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Bate Page 8

by Jessie Rose Case

  Ena text her girls to let them know that she wouldn’t be back to close up and to go through the procedures together. Ena would get an alert that the alarms had all been set correctly when they did them. They were having dessert when she received the notification. A number of desserts were offered around but Ena only wanted cheese and biscuits. Anything else seemed to rich and made her feel queasy. They moved to the reception room for coffee but the smell was too strong, Ena stuck with iced water. Surprising her it wasn’t long before Ena started to feel tired. She yawned trying to keep it from being obvious. “I’ll take you home.” Ena looked up to find Bland standing next to her. “It’s ok I can drive.” He leaned in. “You’re tired and misteaks can happen. Let me drive you.” She wanted to say back off but she knew he was right. She was unbelievably tired all of a sudden. “Ok.” She watched Blane walk over to Arturo and Regin and explain they were leaving. Ena got up and felt dizzy, she wobbled and wondered if she was going to faint. That would be another first. Before the thought was over, Blane caught her. “You ok?” Concern was evident in his voice. Regin came over. “Feeling ok?” She asked putting a hand on Ena’s forehead. “You’re not hot.” Ena breathed in deeply. “I think I caught a bug, I’m ok, going to sleep it off. Thanks for dinner I enjoyed it.” “We hope to see you again soon.” Regin told her smiling at her kindly. “I’d like that.” Ena told her as Blane led her out to her car. He took her keys and pressed the door opening button. “How will you get back?” She asked. “Security.” He told her opening the passenger’s door. Ena slipped in and he closed it behind her.

  Ena fell asleep shortly after he started the car. He was worried. He didn’t know her long but felt sure this was not normal behaviour for someone like her. She looked so fragile sitting next to him. He found it hard not to touch her as he drove for her house. He checked that the security car remained behind them. He pulled up slowly to her gate and pressed the security code and buzzer to open it and followed the drive way to her door. He didn’t want to wake her but she could have changed the codes on the doors for the alarm system. Reaching over he gently shook her. “Ena we are home.” She stirred. “Good.” She told him sleepy. “Did you change the security codes from the other night?” She yawned and remained half asleep, “no, you wouldn’t know the new one.” She told him sleepily. Blane smiled. He wasn’t on security anymore, he wouldn’t have needed to know the new code unless, he was going to be seeing her. The pleasure that gave him hit him hard. She had subconsciously expected him to come to her. Blane opened the car door, closed it. Walked up to the front door and put the key in the lock to open it and walked in to disable the alarm system. Leaving the door open he walked around to her side of the car, opened it, bent down and lifted her out into his arms, kicking her door closed as she straightened. He walked up to the front door and walked in moving up the stairs to the bedroom. Blane took off her jacket and shoes and laid her in her bed, picking up the throw and laying it over her. Quickly before he could change his mind, he descended the stairs and closed the front door giving a nod to the security and resetting the security code. When the changeover came in the morning, they would drive him back.


  Ena woke feeling light headed and sick, she staggered to the bathroom and got to the toilet in time to throw up. Emptying her stomach, she leaned back on the floor, sweating feeling awful. She was so hot. Standing up she looked in the mirror surprised how anaemic she looked and moved gingerly to the sink and turned the tap on. Splashing her face she rinsed her mouth out and used the mouth wash. Patting her face dry, she put the toilet seat down, flushed and sat on it, trying to breathe deeply to settle her stomach waving the hand towel in front of her face to cause a cool breeze. She breathed deeply trying to control her body. Shit she had one hell of a bug. Ena felt her body calm and hunger overtake her. How could she be hungry now? Ena grimaced. She did feel hungry. Really hungry. She fancied steak, rare. She felt exhausted. Leaning forward she placed her elbows on her knees and breathed deeply. As quickly as the sickness came it was gone. Ena straightened and stood, she no longer felt dizzy and had a strong desire to be clean. Heading to the shower she turned it on and stepped out of her clothes. She felt relieved. She’d feel better clean and dressed for bed thought Ena. A snack would be really good too.

  Blane heard Ena moving about her room. He’d stayed in the kitchen hoping she would sleep through the night. He’d heard her being sick. It had taken everything he had, not to rush up the stairs and comfort her. He instinctively knew she would not have appreciated it. He was relieved when he heard the shower knowing she must have felt better to be able to do so. Hearing her come down the stairs he waited in anticipation of her opening the connecting door to the hall way. He was nervous. Not sure what to say or do. He stayed sitting at the table in that calm stillness of his kind. Waiting.

  Ena pushed open the kitchen door and switched on the light. The movement at her table caught her eye. Blane had risen his hand and shielded his eyes. “Sorry, I’ll put on some lower light,” she told him turning off the main lights and moving to the cabinets and switching on the under lights and cooker hood. “Better?” Blane nodded “yes, thank you.” Ena moved to the fridge and opened the door. “It’s weird, I was sick earlier and I’m starving, you’d think that one would put off the other but apparently not,” she rambled grabbing some items out of it, closing the door and opening the freezer. Ena leaned in and grabbed a packet of steaks. Turning them over she wondered, “how quickly can these defrost, do you think?”

  Blane looked at what she had in her hands. It was a mixture of food stuff. “You could defrost them in the microwave, shouldn’t affect the taste if you do it slowly enough.” Ena frowned looking confused, “Ok, how slowly?” Blane got up and took the things from her hands, “I’m guessing cooking is not your thing, how about I do it so you don’t get sick again?” Ena grinned, “I’m liking that,” she patted him on the chest, “get to it, I’m starving,” she told him rubbing her hands together and heading for the table. “You do realise that its 3am right?” He asked her. “Yeah yeah, cook!” Blane couldn’t ignore her childish enthusiasm for food. It was infectious. He turned and smiled to himself putting the items on the counter. Steak and salad it was then. “How’d you want the steak?” he asked knowing the answer. “Rare.”

  Ena polished off her steak. It was delicious. Putting down her fork thinking she could go another round, she reluctantly sat back in her chair. “You look like you could do with more?” “Yeah, it’s weird but I could eat that again no problem.” She sighed. Blane got up from his seat, he’d been watching her devour her food and went to the oven. Pulling out the hot plate he moved back to the table. “Just as well I did two then, it won’t be as rare now.” he told her loading up her plate again. Ena looked up at Blane and then down at her plate. “O man, you get serious brownie points for that,” she told him picking up her fork again and cutting into the meat.

  Blane watched Ena as her colour returned. She had looked washed out coming into the kitchen. That was no surprise if she’d been sick. He was worried and had the feeling that he was going to need those brownie points. “You kinda looked a bit anaemic earlier, maybe you need some iron tablets or something?” he asked gently, “and no, I’ve not been biting you in your sleep nor has anyone else ok, I’m worried.” He noticed she’d stopped mid bite and needed to make sure she didn’t think he’d been doing anything he shouldn’t or anyone else had. Blane realised his beast growled at the anyone else comment. Heat flooded his body. Mine. Needing to check that he swallowed hard re-gaining some control.

  Ena polished off her steak, her second, in minutes and felt better for it. Picking up the juice Blane had given her she drank heartedly putting down her glass empty and sighing. That was so good. Looking up at Blane she realised she hadn’t answered his query. “I noticed that too earlier. I’ll get some supplements tomorrow, I’m probably a bit low.” Ena yawned. Tiredness overcame her quickly. “I’m gonna go back to bed
,” she rubbed her stomach, “thank you for cooking, I appreciate it.” Ena got up from her chair and went to clear up, “forget it, I can do that go up.” He told her. Ena gave a relived sigh and shuffled to the kitchen door pushing it open and walking through heading to her room. She struggled with the stairs. Ena slipped into bed tossing the throw over herself, her last thought that Blane wasn’t so bad.

  Blane cleared up the kitchen and sat back in his chair worried. This was unusual behaviour for Ena. He didn’t know her well but it was clear that she was acting outside her normal pattern. And she was ill. If she didn’t improve in the next couple of days, he’d talk to Regin. She’d shown no sign of illness at the club or at her shop. So this was new and it bothered him.

  No matter what she tried over the past three days since Blane cooked for her in the middle of the night, she still had sickness and the need for food. She’d never been a steak eater but now it was daily and sometimes more than once. Her fitness routine was taking a hit too. She was getting slower, not able to do as much and she was putting on weight. She’d woken up late again this morning and couldn’t face the run. She settled for her Tau Chi and a swim, even that was hard going but she’d pushed herself through it. Working in her work room had soothed her to a point. The concentration and skills needed comforting in its familiarity. She’d been taking the supplements and they seemed to help but she was beginning to think she needed to see a doctor. The phone rang. Ena put down her tools and leaned over her bench to pick up the house phone. “Hello,” “Hi Ena, it’s Regin, I wondered if you could come by and see me, I’d like to talk to you if that’s ok?” “Hi, sure no problem, when suits you?” “Today this afternoon about 3 Ok?” Ena nodded, “that’s fine I’ll get the girls to hold the fort.” “Great see you then,” Regin told her. “See you then.” Ena put down the phone. Stared at it for a moment then checked her watch. Time she got ready for work.

  Ena arrived at House Arturo to meet Regin a little late, she’d had to deal with a difficult customer. It had taken all her patience but the eventual sale had been worth the effort. The Butler opened the door and greeted her, “welcome back miss, the mistress is in the reception room, this way please.” Ena still found the formality astounding and tried not to smile. Jenson opened the door announcing her and Regin got up to meet her, pulling her into a hug. “Thank you for coming.” Ena hugged her back. “I’m happy to be here.” Regin led her over to a chair by the fireplace and asked for afternoon tea for them both, beef sandwiches, Ena’s rare. Ena smiled, “that sounds perfect.” Ena sat down and Regin moved to the edge of her’s and scooted closer. “Voices carry here, vamp hearing is ridiculously good and they are nosy parkers.” She told her whispering. Ena laughed then lowered her voice. “Ok.” Regin kept her voice low. “I don’t want you to get upset but Blane mentioned that you have been ill for over a week now and your normal pattern of doing things is different? Is that right?” Ena tried hard not to show her annoyance. Regin waved her hand at her, “I know it’s annoying but he has your good intensions at heart.” Ena blew out a breath and stared at Regin. “Do I even want to know how he knows all that seeing as I haven’t seen him for three days?” Regin grimaced, “probably not.” She whispered.

  Ena could see that Regin was concerned and trying to help. She sighed and realised she’d have to come clean. “He’s right. I never get sick. I mean never, ever. Now I am. I was a chicken salad girl, now I’m a rare steak girl and every day and with everything. I’ve been anaemic too and taking some supplements that helped a bit, I’m tired, exhausted sometimes and I can’t find the energy to keep my fitness routine going. Sleep is an issue too and there’s been more sickness than I care to think about, it comes out of nowhere and then goes again.” Regin frowned at her. “Have you seen a doctor?” Ena shook her head, “no I wasn’t sure what I’d say and then I’d feel better and then it would go on again.” “Would you consider letting me take some blood and checking it out? It might give you some answers and we can do it all here now and in a couple of hours have the results.” Ena felt relieved, “that’s possible?” Regin nodded, “sure is, how about we do it now, then can have our afternoon tea while we wait for the results.” Ena felt like crying. She didn’t understand why, she wasn’t a crier at all. She was so relieved to hear Regin say that. “I’d like that thank you.”

  Regin checked the results again. She’d taken the blood and put it through testing and they had enjoyed their afternoon tea. Now she wasn’t sure she was seeing right. She ran it again. The result was the same. She took the print out and headed back to Ena wondering how she was going to explain this.

  Ena saw Regin coming back and put her cup down. Regin had been gone a while. Her sandwiches had been delicious and so had the small cakes. Regin looked a bit strained and Ena felt on edge. This wasn’t good. She could read people and Regin didn’t hide her emotions well. Regin took her seat and looked at the paper in her hands, then looked up at Ena. “You are anaemic and we can regulate that with the supplements and a change in diet. You will need more protein too and a healthy balance.” Ena nodded, “Ok.” Regin was silent for a while. Ena knew there was more. “There’s some vamp DNA in your blood Ena.” Regin whispered. Ena frowned, “how’s that possible?” “You have to have ingested some.” Regin told her. Ena shook her head, “I don’t remember ingesting blood Regin, I think I’d remember.” Regin blew out a breath, “it might have been given to you to revive you in a moment of over exhaustion? If he was worried he’d pushed you too far or if you were in some danger.” Ena got annoyed but kept her voice low. “I don’t remember any blood, so what does that mean exactly?” Regin gave her a waning smile, “on its own not a lot. Plenty of humans get helped a little bit by vamp blood when needed.” It was clear to Ena that Regin was struggling with something. “Regin just tell me, it can’t be that bad.” Regin looked up at her troubled. “Your pregnant, the child is a vamp hybrid.”

  Ena started to hyperventilate. Regin moved to her and tried to calm her down. “Slow breaths Ena, take it easy.” Regin was rubbing her back. Gradually Ena’s breathing came back to normal and she looked up at Regin, “does this happen often?” Regin laughed, “no, actually it’s very very difficult for most vamp couples and hybrid mixes to conceive, the cells dying so quickly in the male’s sperm or the vamp female eggs to make it to conception. It probably doesn’t feel like it but, you are gifted here Ena.” “Can I take a pass on motherhood?” Regin knelt down by her taking her hands, “there’s a real chance the child will not go to term anyway Ena, many die before they have had a chance of life. It’s very sad for the couples. I’m guessing if you refrain from what your body needs, the child may well die naturally. Its unheard of to terminate. Children are so wanted in this race.” “Did Blane know this could happen?” Regin shook her head, “I doubt it, it’s rare like I said. You can’t go to a normal doctor for this, I’ll have to treat you, however you decide.” Ena leaned back in her chair. “Fuck.” Regin chuckled and squeezed her shoulder, “that’s generally how it happens.”

  “This is my choice right? I can’t be made to do anything?” Regin nodded sadly at her, “it’s your choice but you know he’s going to be gunning for you once he finds out, it will mean everything to him. Something he probably never imagined possible.” “I thought you had to be mated to conceive?” Regin gave her a wide-eyed expression, “so did I.” Ena was confused, “so he what, mated me without my knowing. He can do that?” “I don’t know Ena, you clearly have some of his blood, I’m guessing that you gave him yours in one way or another and he may have said the words that bind but you have to have agreed, you have to say….. that you want a life with him, have to say yes.” Ena placed her head in her hands, “it was intense, way more than that even, shit, I said yes to a lot of fucking things in the moment, shit, he mated me.”

  “Was it so bad?” Regin asked. Ena looked up at her, “no, it was amazing, I mean, out of my head amazing, like gimmy gimmy gimmy amazing. I was so gone but don’t do relatio
nships Regin, I go to war or did and sometimes when the challenge isn’t enough or I need more, I still do, I can’t do that pregnant!” “Do you do that for the money? We can help.” Regin told her concerned. Ena started laughing, “no I don’t do it for the money I do it because I like it. It fires me up.” Regin stared at her and shrugged. “Blane’s a handful, maybe being at war with him and a child will be challenge enough?” Regin told her seriously with a really scary expression on her face. “OMG, if you could see your face.” Ena laughed harder and Regin joined in. Ena slowly sobered. “I need some time.” Regin agreed. “Your decision your choice but if Blane asks me, I’m sending him your way.” Ena smiled, “thank you, I’ll call in a couple of days ok.” Ena stood up and Regin stood with her and hugged her. “Take care.”


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