Rebel (Montgomery Brothers Series ~ Book 3)

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Rebel (Montgomery Brothers Series ~ Book 3) Page 23

by Laura Pavlov

  We sang “Happy Birthday” to Jack and ended the amazing holiday with his favorite cake made by his favorite baker, Harley, who stood to make a toast.

  “Happy Birthday to an amazing uncle, brother, son, and friend. Enjoy your favorite cake. You’ve got your favorite girl here to watch you eat it,” she said with a chuckle. “And her brother no longer wants to kill you, so we can all live happily ever after.”

  She raised her glass and we all cheered. I squeezed his hand beneath the table before turning to look at him and whispering. “Happy Birthday, Montgomery.”

  “It’s the best one yet, Blue Jay.”

  It was a short week between Christmas and New Year’s and most of the employees at Montgomery Media were off on holiday. But Dan and I had things to do to prepare for the upcoming party, and Ford and Jack were both putting in full days, along with a small skeleton crew who were busy at their desks. Unfortunately, Sabrina was one of them. Dan had his staff here working on a few projects, but we’d kept the Labrith story under wraps as we didn’t even know if it would go anywhere at this point.

  I stepped in the breakroom for coffee and Sabrina and Bailey had their backs to me, deep in conversation.

  “Yeah, my boyfriend wants to tie me down, but until he makes it official, I’m still on the market, and you know who I have my eye on,” Sabrina said as she flipped her hair. Her dark jeans were skintight, her black top fitted, and her oversized boobs were spilling out of it.

  “Are you still on a Jack Montgomery kick? You don’t think that ship has sailed?” Bailey asked, and my blood boiled.

  She was still trying to make things happen with Jack? It was my fault for not announcing to the world that we were together. It was time to let her know he was most definitely not available.

  “Girl. Men like him take time.” She chuckled before turning around to see me standing there watching them. Her makeup was caked on so thick I couldn’t help but gape. “Um, take a picture. It lasts longer.”

  This girl gave mean girl a whole new meaning. I knew girls like Sabrina, and I usually steered clear. But she wanted Jack, and I was here to tell her that wasn’t happening. He was mine.


  Butterflies fluttered in my belly every time I thought about him. About us. Last night he’d insisted we take a horse and buggy ride through the city. We’d bundled up with hot chocolates and talked and laughed as we made our way through the busy streets. He was so unpredictable, so romantic, and I loved it. He owned my heart. One I hadn’t even known was still there.

  “Yeah, I just wanted to let you know you’re wasting your time. Jack and I are together, so, you can stop plotting and move on.” My tone came out harsher than I meant it to, and I didn’t mind at all.

  She rolled her eyes. “On again. Off again. How can one keep up?”

  Bailey shifted on her feet in discomfort and gave me an apologetic shrug like she didn’t know what to do about her friend.

  “You don’t really need to keep up. Just be aware that we’re very much together.” I squared my shoulders as she stepped closer to me. What the hell was this girl’s deal?

  “We’ll see about that, Monroe.” She stalked out of the breakroom.

  What would we see about? The girl was batshit crazy.

  “I’m sorry,” Bailey whispered as she peeked her head out the doorway to make sure Sabrina was gone. “She’s slightly obsessed with Jack. He’s never paid her any attention, so don’t let her get to you. I’m happy for you.”

  Bailey had always been much kinder to me.

  “Thank you. I’m not quite sure what her problem is?”

  “Sabrina is just… a lot,” she said on a long sigh. “I don’t actually know her that well. She just tells me all sorts of stuff at lunch, most of which I don’t even want to know, like her rocky relationship with her boyfriend, her obsession with Jack, and being quite the party girl. But I’m new here, and I just want to be friendly, you know?”

  Her kind eyes told me more than she was saying. She was afraid to be disliked by Sabrina, which I could understand. Me, on the other hand, I didn’t care. I wasn’t looking for friends, especially ones that I didn’t like. But Bailey was sweet, and she was definitely hanging around with the wrong girl.

  I nodded. “I get it. Thanks for the heads-up.”

  “Thanks, Monroe.”

  I walked down to Jack’s office, because I already missed him, even though we’d driven to work together this morning. His office door was open, and I stopped in the hallway when I heard voices.

  “Yeah, you’re going to need to cut the shit. I’ve made it clear I’m not interested. I’m in a relationship and I also own this company, and your persistence is starting to work my nerves. Don’t force my hand. I don’t want to make this an HR situation. I know Dan is happy with the job you’re doing, and I’d hate to have to report this,” Jack said, his voice remained even and silky smooth.

  I knew before she spoke that it was Sabrina. “I’m just having fun. Please don’t go to HR. I like my job and I don’t want to lose it. I didn’t realize you were in a relationship. I just thought we shared a mutual attraction and wanted you to know that I had a no-strings required policy.” Her voice grated my nerves. I just told her that we were together, and she’d raced right over here.

  My feet moved of their own volition as I turned to stand in the doorway. “I thought I made it perfectly clear that Jack and I are in a relationship just five minutes ago. If I didn’t, please hear me now. We are very much together and if you can’t respect that, we’re going to have a problem.”

  A wide grin spread across Jack’s handsome face as he sat behind his desk.

  “I guess I misunderstood,” Sabrina said with one brow raised and a smirk I wanted to wipe off her face. “It won’t happen again.”

  “I hope not.” I raised a brow in return and settled my hands on my hips, giving her my most threatening pose.

  She chuckled on her way out the door. “It’s really no big deal. I actually have a boyfriend.”

  I held on to the door handle and stared at her as she made her way out. “Great. Then stay the hell away from mine.”

  I slammed the door and turned to face Jack.

  “Damn, Little Bird. I love seeing you all fiery and jealous.” He laughed and patted his lap for me to come sit.

  “I can’t stand that girl.”

  He studied me, tipping my chin up to meet his gaze once I settled on his lap. “Did she do something to you?”

  I rolled my eyes. “She just gets under my skin. I just told her we were together and she comes in here and makes a move?”

  “I’ll call HR. She’s given me more than enough reasons to terminate her at this point.” He reached for the office phone and I put my hand over his.

  “I don’t want her to lose her job over this. I can handle Sabrina. Dan likes her, and I think she got the message loud and clear just now.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “You sure? You say the word and she’s gone.”

  Jack didn’t make threats. He was a man of action. And there was no doubt in my mind that he had my back. And I had his.

  “I’m sure.”

  I rested my head on his chest and inhaled all of his goodness. Cedar and citrus and beautiful man.

  “I like seeing you claim what’s yours. And I am,” he said, wrapping his arms around me even tighter.

  “You are what?”


  I smiled and leaned against all his hardness, feeling every muscle in my body relax with his warmth.

  “Damn straight.”

  He chuckled, and we just sat that way for the next twenty minutes.

  Because he was mine.

  And I was his.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I woke up with Monroe sprawled across my chest, and a
pit settled in my stomach. I reached for the remote and opened just one set of the floor-to-ceiling blackout curtains in my bedroom as we both had a busy day today and we needed to get up. It was gray and gloomy out. The sun stayed hidden behind dark heavy clouds, and the view matched my mood.

  Tonight was the Labrith party, and I didn’t have a good feeling about it. Maybe it was just the lack of control that I felt. There was a fine line between being protective and smothering the one you loved, at least that’s what my girl told me multiple times last night.

  It was New Year’s fucking Eve, and I would be spending it in a van while my girlfriend played caterer at some sort of orgy. Victoria couldn’t even get an invite to this event. She was the biggest socialite I knew. She told me she heard that Charles Labrith was, and I quote, “a kinky fucker, and he liked them young.” Apparently, he had friends in high places in the drug world and was into more than just sex. How the hell had this stayed under wraps for so long? My guess was that it was exactly what had me on edge. No one wanted to piss off Joseph Capetti. And going after his daughter’s husband was the same as going after her.

  Ford, Dan, a few guys from our security team, and I would be in the van parked not too far from the house. Monroe was working with a small skeleton crew for the catering company. She, Dan, and Ford had all assured me repeatedly that she was just going to be a fly on the wall and see what went down. We weren’t running with anything until we had all the facts. She just wanted to dig a little further, and she’d begged me not to ruin this for her. It took everything in me not to blow this shit up. But I loved her so damn much, I didn’t want to crush her.

  I was at a crossroads. Fighting every instinct that I had when it came to this girl. But she’d assured me it would be a few hours, and then we were going to get on a plane and fly to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for a much-needed break. Just the two of us. I’d bide my time and go along with this ridiculous plan—for now. Ford was fairly convinced there would be nothing to see, and this would all be something we would laugh about later. He encouraged me not to force her hand, and to allow her to follow her gut and trust that we would keep her safe.

  But Monroe was everything to me, and I couldn’t risk losing her. I’d kill the story if I thought it would put her in danger, and I already made that clear. If I thought her investigation would bring the wrath from Joseph Capetti, she could hate me all she wanted, I’d make sure that story never saw the light of day.

  “Hey, handsome,” she purred, and looked up at me. Her hair was a wild mess and Pussy was sprawled on the other side of her. I didn’t like him up on the bed, but the sneaky bastard always crept in after we were asleep.

  “Hey,” I said, pushing the hair out of her face, and smiling down at her.

  “It’s pretty dreary out, huh?”

  “Yeah. Looks like we’re going to get a storm. Are you sure you don’t want to can this whole thing and get on the plane now? We could be on the beach with cocktails by this afternoon.”

  She pushed up to sit, wrapping the black silk sheet around her bare body. Her blue eyes looked more gray than ever this morning, matching the sky outside. “We’re leaving in less than twenty-four hours. Come on. Don’t make this a big deal. I’ll play caterer and serve some cocktails and scope out the place. We’ll be on our way to Mexico in no time. If you don’t like what I find, I promise to hear you out and we can discuss whether or not to run the story.”

  I tugged her down and kissed her hard. “Okay. Don’t take unnecessary risks tonight. Don’t make me storm the castle. Because you know I will.”

  “Don’t be a barbarian, Montgomery.” She giggled and tangled her fingers in my hair.

  “I’m not fucking around, baby. I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

  Her gaze searched mine. “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. You need to trust me.”

  I covered her mouth with mine, because we weren’t going to agree on this one. So, I’d choose my battles. The more time I spent with Monroe, the more I needed her. I needed this girl like I needed to take my next breath. She was all-consuming in the best fucking way. So, the thought of something happening to her terrified the hell out of me.

  She pushed me back, her indigo blues danced wildly as she looked up at me. “You’re insatiable, Montgomery. We’ve got the next week in Mexico for long mornings in bed. I have a big day today. I need to go meet Dan at the office to go over the plan.”

  “Only insatiable for you, Little Bird.”

  “Me too,” she said as a big grin spread across her gorgeous face. Her fingers traced the stubble on my jaw, and I leaned down and kissed her neck. I couldn’t help myself.

  “Love you,” I said as I pushed up and helped pull her to her feet.

  “Love you, more.” She clasped her fingers with mine and pulled me to the bathroom. “Do you want to come with me to the office?”

  “It’s not even an option. Of course, I’m coming. I’m not about to let Dan allow you to go rogue tonight. And I will be in that fucking van.”

  “Rogue?” She laughed before she leaned in and turned on the shower. “How about we save time and shower together?”

  She knew how to distract me, and she was damn good at it.


  “So cocky this morning,” she said, stepping into the oversized shower and I followed her in.

  “Don’t say cock-y when you’re naked. It does things to me.”

  Her head fell back in laughter as water sprayed across her neck and chest and I hardened at the sight.

  “Sit down, playboy.” She pressed her hands to my chest, and I dropped down on the bench in the shower as she filled her hands with shampoo.

  She massaged my scalp, and I buried my face in her perky tits. Now this kind of shower, I could get behind. I wrapped my lips around one perfect peak, and she gasped, tugging at my hair and pushing my head back to look at her.

  “Behave,” she said, but her body arched into mine and she leaned down and kissed me.

  That’s all it took before I pushed to my feet and lifted her in my arms. Her legs came around my waist and I pressed her up against the wall.

  “I can’t behave when it comes to you,” I said, nipping at her ear as I settled myself between her legs, teasing and torturing her in the best way. “Do you really want me to?”

  “No.” Her voice was raspy and laced with need.

  I pulled back, acting as if I would even consider stopping what we’d started. “But you’re in a hurry, right?”

  “Meh. I’m sleeping with my boss. I’m sure he’ll understand if I’m late.” She tangled her fingers in my hair as the water poured down my back.

  “I think he’ll be fine with it. But only if you’re sure,” I teased her entrance but didn’t give her what I knew she wanted yet. Not until she said the words.

  “Please,” she whispered. “I need you.”

  I loved when she lost control with me.

  “That’s all I needed.”

  I buried myself inside her and moved her hips up and down until she moaned into my mouth. I moved faster, wrapping my arms around her to hold her close. Like I couldn’t survive without her.

  Because I couldn’t.

  “This is all standard, Jack. We just haven’t done an undercover operation in a while. But she’s just going to go in and find out if there is any truth to this story, though I am doubtful anything will go down in front of one of the members of the catering team.” Dan sat back in the chair in the conference room and crossed his arms.

  “Then why the fuck are we having her go in there at all?” I snarled.

  Monroe shot me a look of disapproval. If looks could kill, I’d be a dead man. Lucky for me, they couldn’t. And I was going to fight this every step of the way.

  “Calm the fuck down. I think this is too close to home for you. Dan and I will go along with Edward and Calvin, a
nd I can call you to let you know how it’s going.” Ford paced the length of the room and stared at me hard. Edward and Calvin ran security for our family. We trusted them immensely.

  “Fuck, no. I’m going.”

  My brother nodded at me, because he knew when I had my mind made up, there was no changing it. I was already pissed that I wasn’t going to be in there with her. No way was I going to not be in the damn van parked a few houses down. I needed to be close. If I had to storm the goddamn castle, no one was going to get in my way.

  “Then you need to relax, brother. She is going to be a food server, look around, and report back to let us know if we need to dig deeper. Nothing is going down tonight,” Ford said, and Dan nodded.

  “Exactly. This is called due diligence. We’re doing our fieldwork, putting in the time, and then we will see if there’s a need to look further.” Dan sat back in his chair with a brow raised.

  Was this supposed to appease me?

  “We’re not doing shit. She’s doing everything.”

  “Baby.” Monroe came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my middle, settling her cheek against my back, and damn if it didn’t work like fucking magic. The stress melted off my body. “Please don’t ruin this.”

  I turned to face her, and her gaze nearly brought me to my knees.



  I nodded. “Okay. I got you. You’re doing this. I’ll stop.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered before pushing up on her tiptoes and giving me a chaste kiss.

  Ford’s phone vibrated and he looked down to read the screen. “Game time. Edward is downstairs. We’re dropping Monroe at the catering company. She’ll enter the party with the caterers. Edward is going to find a way onto the property just as a precaution, so he will be close, pending he can blend in looking like security.”


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