Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series

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Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series Page 62

by Zane Menzy

  Matt dug his nails into Damon’s hip, keeping him deep inside to absorb every drop of cum that was spilling out of his mate’s twitching cock. Fuck that feels amazing. Damon’s cock spasmed hard, shooting out a load that Matt knew was huge. The warm seed piled in, filling him up like a pond. Matt clutched Damon’s arm, giving it a kiss. “Thank you for sharing that with me.”

  Damon’s body trembled and shook. He bit Matt on the neck, giving him a slick lick. “Thank you for letting me share it.”

  Matt looked down at his own cock, which was still rock hard, begging to be pleased.

  “Did you want me to finish you off,” Damon asked, trying to pull his arm away to grab hold of Matt’s dick.

  Matt fetched Damon’s arm back, wanting to stay in the hug. “I’m fine. I just wanted to make sure you were sorted.”

  “You’re such a fucking thoughtful bugger, aren’t you?” Damon kissed him again.

  “I try.” Matt turned his face up to look at Damon without breaking the fusion of their bodies. “Is it okay if we stay like this a while?” He didn’t want to leave this couch anytime soon. He just wanted to lay there with Damon still inside him.

  “If that’s what you want?” Maybe after the movie we can have another round?” Damon raised his eyebrows. “My stocks should be replenished by then.”

  Matt giggled like a school boy and rest his head on Damon’s arm. “Sounds good to me.”

  “I think for round two though we should go to my room so we can have even more fun.”

  “More fun?” Matt smiled. “I don’t know if that is possible.”

  “Oh, I have more tricks up my sleeve than what I just showed you, Matty.”

  “Such as?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see. But I can tell you I’d love to make use of my photography skills with you,” Damon said with a glitch of cheek to his voice.

  “You what?”

  “I reckon it would be hot if you let me take pics of you.”

  “Oh god, no. I don’t think so.” Matt laughed.

  “Oh, come on. Live a little. Maybe I would like something sexy just for myself to remind me how fucking hot my best mate is?” Damon blew a kiss. “I’ll make it worth your while, babe.”

  “We’ll see,” Matt sighed, playing coy. Truth was Damon could ask for anything he wanted if he kept using the magic word. Besides, if he were to do something foolish like nude pics then why not take them with the person he trusted most in the world.

  Damon tightened his embrace, his arms surrounding Matt like a solicitous circle. “Fuck you’re beautiful.”

  “Ditto.” Matt’s cock was still hard but that didn’t matter. It was his heart feeling the most pleasure in this moment. That was better than any orgasm. He lay there in bliss, absorbing Damon’s spunk and the love humming heavily in the room.

  Damon really cared about him. He really did.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Keegan wished for the power of invisibility as he sat on the bar stool watching Jason watch him. Garth wasn’t any fucking help the way he stood there rubbing his lips, smiling like a fool.

  “Hi. How’s your night going Jason,” Keegan fuddled.

  “My night’s fine,” Jason cooed. “Not quite as good as yours though judging by how bloody steamy that kissed look.” He walked around the table and sat down across from Keegan. He patted Garth on the shoulder. “You look like you were about to swallow Keegan whole.”

  “Nar, that’ll come later wont it, boyfriend.” Garth patted Keegan on the back, winking salaciously.

  Keegan thrusted Garth’s hand away. “No it won’t because you’re not my boyfriend.”

  Jason giggled. “Oh, so you’re not a couple?” he narrowed his eyes as he looked at them both. “Sure looks like you’re a couple.”

  “Does it?” Garth said excitedly. He nodded, looking pleased with himself. “I didn’t do too bad then for a straight guy.”

  Jason waved his arms in the air. “Okay. What? Your straight?” He looked at Keegan suspiciously. “I thought you were both straight before I stumbled across your intense round of tonsil tennis, now Garth is saying otherwise. Can one of youse please get this queen up to speed?”

  Garth looked at Keegan as if asking for permission to explain. Keegan groaned affirmatively. It seemed pointless denying it but he wasn’t in the mood to do the explaining. Garth pointed across at red shirt who still looked over. “That dude kept checking Keegan out so I decided to put on a wee show so he thought we were a couple.”

  “Okaaaay,” Jason slurred, still not following.

  “In a nutshell. I love the V and Keegan loves the D,” Garth blurted. “Don’t ya buddy?”

  “I wouldn’t put it quite like that,” Keegan mumbled.

  “Are you attracted to men?” Jason asked.

  Keegan reluctantly nodded.

  “Then yes, I would say Garth said it perfectly.” He chuckled. “Oh god, I wish Matty was here. That would be classic.”

  “No way! That would be a fucking nightmare.” Keegan shook his head. “I don’t want dad knowing.”

  “Cool your heels, kitten. I didn’t say I would tell him.” Jason gave a warm smile. “I just mean it would have been funny if he found out like this. Well… not funny for you but you know what I mean.” Jason screwed his face up. “Sorry, I really am not making much sense.”

  “Nar, you are,” Garth said. “It would have been fucking hilarious.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Keegan said. “I am so glad my potential misery brings a smile to you both.”

  “Sorry, toots. It’s all in good spirit.” Jason eyeballed Garth. “Pity you aren’t gay too. I think you would make an adorable couple.”

  Garth nudged Keegan with his elbow. “Hear that, blondie. You and me would make an adorable couple.”

  Keegan rolled his eyes. “Don’t encourage him, Jason. He already likes to be the world’s biggest tease.”

  “I ain’t a tease, bro. I just pashed you so hard I almost tasted your breakfast.”

  “Kissing is one thing but will you follow through?” Jason giggled.

  Garth picked his drink up, swigging back a mouthful to avoid answering.

  Jason tapped Keegan’s shoulder. “And I promise I won’t say a word to Matty about any of this.”

  “Thank you,” Keegan replied.

  “You do know that he wouldn’t care though.” Jason pursed his lips. “You probably couldn’t ask for a better dad when it comes to accepting you.”

  “Really?” Keegan questioned.

  “Umm hello!” Jason waved a hand in Keegan’s face. “You do know he has been friends with me forever and not to mention your grandmother’s gay.” Jason nodded. “Yes. Matty is more than equipped to handle the joy of knowing he has a gay son.”

  “See, Keegan,” Garth said. “You should just tell him already.”

  Keegan shook his head. “It’s kind of awkward enough being back here without adding to it.” He looked at Jason and Garth who both appeared to disagree with his sentiment. “I can hardly be like ‘oh I know I haven’t had anything to do with you my whole life but by the way I’m gay.’”

  “You can be exactly like that,” Jason said adamantly. “Your father wouldn’t care who you choose to sleep with.”

  “Oh, I can think of one person he might.” Garth snickered.

  Fuck up idiot! Keegan glared at Garth, knowing exactly who he meant.

  Jason may have been drunk but his senses were still sharp enough to sniff out the scent of scandal. “What do you mean?”

  Garth went rigid, realising he had dropped the ball on a secret. “Oh, nothing. I just meant he wouldn’t be happy if Keegan brought home an animal.” He laughed awkwardly.

  Great let’s add bestiality to the table. Keegan wanted to hit his pal but he didn’t want Jason to have more evidence.

  “Pleeeease, Garth. That is the weakest cover up line ever.” Jason rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t born last pride parade, sweet cheeks.” He flicked his back eye
s to Keegan. “What was the cock tease talking about?”

  “I ain’t a cock tease and I was honestly talking about sweet fluffy animals,” Garth said pointlessly.

  Jason didn’t take his eyes off Keegan. He was staring him down waiting for an honest answer.

  Keegan took a sip of his drink, steadying his nerves. “Can you keep a secret?”

  Jason’s lips twitched trying to hold in a smile. “Of course.” He struck a more serious expression. “Look, Keegan, I love gossip as much as the next person but if this is something you don’t want me to know then you don’t have to tell me.”

  “Okay.” Keegan nibbled on his lip. The fact Jason didn’t hound for the gossip made him want to share it. Maybe he could help? “But if I tell you, you have to promise me that you will never tell my dad. Ever!”

  “You have my word.”

  Keegan took a deep breath. “The reason I am here in Auckland is because I did something really dumb down home.” He paused, gathering his thoughts. “I hooked up with someone at a party and we didn’t know that the room we were fooling around in had a camera on recording us.”

  “Oh dear…” Jason clasped a hand over his mouth before crossing his chest like he was at church. “You poor thing.”

  Garth remained silent, staring at the ground.

  “It’s online and some of my friends have seen it and I just…” Keegan sighed. “I couldn’t hang around waiting for who else might end up seeing it.”

  “That’s understandable.” Jason tapped his fingers on the table. “Is there any way you can get it removed? Surely websites can be contacted and be told that it must be taken down.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t really have the energy for all that at the moment. Fuck knows how many sites it’s on or how many people have a copy.”

  “Fucking internet,” Jason said heatedly. “Is that what you’re worried about? Matty finding out? Cos I really don’t think he would be angry with you, Keegan. I think he would do everything he could to help you get it removed.”

  “That’s not the reason,” Garth said ominously.

  Jason’s forehead crinkled. “It’ not?”

  “Nope.” Keegan let out a pitiful laugh. “It’s about who is in the video with me.”

  Jason pursed his lips. “Who?”

  Keegan looked around at the other tables to make sure no one was watching their discussion. “It’s Damon,” Keegan admitted. “I had sex with Damon.”

  Jason’s mouth dropped open and a scratchy gasp came out. “Damon, Damon? As in Damon Harris? As in Matty’s close friend Damon? As in Damon—”

  “Yes,” Keegan hissed. “That Damon.”

  “Holy fuckaroony.” Jason fanned his face with his hands. “Hooooo, girl. That is some heavy shit. Like wowsa. Super bad.”

  “I know, I know,” Keegan said, regretting to confide in a drama queen.

  “Like wow, Keegan. That is just… wow.” Jason took a deep breath. “Like not bad for you, but oooo bad for Damon. Very fucking bad for Damon indeed.”

  “I think it’s bad for both of us,” Keegan said.

  “No, Keegan. No.” Jason fluttered his lashes. “You are the innocent party and its bad for you that there is a video but what I mean is Matty will want to kill Damon for this. Hands to his throat and throttle him.”

  “I’m not a little kid, it isn’t like some old man took advantage of me,” Keegan spat out defensively. It felt like Damon was being cast in the role of villain unfairly.

  “That’s not what I mean at all. Damon is the same age as me so I can assure you I would never refer to him as old.” Jason gave him a worried smile. “But Damon and Matt are tight. Best mates—if you don’t count me of course—and that is a big big BIG betrayal. I mean, that is just something you don’t do. What was Damon thinking?”

  It felt like Keegan’s insides were being ripped out the more Jason went into detail about how greater the betrayal was. I was the one who started it. I made Damon do it. The night at the cabin was what had started the whole illicit affair thanks to his anger and thinly veiled blackmail.

  “I can’t believe that Damon did it,” Jason said, scanning Keegan head to toe. “Not that you’re not attractive, because yes you are. I just assumed he was straight.”

  “What’s this Damon look like?” Garth asked.

  “Hot!” Jason said directly. “Incredibly hot.”

  Garth laughed. “I might have to watch this video to be the judge of that.”

  “No, you won’t,” Keegan snapped. “You are never watching that video.”

  “Calm down, Keegan. I was only joking.” Garth touched his arm soothingly. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  Keegan looked back at Jason. “Now you promise that you won’t say a word about this to dad?”

  “Cross my gay heart and hope to die.” Jason gave him a reassuring smile. “As far as I am concerned my queer ears heard nothing.”

  “Thanks,” said Keegan.

  “Don’t worry about it. The only thing I am going to have trouble with is not asking you for all the dirty details about what Damon was like.” Jason sniffed and frowned. “I mean I’m dying to know but that would be entirely inappropriate.”

  “Exactly. And what goes on tour stays on tour,” Keegan said smugly.

  “Bollocks,” Garth laughed. “I think this is the perfect kind of story to be sharing with friends.”

  “I second that,” Jason quipped.

  Keegan glared at his father’s friend. “I thought you said it would be inappropriate.”

  “Umm, hello!” Jason tugged on his shirt with its humorous line. “Do I look like someone who knows how to behave appropriately.” He chuckled to himself. “And anyway, Damon’s the one who slept with you, Lolita. Not me! Talking to you about sex is kind of a non-event in comparison.”

  Garth egged Keegan on, “Go on, tell us what you did together. Who put what where?”

  “For a supposedly straight boy you sure have an intriguing interest of the ins and outs of gay sex life,” Jason teased.

  “I am just being a good friend,” Garth said smiling. “I wanna make sure that my mate’s cock is going in the right places.”

  “And that his tongue is going in your mouth,” Jason shot back.

  “Yeah, Garth, you sure you don’t have anything to share with the group?” Keegan squeezed Garth’s hand mockingly. “You’re with friends remember?”

  Garth shook his head. “Nope. Mock me all you like but I am comfortable in my sexuality. And as for the kissing, you know I am fine with—”

  “Anything above the waist. Yeah, yeah.” Keegan laughed.

  “Is he one of those boys, is he?” Jason winked.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Garth huffed.

  “Nothing.” Jason smirked. “But just be careful, Garth. One too many kisses with boys and you may find you start to enjoy it.”

  Garth grinned and wrapped an arm around Keegan’s shoulders. “Who says I didn’t like it already.” He gave Keegan a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Ain’t that right, pretend boyfriend.”

  Keegan smiled, wiping his face free of Garth’s slobber.

  “Watch out for that one, Keegan,” Jason chirped. “She’s a cock tease to the bone. Your bone.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Keegan tried turning the key in the door as softly as possible. He was drunk and struggling to make it click open. Garth giggled behind him at how long it was taking Keegan to open the door. He spun ‘round and put a finger to his lips, urging Garth to be quiet. It was a little after four in the morning and he didn’t want to wake his father up at this crazy hour to find him and Garth shitfaced and only just returning home from town. He knew he was probably worrying for nothing since his father seemed too passive to ever get mad. Keegan suspected he could have thrown a wild house party and his father would be too scared to react negatively, worried that any disproval would send Keegan running back home.

  After the fifth attempt of trying the key, Garth
laughed loudly. “Fuck, Keegan. Let me do it.” He tried pushing Keegan out of the way to take over.

  “Keep your voice down,” Keegan harked in a throaty whisper. “Dad’s in bed.”

  “Not his bed,” Garth replied.

  “What are you on about.”

  “His car. It’s gone.”

  Keegan looked over Garth’s shoulder towards the garage. The side door was open. There was no sign of his father’s car inside at all. “That’s weird. I wonder where he is.”

  “Probably out getting some nookie.”

  “Gross.” Keegan mumbled, trying the key in the lock again.

  “Nothing gross about it,” Garth said. “If it was one of my parents it would be gross but your dad’s good-looking.”

  “No he’s not.” Keegan managed to flip the lock. He pushed the door open and let them inside.

  Garth walked past him and switched the light on. “And yes, your dad is good-looking. I bet he gets loads of action.”

  “Well yeah, he isn’t ugly but I doubt he gets loads of action.” Keegan screwed his face up. “I don’t even want to think about it.”

  “Just saying.” Garth smiled at him. “But it makes sense he’d look good. He would have to be to have scored your mum.”

  “Gee, thanks for bringing her into this too.” Keegan laughed and walked ahead, he led the way upstairs to the bedrooms with Garth following behind.

  “Yeah, I’d bring your mum into anything if I could.”

  Keegan sighed internally and ignored the comment. Once at the top of the stairs he turned around to face Garth. “Thanks for dragging me out tonight. I actually had a lot of fun.”

  “See. I told you it’d be good to get out and have fun, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah you did,” Keegan admitted. He started to smile to himself as he remembered their evening. “Jason is a fucking crack up. I can see why Dad enjoys hanging out with him so much.”

  “For sure.”

  “What about when he started doing rolly pollys on the dance floor and crashed into those girls dancing.” Keegan laughed. “Fuck, I swear that was probably my favourite part of the night.”


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