Born in the GDR
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30. Exhibition at the Tränenpalast in Berlin.
31. Katharina Furian interview, June 2012; Edith Sheffer, Burned Bridge: How East and West Germans Made the Iron Curtain (Oxford, 2011), 11, 213, 249.
32. Andreas Glaeser, Divided in Unity: Identity, Germany and the Berlin Police (Chicago, 2000), 143.
33. Kubicek, ‘The Diminishing Relevance of Ostalgie 20 Years after Reunification’, 86.
34. Glaeser, Divided in Unity, 344; Timothy Garton Ash, In Europe’s Name: Germany and the Divided Continent (New York, 1993), 343.
35. Cf. Peggy M. interview, January 2013; Angela H. interview, October 2011; Hanna K. interview, December 2011; Diewald, Goedicke, and Mayer, After the Fall of the Wall, 312.
36. Dirk L. interview, March 2013.
37. Felix R. interview, April 2013; Sheffer, Burned Bridge, 246.
38. Robert S. interview, December 2011; Paul Betts, Within Walls: Private Life in the German Democratic Republic (Oxford, 2010), 229; DTA 1071/1, Anonymous diary, 1988–1989, December 1989–March 1990, pp. 153–4.
39. Cf. Robert S. interview, December 2011; Peggy M. interview, January 2013; Heike K. interview, February 2013; Grix and Cooke (eds.), East German Distinctiveness in a Unified Germany, 1.
40. Elizabeth A. Ten Dyke, Dresden: Paradoxes of Memory in History (New York, 2001), 136–7.
41. DTA 1071/1, Anonymous diary, 1988–1989, December 1989–March 1990, pp. 153–4; Robert Ide, Geteilte Träume: Meine Eltern, die Wende und ich (Munich, 2009), 58; Michael Gehler, Three Germanies: West Germany, East Germany and the Berlin Republic (London, 2011), 237.
42. Dirk Philipsen, We Were the People: Voices From East Germany’s Revolutionary Autumn of 1989 (London, 1993), 329, 330; Ide, Geteilte Träume, 14; Mark Fenemore, Sex, Thugs and Rock ’n’ Roll: Teenage Rebels in Cold-War East Germany (New York, 2007), xiii.
43. Cf. Katharina Furian interview, June 2012; Thomas J. interview, June 2012; Grix and Cooke (eds.), East German Distinctiveness in a Unified Germany, 2. Both before and after the collapse of communism in Europe, the GDR occupied a unique position in comparison to other countries in the Eastern bloc. It was subsidized by the FRG during the period of division and it was incorporated into the West German system after the Wall fell. Other Eastern bloc countries, by contrast, had not had the benefit of such subsidies and had to rebuild their countries’ governing structures entirely from scratch after 1989.
44. Philipsen, We Were the People, 332.
45. Konrad H. Jarausch (ed.), After Unity: Reconfiguring German Identities (Berghahn, 1997), 19.
46. Cf. Anne-Marie B. interview, June 2012; Hans-Joachim D. interview, February 2012; Fulbrook, Dissonant Lives, 455.
47. Ide, Geteilte Träume, 37.
48. Cf. Claudia S. interview, June 2012; Ralph Hoppe interview, June 2012; David Childs, The Fall of the GDR: Germany’s Road to Unity (Edinburgh, 2001), 31–2; McElvoy, The Saddled Cow, 226.
49. McElvoy, The Saddled Cow, 234; Anne-Marie B. interview, June 2012; DTA 1071/2, 11 March 2001, pp. 9–10.
50. Diewald, Goedicke, and Mayer, After the Fall of the Wall, 29.
51. Fulbrook, Dissonant Lives, 449.
52. Johannes Stämmler, ‘Wir, die stumme Generation Ost’, in Michael Hacker et al.. (eds.), Dritte Generation Ost: Wer wir sind, was wir wollen (Berlin, 2012), 212.
53. Paul Cooke, ‘Literature and the Question of East German Cultural Identity since the Wende’, in Grix and Cooke (eds.), East German Distinctiveness in a Unified Germany, 165; Hacker et al. (eds.), Dritte Generation Ost, 2012, 11.
54. Anne-Marie B. interview, June 2012.
55. McElvoy, The Saddled Cow, 234.
56. DTA 1071/1, Anonymous diary, 1988–1989, p. 94; Robert S. interview, December 2011; Hanna K. interview, December 2011.
57. Dyke, Dresden, 51; Fulbrook, Dissonant Lives, 358; Ide, Geteilte Träume, 43.
58. Cf. Robert S. interview, December 2011; Petra Bläss interview, June 2012; Peggy M. interview, January 2013; Jarausch (ed.), After Unity, 19.
59. Thomas J. interview, June 2012.
60. DTA 1350/131, Anonymous diary, entry from 3 October 1990.
61. Oltermann, ‘Divided Germany Appears as Year of War and Wall Anniversaries Begin’.
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