Savoring Her Sweets: Billionaire and Baker Auction Romance Collection

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Savoring Her Sweets: Billionaire and Baker Auction Romance Collection Page 17

by Jamie Knight

  This was only the beginning.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I was still in shock as he dragged me out of the bakery to his car. I felt like I shouldn’t leave and should have stayed to keep hosting, but I couldn’t resist. And besides, they didn’t expect me to keep hosting while Elliot was claiming his prize, did they?

  Kind of hard to play hostess while you’re getting plowed.

  I was still tingling from everything that had taken place on stage. I wanted to see what else was going to happen.

  But, before anything else, I felt like I owed him an explanation. He had to have tons of questions.

  “Let me explain what happened with the auction…”I began, preparing myself for a long-winded explanation.

  To my utter shock, he put up his hand, silencing me. I was a little taken aback since I assumed that he would want to talk. I looked at him, trying to figure out if he was upset or what was going on with him. I didn’t get anything from him, but silence.

  What could have been going on in his head? Whatever it was, he wasn’t ready to talk, so I had no choice but to sit there with him in silence as he drove. I watched the scenery and figured out that he was taking me to his house.

  Once we got to his place, he turned off the car and walked toward the door. I had to walk quickly to keep up with him, and the brisk pace was enough to spike my anxiety. It seemed angry, tense.

  But the second the front door opened, he turned to me and picked right up where he’d left off on the stage, kissing me hard. I melted into his arms. He didn’t even bother taking me to his bedroom. He started to strip me right in the foyer, unbuttoning my shirt as he kissed me feverishly, almost ripping my shirt off.

  I kissed him back hard, realizing how much I had missed kissing him. His kisses were like oxygen and I’d been holding my breath for days. He took off my shirt and bra, letting my breasts tumble free. He stared down at them hungrily before taking a nipple into his mouth. He sucked my nipple while I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling that delicious tingling building in my core.

  He leaned down and undid my pants, shoving them down my hips and dropping them to the floor. I kicked them aside and waited for him to take his clothes off. He did, revealing his erection eager and waiting for me. I dropped down on my knees and took the head of his cock into my mouth. He didn’t bother being gentle this time, and I relished every moment. He thrust in and out of my mouth hard, fucking my mouth, and I took him deep into my throat. I could tell he was excited, but trying to control himself so that he didn’t blow his load.

  After a few minutes of this, however, he tugged me off him and pushed me onto the ground so that I was on all fours. I heard the sounds of tearing foil and there was a brief pause before he moved into position behind me. I was already dripping wet, so when he guided the flared head of his cock into place and drove home, he slid right in. He plunged in and out of me, slowly at first, but gradually building until he was going so fast I thought that he was going to launch me across the room. I let out a scream of pleasure,

  “Harder,” I begged, rocking back and forth to meet his thrusts.

  He happily obeyed, slamming into me harder and gripping my hips to drag me back onto him again and again. He slapped my ass hard, making me yelp with pleasure and pain from the sting of his palm.

  I could feel my walls start to shudder and constrict around him as I came hard all over his shaft. And my orgasm seemed to trigger his, sending him howling and spiraling into that abyss of carnal sensation. He pulled out and we collapsed in a heap on the floor, him holding me from behind, his breath hard and heavy in my ear.

  Even as I was scattered to the four corners of the wind, trying to collect myself after he made me come apart, another part of me felt more whole than I had since the moment he turned away.

  Elliot made me feel whole, and I realized now that love like this was too important to toss aside. This was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and I had made a terrible mistake letting him go.

  And it was a mistake I was never going to make again.

  Chapter Twenty


  After we had finally caught our breath and I had gotten all of that pent-up emotion out of my system, I turned Candy around to face me. It was time for us to talk, for me to get my questions answered.

  “What the fuck, Candy?” I asked softly. “You tell me that you don’t want to see me anymore, that you want to spend more time focusing on your business, and then I see that you’re hosting an auction. But, not only that, I see that you’re actually selling yourself in the auction. What gives?”

  I looked her in the eyes, waiting for her to answer me. She looked at me and then down at the floor like she was trying to gather her thoughts.

  “It’s a long story, actually,” she said, biting her lip and taking a deep breath. “So bear with me. When I was in high school, I was in a very abusive I threw myself into my passion and turned it into my career. And when I opened the shop, it took off right away, so I vowed that I would always focus on my business, making sure that I put it first before everything. I’ve been doing it for years now, and it’s been great. So, I told myself that I was doing something right.”

  She takes a breath and goes on, “But, then, there’s Tammy, the girl that you saw at the restaurant that night. We went to high school together, and I found out that she didn’t like me because she had been dating my ex, Jim, before I started dating him. In fact, I found out that he had STILL been dating her when he asked me out, which is why she’s hated me all these years. That night at the restaurant, we ended up clearing the air, and I proposed a partnership. She turned me down, but we at least were cordial to each other.

  “A few weeks after that, Tammy came bursting in the bakery to tell me that an investor was going to buy the building that both she and I had had our sights on. So, that’s why we decided to hold the auction, to come up with enough money to buy out the investor and get the building before he bought it out from under us.

  “Then, at the auction, we found out at the last minute that some of the girls weren’t going to make it, so Tammy said that we were going to have to auction ourselves off. I really wasn’t planning on going up there like that, Elliot, I swear. But now I have someone else’s dreams depending on me, too, and I couldn’t just let her down. But the thought of a guy other than you winning me in an auction made me sick.”

  “And why is that?” I asked.

  “Because I’m in love with you,” she blurted out and then clapped her hand over her mouth. “I didn’t meant to just- I mean…fuck, this is all coming out wrong and I’m rambling, and…

  She shifted uncomfortably, not looking at me. I smiled at her, taking her face into my hands.

  “I love you, too,” I said, kissing her face gently. “I’ve discovered just how little meaning there is in my life in the time that we’ve spent apart. One of the things that I find most attractive about you is your fire and ambition. It’s actually inspired me to do more in my life.

  I take a deep breath and admit something I haven’t voice out loud, but an idea that’s been festering in the back of my mind. “I actually want to go back to college and do something more with my life, but I kind of feel silly about it all considering that I’m already wealthy and have a career. I don’t need a new career. Plus, I kind of feel like I’m too old to be starting down a new career path.”

  “It’s never too late to follow your heart,” she said softly, caressing my cheek, smiling at me.

  Her smiles were like rays of sunshine.

  I smiled, feeling more hopeful.

  “I’m working on it,” I replied, pulling her into my arms.

  I’ll follow you anywhere, I thought.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The ringing of my phone woke me up the next morning. I almost forgot where I was. I opened my eyes and remembered that I stayed the night at Elliot’s place.

  “Hello?” I said sleepily.

>   “Hey, Tammy,” an eager voice chirped in my ear. “I know it’s early, I’m sorry, but I just had to call you to tell you the good news. We earned more than enough money to buy the building! We can officially outbid Jim and give a better offer. I already called the real estate guy!”

  I perked up, waking up right away at the sound of those words. I scrambled out of bed, telling her that I would meet her at the real estate office in an hour. I hurriedly rifled through the clothes on the floor, trying to find mine.

  “Where are you going?” asked Elliot, yawning. “What’s going on?”

  “That was Tammy,” I explained. “We did it, the auction made enough, we can buy the building! So, we’re going to meet at the real estate agent’s office in a little bit to do just that.”

  “Wow, how exciting, congratulations,” said Elliot, propping himself up on one elbow. “I can drive you down there to meet Tammy so that you guys can buy the place.”

  He got up and started looking for clothes to put on, and in a wild whirlwind, we were in the car within ten minutes. I was so excited. This felt just like it did when I first started the bakery. The air felt electric, magic, and I was on top of the world. I couldn’t wait until we were standing in our new building.

  When we got to the real estate office, Tammy was already there, waiting by the curb in front of the office. She jumped and clapped excitedly when she saw me.

  “Can you believe that this is happening?” she squealed. “I never thought it would really happen, I couldn’t bear to get my hopes up.”

  “I know what you mean,” I agreed, walking with her into the office.

  “Ladies, I’m happy to see you here,” the man greeted us, standing at the open door already. “I have the papers drawn up and ready for you to sign.”

  We had been in the office, talking and joking for a few minutes when the door swung open.

  It was Jim and he was furious. He stormed into the office and up to the agent’s desk, evidently not even noticing us in his rage.

  “What exactly do you think you’re doing, Frank?” he screamed in the agent’s face. “I made you a good deal and you turn it down? What exactly do you think will happen if I walk away from this deal?”

  Then, Jim looked around the room and finally noticed Tammy, Elliot, and I sitting there. I could almost see the lightbulb go off in his head.

  “You again,” he snarled at me, “You stupid bitch, I wasn’t good enough for you, now you have to come stick your fingers into my plans and fuck everything up?”

  He walked around the agent’s desk and stood right in my face, his fists clenched. I started to sweat, feeling those old feelings welling back up. I wanted to run out of the room and hide. I had hid from Jim so many times before it would be just like old times if I did. I just sat there, pressing my lips together in silence.

  Before I knew what was happening, Elliot had stepped in front of me until he was standing toe-to-toe with Jim. Elliot reared back like he was going to punch Elliot in the face. “Don’t!” Tammy suddenly stepped in front of Elliot, stopping him from punching Jim, to my shock.

  She turned towards Jim and instead, wound up and socked him in the face herself. I let out a whoop of shocked delight. I couldn’t think of a more deserving face to take that right hook. The punch knocked him flat on his back. He scrambled to his feet, holding his face in shock. He couldn’t believe that she had hit him, either.

  Frank, the agent, stood up, glaring at Jim.

  “Get out of here,” he said. “And if you ever show your face around here again, I’ll call the cops.”

  Jim stood there like he was trying to muster up an inkling of courage, but it escaped him. Plus I think he was a little preoccupied with the blood pouring from his nose. He turned on his heels and left like a dog with his tail tucked between his legs.

  After he left, Frank turned back to Tammy and I.

  “Now, ladies, shall we get back to the paperwork?”

  We both nodded and sat back down at his desk, ready to start a new chapter of our lives.



  Four Years Later

  I was used to not being able to see my feet. As a girl with D-cups, it was nothing new to me. But it was new to look down and see a belly slowly catching up with the curves on my chest. But my rapidly growing baby bump grew more and more every day.

  I was really feeling it the more that I walked around the graduation, though, so I went and found my seat in the front row.

  Elliot had done it. He had realized his goal of graduating with a teaching degree, and I was happy that I could be there to cheer him on. I was practically vibrating with excitement and pride and was trying to contain myself.

  I saw Elliot’s row stand up and prepared myself. When they called his name, he walked across the stage with so much poise wearing his cap and gown. Everyone clapped quietly and with decorum. I, on the other hand, could no longer contain my excitement. I let out a loud cheer, clapping loudly. Everyone looked at me, but there was no disdain, just amused smiles. They got it.

  When the ceremony ended, I searched the crowd for my love. When we found each other, he landed a soft kiss on my lips. He put his hand on my belly and smiled at me tenderly. I couldn’t believe how happy he made me.

  It made me stop and think about all of the good things that we had going in our lives. For one, we had each other and we were as madly in love as ever. There was no “honeymoon phase” for us, we were as crazy about each other as we’d been from the moment we laid eyes on each other.

  Elliot had a new dream, molding bright young minds and shaping the future. Tammy and I had bought the building and moved our bakeries into it. And business had been booming.

  And more than I could have ever expected happened. The more time that Tammy and I spent together, the closer we got. We became really close friends, creating a close-knit sisterhood with Amelia and Tammy’s best friend, Sheila, who owns a flower shop.

  My flavors and Tammy’s decorating skills have proved to be a lethal combination, so much so that we’ve been featured in magazines and even on the Food Network.

  Elliot and I had been living together for three years and it had been the happiest three years I could have possibly imagined.

  And now our little family was growing.

  “I want to keep our happiness going forever,” said Elliot suddenly, dropping down to one knee.

  I clapped my hands over my mouth in shock. I couldn’t believe that he was doing this in a crazy crowd of college graduates, milling about in caps and gowns, taking pictures and celebrating.

  “Candace Prewitt, I love you,” he said, taking my hand in his. “I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Will you marry me?”

  He pulled a ring box out of his pocket and flipped it open, but to be honest, I hardly noticed. I didn’t care about the ring, all I cared about was that he was mine.


  “Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes, of course!”

  We shared a long, passionate kiss, the rest of the world falling away, until I was breathless and my head was spinning.

  “Let’s go home. We’ve got a lot of celebrating to do,” I said, grinning.

  The moment we crashed through the doorway, we headed to the bedroom, completely unable to keep our hands off of each other.

  After tugging the graduation gown over his head and tossing it aside, he undressed me, gentle with my protruding belly and swollen, sensitive breasts.

  While he took a nipple between his lips, I stroked the growing erection in his pants, feeling him grow harder under my touch.

  He tugged open his fly and let his cock spring free and I hastily shucked the rest of his clothes off of him, aching for the feeling of his bare skin on mine.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, planting a kiss on my belly and running his hand over it.

  His hand slipped lower until his fingers parted my wet folds and toyed with my clit, making me gasp. The changes in my body made ev
erything feel more different, more intense, and the pleasure was almost too much.

  Finally, he parted my thighs and positioned himself between them, driving his cock inside me. I let out a howl of pleasure and my body convulsed.

  Pleasure built fast and I came once, twice, more…I started to lose track. It all felt so good it started to blur together into one long tunnel of ecstasy and I rode it out eagerly until he finally reached his own climax and shot me full of his hot load.

  Sated and spent, we collapsed on the bed, gripping each other for dear life, trying to come down and catch our breath.

  “I love you so much,” he murmured, leaning down and kissing the top of my head.

  “Right back at you,” I replied with a sleepy smile.

  He chuckled, seeing that I was fading fast. “Get some rest, love,” he murmured, “Sweet dreams.”

  While I appreciate the sentiment, I don’t tell him what I’m thinking. The truth is, I don’t care about what goes through my head when I’m asleep anymore. Because no dream can possibly compare to the dream come true that I get to wake up to.

  The End

  Thank you for reading. Continue on for a sneak peek of Buying Her Flower, which is Sheila and Andrew’s story set in this same series of standalone but connected billionaire and auction books.

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