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McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2

Page 16

by Lexi Buchanan

  “I thought you had work to do,” Dee says, her eyes moving toward Madison. She pulls her lips together and when she gets no response from me, smiles and shoves her arm through mine. “Why don’t we go and have coffee?”

  Madison glares while Geary looks amused at my predicament. The man knows too much for my liking. I turn to Dee. “I promised my son I’d look after Madison, and right now I’m making sure she gets to see the market.” I remove Dee’s hand from my arm. “I’ll see you this evening.”

  A sly smile appears on her face. “Yes, you will,” she drawls, looking at Madison.

  Geary hides his amusement behind a cough, as I step forward and grab Madison by the elbow.

  I mutter, “See you back at the house Geary.” I don’t stop walking until we’re out of sight when I chance a glance over to Madison.

  She isn’t as amused as Geary.

  “I’m sorry,” I blurt, running my hands through my hair. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” My eyes search Madison’s and the look of longing she’s unable to hide has my heart beating frantically.

  I don’t have any trouble in knowing what I want, the only trouble I have is knowing I can’t have her.

  Madison swallows hard and turns her face toward the market, but not before I catch the sheen of tears in her eyes. “I should leave now. Let you give the commission to someone else,” she whispers, her voice husky, but there’s a wry smile on her lips when she says, “I’m being stupid, huh? Wanting someone who will never want me in the same way.” She shrugs. “It’s okay. I get it. I wish I didn’t, but I do.”

  Madison searches my face, not finding what she was looking for, she makes a move to walk away from me.

  “No,” I growl.

  Reaching out and catching her around the waist, I pull her against my front. “You’re the only person I know who sees the same as I do when I look out from my home.” I bring my mouth close to her ear. “Feel what you do to me.” I press my groin against her bottom so there is no mistaking my arousal.

  “Oh!” she gasps, rubbing against me.

  My hands grip her hips to hold her in place while I clamp my teeth together, my body in agony, eager to take what I know we both want. “Now do you know how much I want you?”

  She breathes heavily. “Yes.”

  “You are a couple of years younger than my son,” I sigh heavily, “which is why we can’t ever do anything about this attraction.” My arms slide around her belly and hold her tightly against me before I kiss the top of her head and release her.

  Madison faces me, her eyes caressing over my body, widening when she sees the erection I’m unable to hide. She nervously glances around and then her eyes are back on me. “It hurts living under the same roof.” She licks her lips. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I can’t carry on the way I have been doing.” She takes a step back.


  Shaking her head, she continues, “You have Dee.” She pauses. “Maybe you should be nicer to her.” Her gaze caresses my face and I feel as though it’s for the last time, causing me to panic.

  Emotions I’ve long since kept buried rush to the surface as I step into Madison when she turns. Her back to my front. My arms around her waist anchoring her to me, this place and time. “I don’t want you to leave,” I whisper into her ear and feel a shiver working its way through her.

  “You know I can’t stay.” She drops her head, so I place a tender kiss to her nape, my arms tightening, refusing to let her go.

  “Stay for now,” I beg. “Please, Madison. You’re the only one I trust to bring the paintings to life.” I close my eyes and admit, “I like having you in my home, regardless of how wise it is.”

  Her hands cover mine and our fingers intertwine. “I love your home.”

  I smile against the top of her head. “I know you do.” I place a kiss there and reluctantly pull away. “So, you’ll stay?”

  Turning and holding my gaze, she slowly nods, a sigh leaving her lips. “I’m going to get hurt.” Tears hover on her lashes as she searches my eyes.

  “It has never and won’t ever be my intention to hurt you, Madison. You have to know that. That man isn’t me. I just won’t ever be able to give you what you want.” I run my hands through my hair. “What I want with every breath I take.”

  “Derek?” Dee comes around the corner behind me, and I silently curse the woman.

  “Yes?” The woman doesn’t give me a moment’s peace.

  “What’s going on here?” she asks, sidling up to me.

  Madison closes her eyes and turns away, moving further and further away from us. From me.

  Controlling my temper, I face the woman. “I was having a private conversation with Madison. Why are you following me?”

  “It’s a small town. It can’t be helped.” She shrugs it off. “Looks like Madison has other things to do so why don’t you come around the market stalls with me?”

  My first thought is to say no and go after Madison, but I agree with Dee. I need to stay away for a while longer before I do something else.

  Plastering a fake smile onto my face, I take Dee’s arm and lead her back out to the market. Dee samples the food while my head is stuck analyzing how Madison had felt in my arms. It had been all to brief, but long enough for me to notice that we fit together perfectly.



  To my luck, Geary was about to head back to the house when he saw me with a large cake in one hand, stuffing it into my mouth while I juggled a steaming mug of coffee in my other hand. I have a sweet tooth, which very luckily for me, doesn’t add inches to my hips.

  Once in Geary’s truck, I have no shame as I finish the cake. He laughs watching me lick my fingers clean of the gooey mess.

  “That good, huh?” he comments, eyes back on the road.

  “You have no idea.” I sigh and watch the land as we fly past. “I’m leaving soon.”

  I feel his eyes on me as I curl into the seat, so I can watch him. “Derek will move on with his life and I will never be part of that,” I admit softly. “It’s for the best.”

  “I’m no expert on these things but I am a guy, and I know that if a hot woman who I was falling far came on to me, I wouldn’t refuse. I’d let her capture me.” He shrugs. “I wouldn’t let age stop you from going after what you want Madison. I know all about your cousin and his friend, Garrett. If they can make it work, then there really is no reason why you and Derek can’t. You just have to push and push, until he cracks. And He will. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. The way his eyes follow you around.”

  I blink a few times and grin at Geary. “I am so setting you up with my cousin, Olivia.”

  He glances over to me a frown on his face. “That’s all you got out of that.” He laughs and shakes his head. “I just talked to you like a girl and now you’re setting me up with your cousin?”

  Amused, I roll my eyes. “I heard you perfectly clearly, which is why I’m setting you up with Olivia. You’re a really nice guy, Geary. Olivia needs nice. She needs naughty. She needs tender. She needs love.” I giggle. “I’m sure when you see her that you’ll be up for all of that.”

  He stays quiet until he parks his truck. “Visitors,” he grumbles.

  I focus on the house and a real smile spreads across my face. “Charlotte.” She steps out from under the porch.

  Jumping from Geary’s truck, I rush to my cousin and throw my arms around her. “This is a surprise. Does Derek know?”

  She shakes her head. “We thought we’d surprise you both.”

  “I really am glad to see you.”

  Charlotte only half listens as her eyes focus over my shoulder.

  I smirk. “Are you drooling over the cowboy?” I nudge her with my elbow, and whisper as we watch Geary moving toward us, “I’m setting him up with Olivia.”

  Grinning at having caught Charlotte by surprise, I introduce, “Geary, I don’t think you’ve met my cousin, Charlotte.”

  “No, I

  The introductions over with, Charlotte tries to encourage Geary to join us in the kitchen, and I’m wondering if she’s under the impression that something is going on between him and I, even though I’d mentioned Olivia.

  Geary and Tanner wander off to the stables while Charlotte and I settle into the kitchen, out of the heat of the day. It’s a dry and humid heat that really gets to me.

  “So,” Charlotte gives me ‘the’ look, “have your eyes turned elsewhere?”

  Frowning, I admit, knowing exactly what she means, “Geary is a friend and I’m serious about setting him up with Olivia. Unfortunately, my eyes only go in one direction.” I slump forward with my elbows on the table and my chin resting in my hands. “I know he wants me as much as I want him, but he won’t pursue anything because of his age.”

  Sighing, Charlotte admits, “I’m not sure how Tanner would take the two of you together, either. I brought it up in conversation a while back and he wasn’t too impressed.” She looks contemplatively into her coffee before continuing, “I think if it happened, then he would get used to it, because in the long run it really bothers him that his father is alone.”

  “He isn’t alone anymore,” I mumble softly.


  “He’s dating a woman from town. Dee. I’m sure she’s only after his money, because apparently her funds are running dry.” I shrug as though it’s no big deal when it is. “She’s going to be here for dinner, so you’ll both get to meet her then.”

  “This should be entertaining,” Charlotte mumbles. “Tanner is protective of his father, even though I’m sure Derek is more than capable of looking after himself.” Charlotte won’t meet my gaze when mine focuses on her, which makes me think there is a warning in there somewhere.

  I choose to ignore it.

  “I need to spend some time in the studio. Derek rearranged one of the bedrooms for me to use.” I smile sadly. “I love it here, Charlotte.”

  My cousin pauses and reaching across the table, takes my hand. “I wish I knew what to say.”

  I shake my head. “It’s okay. I’ve already decided to get the job done and then I’ll be heading home.” My heart pounds at the thought of leaving.

  There’s no reason to stay.

  But the reason why I would stay walks through the kitchen door, laughing with his son. Tanner places a kiss on Charlotte’s lips before moving to the sink to wash up. Derek greets Charlotte, his eyes on me over her shoulder.

  “I have work to do,” I say, standing and inching closer toward my escape.

  Tanner frowns, keeping quiet as I disappear.

  I avoid looking at Derek.

  Inside my drawing room, I inhale the familiar scent of paint and charcoal. Moving around, I take the covering from the last painting I have to finish. It’s my favorite by far, because I’ve added a man astride a horse in the distance. This was an addition I’d made after talking to Geary on the back porch, it was a welcome addition.

  As soon as I’m happy with it, I’ll leave and head home to Lexington.



  Dee has arrived for dinner and I can’t help the longing I feel for it to be Madison who is sitting beside me instead of across the table with her cousin.

  All afternoon I’ve been unable to forget the feel of her under my hands or the way her soft skin had broken out into goose bumps when I’d brushed my lips over her shoulder. I’d wanted a lot more, and as my eyes stray across to Madison, I know that I’ll always want a lot more.

  “Dad,” Tanner hisses under his breath.

  When I pull my gaze to his, he looks between Madison and Dee with a frown marring his brow. “So, Dee, Dad tells me you haven’t been in town too long,” Tanner states. “How are you liking it? Not too quiet for you?”

  Dee gives a sly smile and replies, gripping my arm, “I was afraid I might get bored, but luckily for me, I’ve found your father, who keeps me plenty entertained.” Her reply is smooth with a hint of sugary.

  Tanner opens his mouth to say more when Charlotte grabs his jaw and brings her mouth to his before whispering soft words.

  Madison looks embarrassed and keeps her face turned away while she continues to play around with the food on her plate. I frown as I realize she hasn’t eaten anything, but just spent dinner moving it around her plate with her fork.

  Dee wraps herself around my arm and I have to fight the urge to shove her away. She isn’t the one I want, and I hate having someone clinging to me. So very slowly, I untangle myself and get to my feet so there is no other choice but to let me go. She frowns, which I ignore.

  “I have a few phone calls to make, so I hope you don’t mind me excusing myself.”

  Dee is the only one to respond. “I’ll come with you,” she says smiling. “We need time to ourselves for a change.”

  Inwardly wincing, my eyes immediately search out Madison who has gone pale under her light tan. I sigh heavily. “I’ll see you to your car.”

  Not giving Dee much of a choice, and knowing I’m being extremely rude to a guest, I can’t stop myself from propelling the woman outside.

  “Why are you always so keen to get rid of me, yet always asking me to come to dinner?” She digs her heels in.

  “I’m sorry, Dee. My head is all over the place and I’m not sure I can do this—whatever it is—with you anymore.” I bend and kiss her cheek. “You’ll find someone else.” I awkwardly pat her on the shoulder, not feeling a thing for the woman in front of me.

  My heart already belongs to the woman in my kitchen, who I can’t ever have.

  Dee’s mouth tightens in anger, but then a false smile appears on her lips. “I don’t give up that easily.”

  I’m left watching her drive away wondering how I got myself into this mess in the first place. In fact, I know how. Madison McKenzie. Her smile. The swirl of emotion in her gaze. How her long dark hair softly caresses her shoulders. The way her body moves, making my mouth water.

  Madison McKenzie has a lot to answer for.

  Feeling angry at myself and the woman for tempting me so damn much, I slam back into the house and up to my office, making sure the door is locked. I need to be alone even though I did sense Tanner wanting to talk to me. He’s my son and I’m always available for him, except tonight, I need to be alone to think.

  I do know that I need to get over this obsession I have with Madison because it isn’t healthy for me or her. When I see her with Geary, all I want to do is sling her over my shoulder, carry her to my bedroom, and never let her leave. That certainly sounds good for a man who hasn’t had the touch of a woman in years.

  If only the woman didn’t tempt me to so much, then maybe I’d be able to get on with my life the way I always have. I doubt I will ever be the same after knowing Madison. One day she will meet someone else and I’ll know all about it, with my son being married to her cousin.

  Pouring bourbon into a glass, I swish it around before taking a deep drink, relishing the burn as it slips down my throat. I pause with the glass to my mouth for another drink, when thunder rolls through the room followed by the sound of pounding rain. I continue to sip my drink, until the glass is drained, and the humidity slightly drops with the downpour.

  The rain is a welcome break from the weather we’ve been having, and as I walk out through my office doors onto the porch, I’m shocked, but can’t help the smile on my face when I spot Madison—dancing in the rain.

  Her nightdress is plastered to her body, the large swell of her breasts clearly visible through the thin material. My heart pounds as I briefly glance up to Heaven, wondering why I’m being punished with this sexy beautiful nymph before me.

  My eyes search out Madison and I want her with a passion I’ve never felt before. I shouldn’t even think the things I do, not about someone so young, but Madison is something else entirely.


  Shaking the thought from my mind, I step off the porch and move toward Madison with a purpose in m
y stride. She’s so beautiful that I can no longer resist her. I’m not sure I was ever meant to. I don’t even think about what I’m doing until I’m standing right in front of her, and she turns. When her eyes meet mine, her chest rises and falls with heavy breaths.

  My eyes caress her body, soaked to the skin. Rain water runs down her thighs and legs into the boots she wears on her feet. The short nightdress clings to her curves, clearly showing a dark patch at her mound, and as my eyes trail higher, the hard nipples surrounded by dark areoles.

  Neither of us speak, but as I reach out toward her, I find Madison in my arms. Her arms wrap tightly around my shoulders, her lips searching for and swiftly finding mine in a kiss so full of need that she nearly brings me to my knees. Her legs are wrapped around my waist as my hands find her bare bottom, pressing her against the hard throb in my groin.

  “Please don’t stop,” she begs, running her lips along my jaw to my earlobe, which she bites, causing a reaction in my cock.

  Turning with her in my arms, I press her up against the porch railing and pray like hell I don’t come like a teenager with the way she’s writhing against my lust filled body.

  Her teeth nip at my neck, which distracts me as her hand quickly opens my jeans and then I feel her small hand wrap around my hard as steel flesh. I can’t help the quiver that runs through me at her touch, or when she slowly strokes me, working me up even more.

  My head falls back on my shoulders as I let the rain pour over my face. At this point there are only a few brain cells still functioning, but enough to tell her, “I’m only offering tonight, Madison,” when I hold her gaze.

  She searches my gaze and I hold myself still, not wanting her to know how much I wish I could offer her every night for the rest of my life.


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