Urban Justice (A Chicago Vigilantes Novel Book 2)

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Urban Justice (A Chicago Vigilantes Novel Book 2) Page 10

by India Kells

  “You’re going to stay and watch?”

  “You stayed for my examination and I’m staying for yours.”

  How could he draw a smile from her when she felt so ungrounded. “Just admit you want a peep show, professor.”

  Luke scratched his beard, an interested look on his face. He came closer, so close, Sloane hoped for a kiss, but instead, he grabbed the bottom hem of her hoodie and pulled it up with the torn cami underneath, bearing her down to her bra.

  Not the shy type, she let her hands fall to her sides, waiting for the usual reproach about being hurt. Even with her friends at Noctem, even if there was no reprimand, she knew they cared, especially the male members. They never doubted her ability or the way she could handle herself in the field; it was more the deep worry that radiated from them when any of the women taking their turn at being the vigilante came back with an injury. The men could return with bullet wounds, one pint short of being completely bled out and nobody gave them grief about it. It had been the case all of her life, for every single job she’d held.

  Bracing for that same look, those same words, Sloane prepared for the attack, so again, she was thrown off balance when Luke fell to his knees in front of her. For the first time, he examined her stomach, and winced at the bold blue and purple all over it, but her breath caught when his lips skimmed her belly. His whiskers tickled as he traced upward, standing, even making a detour to the last speck of blue on the swell of her breast.

  As she remained still, Luke stood and kissed her. It had nothing of the explosion they’d created the other night, more like a sweeping of heat that eased the pain and even gave her a boost of energy.

  Over too soon, way before her brain could register the need to hold him in place for more, he stepped back.

  “I like that lost look on your face when you’re surprised, Sloane Friday.”

  “What was that about, professor?”

  “My way to take inventory of every inch of you to make sure those nasty injuries disappear as quickly as possible. And, I admit, distracting you so you’d stay put until Melina checks you out.”

  Her face scrunched. “So it’s Melina now. You’ve already got people around here spilling their secrets. You’re the real danger here, professor.”

  Melina arrived and was all business, so Luke retreated to a corner. “I’m only interested in yours, Miss Friday. Only yours.”

  Chapter 14

  Sloane was one fidgety woman and Luke fought hard not to smile. After Melina made sure there wasn’t any internal bleeding, she injected her with a painkiller so she wouldn’t fuss about taking it. Sloane had tried to ditch him several times. Not that it had worked. She’d talked about going for a ride until Lance reminded her it was the middle of the night. Wherever she wanted to go, her plan fell flat, but it didn’t calm her down.

  It was obvious both of them needed to rest, but something was troubling Sloane.

  Melina disappeared after tending her, but Lance kept close, always watching with an ominous glare. Luke couldn’t decide if he was angry with Sloane or Lance was about to kill him and make his body disappear.

  At some point, Sloane seemed to tire of pacing, or maybe of being observed, and she said that they should all turn in, rest, and heal, particularly since she intended to go out the following night.

  Without waiting, she went to what seemed to be a staircase around the corner. One last glance at Lance saw him shrug, and it supported Luke’s idea that Sloane had something in mind.

  Two stories up, they arrived in a place with a large living room area and a kitchen, but Sloane didn’t stop and went through the hall, until they reached the rooms. The one she entered had a large window with a view of the dawn creeping over the horizon. “You have a private bathroom behind that door. There’s always something in the kitchen to eat. You should rest, and we can pick up where we left off after some sleep. I don’t think we’ll be able to access the tunnel for a long time, especially after that explosion. It must be swarming with tons of people as we speak, and the traffickers will probably change plans after what just happened.”

  Luke nodded, agreeing with what she was saying, but it was more her body language that caught his attention. She was lying about her intentions, and he had to call her out on it.

  He looked around the room. The air was cool over his half-naked body. He needed a shower like his next breath, and food wouldn’t hurt, but his mind was filled with Sloane.

  Subtly, Luke placed himself between her and the door, blocking any type of retreat. “So you’re going to go into the next room and sleep too?” Innocent enough question, but one he knew would be revealing.

  She shifted on her feet. “We both need to sleep.”

  “That’s not the question I asked.”

  “You’re a stickler for details, professor.”

  “Unquestionably one of my finer traits, Miss Friday. I know you’re trying to reassure me so you can slide out without me knowing, or even without your friend Lance stopping you. You worried about the blow to my head. Now it’s my turn to worry about you.”

  “A blow to the head can be dangerous.”

  “Melina told me that she wasn’t worried about a concussion, and ruled it a cut. She’ll check up on me later.”

  A low whine came out of her, and before Luke could decipher what it meant, Sloane made a move to leave, which he blocked. “You wished to go somewhere?”

  “It’s none of your business.” Tension and annoyance filled her body. It was clear for him to see.

  “I beg to differ. The moment you came to me, and I agreed to participate, we became each other’s businesses. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t question me to death if I wanted to go on a mysterious ride alone.”

  “It’s personal.”

  “Even more if that’s so.”

  There was no doubt that she could be stubborn about that, but Luke wasn’t letting anything go. “If you want to go, I’m going with you.”

  Desperation seeped through her annoyance, until she finally let herself fall on the bed. “I’m being stupid. Nobody will be there this early anyway.”

  Luke sat beside her. “Be where?”

  “Why do you want to know? It’s not important. Has nothing to do with our mission or why I asked for your help.”

  It was impossible for him to express his craving to know more about the woman. Sloane simultaneously intrigued and frustrated him, and that was beyond the constant pull he experienced when close to her. Through the swirl of emotions, the most basic need he had was to touch her, to have that connection with a woman who appeared like a living flame, both fragile and lethal.

  The hand went to the bedspread, close enough so he could touch her thigh, establishing a contact he needed to reach for her.

  “Each time I go out, into the bowels of the city, fighting the bad guys out there, I don’t do it because I’m strong, but to prove to myself that I’m no longer weak.”

  Luke almost stopped breathing at the cryptic words, and he reminded himself to be patient and allow her to tell her story at her own pace.

  “I told you a little bit about my family, but in reality, I don’t really think about them. Not that I don’t care, but there are too many bad memories linked to my childhood. I don’t hate them. It’s just that when you wish for another life so desperately, you don’t want to go back to the place you fought so hard to leave. One of the reasons I became a cop was because if I didn’t care about my family, then I could care for the people of my city.”

  Still she didn’t look at him, but Luke was damned if he was going to interrupt her as she opened up to him.

  “It was hard work, so hard when I couldn’t help everyone who crossed my path and stop all the monsters in the shadows. It took a toll on me, and I couldn’t accept it. Call me an idealist or plain stupid, but instead of taking a step back and accepting reality, I pushed forward.”

  “You’re not stupid.”

  Sloane gave him a sad grin. “I wish I could agree with
you but I can prove you wrong. I worked tirelessly, way past the point I should have, and it still wasn’t enough. So I searched for other ways to continue and not falter, and the way I found was drugs. It was stupid and the worst thing I could have done. That was the beginning of me spiraling out of control. It was as if my body and brain had become disconnected. I didn’t think it possible to become a stranger to myself, but it happened. I thought taking that shit gave me a clearer mind, more energy, more insight. Only I was dead wrong.

  “I wouldn’t have realized the path I was on if my captain hadn’t confronted me with what I was doing. I was too far gone when he forced me to resign, for my own good, and to preserve whatever reputation I had left. The trouble was, without the clear-cut lines of the police force, I was like a boat without a rudder. I don’t want to remember who I was during that period of my life, but I know I wouldn’t have survived it if not for a woman who befriended me and gave me a second chance.

  “Her name was Beatrice, and she founded Purgatory. I worked for them until Beatrice’s death. To my surprise and salvation, I found a new purpose, and after that balance and newfound strength. When Lance founded Noctem, I followed him, but I’m no longer that blind idealist, and I’m very aware of my weakness. I’ve been careful and haven’t had a lapse since then.”

  Luke swallowed. “That’s where you wanted to go? To get drugs?”

  A strangled laugh came out of her throat. “No, but the pull was there. I’d hoped the support group I researched would be open. I checked them out just in case I needed it.”

  Side by side, looking forward, Sloane surprised Luke by putting her hand beside his, their pinkie fingers touching. Luke couldn’t touch her now, reach for her, and take her hand for fear she’d shut down again.

  “If it’s what you need, we can find one. A psychiatrist, a doctor.”

  Blue eyes finally met his gaze. “Why are you doing this? We’re pretty much strangers. I’ve put you in danger, and there’s nothing you can gain from helping me. So why?”

  He turned to her, pushing a tumbling strand of pink off her face with his free hand. “Is it really important? To be honest, I don’t know, and it doesn’t make sense, but I prefer to focus on the moment, what is truly important. You matter to me, Sloane. We don’t know what tomorrow will hold, and it would take a lifetime to uncover each other’s secrets. The only thing we have for sure is now, here, together. I want to help you. If you need to uncover the tunnels’ secrets, I’ll help. If you need to find someone to help curb your addiction, I’ll help there too.”

  Sloane squeezed his hand, undone. “And if I just want you? Without knowing why or how long it will last?”

  Lust tightened deep in his belly. “Then you’ll have my body. But only if I can have yours.”

  He needed to kiss her more than breathe. He swallowed her sigh as his mouth took hers. Her hands reached for him, and he groaned at the contact. He liked seeing that she wanted him as much as he longed for her. There was the need that had flared back at the loft, and now the fire that burned deep at the memory of what they could repeat, experience again, and push further.

  This woman went against everything he’d promised himself the moment he’d left the Marines. He’d gladly fought for his country, didn’t regret any of the sacrifices he’d had to make, but once he decided to step away, Luke had gladly turned his back on danger and violence, even if it was wishful thinking. He’d dreamed of coming back, getting his doctorate, and working in the only job he wanted. He wanted love in his life, the white picket-fenced home with a wife he adored, and kids.

  This woman, Sloane, was a detour he hadn’t expected. A violent explosion of color blinding him in lust that blurred the lines.

  Luke decided that he’d allow himself to cross that line for now, for this mission, and for her. And maybe a little bit for himself. One last reminder of who he’d been before settling, before returning to his chosen path.

  Sloane gasped, breaking the kiss. “You stink, professor.”

  Laughter shook him and he stood, leaving her on the bed. “Careful. You’re an interesting mix of sweat and sewer yourself.”

  Her nose scrunching in disgust, Luke understood the moment she was about to retaliate and sidetracked her by removing his boots and socks before reaching for the top button on his pants.

  “Come with me, Sloane. Come have a shower with me and forget about the rest of the world for a moment as we replace pain with pleasure. I dare you to say no. Unless you’re a coward and you want to flee.”

  With that last taunt, he didn’t have to look back to know the pink-haired warrior was on his heels, wanting to prove herself again.

  Chapter 15

  How did he do it? A brief moment ago, she’d confessed a fault that had stained her soul and weakened who she’d hoped to be. The next, he was like a magnet, the heat between them scorching everything that made her hesitate or doubt.

  The bathroom had been redone to offer a separate shower and bathtub, and Sloane stopped to admire Luke, his back to her, gloriously naked, adjusting the water temperature before stepping in.

  All muscles and sinews that were beckoning her closer. The glass walls of the shower steamed too quickly to indulge any longer.

  Inside, Luke played with the manual controls, and activated a second set of jets on the wall behind him and bowed at the sudden sting, the sharp male shout reverberating between her legs.

  On the other side of the glass pane, all she could see was the outline of his body, the various shadows of his skin and his movements as he took the soap from the shelf and washed himself.

  Curiosity was what made her open the door, wanting to see more of him. There he stood, drops of water like diamonds on his dark beard, an amused smile on his mouth.

  Standing there, with the humid heat escaping, Sloane didn’t know what to do. Or more exactly, how to act with him. She’d never denied herself when it came to satisfying her lust. Men, women, if consenting and laced with attraction, she would indulge, sometimes one a night, maybe more if it suited all parties. Once satiated, Sloane returned to the void, to her purpose, to the mission.

  As an unwanted child, she’d learned to indulge desire, and apart from the team, it was the only time she’d ever felt wanted, needed. Now, this stranger made everything less obvious, not as clear or sharp.

  “You’re letting all the heat out. Either you’re in or you’re out, Sloane.”

  Was he talking about the shower, or something more?

  Her clothes fell where she stood, and she stepped into the spray, plastering herself against his body.

  As she sought a searing kiss, Luke gently pushed her away. “Easy, you’re hurt. We both are. Let me take care of you.”

  Strung tight, strangely out of place, she stood under the hot water, waiting. She’d never been this passive with any of her lovers.

  Luke turned her around, soaking her hair under the spray before reaching for a small bottle of shampoo in the corner. His fingers ran down her strands before massaging her scalp. The touch was unhurried and soft, yet it was impossible for her to relax into it. Luke didn’t speak and continued to lather her hair until she reached her tipping point and her muscles finally softened.

  Inch by inch, Sloane let herself be caressed, rinsed, and washed by Luke, who was always mindful of her bruised flesh. It was like being bewitched. It wasn’t an awful state to be in, just incredibly new.

  In the foreign state, and for the first time ever, her mind completely stalled, focused on his touch over her skin.

  Her hair clean, he swiveled her once more so they faced each other. How strange to feel loose as a noodle, but with a burning pulse between her legs.

  Hyper focused, Sloane saw him take the soap again, and instead of using it directly on her, lathered his hands before cupping her breasts.

  All that stroking had sensitized her skin so much that when his thumbs stroked her taut nipples, she lost her breath again. “I don’t think that part of my body is that dirty, p

  “Then I need to keep checking.”

  Oh, how much she wanted to kiss him, but he had other plans. His dark eyes firmly locked with hers, he lathered his big hands once more and slid them over and up her hips. He touched her stomach, but only lightly and briefly, again mindful of her bruises. Like he’d done in the medical bay, Luke put a knee down, and worked on her legs. His beard scratched, inflaming every inch it touched. Once she was distracted, his busy fingers snaked between her quivering thighs.

  Sloane reached for the stall walls, her head feeling incredibly light all of a sudden. Teasing, circling, caressing, the man at her feet didn’t seem to want to rush, but instead, played with the edge of sensations until her breath became erratic, and moans couldn’t stop pouring out of her lips.


  “You’re so sexy when you’re strong, but irresistible when you beg. Let me hear your lovely voice, my warrior.”

  And before she could think or react, his tongue licked her folds just as he slid one big finger inside her. The air rushed out of her lungs and she couldn’t tear her gaze from Luke pleasuring her. The intensity in him, his beautiful, muscled body, bruised but glistening, made her want to touch him, but she feared that if she let go of the walls, she’d collapse on the tiles. It was like being bound in place, but without ropes or shackles.

  Normally, she craved to take over, to stop this and dive on him, feast on him. She was far from used to being passive. The fast swirl of pleasure cresting inside her made her want to touch him, but Luke must have sensed her shift, and instead of releasing her, dove in for the kill. His mouth sucked on her with a force that verged on pain, as he added another finger inside her. The loud moan surprised even her, but not as much as the intense pressure he exerted against her G-spot. Time and time again, different lovers had tried to push her over that way, but she suspected they weren’t as skilled as the wicked professor. Or was it his tongue flicking her clit with increasing speed that put her body into overdrive?


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