you were trusted to clean the Harris home but instead you’re here sniffing underwear, trying to spoof in the laundry. That to me sounds like the type of behaviour that could come with a charge.”

  Matt suddenly feared the worst. Todd was probably right. The police could be called and he could be charged with… well, he didn’t know
. Charged with whatever the fuck it was they would charge him with. He gulped a lump of nerves in is throat, waiting for Damon to go grab the phone.

  Todd nudged Damon’s elbow. “So, Damo, what do you think we should do?”

  Damon almost smiled. He then straightened his face to a more serious level. “I don’t know, Todd? What should we do?”

  Todd bit down on his lip, contemplatively. “Well, we could ring the police or we could settle this our own way, so Matt knows never to do this sort of thing again.”

  Oh, god. They are going to beat the shit out of me! Matt looked at the menacing pair, both standing in just their togs against the wall. He no longer envied their muscly bodies, he feared them.

  “Look, Matt. I think it’s mean to rob a man of his wank. Nobody wants blue balls,” Todd said.

  Matt didn’t know what the fuck Todd was on about, he stared back, deadpan.

  Todd took three steps forward, stopping right in front of him. The two inches of height that Todd had on him felt like a mile, reducing Matt to a scared midget. Todd’s breath wafted over his face, “So tell me, how do you normally like to please yourself?”

  “Sorry?” Matt responded.

  “How do you normally wank? Like you don’t stand around in the laundry at home stroking yourself, do you?”

  Damon coughed loudly. Matt glanced over Todd’s shoulder and saw Damon pressing a hand to his mouth, trying to control his laughter.

  Todd shoved Matt on the shoulder. “Come on, what’s your normal wanking ritual? We all have one.” He looked back at Damon. “Don’t we, Damo?”

  Damon lowered his hand from his face, smiling. “Yep, we sure do.”

  “So, Matty boy. What is yours?” Todd asked, obviously enjoying himself.

  The incredibly probing question was adding salt to Matt’s already humiliated ego. “Umm, I don’t really—”

  “Bullshit,” Todd cut him off. “Tell the truth, or tell the police the truth of what we saw.”

  Matt cringed at the word police. He took a deep breath. “I normally do it in the shower or in bed.”


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