Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series

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Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series Page 78

by Zane Menzy

  Todd looked around the yard and back at the house. “Fuck. You did alright for yourself.”

  It felt nice to hear the surprise in Todd’s voice but not as nice as Matt had have hoped. In that moment he decided an arsehole’s opinion isn’t worth shit.

  “Yeah, Matty has done really well. Awesome job. Awesome kid. He probably did the best out of all of us.”

  “True,” Todd said, nodding. “Are you two mates or something?” He half-grimaced.

  Matt went to respond but Damon interrupted him, “Matt is my boyfriend.”

  Todd’s eyes bulged. “Your what?”

  “My boyfriend,” Damon said proudly.

  Matt was gobsmacked. He began to blush at Damon’s ballsy confession. He never thought in a million years Damon would be so open.

  “Your boyfriend?” Todd said, still sounding in disbelief.

  Damon nodded. “Yep my boyfriend. We fuck every night. Don’t we Matty?”

  Matt tugged the collar of his shirt, mumbling.

  “Fucking hell,” Todd whispered.

  Damon stepped behind Matt and laced his arms around his waist, patting his stomach. “If you remember from when we were younger and that prank we pulled on Matt, you’ll know how lucky I am.” Damon groped Matt’s crotch. “He’s a big boy, is my Matty.”

  Oh dear lord. Matt was simultaneously loving it while wishing he could be invisible. Damon kissed his cheek and hugged his arms around Matt’s chest, squeezing him against his body.

  “Okay. Well. Great catching up with you both,” Todd spluttered and quickly walked off.

  Damon laughed in Matt’s ear. “Now that was fucking classic.”

  “You’re telling me,” Matt said. “I-I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “He’s a prick. He deserves to have his self-hating homophobic arse rubbed in it.”

  Matt stepped out of the embrace and turned to face Damon. “So you don’t mind people knowing about us?”

  Damon shrugged and put his hands out like he was weighing gold. “Why would I mind introducing you as my boyfriend?”

  “I just…” Matt petered out.

  Damon stroked Matt’s cheek. “Babe. I love you. And if its fine by you, then I would like to tell everybody how I feel.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Good.” Damon leaned in and kissed him. “So how about tomorrow we go have lunch with Jenna. I can’t wait to tell her I have settled down. I think for once she will probably approve of my choice.”

  Matt smiled. “Lunch with your mum? Now that sounds awfully coupley”

  “Yep. We can tell her the good news.”

  “I hope you didn’t tell her that I called her a schemy bitch.” Matt winced. “I was angry and I didn’t really mean what I said.”

  Damon laughed. “Jenna is a schemy bitch. She would be the first person to agree with you on that.”

  Matt smiled, relieved. “Okay. It’s a date.”

  “The first of many, babe.” Damon kissed him again. They wandered off to get a drink from the bar, holding hands through the party.


  Matt lay in bed listening to the early morning drizzle. The pitter patter of raindrops against his bedroom window was soothing and he was grateful that they decided to fall today and not yesterday drowning out the wedding. He lay on his side, staring at the beautiful naked man sharing the bed with him.

  Damon was still sleeping, lightly snoring. Suddenly he mashed his lips together like he was chewing and then grumbled. He rolled over, and as if he were running on autopilot, reached out and reeled Matt’s body closer to his own; he hooked a leg over and draped his arm over Matt’s waist—locking him in. Their chests were now pressed together, their dicks touching and the hairs of their body brushing; sparking like clothes just pulled out of a tumble dryer. It was as if the touch of their skin was a comforting sedative and Damon returned to his sleepy snores.

  Matt closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the moment, remembering how hot last night had been. His rump was damp and he could still feel the traces of love inside him that Damon had given him in the most tender and sensual way. The most surprising part was when Damon had wanted love in him too.

  “Fill me up, babe” Damon had said in a sexy growl not long after he had finished fucking Matt.

  Matt couldn’t believe it at first. Damon—control freak—Harris wanted a cock inside him.

  “I wanna feel you inside me,” he had whispered.

  Matt did not deny his request.

  Damon had lifted his legs, serving up his butthole and rested his feet over Matt’s shoulders.

  Matt took his time and very gently fed Damon every wide inch he had, giving him a humungous load that he shot deep inside. Within an hour, Damon asked for more. This time Damon lay on his side and Matt wriggled up behind him, grazing his cock along Damon’s crack ‘till he slipped his stiff prick back inside Damon’s wet hole. They had finished their bouts of lovemaking with affectionate cuddling, absorbing the sexual scent in the room they had created with a fusion of their bodies.

  As Matt now lay beside his lover he was overcome with pride at having such a wonderful man in his life. He kissed Damon on the forehead and whispered, “I love you.”

  “I love you too, babe,” Damon whispered back, squeezing him tight.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “You didn’t. I was getting thirsty anyway.” He flicked his eyes over at the empty glass beside the bed. He groaned as he started to sit up to retrieve a fresh glass.

  Matt placed a hand to Damon’s chest. “Stay here. I’ll go get it.”

  “Are you sure?” Damon’s groggy eyes flickered.

  “Yes.” Matt kissed Damon’s bristly cheek. “That’s what I am here for. To bring the water.” He scooted over the sheets and slid out of bed.

  Damon chuckled. “My sister told me you’d bring the water.”

  Matt smiled, assuming Damon had just woken from a dream. He shoved on his boxers, walked ‘round the bed and grabbed the glass. He made his way downstairs towards the kitchen. He almost dropped the glass in fright when he saw two shirtless figures sat at the table kissing.

  “Shit,” he murmured. “You boys gave me a fright.

  Keegan looked back with a guilty grin. “Sorry, Dad.”

  “That’s okay. It’s not your fault your father’s a scardy cat.” He walked over to the sink, turned the tap on and filled the glass up. “How come you two are up so early. I saw how much you two were drinking while working the bar. I would have thought you would both have your heads hanging in a bucket this morning.”

  “Nar, my heads fine,” Keegan said.

  “His head’s better than fine,” Garth said cheekily, thinking Matt would be too old to pick up on the sexual innuendo. “The only thing we’re drunk on is love.”

  Matt rolled his eyes. “You are definitely a charmer, Garth. I have to give you that.” He looked at Keegan’s punctured body from the numerous love bites. “A charmer with sharp teeth by the looks.”

  “Does he what,” Keegan chuckled.

  “I hope none of those are above the neckline, Keegan.” Matt said grumpily. “Turning up to work on your first day covered in root rash is not a good look.”

  Keegan groaned in embarrassment. “You sound just like Mum.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment. It means I sound like a parent.”

  “Dad?” Keegan asked.


  “I was just wondering… would it be okay if Garth comes back to stay for a while? You know just ‘till we have saved enough for a bond on a new flat.”

  Matt pretended to think it over even though it was always going to be a yes. “I can’t see why not.”

  “Thank you, Mr Andrews,” Garth said.

  “Matt,” he corrected.

  “Thanks, Matt. I promise to be tidy and not bring girls home late at night,” Garth said.

  Keegan whacked Garth’s arm and laughed. “I hope not.” />
  “I love winding you up, blondie.” Garth stroked Keegan’s arm and the two boys kissed like Matt wasn’t even there.

  “Okay. I’ll go now,” Matt shuffled out of the room in awkward fashion. He was glad Keegan was happy. That was the most important thing. He was also glad that it was someone like Garth who made him happy. After his initial disproval of the messy-haired rascal, Matt had come to the conclusion that Garth was one of life’s good guys and it was good guys Keegan needed on his team.

  Just like the good guy I have waiting for me in bed.

  Matt climbed the stairs and made his way back to his bedroom. He handed Damon the glass which he gulped back greedily before placing it back on the bedside table. Matt crawled in bed to snuggle beside his man. Damon wrapped him up in his arms and Matt breathed in his lover’s musky scent. He loved the way Damon smelled. Even now covered in sweat he smelled clean. A purity that smelled like home and made him feel safe.

  For years Matt’s heart thrashed around like it was some sort of toy in a pinball machine. Love never quite within his grasp. He wondered if that is how it was for everyone on the planet. Thrown about, waiting for some sort of love to stick and save us. We may chase our own paths and get hit around differently but something about the pursuit of love and its destination was unifying, Matt thought. The way it could uplift us, help us grow, sometimes hurt us, but most importantly heal us.

  He hugged Damon tight, listening to their chests beating in time. Matt smiled. There was no more empty. No more lonely. Their crashing hearts had collided and become one.

  The end


  Thank you so much for taking the time out to read Crashing Hearts. In a world with so many books to choose from it means a lot to me that you chose to read mine. I really do appreciate it.

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  More books from Zane

  Let Me Catch You A romance under the pen name Kent Deron

  Game Night COMING SOON!

  About the Author

  Zane lives way, way down under in New Zealand. He is a fan of ghost stories, music, sport, ducklings and nights out that usually lead to his head hanging in a bucket the next morning.

  If you would like to get in touch with Zane, then please feel free to email him at [email protected]

  Also, you can stalk him on twitter where he spouts off momentarily about his latest writing project and occasionally posts photos of spunky men. By spunky I mean attractive… not splattered with baby batter.




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