Unravelling the Double Helix

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Unravelling the Double Helix Page 55

by Gareth Williams

  ‘Watson, Crick and the future of DNA’ conference (1993) 385

  Copenhagen – Kalckar’s lab 301–2

  Double Helix, The 364–70, 385

  education and PhD 300–301

  Human Genome Project 385

  Nature paper on mRNA 372

  Nature papers with Crick 7, 344, 346–47, 351, 352

  New York – Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 385

  Nobel Prize 361, 363, 364, 386

  overview of xxiv

  Pauling–Corey DNA model 330, 333

  photograph 301


  Crick 303

  Franklin 357, 359

  Weill, Adrienne 279, 280

  Weismann, August 21

  Wells, H.G. 116

  What is Life? (Schrödinger) 193, 300

  What Mad Pursuit (Crick) 383

  wheat 168–69

  white blood cells (leucocytes) 10, 11–12, 26, 133, 200

  Whitehead, Detective-Inspector 226–27

  Wilkins, Maurice


  Albert Lasker Award 361

  Nobel Prize 361–62, 363–64, 363

  Nobel Prize lecture 363

  Royal Society Fellowship 353

  anxiety and depression 276–77

  autobiography 369–70, 383–84

  background and education 189–90

  Berkeley – Radiation Laboratory 192–93

  Birmingham – University

  joining Randall’s Luminescence Lab 187, 190

  nuclear fission work 192–93

  PhD papers 191

  British Society for Social Responsibility in Science 381, 382

  conference presentations

  Gordon Conference (1951) 296

  Stazione Zoologica conference (1951) 286–87, 299, 302

  death 384

  divorce 194–95

  Franklin, defence of 365

  Franklin–Wilkins Building at King’s 384

  Hiroshima bombing, reaction to 195

  London – MRC Biophysics Unit

  1951 colloquium 305, 306

  1952 DNA paper 317

  1952 MRC Biophysics Committee 320–21

  appointed Assistant Director 265

  Beighton’s X-ray photograph of DNA 290

  Crick, 1952 letter to 316–17, 325

  Crick–Watson DNA model, final 340–42, 343

  Crick–Watson DNA model, initial 308–9, 310

  Crick–Watson DNA model refinements 354, 355, 371

  DNA microscopy work 327

  DNA Photograph 51 327, 328–29, 328, 333

  DNA story as ‘human pyramid’ 372

  DNA structure research 265–68, 267, 275, 277, 293, 295–96, 296–97, 304, 306, 311, 315–16, 334–35, 372

  Franklin–Gosling paper on DNA ‘B’form 343

  Franklin’s departure 322

  Fraser’s DNA model 306–7

  ‘London–Cambridge Rat Race’ 330–31, 332, 335

  move to King’s 228, 262

  neuroscience research 382

  protein structure meeting, MRC (1951) 293–94

  Stokes’ ‘Waves at Bessel-on-Sea’ drawing 295

  talks with Watson and Crick 304–5

  visit to Signer’s lab 316, 317

  marriage, first 193

  marriage, second 354–55

  Nature paper (with Gosling) 275

  Nature paper (with Stokes/Wilson) 343–44, 346

  Nunn Mays, lodging with 227

  offer to join Cavendish lab 315

  overview of xxiv-xxv

  Pauling–Corey DNA model 330, 331–32

  photograph 187

  Randall, opinion of 190

  Randall’s obituary 382–83


  Crick 268, 270, 274–75, 299, 310, 329–30, 383–84

  Franklin 284–85, 294, 297–98, 315–16, 316–17, 383

  Randall 187, 191, 276, 282–83, 287

  Schrödinger’s ideas, dismissal of 235

  St Andrews – University 194, 225, 226

  Third Man of the Double Helix, The 384

  Watson’s book, reaction to 365, 368

  Watson’s Hardy Club talk on DNA model 349

  Wilson, Edmund 116–17

  Wilson, Herbert 334, 344, 346

  wool 155–56

  Wright, Sir Almroth 144

  X-ray diffraction (crystallography)

  ‘Astbury-Yardley Tables’ 124

  Bernal’s research 160, 254–55

  Bragg and Bragg’s advancements of 100–102, 122–26

  Bragg’s Law 100–101

  of cytidine 256–57

  of DNA

  Beighton’s photographs 288–90, 289

  Franklin and Gosling’s research 284, 319–20, 322

  Photograph 51 322, 327–28, 328, 329, 333, 342, 345

  Wilkins and Gosling’s research 265–68, 267, 293

  Wilkins’ refinements to Crick–Watson model 354, 361

  Wilkins’ research 315, 316

  Wilkins, Stokes and Wilson research 346

  Fourier transformation 126

  Franklin’s work in Paris 280

  of human hair 128, 154, 378

  importance in DNA story 118

  Laue’s development of 94–96, 96

  Lawrence Bragg’s research 126

  of natural fibres 155–58

  Patterson function 292

  of pepsin 255

  Stokes’ ‘Waves at Bessel-on-Sea’ drawing 294–95

  of thymonucleic acid 160–61, 224

  of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) 310–11, 323, 357

  Vand’s theorem 307

  of viruses 357, 358, 359

  William Bragg’s Royal Institution research group 122–26

  X-ray spectrometer 100

  X-ray Study of some Nucleosides and Nucleotides, An (Furberg) 257


  causing chromosomal mutations 66, 230

  eugenics, use in 174

  waves 98–99

  William Bragg’s research 95–96

  X-Rays and Crystal Structure (Bragg and Bragg) 102

  Yardley, Kathleen 123–26, 127

  yeast nucleic acid 75, 85–86, 90, 181; see also RNA (ribonucleic acid)

  yeast nuclein 70–71, 73–74

  Zacharias, Eduard 35

  Also by Gareth Williams

  Angel of Death: The Story of Smallpox (2010)

  Paralysed with Fear: The Story of Polio (2013)

  A Monstrous Commotion: The Mysteries of Loch Ness (2015)

  with Gema Frühbeck

  Obesity: Science to Practice (2009)

  with John Pickup

  Textbook of Diabetes, editions 1–3 (1991–2002)

  Handbook of Diabetes, editions 1–3 (1992–2002)


  Pegasus Books Ltd.

  148 West 37th Street, 13th Floor

  New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2019 by Gareth Williams

  First Pegasus Books hardcover edition October 2019

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher, except by reviewers who may quote brief excerpts in connection with a review in a newspaper, magazine, or electronic publication; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without written permission from the publisher.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available

  ISBN: 978-1-64313-215-0

  ISBN: 978-1-64313-283-9 (ebook)

  Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.



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