Rebel (Montgomery Brothers Series ~ Book 3)

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Rebel (Montgomery Brothers Series ~ Book 3) Page 12

by Laura Pavlov

  I chugged the glass of bubbly and Jack took it from my fingers, his touch lighting my entire body on fire as he grazed his hand along mine. He set the empty glass down and I looked between him and Becks.

  “No. It’s fine.”

  “Good, because they just walked in this room,” she whispered.

  “That’s him? That’s the guy who cheated on you? He’s scrawny and has gelled, stiff hair. And she has nothing on you, Little Bird,” Jack whispered and Becks and I both chuckled.

  I tried to calm my racing heart. I hadn’t seen either of them in over a year. And I had no desire to see them together now.

  Thyme wore navy fitted dress slacks and a pink button-up. His blonde hair was cut close to his head, and he looked—nervous. The gallery was buzzing with people, moving from room to room, and he and Sage maneuvered through the crowd and made their way to us.

  “Monroe, Becks, wow. I didn’t expect to see you here,” Thyme said, wrapping one arm around my ex-friend Sage’s shoulder. My eyes bulged out of my head when I looked down to see her blossoming stomach. She’d either put on a quick twenty pounds or she was growing a human in there.

  That was fast.

  “Really, herb boy? It’s our best friend’s gallery. You didn’t think Monroe would be here? As usual, your choices are repugnant.” Becks scowled.

  “I forgot Gwen ran the gallery. Kind of had my hands full these days.” He glanced at me and shrugged.

  “Hey, Monroe. It’s good to see you.” Sage cocked her head to the side before perusing Jack with curiosity.

  My boyfriend.

  Without me even realizing it, Jack had moved behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle, holding me close. My back resting against his front. I could feel how much he wanted me because now that I was pressed against him, it was impossible to miss.

  “Sure. And I guess congrats are in order.” I used my hand to motion to her stomach before placing it back on top of Jack’s. “This is my boyfriend, Jack Montgomery.”

  “Yeah, Sage is pregnant. It came as a surprise to both of us.” Thyme’s gaze locked with mine and he shrugged. “I heard about your new relationship in the press. Surprised your brother was okay with it. I know how protective he is. Hell, he barely tolerated you dating me.” His awkward humor was even more annoying now than ever.

  “Her brother, my best friend, doesn’t want her dating dickheads. That’s why he never liked you,” Jack said, and Becks put her hand over her mouth to cover her laughter.

  Thyme nodded, and Sage stared at Jack as if she were in awe of him. She licked her lips as her eyes perused his body.

  Not this time, girl.

  I tipped my head back and Jack leaned down and grazed my neck with his lips. The feel of his mouth on my skin had my body going into overdrive. I’d never wanted anyone the way I wanted him, and I didn’t know how to stop it. I didn’t know if I wanted to stop it anymore.

  “Well, I’m glad to see you’re happy, Mon,” Thyme said. “I’ve been worried about you.”

  I narrowed my gaze, trying to think straight with Jack’s nearness. “You’re worried about me? It’s a little late for that, isn’t it?”

  “I always worry about you.”

  Sage stiffened beside him before crossing her arms over her chest and narrowing her gaze at Thyme. He was a douchebag, no doubt about it.

  “You don’t need to worry about her anymore, buddy. That’s my job. And I assure you, she’s in very good hands.” Jack chuckled before tugging me closer. My ass was pressed against his erection and I couldn’t think straight.

  Becks squeaked next to me, like she could barely handle how much she was enjoying seeing Jack put Thyme in his place. And the weird thing—I didn’t care. I didn’t feel anything for him. Seeing him and Sage, I thought it would hurt, but it didn’t. Not even a little. All I felt was—relief.

  “You guys take care,” I said, before turning in Jack’s arms and telling him what I needed with just a look. His mouth covered mine, and everyone and everything disappeared around me. His tongue dipped in, and I couldn’t get enough. I tangled my fingers in his hair and urged him closer. He growled against my mouth when he pulled away.

  “Holy shit. That was abso-fucking-lutely amazing,” Becks said, shaking her head as she watched Thyme and Sage walk away. “I think you and I are going to get along just fine, Jack Montgomery.”

  He smiled, pulling me against him once again. I was more than aware that he only kissed me to get back at Thyme, but something about it felt—real.

  And I wanted more.

  I wanted more than I should because it could never go anywhere. This was just the perfect storm. We were forced together temporarily, and he was offering me to take what I wanted for a short time.

  “The guy is an asshole. And we’ll get along well, Becks, because we both want the best for Blue Jay.”

  “Damn straight. And I’m totally digging the nickname,” Becks said, waving the waiter over as we both reached for another drink, but Jack did not. My head was already buzzing. I rarely drank, but tonight, there were a hundred and one reasons why I wanted to throw caution to the wind.

  “I can’t believe she’s pregnant,” I said, shaking my head before I tipped my head back and chugged the whole glass down.

  “Does that hurt you?” he asked as I looked up at him. The look in his eyes nearly brought me to my knees. This big strong man was such an anomaly. He was arrogant and cocky, yet he was all heart. Tender and sweet. Genuine and real. All wrapped up in a sexy-as-sin package.

  “Actually, no. It doesn’t. I thought it would. Honestly, I can’t believe I ever dated that guy.”

  “Well, I couldn’t believe it even when you were dating him.” Becks rolled her eyes. “He’s the worst. You were way too good for him, Mon. But I wish you could have seen his face when you two kissed. It was priceless. He was one jealous douchey herb, that’s for sure.”

  “Looks like he and the missus are over there arguing. I say we go flaunt our shit in front of them. You down?” He raised a brow and smirked.

  “I’m down.”

  Becks led the way, and we spent the next hour working the room. I downed more glasses of champagne than I could count, and every few minutes Jack would press me up against a wall and kiss me senseless. He kissed me like he’d die if he didn’t, and I responded the same way.

  “I think he’s actually following us now, which is starting to piss me off,” Jack said, pushing me up against a wall in the final room and dipping his head down to cover my mouth with his. Every room we walked in, Thyme would enter shortly after. Sage had fled the gallery after they’d had a public argument, and a tiny part of me felt bad for her. He wasn’t an attentive boyfriend, and I couldn’t even fathom how she felt being neglected when she was carrying his child.

  “I don’t care about him,” I said, my words slurring a bit as I brushed Jack’s hair away from his handsome face. My thumb tracing his bottom lip, begging him to kiss me again.

  “What do you care about, Blue Jay?”

  “Lots of things.” I tugged him back down to me, and he pressed his body against mine letting me feel everything.

  And oh my, was there a lot there.

  Holy hardness.

  I nipped at his bottom lip when he pulled away before speaking, “Follow me.”

  “I’d follow you anywhere, Little Bird.”

  I led him into the storage room in back of the gallery. Gwen had given me a tour a few months ago. It was dark, with just a little moonlight coming through the high windows. I stumbled a bit, as all the champagne had gone to my head.

  I turned around, holding his hands and walking backward until my back hit the cement beam and I stopped. I tugged him closer.

  “I want you,” I said, barely recognizing my own voice. It was raspy and needy. Laced with desire and desperation. I couldn’t believ
e I’d said those words. But it was the truth. I did want him. I had for a long time. And I didn’t want to wait one more second.

  “No one’s watching. It’s just you and me back here. No ex-boyfriends. No press. No curious employees.”

  “Just you and me,” I whispered.

  His mouth crashed into mine. His tongue exploring my mouth as he pressed himself against me. I couldn’t stop myself, my fingers tangled in his unruly hair and my hips started moving of their own volition. Grinding against all his hardness. His desire impossible to miss. A burning need lit inside me, and I tugged him closer.

  Wanting more.

  Needing more.

  “Please,” I said against his mouth when he started to pull away.

  “Jesus, Blue Jay. Not here. Not like this. You’re drunk. I need you clear-headed. I don’t want you to do anything you’re going to regret.” His voice was gruff, his breathing labored.

  “Please. I need you. I need to feel—something. Anything.” The words were leaving my mouth before I could stop them. Before I could process what I was saying.

  I’d never begged a man to touch me before. But I didn’t want him to stop. I’d never felt so much desire and need for another person.

  He tucked a loose strand of hair that had broken free behind my ear. His mouth covered mine as his hand slipped beneath my dress, stroking the thin lacy fabric that I wanted him to tear away. He pushed the fabric aside, allowing his fingers to tease my most sensitive area.

  “Jesus, you’re so wet for me.”

  I whimpered as one finger slipped inside and I could no longer keep it together. I arched my back as my hips moved rapidly, grinding against his hand, desperate for release. His mouth never lost contact, and his tongue dipped in and out in the same rhythm. A moan left my lips, a sound I’d never heard before, and my breathing was out of control between kisses.

  “Oh my god,” I whimpered as his hand moved faster and faster and I lost all control.

  “Let go, Blue Jay,” he said against my neck as he kissed his way down and my entire body started to implode.

  I gasped and shook and trembled. My legs unsteady, he used his free hand to hold me there as the best orgasm of my life ripped through my body.

  “Oh my god,” I shrieked again, fighting to catch my breath. Fighting to come back down to Earth.

  Jesus. We hadn’t even had sex, and he’d managed to rock my entire world. My head spun, and I couldn’t see straight.

  He steadied me on my feet and removed his hand from beneath my panties and slipped his finger into his mouth, sucking it slowly. He closed his eyes and groaned as he did.

  “Fucking perfect, Blue Jay.”

  Oh. My. God.

  I couldn’t speak.

  I was drunk and sated and floating on air. And I knew I’d regret it in the morning, but for right now, I was going to enjoy the moment.

  He adjusted my dress back into place before leading me out to the gallery.

  “Let’s get you home,” he whispered, his lips grazing my ear, and I was still tingling and dazed by what had just happened.

  “Okay.” I squeezed his hand and smiled at him.

  Even though I never wanted this night to end.

  Chapter Fifteen


  What the actual fuck was I doing? I’d taken Monroe home last night and carried her to her bedroom. She’d had way too much to drink, and I’d had a moment of weakness. I couldn’t deny her what she wanted, and hell, I wanted even more.

  I wanted everything.

  Especially now that I’d had a taste. Literally and figuratively.

  Jesus. What was this girl doing to me? And how the hell was I going to stop now? I’d never wanted anyone the way I wanted her. What was happening? She was all I could think of. I didn’t notice other women anymore. My eyes never wandered when I was with Monroe, because she was all I could see.


  I’d kissed her goodbye, and I swear it took every ounce of restraint not to climb in bed with her. Make her mine. The way she had sprawled out on her bed, looking at me with those deep blues.


  I was in deep shit.

  But I certainly wasn’t going to take advantage of her when she was drunk. That’s not what I was about. If she didn’t want this to happen when she was sober—then it wasn’t going to happen at all.

  I rolled out of bed, irritated that my dick was rock hard—per usual these days. I reached for my phone to see what time it was and saw the notifications lighting up my screen.

  I opened to see a screenshot that Harrison had sent me. It was a photo of Blue Jay and me, in the back room of the gallery. Thankfully, I was blocking her with my big body, but my face was buried in her chest. Someone had fucking been back there? Watching us?

  I shook my head.

  I’d been reckless. Sloppy. And now this picture was going viral on the internet and apparently was on the cover of one of my least favorite smut papers.

  The headline: Sorry ladies… San Francisco’s favorite bachelor can’t keep his hands off his girlfriend!


  Miles would not be okay with this.

  I scrolled through the numerous texts informing me about the article and the photo. Nothing from Miles. Maybe he hadn’t seen it. He did live in Los Angeles, and I wouldn’t think this trivial shit would make its way to other cities.

  I shot Monroe a text to give her a heads-up. I’m sure she wouldn’t be feeling on top of the world this morning anyway. The girl had downed more glasses of champagne than I could count.

  I jumped in the shower and quickly made my way to the office.

  My phone buzzed and Laney Mae’s face lit up my screen. That was one call I wanted to take this morning. I asked Big Tony to drop me a block from the office so I could get some fresh air before spending the rest of the day in my office.

  “Hey, girl,” I said, jumping out of the car and tugging my peacoat closed. There was a chill in the air, which wasn’t uncommon now that fall was approaching.

  “You’ve got some explaining to do, Jack-ass.” She giggled through the line, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  I groaned. “Jesus. It was a moment of weakness. I don’t know how the fuck someone got a picture. We were in the back room. No one was there.”

  “Well, it sure seems like someone was there, because the two of you had your hands all over one another, so you definitely weren’t holding a selfie stick.” Her laughter gave me no choice but to hold the phone away from my ear.

  “I get it. It’s not as bad as it looks.”

  “It doesn’t look bad. It looks like you’re crazy about one another, which I already knew. What’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is that she’s my best friend’s little sister. And for the record, I don’t think she likes me that way. Sure, she’s attracted to me, because, well, who isn’t?”

  “Sure, Miles is going to be pissed if he thinks you’re using his little sister. But if you like her, that’s a different story.”

  I ran a hand through my hair. “I don’t know. We’ve never talked about it. She’s made comments that we don’t have anything in common before, so it’s a good thing this is a fake relationship.”

  “Then convince her it’s worth fighting for. Come on. You’re Jack fucking Montgomery,” she said.

  “Atta girl. You’ve always got my back, don’t you?”

  “Damn straight. And I always will. Find things you have in common. Show her what it could be like.”

  I entered the lobby of Montgomery Media and made my way to the elevator. It was early so the place was still fairly quiet.

  “All right, girl. I’ll talk to her today. Thanks for the tips. Love you.”

  “Love you, Jack-ass.”

  I chuckled as I made my way down the hall
. Monroe’s office light was on which surprised me, so I pushed open the door to find her slumped over her desk. She looked up and her cheeks flushed pink the minute she saw me.

  She covered her pretty face with her hands. “Oh my god, Montgomery. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened. But I’m pretty sure I begged for it—and I have no excuse other than I was drunk and maybe emotional after seeing Thyme and Sage together. And Sage is pregnant,” she groaned.

  I made my way around her desk and pulled her hands away to see tears streaming down her face. “You have nothing to apologize for or to be embarrassed about.”

  “I threw myself at you. I don’t know what’s wrong with me? And someone photographed us.” Her words broke on a sob, and a sharp pain landed in my chest.

  The door flew open out of my peripheral and my best friend charged me. He grabbed my shoulders and thrust me against the wall. I’d never seen Miles so angry. The veins on his neck bulged, and his face was bright red.

  “What the actual fuck, Jack. You’re my best fucking friend, and you fuck over my little sister? Really? Is this your idea of a fucking joke?”

  “Miles,” Monroe shrieked and yanked at his shoulders to pull him away from me. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Really, Mon? I’ll tell you what it looks like. A fucking photo of my best friend and my baby sister is going viral, and his head is buried in your fucking chest, and God only knows what is happening elsewhere. Thankfully, we aren’t able to see that.” He ran a hand through his hair and directed his anger at me. His face was inches from mine, and I didn’t try to push him away. I deserved this. “You’re in a back room obviously, so this wasn’t a show you were putting on for the public. And now here you are, crying the morning after this fucker took advantage of you. How could you, man? I fucking trusted you.”

  “Oh my god, you are ridiculous,” she shouted, stepping away to close her door.

  How the hell did he get here so fast? Obviously, he saw the picture and got his ass on a plane. The Buckleys had access to private planes, so I wasn’t completely shocked. But damn, the disdain in his eyes left me feeling like the world’s biggest dick.


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