The Protector

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The Protector Page 24

by Carla Capshaw

  Caros chuckled. “I did.”

  Adiona arched a brow. “What do you mean?”

  “You both could be shrewish and opinionated, overly independent—”

  Adiona threw a pillow at Caros’s head. Laughing, he ducked, the weak toss missing him by a mile.

  “Adiona is none of those things,” Quintus declared. “She’s sweet, kind, loving, generous to a fault—”

  Caros chuckled. “Oh, he’s definitely a man in love.”

  Pelonia elbowed her husband in the ribs. “Be kind, Caros. Quintus is right. Look at Adiona’s interest in the orphans, and don’t forget what she did to help you and me.”

  “What orphans?” Quintus asked.

  When Adiona tried to downplay her role in helping the children, Pelonia interrupted to tell him all of Adiona’s deeds and the plans she’d made in his absence.

  “I’m not surprised,” Quintus’s said, smiling into Adiona’s eyes. “As lovely as you are to look upon, it’s your soul that’s most beautiful.”

  Held securely in Quintus’s arms, Adiona barely noticed when Caros and Pelonia excused themselves to take a walk in the garden.

  “How are you feeling, lioness?” he asked again, his worry for her health undiminished.

  “Cherished and loved,” she said, overflowing with contentment for the first time in her life. “I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  “I can’t wait either. You’re the answer to all my prayers.”

  She smiled. “I am?”

  “Definitely. For years I asked the Lord for a wife of faith and honor. He gave me those things and more when He brought you to me.”

  She looked at him from beneath her lashes and grinned. “I think He brought you to me. I was already here in Rome.”

  “True.” He laughed. “When I first came here, I didn’t think there was anything worse than being a gladiator. But the Lord knew differently. Now that I have you, I can see it was one of the best things to ever happen to me.”

  She blinked back tears. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. In case you didn’t know it, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted and never thought to find.”

  “Good.” Quintus stroked her hair and settled her closer to his heart. “Because I’m never leaving you, lioness. I love you more than life itself.”

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for spending time this summer reading The Protector. I hope you enjoyed Quintus and Adiona’s bumpy ride to true love.

  Summer can often bring a lot of angst over our physical appearance. While I was writing The Gladiator, both Quintus and Adiona started “speaking” to me and I knew I had to write their story. I knew Adiona had been hurt in her past, but I didn’t know how much until I spent time with her and uncovered her secrets. Like many people, especially women, she sees herself though the faulty mirrors of the society around her. It is not until she learns and accepts that God sees her for the unique being He’s created her to be that she can finally heal. How validating and what a blessing to know that our Heavenly Father values us simply because He adores us. Not because of how we look, how talented we are or for any other reason than we are His beloved.

  I enjoy hearing from my readers. Please visit my Web site,, and join my newsletter to learn about future releases and/or write to me at [email protected].

  Be inspired

  Carla Capshaw


  As a child, Adiona suffered gross neglect and abuse. The ill treatment created bitterness and distrust in her heart that only the Lord could fully heal. Were you abused or mistreated as a child? If so, how has your faith helped to heal your inner wounds?

  The abuse Adiona suffered in past relationships made her believe she was worthless. Have you ever felt unloved or unworthy of love? Is that feeling/belief lessened because you are a Christian? If so, how or why?

  Adiona and Quintus fell in love virtually at first sight, though neither was ready to admit it. As a Christian, Quintus refuses to go against the scriptures and accept a marriage with a non-Christian. Since giving your heart to the Lord, have you ever been in a relationship with a non-Christian? If so, what spiritual lessons did you learn from the relationship? What do you think is the main reason the Lord tells us not to be “unequally yoked?”

  Adiona wears an emotional mask in public that allows her to keep her real self completely hidden from the people around her. Is there something in your past that makes you distrustful or secretive? Has the negative behavior lessened or been healed since you became a Christian?

  Like Job in the Old Testament, Quintus lost everything of value to him. Other than his child, which do you think is his greatest loss? What would your response be toward the Lord if you suffered a similar situation in your own life?

  Like most women, Adiona is judged by her outward appearance, wealth and position in society. She realizes almost everything about herself is a lie. Do you have an outward face you present to those around you? How much of it is your true self?

  How often do you judge people based on their physical appearance? Do you ever find your first impression is completely wrong about a person? How do you think other people see and judge you on first meeting? Do you think they see Christ in you?

  Adiona is a loving and generous woman who is considered difficult because she’s not a timid female. Have your talents ever been overlooked because you didn’t seem to fit into a certain mode of behavior?

  Adiona comes to Jesus through a series of events and the testimony of several individuals, including Caros and Pelonia. However, it is Quintus’s testimony and his certainty that the Lord loves him in all situations and without conditions that speaks to her the most. What people did the Lord put in your life to help you find Him? Do you remember any one thing, person or circumstance that helped you more than any other?

  Quintus was reported to the authorities by an unnamed accuser who meant to harm him. Have you ever been in a situation where you were accused by someone who meant to hurt you? How did the Lord work the situation out for you?

  Adiona’s attacker believed a lie that led her down a path of destruction. Has someone ever told lies about you? Were there people involved who believed those lies and sought to hurt you because of them? Was God able to move in the situation and bring about healing?

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6080-5


  Copyright © 2010 by Carla Hughes

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This edition published by arrangement with Steeple Hill Books.

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