Arousing Family

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Arousing Family Page 23

by Emelia Andersen

  She pulled his pants open and pulled out his erect rod. He wasn't as long as Dave, but he looked like he might be a little thicker. She licked her lips in anticipation, then bent down to take him in her mouth. Pap groaned and spewed into her throat.

  It had been over a month since he had been with a woman, and he had a sack full of sperm. When he was done coming for the first time in five weeks, Tempest held him in her mouth until she was sure he wasn't going to get soft.

  She got up off her knees and stood in front of Pap. She reached for the top button of her dress. Pap's eyes opened as wide as they could; his jaw dropped as she undid the second one. He groaned as she freed the third one and her beautiful boobies came into view.

  "Fuck it!" he cried. "Git down here and git yore pussy on this pecker of mine!"

  She just grinned and shrugged off her dress, then answered, "Let's git you on the couch, Pap; I don't want to hurt any other leg." She helped him to the couch and got him settled. "Comfy?" she asked.

  "Enough fuckin' talk, girl. Git yore ass..."

  Tempest smiled and straddled Pap. "Front or back, Pappy?"####

  Dave looked at the envelope, not recognizing the handwriting. He glanced at the postmark–Tuscaloosa. He grinned, remembering the weekend last August, nearly ten months ago now. He opened the small missive.

  He opened the note card inside. It was from Tempest, announcing the birth of her daughter, Satin. An enclosed photo showed a small, red haired, green eyed bundle of???

  The End.


  She swore again and checked her phone for what felt like the hundredth time. Still no more battery than the last time she had checked. Kicking the tyre of her stationery car she rummaged in her bag for her packet of cigarettes and lighter. Inhaling deeply she looked up and down the deserted road and cursed her mum and stepdad for moving her to such a god forsaken place. After falling in with the wrong crowd in her old school in London they had forcibly relocated her to the Dorset countryside.

  Pulling her thin jacket tighter around herself she shivered and took another practiced drag from her cigarette. She stamped her feet in her heeled, leather, knee high boots trying to keep herself warm. Checking her phone once again she growled in frustration at the lifeless screen. From the corner of her eye she spotted lights coming down the road towards her. Letting out a small yelp of excitement she leant across the passenger seat to flick her hazard lights on and quickly crushed the butt of her cigarette under her heel.

  The unfamiliar car came slowly to a halt next to her and the window slowly lowered to reveal a young man, he looked to be in his early twenties, with red hair that looked almost golden in the soft glow from his interior light, freckles covered his nose and cheeks and his green eyes danced as he took in the young girl stood before him.

  "Thank god you came along," she began in a breathy voice leaning into the car slightly. "My car broke down and I have no battery on my phone to get hold of anyone, do you think I could borrow yours to ring my parents?"

  He smiled and she felt her stomach perform a slow flip, he was beautiful.

  "Course you can use my phone," rummaging in the pocket of a laptop case next to him he pulled the thin silver phone out and handed it to her. She smiled gratefully and turned to punch in the number, while she wasn't looking he took the opportunity survey the perfectly rounded ass in black jeans that seemed to be painted onto her, the heeled boots emphasised her shapely legs and just above her jeans he could see the beginnings of a tattoo before her thin, black, leather jacket cut it off. She turned back a look of despair on her young face.

  "There's no signal." She looked so lost he smiled softly and got out of the car.

  "If you want I can have a quick look, I was just on my way up to my cabin, it's not fair from here and there's a phone. You can ride there with me and then call your parents from there." He saw the doubtful look mar her soft features and quickly backtracked. "Or you can give me the car details and I can call a tow truck and have them pick you up from here if you would rather wait with your car?" She glanced doubtfully up and down the road before shaking her head.

  "No, I'll come with you if it's not too much trouble?" He shook his head.

  "No trouble at all."He waited as she locked her car and slid gracefully into the seat beside him, as she pulled she seatbelt across her his eyes were drawn to her large, firm breasts pressing against the fabric of her too small strappy top and the sparkling gem in her bellybutton. Shaking himself he restarted his car and continued his drive with his new passenger.

  "You know you're lucky I came along. Not many people use this road at the best of times, especially not this late. What were you doing out here?"

  "I'm new to the area and just wanted to explore you know, I got lost a few hours ago then my car died. I've been waiting there for almost two hours now."

  For a minute she said nothing then shifted in her seat to speak to him again. "I'm sorry, I don't know your name."


  "Spanish yeah?"

  "Yeah, how do you know?"

  "My mamma's part spanish, I'm Annabella, but Belle, Bella or Bells is fine."

  "That's pretty."

  "Cheers, my mamma's part Italian, she didn't want me to have a traditional Italian name but thought that sounded close enough."

  He laughed softly. "Can't argue with that."

  No more was said until he slowed to a halt outside a wooden cabin straight out of a western movie, a pile of logs was stood outside the door and as they went in he grabbed an armful. Walking through the door she smiled at the simplicity of the cabin. A worn leather sofa stood in the middle of the room in front of a large fireplace, two equally worn leather armchairs stood either side of the sofa, behind them was the kitchen area and a corridor that led off to what she assumed was the bedroom.

  "This is real cute."

  "Yeah it's not too bad, it's quiet, easy for me to get my work done." He moved through to the kitchen while she perched on one of the armchairs and watched him. He picked up the phone and dialled quickly. She heard him speaking and went back to staring round the interior of the cabin.

  "Ok that's great," he hung up the phone and came back to where she was sat. "He said he'll be here in about twenty minutes."

  "Thank you so much for doing that."

  "Don't mention it," he picked up some of the logs from the pile he had brought in and headed through to the back rooms. "I'll be back in a second." She nodded and moved to the window. Much as she missed London watching the stars was something she could get used to. She didn't know how long he had been gone but she jumped when his hands appeared either side of her own on the windowsill and his hard body pressed against hers. She shuddered at the sudden contact and pushed back against him, grinding her ass against the hard ridge in his jeans without thinking.

  "It's beautiful isn't it?" She nodded unable to talk as he slowly humped against her. Trailing one hand up her arm he knotted his fingers in her short hair and pulled her head back to gently licked her neck. His other hand moved across her stomach and down to the heated apex of her thighs, she sucked in a breath and rubbed against his hand her pussy already wet as she tried to prolong the contact. He slid his hand between skin and denim and over her soaked panties until he held her in one large hand. With a skilled finger he found her clit easily and stroked making another shiver run the length of her body. The whole time her gorgeous ass had not stopped it's grinding motion against his groin and he could feel his cock getting harder by the second as it almost seemed to try and get free from the denim and cotton encasing it.

  He moved the soaked lace of her knickers away from her dripping pussy and with his thumb began a circling motion over the nub of flesh. She moaned and her hips worked even harder as her breathing became panting, he slid one finger inside her and a shriek escaped her throat. She fucked his hand lost to everything but reaching the orgasm she craved, he smiled and added another finger as the sexy young girl fucked herself on his hand her as
s still pressed tightly against his erection creating a wonderful friction.

  A knock on the door made her freeze and her eyes fly open, she tried to move away from him but the movement only made the fingers still inside her harder to resist and she humped down again for a another second before forcibly removing his hand and stepping away panting. Looking straight into her eyes he licked his fingers clean of her juices and went to answer the door.

  She waited just behind him until the mechanic finished explaining that the car was fixed, a busted fan belt that would cost less than a tenner to replace and had already been taken care of, her car was then unhooked from the back of the truck and Alejandro watched as the young girl drove away. Still smiling he went back through to the bedroom, freed his cock from his jeans and stroked it thinking of her taste and rounded ass coming in less than a minute.


  Monday morning saw him sat back at his desk, loud conversations and childish laughing made he look up and kick the leg of his desk violently.

  "Settle down kids. It's just another Monday and we need to start class."

  "Ahh, do we have to sir?" Lucy spoke up from the front row, she leant forward attempting to show as much of her cleavage to him as possible her blonde hair cascading over her shoulder as she licked her lips sensually.

  "Funnily enough yes we do, now if you could all..." The sound of the door opening made him look up impatiently yet again. A young girl walked in, she had short bright red hair, caramel skin, a perfect button nose, full pouting lips, she wore a White shirt, black a line skirt, black knee high socks, ankle high, heeled black boots, a black tie and had dark expressive eyes that were now wide with horror.

  "Good morning, my name is Mr Garcia. You must be the new student."

  "Yeah, I'm Annabella, but Belle, Bella or Bells is fine."

  The End.

  Lucia Makes a Bet

  Saturday afternoon on a brisk November day in Calgary. I was into my second month of a six month stay, having come up from Houston for a consulting job in the oil fields. So far, Calgary had been nonstop hard work, and this day was the first break I'd taken. Keith, a foreman with the company I was contracted to, had invited me to watch a hockey game with his girlfriend Danielle and his crew of tough, muscled roustabouts and roughnecks.

  I don't know shit about ice hockey, but I'd soaked up enough to know that the sport is to a Canadian what Jesus is to the Pope. The Toronto Maple Leafs were in town to play the Calgary Flames and people insisted I understand the significance of this Blessed Event. Most were three beers beyond explaining anything. Like any stranger in a strange land, I smiled politely.

  Keith and I were talking shop when angry female voices coming from the kitchen cut through the din.

  "Sounds like a fight is brewing," I said.

  "It's probably Danielle," Keith said. "She's pissed I invited Lucia." He shrugged. "What the hell, they're big girls. Let 'em sort it out."

  Lucia, a dark-haired beauty and the only other female, had caught my eye and sympathy. Her proudly worn Maple Leafs jersey, autographed by the team and an island of blue in a sea of red and black, marked her like a scarlet letter. And the fairness of her sex merited no quarter as the insults and jokes, seldom good-natured and often crude, came fast and furious. Lucia defiantly stood her ground, answering in kind every affront to her beloved Maple Leafs.

  I'd seen Keith apply his conflict logic on the job site, standing by as quarreling team members settled differences the old-fashioned way. Judging from the commotion, the girls weren't sorting it out. No one else seemed to notice or care. My beer was approaching empty, and not being too sophisticated to enjoy a good cat fight, I wandered into the kitchen.

  Danielle and Lucia had squared off in front of the refrigerator. Danielle, a few years older than Lucia and damned attractive too, stood with blood vessels pulsing in her temples and fists balled ready to swing.

  "Ladies," I said. "Let's not get too personal. It's just a game."

  "This isn't about the game, dumb ass," said Danielle. "Lucia was fuck-dancing with Keith last night right in front of me. She's still coming on to him and she had better lay off."

  Lucia fired back. "We were just dancing and having some fun. A little flirting never hurt anything."

  "Flirting, huh?" said Danielle. "Dancing on your knees with your goddamn face in his crotch? Flirting my ass."

  "And you know what?" said Lucia. "His dick was hard. I could've fucked him right under your nose."

  "Lucia," Danielle seethed. "Get your ass out of my house."

  Lucia didn't budge. "I do not take orders from you. This is Keith's house and I'm staying until he says otherwise. So fuck off."

  Danielle's right hook thudded hard into my palm as I pushed between them. "Ladies, let's keep the violence on the ice. Leave the fighting to the Maple Trees and the Flames."

  Lucia huffed. "Maple Leafs, you idiot."

  "I'm getting Keith," said Danielle. "He can throw you out."

  "Hey, Danielle," Lucia said. "Dumb ass here gave me an idea. Instead of running to daddy, you want to make a little wager on the game?"

  Danielle stopped. "I'm listening."

  Lucia folded her arms. "Suppose . . . the winner got to humiliate the loser?" she said. "You know, put her in her place. How 'bout the loser strips and dances? I strip if the Flames win. You strip if the Maple"—she glowered at me—"Leafs win. A bare ass naked dance in front of everyone should do the trick. I've got the balls for it. Do you?" She raised her palm. "Bet?"

  Uncertainly drifted across Danielle's eyes, then cleared. She smacked Lucia's palm. "It's a bet. Michael's our witness. No backing out."

  "No backing out," said Lucia.

  I would normally consider alcohol-fueled bets a bad idea, but watching Danielle strut away and Lucia wiggle onto a counter top made this one acceptable. From a purely salacious point of view, I had no preference who won. Both women were easy on the eyes.

  Lucia fished a beer out of an ice box. "Damn. Talk about a temper. That woman needs therapy. My name's Lucia, by the way, and what hole did you crawl out of? Maple Trees? Give me a fucking break."

  "I came up from Houston for a few months work. Sorry, I don't know much about hockey."

  "No shit. It's not that complicated. Look . . . Michael is it? Two teams of six guys get on the ice and try to beat the hell out of each other." Lucia swilled beer. "So, Michael the hockey idiot, what do you think of Calgary?"

  "It's cold, but it's a job."

  "Yeah, a job would be nice," Lucia said with a sigh, then she pointed at her jersey. "Toronto. Maple. Leafs. Get it? I'm from Toronto. I'm staying with friends while I look for work."

  The strains of "O, Canada" drifted in from the living room.

  Lucia tossed a beer at me. "Let's go."

  We found adjacent seats. News of the wager had spread because heads kept swiveling between Danielle and Lucia, and you didn't need telepathy to read the thoughts running through the heads. Which one do I want to see naked? Is getting a show from Danielle worth a Flames' loss? Screw the Maple Leafs, Lucia, let's see the goods. And so on until the referee dropped the puck.

  As the game progressed, and when she wasn't hurling hockey abuse at someone's face, Lucia's explained hockey strategy. Even my untrained eye could recognize a powerful defensive contest. Scoreless, the game ground on.

  Maybe because I wasn't giving her shit about her team, or maybe as the only outsiders, Lucia and I hit it off and struck up an implicit alliance. She had a sharp wit, an impulsive mind, and a devilish knack for pushing people's buttons. My proximity offered her modest cover from the brutal ribbing and her encyclopedic knowledge of the game held my interest. My ego basked in her attention and my libido, deprived since leaving Houston, frolicked through the possibilities lurking in her velvety, sandalwood fragrance. It was a favorite of mine.

  In the game's last few minutes, the Flames seemed to catch some wind in their sails, pressing the Maple Leafs hard. With a few seconds left, the Flames off
ense broke out, one player boring in on the Maple Leafs goal like a kamikaze. The room roared to life when the Flames' player unleashed a ferocious shot, only to have it swatted away like a mosquito. The buzzer sounded with the players scrambling for the puck.

  Score 0 -- 0. A cacophony of curses and armchair coaching blossomed.

  Lucia exhaled a long held breath. "Wow, that was close. That Flames forward saved my ass."

  "He did?" I asked.

  She scooted back in her chair. "Yeah. Pay attention. He decided to be the hero and took a slap shot when he should have passed the puck 'cause there was time to set up a better shot. Bet he gets his balls chewed off."

  Lucia nibbled her lower lip and scanned the room as a naughty gleam caught hold in her eyes. A sharp elbow slammed into my ribs. "Know what, Michael? An innocent little strip tease is too cheap for a game this good. I think I'll run up the price. Watch this." Lucia drained her beer and dug her fingers into my shoulder for balance as she climbed unsteadily onto her chair. "Hey, Danielle," she yelled. "Since we're in OT, wanna up the ante?"

  The room quieted.

  Danielle, curled up against Keith on the sofa, hesitated, then said, "Sure, name it."

  Lucia paused for a dramatic beat as the gleam in her eyes ignited into a wicked blaze. "The loser strips AND has to suck off every man in the house. Any way the winner wants it."

  A graveyard silence descended. Chips and beer bottles halted centimeters from parted lips. Someone nearby whispered, "Hell yes." Danielle sat frozen like an ice sculpture, her mouth open but no sound coming out. Finally, she thawed enough to look to Keith, but his impassive shrug gave her nothing.

  Danielle twice cleared her throat. "That's a little extreme, Lucia. I think just a strip tease—."

  Lucia set the hook. "Hey everybody, Danielle's a chicken shit coward! Come on girlfriend, take the bet. If I lose I'll blow Keith first. It's gonna happen sooner or later anyway so you might as well watch me do it. You might learn a trick or two."


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