What Remains: The Outbreak

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What Remains: The Outbreak Page 5

by Tyler Barrett

  “Big bird two, there looks like there is a clear spot to try to put her down up ahead. I have only a limited amount of fuel left as well. I think I might only have enough to make it to the roof.”

  “Over, we are dropping at a fast rate with forward momentum. Negative on the landing zone we are going down too fast, we wouldn’t make it that far. Just continue towards the base. I should be able to land tail end first; that should absorb most of the force. Afterward, try to come and find us or we will try to make our way to you.”

  The pilot of Big Bird two watched as the ground got closer and closer. He hoped that he would be able to land unobstructed. However, there were several cars on the road. He tried to hold the aircraft steady for the landing. The pilot and the co-pilot both strapped themselves in extra tight.

  This kind of landing wasn’t preferred but based on their high altitude before losing the engines along with their forward momentum; it was their only option. The ground was closing in now.

  Five hundred feet.

  Three hundred feet.

  Seventy-five feet.

  The back end of the helicopter impacted with the ground. The small wheels that were meant to support a vertical landing snapped off. The belly of the aircraft skidded across the road. The tail end began to start to move to the side of the aircraft, turning it sideways. Still sliding with some speed, the helicopter rammed into a parked car. It flipped over on its side and came to a stop.

  The pilot quickly unbuckled himself. He called out to his co-pilot. “Hey! Hey, are you alright!?” There was no answer. The pilot climbed up to help him out of the chair. He checked for a pulse, finding one. The pilot let out a big sigh; they were okay for now. The co-pilot was only unconscious. He scrambled back to the console and tried the radio. No luck, it was damaged.

  Chapter 12

  Strange things are happening

  Two days later Kenji did his regular routine again. He woke up and got ready for work, waited at the same bus stop, went into his same office building. He did his job again, finishing up early today so he could leave early. Today was Friday, the end of the work week. He could just relax for two days straight before repeating it all over again.

  Kenji was also excited because later tonight he was going to meet his girlfriend, and he had big plans. They hadn’t seen each other much in the past couple of weeks, mainly due to work. It also didn’t help that she worked and lived on the other side of the city. He did miss her a lot and was glad they could find the time to spend the weekend together. She was a nurse; therefore, she did not get much time off but used some of her precious vacation days for the weekend together.

  Leaving work early, he beat the traffic rush, making decent time on his way back to his apartment building. Kenji entered his apartment, deciding to take a quick shower and got undressed. Drying himself off he opened his closet choosing a shirt and some pants over his work attire that comprised most of his clothing, he wanted to wear something more casual. It felt good to be in more comfortable surroundings than a cubicle, which sometimes felt like his actual home.

  Deciding that he had some free time before he had to leave, he turned on his computer. Kenji checked his email, and luckily, he had, his girlfriend was getting off work an hour late, so he had even more free time. He browsed a few of his favorite websites, which one was having a sale on video games. He bought a few cheap games on sale and started to download them. The internet speed was a little slow, so he decided to let his computer run while he watched some TV.

  Kenji watched a favorite game show where the contestants had to pair up into teams of two. Then they had to work together to solve seemingly ordinary puzzles, but there was always a catch to it. After an hour, he got bored and started to channel surf, hoping to make time go faster. He nearly passed up the news channel but quickly switched back.

  The familiar scene of the news reporter he had seen earlier this week, reporting on the weather, was now in another town. She stated that another six villages in the outlying area around the original town were under Martial Law. She had heard rumors that some of the rioters were on some new drug, making them unable to feel pain and become very aggressive towards other people.

  She then stated she had an exclusive with the commander of the military forces currently in charge. A man in his fifties walked into the camera angle, he was slightly buff and seemed relatively relaxed. The live news reporter started her questions, “Now, why is it that only some towns are under Martial Law while most of the country has seen no military presence?”

  “Well, we have reason to believe that this region is the ground zero for a group of people that are anarchists. Several people have joined together to try to overthrow the government in these villages. They have caused chaos, breaking into people’s homes, attacking people, and even murdering a few.” The commander said this with a practiced accuracy as if he didn’t want to say the wrong thing.

  The news reporter continued, “What about the reports that some of these “anarchists” have even resorted to cannibalism? Including the question why no nonmilitary or hospital personnel are allowed near any of the hospitals in the area? We also have several families reporting missing persons, are you doing anything to find them?”

  The commander seemed a little surprised when the reporter brought up cannibalism, and not surprised as if he hadn’t heard that rumor. No, he was surprised by the fact that she knew about it. “Again, I want the public to understand that as long as they are following the rules set in place by the military you have no reason not to feel safe. The hospitals are a major source of supplies and are where the main military headquarters located for such an event. We cannot have just anyone approaching military equipment or personnel.”

  The news reporter seemed excited now; she had hit a nerve in the command asking about the cannibalism. Not only that, but he ultimately avoided the question. She pushed him harder now. “Sir, we have video footage of one of these “anarchists” EATING another person, here let’s play the video.”

  The commander went wide-eyed, understanding something he didn’t want to be aired out was about to go public. He was cut away as a video played.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  The video started up; it was night time, a darkened street with houses and buildings on either side. Some of the buildings and homes had lights on. The street lights were on causing bright circles of light every ten feet. The moon was blocked out by clouds, making it darker than it should have been. Two men in military gear, heavily armed, walked down the street.

  As they walked down the street, a man shuffled awkwardly out from the shadows of a building. Upon seeing the two military men, he let out a loud shrieking groan. The two men quickly turned towards the man raising their rifles. They yelled for the man to stop, but he didn’t seem to listen. He quickened his pace, now at a fast walk.

  The two soldiers let out a warning shot that landing right at the man’s feet. Again, he didn’t seem to notice; now he was only about fifteen feet away from the men. One man got down on one knee and aimed. He let several rounds out from his gun, the flashes lighting up the area. The man jerked several times with each burst of the rifle.

  He seemed fine though, as he now charged at the man who had just fired at him. He lunged on top of the man. They were held in a battle of strength, the soldier on the ground holding his attacker back. His fellow soldier was dumbfounded, but with some urging by his friend he leaped at the man and hauled him off. The man who was too fast and robust quickly grabbing the second soldier and bit into his arm.

  The soldier screamed in pain and shoved the man back. The soldier raised his rifle and shot the man in the head. The shot echoed out into the night. The soldier on the ground quickly got up and reached out to help the other soldier who was injured. They immediately tore off a sleeve of his jacket and tried to make a dressing for the other man’s wound. Just then the TV screen went blank and then displayed the error message from the station that was broadcasting.

  ✽ ✽ ✽r />
  Kenji was awestruck at what he had just seen. How had the man been shot and acted like he wasn’t hurt? As well why was he so aggressive and trying to bite the soldiers? It didn’t seem to make sense. The video appeared to cut short as well. He wondered what they were missing, and had the government shut the video down? These questions and thoughts disturbed him. He wasn’t sure what to believe in; if any of what he saw. He was slightly freaked out by it.

  Kenji decided that he needed to get some fresh air, and grabbing his coat, he left his apartment. He walked down the street. Tokyo at least it seemed was still in its average day to day atmosphere. People walked the streets eager to spend their time away from work doing leisurely activities. The normalcy of the sounds and lights of the city felt natural to him and helped to clear his mind.

  He decided to put it out of his mind and just walk to the bus and wait for his date with his girlfriend. Kenji made his way towards the downtown restaurant where they had agreed to meet. Arriving twenty minutes early, he got a table before the dinner rush showed up. He ordered himself water and waited. Kenji pulled out his cell phone checking the time; it was only 7:10 p.m.

  He looked around the room at the other people in the restaurant. They all seemed complacent with their lives, or they hadn’t just seen what he had seen on the news. Kenji thought if they had seen what he had they wouldn’t be sitting in their seats so easily. Still, a little on edge he took a deep breath. It calmed his nerves slightly.

  He jumped in his seat, however, when he heard his name called from across the restaurant.


  He turned towards the entrance seeing her, his girlfriend, Kiyomi. Kenji waved her over, smiling at her. He stood up and held out her chair for her; he showed her the respect she deserved. They sat down together. They both greeted each other, smiling and laughing at how long it seemed since they last saw each other. To him she looked more mature and beautiful; she was an amazing woman. To her, he looked more defined and handsome. They both had grown, it seemed since they last saw each other, even if it had only been a couple of weeks.

  It was quite a funny story of how they became a couple. They both grew up in a small farming community far away from any major city. When they were young, they spent a lot of time together playing in the forest and fields their parents worked. They were the same age even, so when the time came for school, they learned together. Around the time of high school, they had developed a crush on one another.

  They were both too stubborn and proud to admit their feelings towards each other and ended up fighting about silly high school things. When they graduated, they both left to go to school, wanting to get away from the small town and see the world. They ended up in different schools; Kenji went to become an accountant. Kiyomi decided she wanted to help the sick and hurt, so she became a nurse.

  Later, in their schooling, by pure chance both ended up at the same party. They immediately recognized each other and struck up a conversation like they were still back in their hometown. They couldn’t even remember why they stopped talking in the first place. The sparks of friendship quickly burst into the flames of romance. Within the week after the party, they started to date.

  The place they had a date at tonight was one of the first places he had taken her to as a couple. It had cost him almost his entire paycheck that first time they came here, but it was worth it. Kenji wanted the night to be special as it had been that night, a night to remember. Something they could look back on and cherish.

  Chapter 13

  In the coming days

  The night before was fantastic and had been everything Kenji had hoped it would be. Kenji replayed the events in his head, basking in how much joy it brought him. They talked throughout dinner, about their jobs, and their longing to visit their hometown. They stayed an hour after they were done eating, much to the annoyance of their waiter. Finally, wanting to leave, he paid for their meal and left a decent tip for making their waiter upset.

  They decided to walk around the city for a bit, talking to each other some more. They retold stories about their childhood together, laughing in the night air. Eventually, they made their way towards the bay area and looked out over the sea. There were a few stars here and there, most blocked out by the city lights. The moon, however, was full and bright.

  The temperature had dropped quite a bit since the time the sun was up. With no buildings in the way to block the fresh air blowing off the water in the bay, it made it even colder. She shivered, and Kenji took off his coat and offered it to her. Kiyomi gladly took it and snuggled into it.

  It seemed like the most opportune time; the setting was romantic, and they had a pleasant date. Kenji turned to look at Kiyomi; it was time to reveal his big plan. She was looking out over the bay area taking in the night sky and few stars. The light seemed to make her glow as if she were a goddess sent down from the heavens.

  Kenji asked, “Kiyomi what did you enjoy most about the tonight?” trying to make small talk.

  Kiyomi replied, “I love being with you and remembering all the good times we had as kids.”

  Kenji detected she wanted to say more but held back. He took that as his sign. Kenji gently pulled her towards him so that she faced him.

  “Ever since we were little I’ve felt we had more than a friendship. I’ve never felt those feelings for anyone else. I always wanted to be with you, Kiyomi, but I’ve never thought I was good enough for you. I felt destiny had decided to intervene, that night at the party. I think we are meant to be together,” Kenji said professing his feelings.

  Kiyomi looked slightly confused, but not angry or upset. She smiled slightly and looked into his eyes. Kiyomi grabbed his hands and enjoyed their touch.

  “I feel the same way. I always thought we couldn’t be together because I was afraid that you wouldn’t want to be with me. I’ve always felt that because I left to go away to school first, you would hate me for leaving you.

  Kenji laughed, mainly from joy and the release of nerves, “I love you, Kiyomi, and I always will no matter what.”

  Kenji got down on one knee, “Kiyomi, will you marry me?”

  Kiyomi looked shocked but happy. She let out a girlish squeal and gave her answer.

  “Yes! Yes, I will marry you!” Kiyomi exclaimed.

  Kenji pulled her in close and gently leaned down towards her. Kiyomi leaned towards him, and their lips touched. Both enjoyed the warm feeling of each other’s embrace.

  The rest of the time they spent at the bay was in each other’s arms staring out at into the night. They were both content. After another hour or so they decided to go back to his place since it was getting late and her apartment was about an hour’s journey.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  The next morning Kenji woke up early and started to prepare breakfast for them both. He left Kiyomi sleeping, soundly, on his bed tangled in the sheets. He flipped on the TV, quickly turning it down as not to disturb her, and went back to making breakfast. The news channel was giving the daily forecast of the weather; it was to be sunny in the morning with a high chance of rain in the evening. He made some eggs, cured sausage, and toasted some bread.

  Kenji thought again of last night and how well things had gone. He daydreamed about every detail still, the moon casting light on the sea making her shine in the dark. He was pretty sure he had fallen in love with an angel. Her embrace was the best part, the way her…

  His daydream fell short. The news had interrupted his thoughts, barely catching the bulletin that had just popped up. The announcer said that riots had spread as far as a few miles away from the outskirts of Tokyo. Military personnel were setting up roadblocks to all the major roads leading in and out of the city. All travel to and from the city had been suspended until further notice. No one except those on official city business was permitted to leave.

  It sounded severe now, deadly serious. A thought came to Kenji that he hadn’t thought to ask before. Why were all these people rioting anyways? Generally, with an
y revolt or anything else, there were demands. Figureheads that organized for a cause; someone that the people stood behind. However, he had seen or heard nothing of the sort.

  It intrigued him the more he thought about it. The food was ready though, so he put his mind back to it. Kenji set up the food on the table in his kitchen that served as a dining room table. He went back into his bedroom, stopping in the door frame to look at Kiyomi. She was partially clothed, yet still, he could see her soft skin, amazing figure, and beautiful face from behind all the bed sheets. Kenji watched her for about a minute.

  He decided that he should probably wake her before the food was cold. Gently patting her arm, she rolled over, opening her eyes slowly. Kiyomi squinted her eyes, allowing them to adjust to the morning light coming from the window. Kenji grabbed her hand reassuringly. Kiyomi sat up and leaned in kissing him again. He led her away from the bed into the kitchen.

  Kiyomi smiled seeing the breakfast he had prepared for them. They sat down together and began to eat, smiling at each other. Soon after breakfast, they were curled up together on his couch, flipping through the channels on TV for something to watch, enjoying each other’s company.

  After a few hours of TV, he said that it was going to rain soon and that it would be a perfect opportunity to see a movie at the theater. It was showing an older film, one that they had watched as kids growing up, a classic. Kenji looked up the movie showtimes in the paper. There was one in about two hours.

  Kenji asked if she wanted to take a shower before they left. Kiyomi replied that she did, so he went and got some spare clothes that she kept at his apartment when she stayed over. She was already taking a shower, so he quietly cracked the door and set the clothes on the floor. Closing the door, he went back to his computer waiting his turn to shower. His thoughts drifted for a moment to the fact that he had the girl he had always loved, in his bathroom taking a shower. He chuckled to himself, remembering when he was younger, what it would be like to live with her, thinking that day would never come.


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