Sparking Magic (Protectors Academy Book 1)

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Sparking Magic (Protectors Academy Book 1) Page 5

by Nika Gray

  That was his element anyway and it was a miracle he'd gotten into the Protectors Academy seeing as his grades were shit. He did have some crazy good magic skills. He found ways of making complex spells very easy.

  I wasn’t ready to trust anyone with what had happened that night with me and the mystery girl. The connection that my magic had made with hers. She’d never even given me her name.

  “We can talk about it another time,” I said.

  “You will tell me what’s going on,” he said. His eyes searched my face.

  “Sure as hell not here in front of all of these idiots,” I hissed at him.

  “As long as you tell me,” he said. “I can't help you if you leave me in the dark.”

  Who says I need your help, I thought. I looked down at my food and realized I’d lost all my appetite. What I really wanted was a good shot of vodka, but I had an intense schedule tomorrow and couldn't have my wits dulled in any way. Declan Longbane and I were sparring tomorrow and I needed to make sure I’d dominate. I couldn’t let him win.

  We had been friends once, Declan and I. Fergus, too. The political undercurrents within the Magic Council separated us pretty early on into factions. And everyone knew Fergus' father hated mine. For good reason because my father was a bastard, but still.

  I wanted to make sure that everyone in the first-years knew who would be one of the leaders of the battalions once we got out into the Borderlands.

  “Is this about your dreams?” Aiden asked.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “You've been mumbling in your sleep. Something about an ice castle and snowy fields? We do get a lot of snow up here seeing as it's upstate New York, but it didn't exactly sound like any place I've been with you,” he said.

  I shrugged. “They’re just weird dreams. It’s all in the imagination, right?” My mind was back on the girl.

  “Looks like Fergus and Declan were eating with her. I could go ask Declan what her name is, get her story,” Aiden suggested.

  “No,” I said. “We’ll search her out ourselves.”

  As I was standing up Kyna and her two followers, Sonia and Avery, surrounded us. I scowled but sat back down. Their parents were important allies of ours. Didn’t mean I wanted anything to do with the daughters. They were mean little vipers trying to assert their dominance in the pecking order of the first-years and I couldn’t be more bored with their pettiness. Kyna had been a good fuck, but I wasn’t looking for much else from her.

  “Hey Cole,” Kyna said and threaded her arm into mine.

  “What do you want?” I asked, my tone snappish.

  She screwed her lips into a pout and gave me a sad look. “I was hoping we could all go back to my room and have a good time,” she said.

  I knew I’d regret sleeping with her and I’d been right. I had to stay away from the damn vodka. It brought me nothing but trouble.

  “No, thanks. I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow and I need my sleep,” I said as I unwrapped my arm from hers. Avery and Sloan giggled and Kyna shot them a nasty look. They’d be getting an earful when they got back to their rooms.

  Aiden sat with his arms crossed on his chest, his brown eyes studying me. He knew something was going on, he just couldn't put his finger on it. Sloan sat next to him and moved over closer, but the look he shot her stopped her in her tracks. He wasn’t going to make the same mistake I had.

  Red flame sparked in my brain and I shook the image of the mystery girl’s lips hovering above mine.

  “I’m going to bed,” I said standing abruptly. “You coming?”

  “I need to talk to Professor Krysz about tomorrow.” Aiden shook his head.

  “Cool,” I nodded. “I’ll see you back at the room.”

  The girls looked back and forth at us.

  “Sure thing,” he said. I saw his concern and felt guilty for not telling him about the magic. I’d never kept magical secrets from him. We were a team. Until now.

  I left the girls sitting at the table without another word and hurried out of the dining hall. I hadn't realized I’d been holding my breath until I inhaled deep long breaths of cold air as soon as I was outside.

  My hands were shaking. As I stared down at them, I remembered the red fiery tendrils of energy encircling my arms as I held her close to me. Emotions poured out of me I thought I was incapable of ever having. By the look on her face, she remembered me, too. I would have another night with her. Many more nights if I was lucky.

  Chapter 7


  Kelly and I said our goodbyes and I headed for my own dorm, filled with unease. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with Avery and Sonia or to even to be in that room.

  I dragged my feet up the front stairs to the door. Nervous energy made my hands tremble and legs wobble. I couldn’t sleep in this state. This day had overwhelmed me. My thoughts kept ping-ponging from one mystery to the next. Magic, Fae, wars and different realms. It was all too much for my human brain to handle right now. I gulped down a deep breath and stopped on the top step.

  Who said I needed to go to sleep right now? Maybe a walk in the crisp night air would clear my head, I decided. I pulled the map out of my back pocket and tilted it to the moonlight until I could see the lines and names Kelly had written for me. I found a path that ran to the right side of Gallagher Hall and connected to the main path winding around the lake. Smaller paths led into the dense forest surrounding the lake, but I had no intention of venturing back into a dark wood at night by myself. I was brave, but not that brave.

  I tucked the map back into my pocket and skipped down the steps. I felt lighter already. The more distance I put between myself and the dorm, the more easily I could breathe. I sped through the quad, keeping an eye out for any mages around me. There were a few couples walking to Gallagher Hall from the dorms, but they didn’t pay me any mind. That’s exactly what I wanted.

  The lights were still on in Gallagher Hall and a low murmur of voices spilled out of the building each time the doors opened. I kept up my fast pace until I was a good distance away from West Campus. The moon was almost full and its comforting glow lit the grounds around me. A cool breeze drifted through the small grove of trees as I passed by. I smiled thinking how much the rustling leaves sounded like whispers. This place was really stunning.

  I came to the fork in the path Kelly had drawn on the map and took a right, walking down an incline. My thighs burned as I closed the distance to the lake, enjoying the beautiful, serene view. The moon sparkled on the water and its blueish reflection illuminated the fields and trees surrounding it. There were no mages to be seen here and that was all right with me.

  I didn’t want to be reminded of what I was doing here. I wanted to pretend I was on vacation somewhere, taking a lovely walk in the sweet night air. I wanted to be a normal person, not a kidnapping victim thrust into the world of magic with no memory of who she was.

  My mood soured as my thoughts turned back to my predicament. In truth, even though I had the freedom to wander around the grounds, I was stuck here. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn’t just decide to up and leave. Some unseen danger waited for me outside the academy walls, waiting for me to make the wrong move.

  Goose pimples spread over my skin as fear knotted my belly.

  “Stop it,” I said aloud. Thoughts of my situation were ruining my mood. This walk was supposed to be soothing me, not freaking me out further. I breathed in the night air again and slammed a wall against the fearful thoughts invading my mind. I needed to focus on some other thoughts. Happier thoughts.

  I pictured Fergus and Declan at dinner. There, that was more like it. I couldn’t help but smile at the memory. The anxious feeling in my chest faded as I remember the intense magnetic pull I felt towards them. As soon as I connected to the desire I’d felt, memories of whatever happened between Cole and me came flooding back. I could almost feel his hands on me. I heard myself sigh. Another mystery and a much juicier one. I’d seen other mages
wandering around the campus, but none had sparked such intense feelings in me as Fergus, Declan, and Cole.

  The ground beneath my feet leveled off and the path veered toward a small rocky beach at the shore of the lake. I picked my way over the rough stones to the edge of the water. The gentle waves of the lake flowed over the rocks making a soft lapping sound. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound. My breathing slowed and my body relaxed. This was more like it.

  My eyes fluttered open and looked out over the water. The lake looked even brighter now. Feeling like the ragged edges of my emotions had softened, I stepped back onto the path and strolled forward. The woods were not as dense this close to the water’s edge. I wouldn’t even call them woods, more like manicured groves of trees. The woods on the other side of the lake looked wild and forbidding, however.

  “Not going there,” I said. I wouldn’t be surprised if those woods held werewolf packs and witch’s huts, now that I knew both witches and werewolves were real.

  The path curved to the right around a thicker grove of trees and as I turned the corner, I found myself about ten feet behind a tall, broad-shouldered man. I gasped, then covered my mouth, careful not to make another sound. His wavy blond hair glinted in the moonlight. The strange magnetic pull toward him made me stumble a few feet. It was Fergus Mathonwy.

  My tripping over myself alerted him to my presence. He turned suddenly, like a large cat ready to pounce. When he saw it was me, he relaxed and broke out in a slow sultry smile.

  “Well hello there,” he said. “Fancy meeting you out here.” His voice was soft and deep and reminded me of honey. He stepped over to me and the closer he came, the hotter my skin became.

  “Out for an evening walk?” he asked.

  He was close enough now that I caught his unique scent, a mixture of salty air and sun-kissed skin, with a hint of deep musk underneath. I breathed him in as little ripples of pleasure fluttered through me.

  Fergus was tall, probably close to six-foot-three, and I’m just shy of six-feet myself. So, as I stood on the slight incline, we were face to face. Our eyes met and locked onto each other.

  “I needed some fresh air,” I said.

  My chest rose as I inhaled, and my breasts brushed against his chest. At our touch, the iris of his eyes took on a golden glow.

  He stepped closer to me and wrapped me in his embrace. My body pressed into his hard muscles and electricity shot through me. I felt his heart begin to race.

  “Want to get started on a session now?” he purred into my ear.

  “Absolutely,” I whispered.

  Our noses were almost touching, and his lips curled into that rakish smile again. “I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since dinner,” he whispered.

  My cheek warmed with his exhale. His lips grazed against my face and I pressed into him even more. His arms tightened around me, our bodies molding together. Then Fergus’ lips brushed against mine and electricity flashed through me once again. I ran my fingers through his golden hair as his lips left a burning path of kisses down my neck. Each time his lips touched my body, flickers of red fire ignited on my skin.

  “You’re burning up…” he murmured into my lips. I kissed him deeply, slipping my tongue into his mouth and stroking his. He let out a small moan and his tongue became more insistent, exploring and tasting every part of my mouth. My knees went weak and as if he knew, he pulled me in even closer.

  All thoughts of anything other than the feel of his body against mine were pushed away by the pulsating pleasure moving through me. I felt his hard cock against me and I ground my pelvis into it. My panties were soaking wet and I ached for his touch everywhere. Holy fuck, this was happening.

  I pulled my mouth away and he stared down at me, his blue eyes roiling with a molten gold. His skin glowed with a magic that looked like the golden sun reflecting on water. This both terrified and excited me.

  “Your magic likes it when I touch you,” I whispered.

  He stared at me as if he were peering into my very soul. My heart thumped beneath my breasts as if it wanted to escape. Fire coursed through my veins. I could see my red glow illuminating his golden hair.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t give a damn,” he said roughly and devoured me all over again. I melted into him, matching his fervor and passion. His hands found the bottom of my shirt and slid up my abdomen.

  “Where can we go?” I whispered.

  We separated briefly as he led me to a grove of birch trees and a small patch of grass beneath them. The distance between us was so distracting and my need for his warmth so great, I had to press my body against his as he took off his jacket and lay it on the ground. I stripped my jacket off and placed it next to his. He turned back to me then, his breathing ragged and desperate, his eyes glowing gold.

  Holy Fuck, was this guy real?

  He slowly unbuttoned my shirt, gently caressing my skin as his fingers made their way up. He pulled it over my shoulders and let it fall away. His eyes brightened as he saw I wasn’t wearing a bra. Shivers ran down my arms as the breeze cooled my burning skin. My nipples stiffened in the night air. He saw the red fire licking over my skin and pulled me closer, dipping his head into my neck and trailing kisses down along my collarbone and to my breasts. He teased my nipple with his tongue, unraveling me further.

  He tugged me down and I lost my balance, tumbling us onto our jackets. I giggled as I ended up on top of him.

  “Sexy Sadie,” he breathed.

  His eyes drank me in as I straddled over him. His hands fumbled with the button on my jeans, but he managed to get it undone. His hands, glistening as if molten gold, slid my jeans and panties down to my knees. I twisted around and kicked my clothes the rest of the way off. My lady bits were soaked and on fire.

  I heard him slip his pants off as well, muttering something under his breath. When I faced him again, I noticed a golden light flashing briefly on his cock.

  “Was that a magic condom?” I laughed.

  “Uh, huh,” he said and in one quick motion had me on my back. He glowed like the sun as he gently pressed on top of me.

  “You’ve done something to me, woman,” he groaned as his cock teased my entrance.

  I moaned in response, my clit growing with his touch. His hips surged forward then, sending my body reeling into spasms of pleasure. His hard cock filled me then, stroking and thrusting in all the right ways, igniting spots I didn’t know existed.

  My moans and gasps grew in volume as his cock thrust harder and deeper sending my senses to the brink of pleasure.

  Oh my god. Fuck this was amazing…

  “So fucking glorious,” he muttered sounding as far gone as I felt.

  I opened my eyes to see fire-red tendrils spreading all over his body. Wherever my skin made contact with his, his molten gold liquid spilled onto me, sizzling my skin.

  He slowed his thrusts and moved in and out gently so gently another groan escaped from deep within me. Then he lowered his lips to my breast and suckled my nipple. The mother of all orgasms rocked my body as once again his touch ignited everything within me. Golden fire blazed in my vision as he sent me into a euphoria I had never experienced before.

  As my body shook with waves of pleasure, his thrusts once again came harder and faster, his cock seeming to fill me even more. He gripped my hips and ground deep into me, his cock felt even thicker as my flesh convulsed tightly around him, my thighs squeezing him. He moaned deeply into my neck as he came hard within me. He relaxed on top of me, our hearts pounding against the other as our magic coursed over each other’s skin.

  I close my eyes and let my breathing match his and we lay beneath the trees.

  Suddenly, memories cascaded in a flood through my mind.

  A man calling me Sadie Bishop.

  Working as a cocktail waitress at a night club.

  All the foster homes I’d grown up in.

  Roommates kicking me out of my apartment.

  The memories
of my life before this moment collided against each other as we lay intertwined, our orgasms still making our bodies twitch against each other.

  “Never experienced anything like this.” His breath was warm against my ear. He sounded confused and spent.

  “You gave me back my memories,” I responded.

  He pulled himself up and his molten golden eyes met mine. Without saying another word, he dipped his mouth to mine and kissed me softly and slow. Pleasure of a different kind cascaded all the way down to my toes.

  More images of my life shot through my mind.

  Me as a five-year-old foster kid being hit by the foster mom who’d promised she’d never hit me.

  All the school fights I endured in Brooklyn where I'd been sent to for my sixth foster home.

  I pulled away then and pressed Fergus onto his back. I draped my body over his and stroked his rock-hard abs with my fingers as the liquid gold magic licked at them. I could hear his heartbeat slowing back to normal. I shifted a bit and more memories filled my head.

  A litany of all the trials and lessons I’d dealt with as an unwanted kid that nobody wanted to deal with.

  Fighting off all the late-night visits by my foster dads and my foster brothers.

  I’d always managed to defend myself in various ways I never understood. I’d been so much smaller, but I’d always hurt them enough to keep them from ever trying again.

  My life came streaming back to me in both beautiful and horrific colors.

  I remembered who I was.

  Sadie Bishop.

  The foster kid who’d tried to make a home for other foster kids and ended up being thrown out on her ass. I’d been a waitress at a club in the west side of New York City.

  Cole! Oh my god. The memory of what happened between us came rushing back. I met Cole Trahern in a club and my entire life was upended. My magic had streamed out of me for the first time and our encounter had been blissfully explosive, to say the least.


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