Arousing Family

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Arousing Family Page 6

by Emelia Andersen

  Eve's voice jolted her from her reverie. "Wonder who Mrs. Smith is and why her package is here."

  "Oh, that? It's mine." Lisa handed Eve a steaming mug and carried her own to the overstuffed sofa before the fireplace. Seeing Eve's puzzled expression, she explained, "The last time I used my home address to order toys, I ended up on a gazillion smut mailing lists. So, I figured I'd have my order shipped here."

  It took a moment for the meaning of the word toys to register, then Eve laughed. "Are you serious? Can I see what you bought?"

  "I guess so," Lisa shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "I kinda went overboard since it's so hard to tell which'll be duds. Certainly can't tell by the price, that's for sure."

  The box was crammed full of dildos and vibrators of all shapes and sizes. Batteries, when needed, were included and installed compliments of the vendor, which Lisa thought a really nice touch. She had extras in her backpack, though. Just in case.

  Lisa watched out of the corner of her eye as Eve opened the box and carefully examined her purchases, laying them on the table one after another. When she reached the bottom of the box, she discovered the double dong that Lisa'd found so intriguing. Rather than a straight or bendable dong with a cock head on either end, it had a curved 'V' shape. At the base was a shared scrotum—very realistic looking—that housed the batteries. The angle could be changed, but it sprung back to its original position when released. Eve squeezed one shaft, and a wide grin appeared on her face when the other vibrated in response.

  She turned it over in her hands, studying it. There were no wires and no visible controls. She quickly discovered that squeezing the soft sack toggled the power to either shaft, or both simultaneously. Once on, varying vibrations were triggered by different types of pressure to the opposite side. Eve tentatively licked the head of one side, sending a shiver through Lisa, and the other side hummed deeply in response. Moisture enabled the completion of another one of the circuits. Lisa watched Eve's face as her imagination danced with the many possibilities, much like Lisa's had upon discovering it.

  "And just who were you thinking of when you selected this one?" she finally inquired with a teasing gleam in her eye.

  The sight of Eve holding that dong—in a bathrobe, no less, and presumably nude beneath it—was more than Lisa could bear. Steeling herself for some potential weirdness, she looked squarely at Eve and said, "I think you know the answer to that."

  Eve's eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. The proverbial moment of truth was upon them. Lisa rose and crossed the room as the dong, completely forgotten for the time being, dropped from Eve's hand onto the table. The hand Lisa placed on the side of Eve's face was more to slow their kiss than hasten it. Otherwise, with the steel curtain of propriety lifted, the magnetism would've brought them together with such force that all beauty—all subtlety—would have been obliterated by raw passion.

  Their first kiss gently exploded; a nova in slow motion. Heady waves of pleasure radiated from the point of contact, traveling through their bodies and warming them from the inside out. When the kiss ended, they paused—storing the moment in their memories and absorbing as much of the magic as possible—both afraid to move, or even breathe, lest they be awakened from the delicious dream.

  Lisa looked directly at Eve, cocking her brow in query; asking the unspoken question. More?

  "Yes," came the whispered reply, accompanied by the susurrus of a robe falling to the floor.

  Again kissing, Lisa slowly backed Eve into the heavy split-log chair alongside the table. Separating only long enough to shed her own robe, Lisa stood on the sturdy rungs and lowered herself until she was lightly straddling Eve.

  Eve's hands immediately sought Lisa's breasts, and her mouth soon followed. Lisa hung on to the back of the chair for dear life as an agile tongue worked one nipple and then the other. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the wide array of vibrators so casually strewn across the table. Letting go with one hand, Lisa reached blindly toward them. Her hand landed on the nearest one, and she grabbed it. It was a very heavy, long, and absurdly thick cock with a suction cup base. She turned it on, licked the suction cup to wet it, and mounted it to the chair's smooth clear-coat finish between Eve's legs. Its vibration was deep and pulsing.

  With a low groan, Eve thrust into that towering vibrator while Lisa rocked against it from the opposite side. It didn't take them long to find their rhythm. They moved as if they'd been together for decades; their hot wetness slipping against the shared phallus. Lisa peripherally felt the burn in her thighs as she thrust in sync with Eve, but her world revolved around the pressure building in her clit and the feeling of Eve's tongue and teeth on her nipples.

  Sliding against its length with her head thrown back, Lisa lost herself in the sensations. She was climbing, soaring, floating, falling—and starting all over again. Eve's hands held her hips, setting the pace of their sensual dance, as they drove one another toward bliss.

  One thought intruded on the hypnotic passion: I'm with Eve! With that realization, Lisa's orgasm blossomed, growing in strength until her entire body shook with the power of it. Her legs refused to hold her any longer, and her feet slipped from the chair rungs as pulse after pulse rocked through her.

  "F-fl-floor," she gasped, knowing that balance would not be possible for several minutes and not wanting Eve to lose her edge.

  They stretched out on the thick rug in front of the hearth, and Lisa wasted no time positioning herself between Eve's legs. No amount of fantasy prepared her for the reality, and she marveled at the intensity of her feelings. Savoring her scent and the soft silk of her folds, she licked lightly along Eve's labia and stroked the inner wall of her cunt with two long fingers.

  "Please," Eve whimpered.

  Your wish... Lisa thought as she dove into Eve's pussy, sucking her clit and fucking her with her fingers. With her other hand, she gathered some of her own juices and used them to slipperily rim Eve's ass. Having her face bathed in Eve's arousal was the most erotic sensation she could imagine and one which had dominated her thoughts for many months. The fantasy paled in comparison. Eve ground her hips into Lisa's face until only her feet and shoulders remained in contact with the floor, and Lisa met her thrusts with ravenous enthusiasm.

  Eve shuddered as her climax overtook her, pushing Lisa roughly away. Nowhere near ready to stop, Lisa reached onto the table and grabbed the double dong. She made sure one side was turned on and slid it into Eve with one smooth push, carefully avoiding her overly sensitive clit.

  "Lisa, I..."

  "Shhh!" she replied. "Trust me."

  Lowering her mouth to the exposed shaft, Lisa took it into her mouth, the moisture activating one circuit: a low hum along the entire length of the other cock.

  Eve moaned softly and closed her eyes. "Very nice, but I..."

  Lisa squeezed with her lips, which activated another vibration; a throbbing at the head, deep inside.

  "Mmm. Lisa, it won't..."

  Lisa knew what she was going to say. A bunch of the women in the office had talked about it one afternoon. Eve believed that she couldn't come again so soon; that because she couldn't stand for her clit to be touched, the initial orgasm was it. Lisa understood, for she'd once felt the same. Rather than talk with her mouth full, she raised a hand and delivered a stinging slap to Eve's flank. Just one.

  Once the surprise wore off, Eve chuckled. "Okay, bitch. Give it your best shot."

  Oh, I intend to, Lisa smiled to herself as she rolled the cock in small circles, maintaining the pressure and the vibration but staying well away from Eve's clit. She knew it might take a bit longer, but there was no rush and no place she'd rather be. The tension gradually left Eve's body, and she relaxed into the motion—just enjoying the pleasant sensations without the frenetic urgency.

  When Eve's hips started to move, Lisa replaced her mouth with her hand in order to deepen the pressure. She pulled the cock harder against the front wall of Eve's cunt, knowing that she w
as beginning to feel the burn inside.

  Eve mumbled something, but Lisa couldn't make it out. She was off somewhere, inside herself. Lisa reached up and ran a finger lightly across Eve's lips. A tongue darted to meet it, and Lisa felt the instant rekindling of her own desire.

  "Yes, lover," she purred. "I want that tongue between my legs."

  Eve grabbed Lisa's free hand and pulled it back to her mouth, sucking her fingers. The fire between her legs was growing from the inside out. It was much different than the surface build, which condensed all sensation into her clit and discharged it like a bolt of lightning. Instead, the blaze spread outward, growing heavier and hotter until it encompassed her whole sex.

  Lisa could tell Eve had crossed a threshold. The crescendo now inevitable, she gave the vibe's sack another squeeze and straddled her friend, lowering herself onto the shaft and activating the moisture-sensitive circuit on both sides. Eve's head rolled from side to side, and her hands worked her own nipples as Lisa ground against her mons.

  "How is it, Eve?" Lisa taunted. "How's my cunt feel against yours? Still think you won't come again?"

  Lisa's voice drove Eve further into the throbbing fire. She groaned a ragged, "!"

  That happened to be precisely what Lisa had in mind, and once again, they fell into a rhythm born of pure compatibility. The burning coursed through Eve, and Lisa could feel the added vibration brought on by Eve's pulsing sex.

  "Yes, Li-Lisa. Now... Yes... N-now... I..." The rest was unintelligible. Eve's legs shook and her mouth opened in an 'O' of surprise as an orgasm of an entirely different nature tore through her. It sped across nerve endings and exited her body with uncontrollable spasms upon reaching her extremities. Everywhere it touched was instantly consumed, and her head swam with the power of it. Instead of damping down, though, as Eve was accustomed, the waves continued to rock her body unabated. A dreamy expression settled over her features, and she moaned in ecstasy.

  Her mission accomplished, Lisa leaned forward to capture Eve's mouth and allow her own orgasm to bloom. She collapsed alongside Eve and they rested together, lazily kissing and stroking.

  "I'm still coming," Eve marveled. "It's not nearly as intense, but it's definitely still there. I feel like... like I could..."

  "We've got all weekend. Trick or treat?"

  The End.

  New Friends

  The ad had been simple enough, "couple looking for mr right". I replied thinking that there was probably a rat's ass chance that anything would come out of it, but ya' know, nothing ventured, nothing gained. They would probably recieve a thousand responses and it had already been up for almost an entire day by the time I saw it, so I imagined they most likely had selected some lucky dude already. But I took a few minutes and crafted a response that was a paragraph and a half giving my basics and trying hard to sound sincere, not just a crazy horndog looking for the first available piece of ass that came along. To my surprise it worked. Later that evening I received a response that told me a little more about them and what they were interested in as well as asked for more detail about me.

  I got back to them, sent along a photo, then was rewarded almost immediately with one of the two of them. They were pleasant, normal looking people, not traffic stoppers either of them, but certainly attractive enough that the concept of getting initimate with them had me hard in no time at all. His name was Phil and he and I made plans to meet for a cup of coffee the next morning around ten.

  We selected a Starbucks that was about five minutes from my place and ten minutes from theirs. At the appointed time I found him waiting for me at a table. After grabbing a cuppa, I introduced myself and sat down. Following some small talk I got to the point and asked why they had decided to consider me.

  "Well, you're right. We got a lot of responses to the ad, but most of them were kinda disgusting and we could tell from some of the others that they weren't what we were looking for. We've never done anything like this before, so we need to take it slowly with someone we feel we can be comfortable with. Your e-mail was articulate and Chrissy liked your photo too."

  "Well, I'm flattered."

  "To tell the truth, we're not exactly certain how to proceed from here. She's not totally comfortable with the idea of just jumping into bed with someone else."

  I thought about it for a bit, then offered a suggestion. "How about meeting for a drink out somewhere to all get to know each other a little better?"

  "That's fine, but I still don't think she'd be into having sex after that."

  "What about if I just watch?"

  Phil gave me a puzzled look, so I proceeded to explain to him about a pair I had seen a couple times. They would make out, then undress and copulate while I watched. At some point I would also strip down and masturbate. The woman would watch me and as soon as I ejaculated, she would come like a freight train.

  He liked the sound of that scenario. "But lets skip the drinks. Let me see when I could line something up for you to come to our place. I'll check with her first, but I believe I could get her buy-in on this."

  We switched topics and finished our coffees before heading out. It was several days before I heard from Phil again.

  - - -

  "Hey, whatcha' upta' this afternoon?"

  "Nothing that I couldn't cancel."

  "C'mon over. We're both horny as all hell right now and she's ready to put on a show for you."

  I was out the door and in my car in about thirty seconds. Within ten minutes I was pulling into the driveway of a white split level house in a suburb that bordered on one of the flashier sections of town. Phil greeted me at the door and no sooner had I set foot inside than Chris appeared. She was much cuter than her photo had indicated. Her dirty blonde tresses were several inches longer and highlighted with lighter streaks. She looked a little anxious, but still smiled warmly. Her attire was simple, faded jeans and a yellow tank top. Contrasting bright pink bra straps peeked out at her shoulders and she was barefoot.

  Chris offered me a cold beer and after the three of us clinked bottles, she disappeared. Phil gave me a sly grin.

  "I don't think I've ever seen her so horny. I presented your idea with regard to watching us and initially she was kinda lukewarm about it, but little by little she has warmed up, to the point where an hour ago she pretty much demanded I call and request your presense."

  I sucked on my beer as Phil continued. "She loves to fuck, but lately it's taken a bit to get her motor going. This is the first time in months that she has actually initiated anything."

  A minute later Chris reappeared. Gone were the jeans and top, replaced by a short slik robe, tied at the waist by a sash. After sidling over to Phil, she took his hand and led him from the living room then up the half flight of stairs. I followed along and we ended up in what was obviously a master bedroom with king size bed, a couple dressers, and a single chair. The curtains were drawn closed, blocking out the bright afternoon sun, but resulting in a warm glow in the room.

  Glancing over at me, she undid the sash and I watched intently as Phil slipped the robe off her shoulders, giving me the first view of her naked body. Her breasts were small but well defined orbs with pale pink nipples that initially lay flat against their aureoles but grew fat and firm as Phill played with them. He held her tightly and kissed her, running his hands down her back to grasp her asscheeks. She ground her body against his and moaned softly.

  Phil peeled off first his T shirt, then his jeans and finally his briefs. A moderately sized cock sprang free and was immediately in Chris's hand. She stroked it and fondled his balls as he continued to pinch and play with her nipples. Their tongues wandered in and out of each others' mouths and I could hear their breathing become more rushed and insistent.

  Chris slid slowly down the front of Phill until her face was even with his waist, then she went lower and in the process opened her mouth. I watched as first the head and then the shaft of his cock disappeared into it. She sucked away, the vacuum in her mo
uth creating hollows in her cheeks before she began a slow, sensual up and down as she fondled his balls.

  By this point I had also stripped and sitting down in the chair, began stoking my own rigid shaft, keeping time with the bobbing of Chris's head. I spit on my hand to simulate the moistness of her mouth. Eventually it seemed as though Phil was about to cum, but Chris halted then moved to the bed where she lay back with her legs dangling over the edge and spread them, displaying a thatch of brown curls as well as glistening pink vulvae that were begging for attention.

  Phil proceeded to do exactly that, kneeling on the floor and burrying his face in her snatch. He was very demonstrative, making sounds and shaking his head back and forth as he pleasured Chris. She could no longer see me so I rose and stood at the foot of the mattress where she could easily keep an eye on me while I masturbated. Her eyes locked on mine and soon she groaned in ecstasy as she climaxed with Phil's face buried between her legs.

  After she had quieted some, Phil climbed onto the bed, pushing her backwad while climbing atop and between her legs. Guiding his tool with one hand, he inserted it between her pink pussylips, shoving it all the way in, then driving it in and out with great vigor. I continued to stand at the foot of the bed where they both could clearly see. Chris's breasts jiggled away as Phil fucked her, pounding away for twenty minutes or so. She made little animal like noises, cumming at least once before he finally did, blasting his wad deep inside her.

  They lay there for several minutes as they caught their breath, then Phil looked at me. I'd stopped stroking myself, but my pole was still rigid, the tip of it glistening with pre-cum. Chris looked at me as well.

  Phil broke the silence. "Why don't you give poor Dave a hand with that thing?"

  Chris rose and after a quick trip to the bathroom came back with a handtowel in her left hand. With her right, she grasped my penis and slowly worked it up and down. Her fingers around my shaft felt incredible. They were soft and delicate yet firm and purposeful. She pumped away with her hand just as she had done with her mouth on Phil until I came, then deftly slipped the towel into position just as I gushed a big stream of gooey white ejaculate. She continued to work away at it until every last drop had been spent and I was reduced to a puddle of overstimulation.


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