Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series

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Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series Page 51

by Zane Menzy

  Liam didn’t obey the subliminal message Keegan was screaming in his mind. Instead, Liam slipped his fingers under the waistband of Keegan’s underwear, tickling the tip of his untrimmed pubes.

  Holy fuck!!! What are you fucking doing?

  Liam let out a soft and adorable laugh. “Wow. My mate hasn’t manscaped in a while.”

  Keegan cringed in embarrassment. He didn’t need the fucking world to know that he was yet to ever hack his pubes with a razor.

  “It’s all good though. He’s still making me wanna try stuff,” Liam said, still twirling his fingers amongst the nest of hairs.

  Keegan’s cock throbbed again, stiffening well into semi-erect territory.

  “But today I just wanna give my buddy here a massage. I don’t wanna freak him out too much.” Liam kissed Keegan’s neck so tenderly it made him want to melt. “Are you ready for your massage, Regan?”

  Keegan finally opened his eyes and nodded, he stood in place, his legs wobbly like jelly. Thank god! He started to calm down after coming so dangerously close to being exposed for having a boner.

  “You better lay down then big guy.” Liam finished his sentence by slipping his hand right in Keegan’s underwear and gripping his cock, giving it a firm tug.

  “Fuck,” Keegan yelped.

  Liam let go of him and ran and turned the camera off. “Are you okay?”

  Keegan shook his head. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Expecting what?”

  “You to grab my cock.”

  Liam ran a hand through his hair. “Sorry, man. I guess I just got carried away. Playing up for the camera and all.”

  Keegan sat down on the bed and hugged his knees. He didn’t want Liam to see the bulge of what he had already felt. Liam sat beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Honestly, Keegan, I’m really sorry. I just thought it would look hotter for the video if I did that.”

  “You could have given me some warning first,” Keegan said in a pissy tone.

  “That would have killed the vibe though.”

  “I don’t fucking care.”

  Liam poked his shoulder. “Come on, Keegan, what’s the big deal? Aside from the one in your pants.”

  Keegan blushed. “Excuse me?”

  “Are you angry ‘cos I didn’t give you any warning or are you angry because I gave you a stiffy?”

  “I don’t have a fucking stiffy!”

  “You had a bit of growth going on down there, don’t lie.” Liam grinned.

  Keegan refused to answer.

  “Look, man,” Liam continued. “It’s okay if you did. I was feeling you up all sexy like. I probably would have had one too if you were feeling me up like that.”

  Keegan slowly began to let his guard down. “You would?”

  “Yeah, fully. Dicks have minds of their own. They don’t know who’s doing the touching.” Liam nodded, his eyes glossed over with apology.

  Keegan felt bad. “I’m sorry if I ruined the video.”

  “You didn’t ruin it. If anything, it will probably make it better.”


  “Well, it means when we do another one they’ll be on the edge of their seats to see what happens.”

  Another one? Keegan wasn’t sure if he were relieved or happy at the prospect. “You’d want to do another one?”

  “Yeah. If you wanted to?”

  Keegan let a few seconds of silence drape the air before answering. He didn’t want to appear too keen. “Yeah, I could do another one.”

  “Brilliant. And next time I promise not to go off script like that.”

  Keegan laughed. “How about actually telling me the script next time so I know what I am in for.”

  “No worries. In future, I shall let you know every dirty detail of what I plan to do to you and your sexy body that could turn me queer.” Liam winked. He opened his arms wide and hovered forward. “Shall we hug and make up?”

  Keegan laughed and pushed his mate away. “You already had your hands in my pants, so we’ve probably had enough contact for one day.” He said all this with a jovial smile but it pained him to turn down the hug and deny his truth. He wished he could have hugged it out. He wished they could lay on the bed and hug all day. But what Keegan wanted from his best mate probably wasn’t in the script of Liam’s life.

  Chapter Nine

  The night had just turned dark and Keegan was rearing to go. He sat in the passenger seat of his mum’s car being driven to Liam’s older brother’s birthday party. Although it was a celebration for Joel—a world-class tosser— it didn’t mean Keegan couldn’t have a good night.

  When Liam had called to invite him, Keegan assumed it was to plan another video. When Liam said it was to come to the party, he was slightly disappointed it wasn’t to book their next session for the camera. It had been two days since Liam’s hands and words gave him a hard on, and Keegan had been using the erotic memory as lusty fodder for whenever he was alone in his room or having a shower. Basically, any chance Keegan had in the past forty-eight hours to touch his dick, his mind clutched the moment Liam had touched it.

  It made a change from relying on sneaking looks at Damon who was still staying with them and trying to talk him into going up to Auckland. Keegan figured maybe he should give it a chance, go back up with his father’s best mate. Like Damon said, it would be a hell of a lot more exciting to have New Year’s Eve in the city than be stuck at home in his small home town. Fuck staying with his father though. He would much rather stay with Damon who lived in the centre of Auckland, right at the doorstep of all the nightlife.

  Keegan thought he could ask Liam to join him. They could go up and stay for a few weeks and have some fun checking out the city. They had talked about going to see Green Day who were coming to play in Auckland in just a few weeks time. Maybe they could go up a bit early, stay with Damon ‘till Skippy and Tony came up and they could all go to the concert together. Of course, Damon may not be a fan of being used like a hotel for nearly a month but then if Keegan promised to go spend some of the time with his dad, maybe Damon would be more obliging.

  The prospect of father-son bonding was hideous. Keegan had a niggly suspicion his father would use the time to try and patch up a damaged past. At least if Liam were with him, it may be more bearable and less awkward, Keegan thought. The other good thing about Liam coming was it might just stop Keegan trying anything foolish if he were alone with Damon. Being alone with the guy in his apartment would be too fucking torturous not to make a move. Especially if Damon waltzed about with his body on show like he had done so far this Christmas holiday.

  “It’s just along here, isn’t it?” His mother asked.

  “Yep, not too much farther now.” He was too broke for a taxi to get to the party and rather than walk the hour it would take to get there he had accepted his mother’s offer of being driven.

  “I see it now,” she said, forgetting the specific instruction not to drop him off right outside the party.

  “Okay, just a bit further along please,” Keegan mumbled, covering the side of his face with his hand.

  His mother let the car roll past a few more houses before braking to a stop. She laughed to herself as she stared across at him. “Gee. It’s so nice to know that my one and only child is so ashamed of me.”

  “I’m not ashamed of you, Mum,” Keegan exhaled. “I just don’t want anyone seeing me near you.”

  His mother laughed. “Wow. Thank you for clearing that up for me. Are you sure you don’t want me to escort you to the door, darling.”

  “Don’t you dare.”

  “Oh, go on. I could give you a big kiss goodbye so all your friends think your cool.”

  “Obviously our definition of what constitutes being cool is quite different,” Keegan groaned.

  His mother rolled her eyes. “I was joking, Keegan. I’m not that bloody old to know turning up with your mother isn’t the done thing.” She stroked her hair as she looked in the rear vision mirror at a car
about to go past. “And for the record I was probably much more popular at your age than you are.”

  “Oh really?” Keegan smirked. She was probably right.

  “Yep. I didn’t need nana or grandad to drive me to parties.”

  “So you drove drunk did you?”

  “Don’t be stupid. I had boyfriends as chauffeurs. I didn’t have to drive myself anywhere for years,” she said, sounding very proud of the fact.

  “Okay, Mum. Thanks for the lift and I’ll call you later when I need to be picked up.”

  Keegan shot her a quick glance. “Picked up from here. Not outside the party.”

  “Okay, love. I will be sure to follow your very rigid instructions. And if its Damon who picks you up then I’ll be sure to pass it on to him too.”

  “Damon,” Keegan said shrilly. “I thought you were picking me up?”

  “I probably will but if I get too tired he has agreed to come get you.”

  “Won’t he be ditching you and going to town?” Keegan gave his mother a questioning look. “That’s what he normally does when he visits.”

  “Apparently he is not up for a night out so we are both staying in to watch movies.” His mother shook her head. “God that sounds old.”

  “You are old.”

  “I am forty-three Keegan not one-hundred.”

  “Well you probably are in dog years. Actually, you’d be more like a thousand.” Keegan laughed as his mother flicked his shoulder.

  “Okay, darling child, get out of the car now so I can run you over.”

  Keegan chuckled and slid out the car and waved goodbye to his mother as she drove off. He didn’t have to walk far before he heard the noise of the party polluting the night sky. The clanging of rock music mingled with drunken yahooing so loudly that Keegan knew the neighbours would be having a grumpy, sleepless night.

  When he got to the driveway he found the place littered with cars parked in disorderly fashion like a dyslexic car yard. A group of girls sat outside the front door smoking and drinking, eyeing him subtly as he walked past. He only managed to get two feet inside the house when a stern voice attacked him. “Outside please. Follow the signs with the arrows. The party is in the backyard.”

  Keegan looked up and saw that it was Liam’s mother, Collette, standing in the hallway. “Sorry Mrs Corrigan. I’ll go round the side.”

  “Oh, I am sorry, Keegan. I didn’t realise it was you,” she said. “I thought you were one of Joel’s nameless guests.” She motioned for him to come forward. “Cut through the lounge and go out that way. We know you, so you get a free pass.”

  “Thank you.” Keegan smiled at Liam’s mum and made his way through the nice home towards the ranch slider that would take him out to a deck and then down some steps to the backyard. When he stepped outside, he saw teams of people mingling in huddled masses. Keegan could hear now that the music was coming from the garden shed at the very back of the large property. To his left at the edge of the deck he saw two portaloos standing side by side. It was like Liam’s parents had planned for a festival rather than a birthday, he thought.

  Keegan looked down at the crowd of people that he estimated numbered about fifty. It was just after 9 o’clock so he figured more guests would be arriving yet. As he looked down at the sea of bodies and nameless faces he felt lost. These were all Joel’s friends who would be around the same age as the birthday boy—twenty-four.

  Keegan scanned desperately for Liam. Beautiful Liam. It was stupid but he had been looking forward all day to see what Liam would be wearing. He assumed his pal might be snazzed up for his brother’s party more than normal. Not that it mattered. Liam could wear a rubbish bag and still be the hottest guy at the party. Right away Keegan began imagining Liam in the garbage attire and then naked. Anytime Liam entered his thoughts the poor guy wound up naked.

  It was a strange thing this whole secret crush business. When he was younger and thought he was straight, Keegan could talk to Liam, Skippy, Tony or anyone about the girls he fancied. It was fun to discuss who you liked or have your mates tease you about it. But this crush. This gay crush. It was different. He didn’t have anyone he could talk to about it. He had no choice but to bottle it up and let his feelings bubble like boiling water.

  Keegan stared out, trying to catch a glimpse of his pals. Near the back of the garden he saw someone wearing a white baseball cap who stood taller than everyone else. Skippy! Keegan was glad his Aussie mate was so damned tall. It made him easy to spot. Keegan lowered his gaze to the people beside Skippy. He saw flaming ginger hair; Tony and beside him; dashing dark hair which belonged to Liam.

  He ushered his way through the sea of limbs, knocking into arses and elbows until he managed to reach his pals. Liam was first to spot him and shot him a generous smile. Keegan admired Liam’s outfit. Slim fitting black pants and a white ruffled shirt that made Liam look like he was an updated version of a hero from the Victorian era.

  “Finally!” Liam bellowed over the music. “We were beginning to think you weren’t coming.”

  “I’m here now.” Keegan nodded hello at Skippy and Tony. “I had to wait for Mum to be ready to drop me off.”

  “How is your mum,” Skippy asked eagerly like he was pouncing on prey.

  “She’s fine,” Keegan answered.

  “Seriously, bro. If she was my mum I would never leave the house. I’d much rather stay home with her if you know what I mean.” Skippy arched his curved eyebrows, insinuating his devious intentions.

  “Sadly, I do know what you mean. And gross.” Keegan pulled a revolted face.

  “What’s gross about it? Your mum’s hot as fuck, man.” Skippy slipped a drunken smile. He was obviously well ahead on the drinks tonight, Keegan thought. It didn’t help that even when the guy was sober he was dumb as he was tall.

  Liam laughed. “So you’re saying that if Keegan’s mum was your mum then you would fuck your own mother?”

  Skippy blinked a few times. “Yes. That is what I’m saying.”

  They all burst out laughing.

  “You’re fucking grim, Skippy,” Tony said, slapping him on the back.

  “Nothing grim about Keegan’s mum.” Skippy grinned.

  Keegan groaned internally. He was used to comments like this about his mum but not from his inner circle. They usually kept any comments to themselves but Skippy’s slurred speech told Keegan that his mate had lost all control of appropriateness.

  Skippy suddenly turned to his side and let out a loud burp that erupted down to the face of a girl standing near them. She flicked them a disgusted look. “You pig,” She huffed.

  “Ignore the cave man here, he’s just had a few too many beersies,” Tony apologised on behalf of his friend.

  Skippy smiled at the disapproving girl and burped again. This time she walked off leaving Skippy in hysterics at his ability to revolt. “I think she wants to hump me.”

  “I’m thinking probably not.” Tony chuckled.

  “Tony’s right,” Liam said. “The only thing you’ll be humping is the ground when you fall into it from passing out.”

  “Whatever, bro.” Skippy shook off the joke. “I’m wearing my lucky undies. I always score when I have these fellas on.” He lifted his shirt, exposing his flat tummy before tugging his jeans down a smidgen to show he was wearing green silk boxers. “They’re my mean greens.”

  Liam snorted. “Fuckin hell. The only thing mean n green about down there is the gonorrhoea you never got cleared up.”

  Skippy frowned, unaware Liam was only joking. “I’ve never had that. I swear.” He took his cap off running his hand through his short brown hair, looking worried that they might not believe him. “Honest, Liam, I ain’t never been in any huckery boxes.”

  They all began to laugh at Skippy’s inability to sense a joke. The tall numbskull only made it funnier by trying to defend his cock’s honour.

  Keegan nearly jumped when a hand landed on his shoulder. He spun around surprised to be greeted by a fami
liar face he did not expect to see at this party. “Tess,” Keegan coughed out. “What-what are you doing here?”

  “My brother is friends with Joel,” she said, pointing to a group of guys behind her where her geeky brother, Jamie, stood. While Tess was naturally good-looking with her blonde hair and slim frame, Jamie who had the same features as his little sister managed to make blonde and slim appear geeky with a nest of fluffy hair and his thick-rimmed glasses.

  They hadn’t seen each other since he broke up with her after the trip away with Damon. The trip away that had seen him seduce Damon in dubious fashion and realise that Tess had been a cover up for where his true feelings lie. He had felt bad about what he had done but not as bad as he could have. The weirdness of who he had slept with only got weirder when you factor in that the only reason he pounced on Damon in the first place was out of revenge for Damon sleeping with Tess the night of his birthday. Tess didn’t know that he knew. He hadn’t mentioned anything, partly out of respect for her, but also it didn’t seem fair to expose her secret if he wouldn’t divulge his own.

  Keegan swallowed hard. “So umm… how have you been?”

  “I’ve been good.” Tess nodded. “And you?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been great.”

  “We’re gonna go grab ourselves some more drinks,” Liam cut in. He shot Keegan a knowing glance to let him know that they would give him and Tess some privacy.

  “Okay. I’ll come find you guys soon,” Keegan said before turning back to face Tess.

  “It’s weird being here and not being your date,” she said.

  “True.” Keegan tilted his head to try and look thoughtful about the observation. He supposed it was weird. They had dated for two years and had been each other’s plus one to any social event going. This was his first time truly solo and hers too probably.

  “How was your Christmas?” Tess asked, fiddling with the shoulder strap of her dress.

  “It was okay. Same old really. Ate way too much and then sat around my grandparent’s pool feeling bloated.”


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