Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series

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Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series Page 76

by Zane Menzy

  “Yeah, right,” Matt mumbled.

  “Come on, Matty, give me some credit.”

  “Oh, I do. I give you plenty of credit, Damon. I give you the credit for tricking me into thinking you were my mate. I give you credit for playing with my heart and being a complete fuckhead.”

  “Matty, I know sorry doesn’t fix all these things, but I want things to be good between us again. I understand if you don’t want something serious. But I would just like us to be mates. I don’t think I could ever be happy if I lost you completely.”

  Matt kept his eyes focused outside the car, worried that if he looked at Damon, he would grow as weak as his trembling knees were.

  Damon touched his leg. “I am sorry. I am sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry a thousand times. I will do anything you want to make it right.”

  “There isn’t anything that can make this right,” Matt’s voice warbled. “You slept with my son, Damon. Do you not even fathom what that means? What sort of betrayal that is?”

  Damon pulled his hand away. “I would hate me too, if I were you.”

  “You said it.” Matt chewed his lip, keeping prisoner the bad words wanting to escape.

  “But if I were you I’d also forgive me,” Damon said bluntly.

  Matt finally gave in and turned to face him. “Bullshit.”

  “I would.” Damon nodded. “If you had done the same thing, I would forgive you… if I knew you felt the way I do right now—how desperate I am to be with you.”

  “Here’s the funny thing though, Damon. I would NEVER do something like that. I am not that stupid or cruel.”

  “I know,” Damon mumbled. “That’s because you’re a better person than me.”

  Matt laughed derisively. “Don’t take the piss.”

  “I’m not taking the piss. I’m dead fucking serious, Matty.” Damon’s voice sounded strained. He sharpened his moss-green eyes, staring intensely back at Matt. “You are a better person than me. You’re the best fucking person I have ever known. Do you think I would cry like I did the other day for anyone else?”

  “How would I know,” Matt lied. It had been a shock to see Damon cry. See him begging like a broken slave being dragged away from a beloved master. The tears. The pain in his voice. It had been raw and real. Matt knew this.

  “I have never cried in front of anyone like that before.” Damon curled his fingers into a fist, clutching at his knees. “Because I have never felt like this about anyone before. You’re the first person who has ever made me want to settle down. Make me want to be part of something that was more than just me.”

  A small clink of armour fell away from Matt’s heart. He was beginning to lose his nerve.

  Damon continued, “I want to change so bad, Matty. I wanna bury my selfish life and everything about it but I need you to help me dig the hole.”

  Matt coughed, clearing the trickle of emotion choking his throat. “It ain’t just about you sleeping with Keegan, Damon.” He inhaled, wondering how to word his piece. “I don’t agree with it. It’s wrong as fuck. But I could probably get past that.” He hated himself for saying this, but he was being honest. He could eventually forgive that. “The thing that makes me not want us to be us is you!”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I would love for us to be together the way you are saying but I don’t think I am strong enough to take on the risk.”

  “There’s no risk.”

  “Yes, there is.” Matt’s lip began to quiver. “If I let myself, I would just be completely under your spell and I don’t think I could ever get out of it. And that scares the shit out of me.”

  “I don’t see how that is a problem. That just means you love me.” Damon smiled. “Just like I love you.”

  “But do you? What I worry about, Damon, is that this all a fucking ploy to try and have me under your control again. You live for control. That is why you have been single all your life because you need to have your own way. You can’t share anything. You don’t do compromise. And as a mate I have learned to accept that about you.” Matt sighed, letting out a faint laugh. “Fuck. Sometimes I even admire that about you. But to date that—that is dangerous and like I said, I worry that this is you bringing out a secret weapon just to have me under your thumb once more. And as soon as you do you’ll back off and go back to not giving a shit.” Matt felt woozy from the waterfall of emotions that poured out of his mouth

  “I know. You told me the other day I’m obsessed with control.”

  “Sorry for repeating myself,” Matt said sarcastically.

  “That’s why I got you this.” Damon dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out a tiny silver key. He grabbed Matt’s wrist and placed it in the palm of his hand. “This is me giving you the control.”

  “I don’t understand.” Matt shrugged. “What’s it for?”

  Damon scanned the street, looking around. He lowered his voice and whispered, “This.” His hands dropped to his pants and he pulled them down to show he was wearing some sort of metal contraption around his privates.

  “What the hell is on your cock?” Matt squawked.

  “Chastity belt.” Damon grinned, pulling his pants back up.

  Matt was shocked. He blinked a few times then burst out laughing. “You have gotta be kidding me. You have a chastity belt on?”

  Damon winked. “Yep. And you have the key. My sex life is in your hands.”

  “Wow,” Matt muttered. “It looked like it’s stabbing into you cock.”

  “Yeah that’s the removable urethral insert.” Damon tried sounding posh as he said it. “So I can still go for a piss whenever I want. But otherwise you’re my owner.”

  “Oh god,” Matt uttered with a smile. “But isn’t it uncomfortable?”

  “A bit. But I’ll get used to it.” Damon touched Matt’s knee. “Even if it hurts it ain’t up to me when it comes off.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  The mood had gone very quickly from one of doom to light-heartedness. Perhaps this is why he had been so reluctant to speak with Damon; the moment Matt came near his friend’s presence it was always going to tear down his walls. “So I have the key that controls how and when you get laid?”

  “Yep. I am giving up control.”

  “You know when I said that thing about control this isn’t exactly what I meant.”

  “I know.” Damon nodded. “That’s why I got you this one too. The most important one.” Damon reached into his pocket, fetching out another key he handed over.

  “What the hell does this one belong to?” Matt worried what other contraptions may be attached to his mate’s body.

  Damon touched his chest and smiled. “My heart.”


  That was it. That was the fatal blow. The ice wall protecting Matt’s feelings was blown to smithereens. His limbs went loose; he grabbed Damon’s face and kissed him like the world were about to end.

  When their lips finally parted, Damon grinned ear to ear. “Are we going to become an us?”

  Matt nodded. “I think we’ve been us for years.”

  The smile that Damon gave back was heart-melting. “You’ve just made me so fucking happy, Matty.”

  Matt nodded. He looked Damon in the eyes and said, “Now come inside so I can get you out of that bloody device.”

  “Are you setting me free or just so horny you need me now?” Damon teased.

  “Both. I don’t want you living your life locked in a bloody cock cage just for me.” Matt held up the second key, twisting his mouth into a smile. “I only need the one to your heart. I believe that controls the rest.”

  Chapter Forty-Two — The Wedding

  Grey clouds in the morning had threatened rain but the sun saved the day, bursting through the gloomy sky ‘till nothing but blue hung above. It was an hour before the wedding was due to start and the backyard was abuzz with last minute action to make sure everything was in place.

  Keegan stood at the kitchen window watching Jason’s nieces and nephew
s rush about arranging rows of white seats while their mother and grandmother barked orders at them to hurry up. The scene was a comical one, not because of the bossy Tuki women, but because of, Peanut—the Shetland pony on lend for the big day to double as a life-sized My Little Pony. Peanut trotted around the edge of the garden, rainbow braids through his mane, looking every bit the star. Keegan secretly was looking forward to Peanut taking a dump and seeing how Jason’s mum and sister would react—hilariously, he imagined.

  A rattling sound rounded the house as two young men walked past carrying crates of alcohol to go in the makeshift bar set up at the far end of the yard. The big day would be going well into the night and Keegan imagined it was going to get as messy as the camp cauldron Jason called a wedding.

  He turned around when he heard his father’s voice coming from the lounge. He strained his ears to try and make out what his father was saying.

  “I just want to make sure it all goes well. The guests will be arriving in a couple hours and it still isn’t all set up.” His father’s voice prattled.

  “Relax, babe. You’ve done an amazing job. The place looks… how Jason wanted it to look,” said Damon’s voice, reluctant to say the word great.

  Keegan quietly made his way through the kitchen and dining room to round the corner to the lounge. Damon had his arms around his father’s waist, nuzzling his neck with tender kisses. Keegan’s father leapt ford in fright when he saw Keegan watching them.

  “Keegan,” his father blurted, instantly turning red-faced.

  Keegan grinned back at his father’s embarrassment. It wasn’t exactly a secret Damon and his father had patched things up and become more than just friends. The pathetic attempt at covering up the romance hadn’t fooled Keegan. Since their talk in the car, Damon had stayed over both nights. His father had used the excuse that Damon was just too drunk to drive home and was staying in one of the guest rooms. One sneaky check inside the mentioned bedroom was all it took to debunk that fable; the bed with its covers and pillows in place had not been slept in.

  “I didn’t know you were there,” His father said, smoothing his pants down. “Did you umm… need a hand getting ready?”

  Keegan laughed at seeing how flustered his dad was. “I’m ready.” He tugged on his fancy shirt. I’m eighteen and can dress myself.”

  “Of course. Of course.” His father stared at the ground while Damon shot Keegan a wink.

  “Dad. It’s okay. You don’t have to freak out. I know that you and Damon are together.”

  His father cringed. “You do?”

  “Yep. So try not having a heart attack about it.” Keegan smiled.

  “See, Matty. I told you not to be so uptight,” Damon said, returning his hands to Matt’s waist. “Nobody cares.”

  “Sorry. I guess I need to learn to let go a bit more.”

  “Yes, you do,” Damon replied. “You’re too tense.”

  As soon as his father started to look like he was about to chill out and relax, his eyes darted towards the window, looking outside at a rusty old Toyota with a trailer attached to it carrying some gigantic monstrosity. “What the fuck,” His father shrieked. He pulled Damon’s hands off his waist and raced outside.

  “What’s set him off now,” Damon grumbled. He glanced at Keegan. “With the way your dad’s acting, anyone would think this was his bloody wedding.”

  “I know right.” Keegan chuckled.

  “Okay. Better go see what’s setting him off this time,” Damon said like he was faking a patience he didn’t feel.

  Keegan followed Damon outside where the heat of the day whacked him in the face. They walked down to the footpath and joined Keegan’s father standing at the end of the trailer, inspecting what looked to be a large yellow cage.

  Keegan’s grandfather emerged from the car and greeted them all with a wide grin. “Ahhh. Good stuff. You strong lads can help me carry this out back. Don’t worry though. She ain’t as heavy as she looks.”

  “What is this?” Keegan’s dad said, tapping the cage with his finger.

  “The cage you wanted,” The old man replied like the question had been a stupid one. “You know… for the bids.”

  “Umm, unless their pterodactyls, I imagine they might escape, don’t ya think?” Keegan’s father ran a hand through his black hair, sighing.

  “What?” Keegan’s grandfather frowned. “Pterodactyls?” His jaw dropped as he registered what that meant. “Oh dear.”

  “Yes. Oh dear. They will all fly away now,” Keegan’s father said.

  “Let us know when you need us, Glen,” A woman’s voice called out. “We’re just going to have a quick smoke.”

  They all looked across the road. Getting out of a car were three scantily dressed women. They waved back, smiling.

  “And who are they,” Keegan’s father demanded.

  The old man scuffed a shoe against the pavement and in a guilty voice whispered, “The pterodactyls.”

  “What?” Keegan’s father shook his head.

  “You said get birds, so I arranged some birds.”

  Damon and Keegan burst out laughing while Keegan’s father looked like he was about to explode.

  “Not those kinds of birds. I meant birds with feathers. With fucking wings.” He started flapping his arms. He lowered his voice to a quieter level, “What made you think Jason would want female strippers?”

  “Firstly, son. Britney, Chloe and Amber are not strippers. They are adult entertainers.” The old man let loose a sly grin.

  “I don’t care what their working titles are, Dad. I can’t have a fucking giant cage dragged onto my lawn and look like I’m holding three women prisoner.”

  “Are you sure, Matty?” Damon said, still laughing. “I think Peanut would enjoy some company.”

  Keegan’s father turned and scowled. “Not funny, Damon.”

  “What’s not funny,” said a voice coming from the driveway. Keegan turned around and saw Jason in his white suit coming to join them.

  “What’s not funny, is my father ballsing up and ruining your wedding.” Matt shot the old man a disapproving frown.

  Jason looked confused. “What’s happened?”

  “Apparently someone thinks that when you say arrange the birds for the wedding that that means get ones with tits.”

  Jason spotted the three girls across the road smoking. He giggled. “Oh my lord. This is priceless.”

  “It’s not priceless,” Keegan’s father fumed. “But don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

  Jason touched him on the arm. “Matty. Take a deep breath. It’s okay. Nobody’s going to die.”

  “No, but it’s hardly adding to your perfect day.” Keegan’s father looked around at all of them trying not to laugh at his meltdown. He sighed and rolled his eyes. “I’m overreacting, aren’t I?”

  “No, no,” Jason cooed. “You are just trying to help. You have done an amazing job, and everything is under control.” Jason looked across the road at the girls and nudged Keegan’s grandfather. “Glen. Ask the girls if they want to sit and join us for the wedding. Cage free. They can sit in the front row with Will’s parents. It will do the Jenkins family good to see people flash more than just their ankles.”

  “Okie dokie,” the old man replied and walked to speak with his pterodactyls.

  “And, Matty, for the love of god, just go inside already and relax.” Jason smiled at his friend. “As a wedding gift for me.”

  “Come on you,” Damon said, grabbing Keegan’s father by the hand. “Let’s go get you this drink.”

  Keegan was about to follow after them but Jason stopped him. “Keegan. Can I ask you to do me a favour?”

  He nodded. “Sure.”

  “We need someone to go help set up the garden bar. They delivered the drinks but haven’t loaded the fridges for us.”

  “Okay. Not a problem.”

  “Thanks, sugar. I think you’ll find it’s a job you enjoy.”

  Keegan was about to question
the odd statement but Jason raced off back inside before he could say anything. He trudged around to the quiet side of the house and let himself through a tall wooden gate. This private strip of garden was filled with fruit trees and citrus plants. A garden path wove through the leafy area, conveniently leading away from the house and the lawn where the wedding was to take place. He followed the cobbled steps ‘’till he came to a clearing and spotted the makeshift bar. He heard the rattling of bottles coming below the bench top. He was about to call out and say hello but then a shirtless body with a beautiful face rose above the bar, stopping Keegan in his tracks.

  Garth! What the hell are you doing here?

  Keegan tried to act cool with a brave smile on his face, which he struggled to stop from cracking at the edges.

  Garth gave a nod of the head. “Blondie. Good to see you.”

  “What-what are you doing here?”

  “I’m the bartender for today’s wedding extravaganza.” He raised his arms up and twirled around. “Whataya think?”

  “You look really good,” Keegan said honestly. Garth did look good in just black pants leaving his lean torso on display.


  Keegan shook his head, still amazed at seeing him. “But why are you here? I thought you had gone home.”

  “I was going to but when I left that day, I only got two blocks when I realised I couldn’t afford the gas to get home.”

  “Oh,” Keegan mumbled, feeling bad.

  “It was alright though ‘cos I went and saw Jason at his mum’s place and asked to use the phone to ring my dad for a loan, but instead he convinced me to stay a bit longer and help him with the wedding and pay me to be the bartender for the day.”

  “That’s nice of him.”

  “It was.”

  “You’ve been in Port Jackson this whole time?” Kegan asked.

  “I have,” Garth replied in a prickly tone. “Anyway, blondie, what was it you wanted?”

  Keegan felt caught off guard. “Umm, Jason told me to come help stock the bar up.”

  “It’s okay,” Garth said. “I’m nearly finished.” He turned his back and knelt down to continue stocking the row of fridges behind him.


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