Mountain Misfits MC: Complete Box Set

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Mountain Misfits MC: Complete Box Set Page 101

by Voss, Deja

  And the fact that he’s going to be here with me, in my room, all night long in a few short hours. I’m nervous as I’ve ever been, and it’s not because I’m afraid of losing my virginity. If he wants it, it’s his for the taking.

  I’m nervous because I know I could blink and this could all go away. Up here I feel so happy and free, but tomorrow, I need to face the reality of my life. I’m going to have to lie to everyone I know. I’m going to spend the whole week thinking about him when I need to be focusing on the people who have loved me my whole life, not just for the last forty-eight hours.

  I pull the picture of my mother out of my purse and feel an overwhelming sadness. Is this how she felt too?

  Is this why you had to run away, Mom? I ask out loud to no one. Was it easier for her to just run off and live life how she wanted to than try to be everyone’s everything? How could she give up on me, though?

  She smiles back at me like she always does, leaving me with more questions than answers. It’d be nice to have someone to talk to right now that knew my whole story. Living a life of lies is not something I was made to do. Before I let this man become my life, I need to let him into my truth. I need to tell him why I am here. I fold the picture back up and tuck it into the nightstand so I can show him when he gets here.

  I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders and now I can finally enjoy what’s about to happen. I’m about to spend the night with a man for the first time in my life, and the thought of his mouth on mine, his gorgeous body pressed against my skin, his big strong hands touching me in all these places that I’d never shared with anyone turns me on all over again.

  I’m gonna need a cold shower.

  I strip down, folding my clothes neatly, knowing that I’ll probably never wear this scandalous dress underneath my hoodie and sweatpants again unless it’s for him. It feels good to get out of these ridiculous boots, go back to the girl that I am, the girl who barely puts on make-up other than mascara, and spends 90 percent of her time in yoga pants. Hopefully that girl is good enough for him because, although it’s fun playing dress up, I don’t really know how to be anyone but Plain Jane Amber Jameson when it comes down to it.

  I take a long shower and can’t help but notice the fingerprints on my hips, the brush burn on my thighs, the marks he left on me. He’s so firm, but so loving, and these traces of him just get me even more excited. These next few hours are going to be long.

  I dry my hair with a towel and brush out the knots. I slip into my favorite nightshirt. It’s definitely nothing like the lingerie I am sure these other girls around here wear. I don’t care. I have a feeling he won’t either.

  I crawl under the covers, eyes wide open, staring at the bumps of plaster on the ceiling, trying to bore myself to sleep, but instead, I’m just rehearsing in my brain what I’m going to say to him. Maybe I’m cheesy and childish, but imagine him curled up next to me, arm around me, letting me pour my heart out while he plays with my hair like some sort of cheesy Hallmark movie boyfriend.

  I know he’s a biker. I know he’s a Marine. I know he has a bad past, but maybe I can be a little ray of sunshine in all that darkness. Ok, when I put it like that, I have to laugh because it sounds too over the top for even me. But there’s no reason why I can’t try.

  I fall asleep with a smile on my face, knowing that when I open my eyes, the first person I’m going to see is him.

  I wake up to a soft knock on the door. I wrap myself in my bathrobe and flick on the lamp on the nightstand, my heart racing, knowing that it’s probably him, knowing that it’s time for the two of us to get to know each other better, once and for all.

  I look out the peephole, and he’s standing there in the hallway, hands in his pockets, looking sexy as ever. I pull open the door and smile through my sleepy eyes.

  “You came,” I whisper, as if I doubted he would for even a second. He’s not smiling, though. He’s not even moving. He looks like he’s staring right through me. “Are you going to come in?”

  I don’t know why he’s so nervous. I just want to drag him inside and kiss him all over, but he’s still and silent as a stone. He looks over his shoulder and looks back at me. I’m so confused.

  “Did I do something wrong?” I ask, reaching for his chest.

  “No,” he whispers, wrapping his arms around me, pressing his lips to my forehead. A cold chill runs through my body, and not in a sexy way. Something doesn’t feel right. The way his heart is racing as he hugs me tight makes me feel like something bad is about to happen. Not to me, but to him. “I’m sorry,” he says as we walk into the room. He’s looking all around, like he’s seen a ghost or something. “This is the room I grew up in. I haven’t seen this place in fifteen years.”

  Maybe that’s the chills I was feeling. Maybe it’s just another strange twist in our story. For some reason, though, everything feels incredibly cold all of a sudden. The hair on my arms stands up and I start to shiver as I pull my bathrobe tighter.

  “Are you alright?” I ask, watching his every move as he paces around the place, running his finger over the furniture.

  “Honestly?” he replies with a sad smile. “I don’t know. This is a lot for me to take in.”

  Something about the way his eyes look right now, something about the tenseness in his body, the toughness in his face, it kind of excites me. Knowing that there’s more to him than just the nice guy who makes me cum and doesn’t want me to be a stripper makes this so much more interesting. I never thought I would be the kind of woman who embraced the unpredictable, but I find it absolutely arousing.

  I lay down on the bed and stare at him, motioning for him to join me.

  “Fuck,” he growls, cupping his head in his hands. “I gotta go.”

  Chapter 20


  “Micah, what the hell?” she shouts. “What’s wrong with me? Did I do something?”

  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with her. She’s perfect, and in another life, another world, another time, I would be all over her in a heartbeat. This room is evil though. Esther did a pretty good job of painting the walls and swapping out the flooring, but to me, everything still looks like it’s stained with blood. Hell, looking at Amber sprawled out on the bed, her face so similar to Ava’s, it’s alarming; all I can see is red flowing all over the comforter. The back of my throat burns, bile oozing from my stomach. My chest tightens.

  I’m having a panic attack. She shouldn’t have to see this.

  I sit down on the floor with a thud and hold my chest, gasping for air.

  “I’m sorry, Amber,” I say, not sure if it’s any consolation. I knew this was going to be bad, I knew this was going to trigger something inside of me, but it’s much worse than I thought. I don’t want to freak her out. I don’t want her to realize I’m just some screwed-up, washed-up Marine with enough baggage for the both of us. Her seeing me like this is just adding fuel to the fire.

  I feel her cold hands on my forehead. She’s pressing her fingers to my wrist, feeling my pulse.

  “Hey,” she says, her voice soft and calm, “you need to lay down. It’ll help you breathe. You’re going to be alright.”

  I don’t know what’s happening here. She helps me the rest of the way down to the floor and crouches down next to me. “Just breathe,” she says. “I think you’re having an anxiety attack. I know it probably sounds stupid, but just breathe through it.”

  I close my eyes and try to breathe, but the air in this place is like wet cement being poured over my chest.

  “I’m going to take your shoes off,” she says. “Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. It’s ok, it’s going to be ok.” I feel her hands on my feet, taking off my shoes and socks. “I’m not trying to be a creep, but you should probably take your shirt off. It’s pretty tight.”

  “I’m fine,” I stutter, but she reaches for my shirt and slides it off over my head. She rests her hand on my heart as my chest rises and falls.
  “I know you are,” she says, so sweetly that she almost has me convinced. “Do you want a glass of water or something?”

  I feel terrible. She probably thinks I’m a freak. I’m supposed to be the one protecting her and taking care of her, but instead, I’m lying on the floor like some kind of weirdo. She wasn’t supposed to see me like this. Nobody is ever supposed to see me like this.

  I strain to sit up. She brings me a glass of water and sits down next to me with a sigh. God, she’s pretty, even without all the hair and make-up and high heels. Her blonde hair is still slightly damp. Her soft skin is so smooth as she takes my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers.

  “I swear, Amber, this isn’t a normal thing. I feel like such a fucking tool,” I groan.

  “Stop,” she says, squeezing my hand. She rests her head on my shoulder. “You don’t have to feel like a tool, Micah. You can be yourself with me. I don’t care. I want to know you. If we’re going to make this work, I want to know it all. I know you’ve had a hard life. I can’t imagine what you saw while you were overseas. I’m here for you, no matter how ugly it gets.”

  I know she’s sincere, even though I have no idea why she’d want to be. I can’t help but feel a little guilty, like I’m preying on her sweetness, like I’m corrupting her innocence just by being in the same room with her. She’s too young to have to shoulder my burdens.

  “Come lay with me,” she says, helping me up off the floor. “We don’t have to do anything. We can just talk.”

  She climbs up on the bed, and slides underneath the covers, only her head poking out from the big white comforter. This isn’t the way tonight was supposed to go at all. I was supposed to come down here and we were going to fuck til the sun comes up, and then spend all day in bed getting to know each other.

  Then again, nothing ever goes how it’s supposed to for me. Even with my dad dead and gone, his ghost and a slew of others will always be here to haunt me.

  I take off my jeans, stripping down to my boxers, and she watches curiously.

  “I know this might sound inappropriate, but you have an amazing ass,” she giggles.

  “Yeah, well,” I laugh, sliding under the covers next to her, “yours isn’t so bad either.” I hug her body tight to mine, spooning her close, my hand resting on her soft stomach.

  “This room,” she says. “It doesn’t bring back happy memories for you?”

  “If you knew the things this room has seen, you’d probably never talk to me again,” I say, pressing my lips to her neck.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Not tonight,” I say. She runs her feet up and down my legs, pressing herself closer and closer to me. “Tonight I just want to lay here with you and tell you how beautiful you are.”

  How kind she is.

  How, honestly, she’s nothing like Ava besides the way she looks. As I come down from my anxiety attack, I realize that this might be my old room, but everything is different now. If Ava would’ve been here when that happened, she would’ve probably started screaming and ran off to the bar. She didn’t like me messy.

  How, honestly, Amber is nothing like any woman I’ve ever met. Any woman I’ve ever been with. Hell, I haven’t even been with her yet, and I already feel closer to her than anyone I’ve ever met.

  “You know, I’ve never done this before,” she sighs. I run my fingers through her hair and the way she moans is so cute. “I’ve never been in bed with somebody.”

  I might be twenty years older than her, but I guess I could say the same thing, because I’ve never felt this way about anybody before. With her in my arms, I don’t have anything to worry about. I feel safe. I feel comfortable. I feel complete.

  “It feels nice,” she says, reaching for the lamp on the nightstand, turning off the switch. “I don’t know what we’re doing here, but it just feels good, Micah.”

  “I know,” I say, pressing my lips to her shoulder, tasting her soft skin. “You don’t ever have to sleep alone again, Amber, unless you want to.”

  I’m going to do whatever it takes to get her out of this basement. I’m going to spend every waking hour I have to get the old trailer in shape until we can build a home of our own. I’m already naming our dogs, and naming our kids, and thinking about what kind of engagement ring she’ll like the best, and she’s already snoring softly in the darkness. It feels good knowing that she’s comfortable with me.

  I faced down my worst nightmare about this place to be with this woman, and she made everything better.

  Now I need to snap out of this funk and become the man she really deserves. It’s like I’ve finally been purged of my fate to die sad and alone, and now I need to prove that I’m a man who’s worth the rest of her life.

  Chapter 21


  I don’t know what time it is. There’s no natural light in this room, and I’m fairly certain I got so caught up in everything that happened last night that I didn’t set an alarm, but I’m wide awake.

  Falling asleep next to this man was incredible. I have to pinch myself to make sure that I’m actually awake and he is actually still here. He is. I can feel his breath on my neck. I can also feel his dick pressing into the back of my thigh. I’ve heard jokes about morning wood before, but this thing is more like a log than a stick.

  Last night didn’t go anything like I wanted it to, but seeing him imperfect just made me like him even more. Sure, I didn’t get to come clean to him about why I’m here, but I wasn’t going to add stress to his situation. I don’t know what set him off so badly, but the fact that he toughed it out and stayed here with me has gotta mean something.

  He makes me feel so good, so pretty, the way he’s so gentle with my body, not rushing me into doing anything. The truth is, I want it, though. I want it all, and I want it with him.

  I want to make him feel as good as he makes me feel.

  I run my hands down his perfect abs, every corded muscle giving me the chills. His body really is a masterpiece. I trace my fingers down the trail of hair that leads to that rock-hard shaft.

  “Mmm,” he groans, stirring from his sleep. “What are you doing there, Amber?”

  “I don’t know,” I giggle. I might not have ever touched a dick before, but I’m fairly certain I can figure out exactly what to do. I toy with the waistband of his boxer briefs and am blinded when he reaches over and turns on the light on the nightstand. “Hey!” I whine.

  He runs his fingers through my hair, groaning as I slide his boxers down his thighs. I gasp when I see it for the first time in all its glory. The girls were right when they called him Mr. Big Dick… this thing looks like it could rearrange my internal organs if I let him inside of me.

  I slide between his legs, massaging his thick muscular thighs in my hands, my eyes trained on that big fat cock, standing straight up and oozing precum like a vicious geyser. I don’t know why it looks so irresistible to me, and I quiver at the thought of running my tongue all over it, the idea turning me on beyond belief.

  “Are you going to tell me what to do?” I ask, smiling up at him and batting my eyes.

  “Do you like that, Amber? When I tell you what to do?”

  I nod sheepishly. The thought of being in the hands of someone so much more experienced is fucking hot. The glimmer in his gorgeous blue eyes tells me he doesn’t exactly hate the idea himself.

  “Use your tongue,” he says with a wink that makes me absolutely crazy.

  The taste of him drives me wild, and I circle my tongue around the tip of his velvety head, savoring every drop of his manliness on my lips. He wraps my hair around his fist, tugging it a little.

  “That’s perfect,” he growls. “Now suck it for me, babe.”

  I open my mouth and take him in, just the tip, feeling him inside me for the first time. The way he moans lets me know I’m doing a good job as I inch my way down his rock-hard shaft until I feel him in the back of my throat. It’s a little uncomfortable, but I don’t even care.

>   “Oh my God, Amber, you’re so sexy. You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth.” He tightens his grip on the back of my head. “You think you can take it all?”

  I moan into his cock as he presses me down further and further with his hand. I let him take the lead, using my ponytail to move me up and down, taking me further each time. It feels so wrong, so dirty, but so fucking sexy. I love being nasty for him.

  “That’s so good, princess” he moans. “You gonna let me cum in your mouth?” I nod up at him and take him as deep as I can, swirling my tongue around his shaft as I feel him stiffen in my mouth. He grunts and fills my mouth with his hot cum, screaming my name like no one has before, like he’s praying violently to some goddess named after me.

  “Come here,” he growls, helping me up next to him. “I want to play with that beautiful pussy of yours.” I’m so wet, I can feel the tops of my thighs stick together as he goes to part them with his hands.

  This is it, I think. I’m not nervous at all. I’m desperate. I want him inside of me, all of him. I want to give this to him.

  “Fuck me, Micah,” I purr, staring into his eyes.

  “Fuck you?” he laughs. “Oh babe, I will fuck you til you can’t walk anymore if you want, but not on the first date. I know you want it so bad right now, I can see it all over your face.”

  “Please,” I say. “I want you so bad. I want you to be my first.”

  He kisses my forehead and rolls over on top of me. He grabs my wrists and pins them over my head with his one arm and traces his fingers over my jaw with his other hand until I moan.

  “I will,” he says. “But not today. I am going to make you feel really good, though.”

  I don’t doubt what he’s saying at all; all I know is that I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life than I want him right now, and as he presses his lips to mine, my back arches underneath him, our naked bodies rubbing against each other.


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