Arousing Family

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Arousing Family Page 68

by Emelia Andersen

  The appendage was hollow. Phil's eyes widened as the tentacle swelled up. He couldn't shake it off before a volume of scented gas was forced up his nostrils and into his lungs. Phil's struggles grew more laboured as the drugged air permeated through his body and dragged his limbs down with languid weight. The fog was within him now. It twined through his mind and obscured his thoughts.

  "Breathe and be relaxed," the girl with blue skin and brilliant shining eyes ordered. Phil heard her voice both through his ears and directly in his mind.

  She pumped more blissful relaxant into his body and Phil's breathing slowed down and fell into the same rhythm as the pulses travelling up the tube. The tenseness left his body. He sank into the gel cushions beneath him with the ctenophox on top of him.

  "All those instructions on what I mustn't do, and yet you never specified exactly what you wished of me," the ctenophox said. "Shall I assume you'd like me to take the initiative?"

  Tentacles dripping with lubricant slithered over Phil's body in lewd caresses. The ctenophox positioned herself above him. Her full lips formed an o as she let out a breathy sigh. She pushed the shiny round swells of her tits together.

  "Mmm, I like taking the initiative," the ctenophox said. "I like having the freedom to be...creative."

  Her smothering appendage continued to pump more drugged air into Phil's lungs. The swirling clouds thickened around him. Warm droplets condensed against his exposed skin. He hoped he hadn't left anything out of the binding clauses. If he had, well there wasn't much he could do about it now.

  The ctenophox sighed like a porn star in heat. Phil couldn't see what was happening within the opaque clouds. Beneath the veil of mist countless tentacles tickled and caressed him. Soft suction cups toyed with his nipples. They felt like warm lips. Mysterious appendages with a variety of tips—brushes, suckers, sponges—teased his body with exotic sensation. Phil trembled as a soft rubber appendage wound around his penis and gently tugged him to full hardness.

  "Don't think about what I'm doing," the ctenophox said, "just relax and enjoy the sensation."

  Her upper body settled in his lap. Phil felt some kind of orifice—squishy, gelatinous—wriggle against the fleshy helmet of his erection. She lowered her body and Phil felt his dick slide up into a tight passage with smooth, elastic walls.

  "Ooh yes. In you go."

  The girl pouted glistening lips. Her face reminded Phil of the slutty girls staring out of the covers of top shelf magazines. Faces that returned later to visit him in sticky, sweaty dreams. Those girls didn't have blue skin, but it didn't matter; the ctenophox was sexy regardless, a real life exotic sci-fi babe.

  Phil's manhood was inside something. At first it didn't feel too pleasant—clammy, slimy, more like some kind of squishy jelly. Then it started to warm up and press tightly all around his cock until it formed a snug sheath. The walls were formed of thick pads of soft jelly. They moulded perfectly around his member and started to excite him with little throbbing squeezes. Phil's cock twitched with the same rhythm as blood poured into his growing erection. Now it was pleasant. Really pleasant.

  The ctenophox paused and placed a finger thoughtfully on her lips. Within the clouds, the unseen orifice continued to tease Phil's hard-on with rippling suction.

  "As much as I find humans enjoyable, their final release is never as substantial as I'd like. I have some techniques that will help you with this. You don't object if I use them, do you?"

  Phil didn't, or rather he couldn't. His mouth was still covered by her gas-pumping appendage. The ctenophox's lips turned up in a smile.

  "No? Oh good," she said. "Don't worry. You'll find this to be very pleasant."

  A slender feeler, slick with lubricant, wormed up into Phil's ass. It tickled around until it found his prostate and then—


  Phil wasn't sure what she was doing, couldn't tell if she was sucking on the gland or squirting something into it, only that an incredibly pleasant sensation was spreading through his groin. She shifted position and something moist and soft enfolded his testicles and began to suck on them.

  She removed the mask-like appendage from Phil's face. She didn't need it any more. He was under her control now. The air around Phil was already so saturated with her perfumed clouds every breath he took was filled with her fog. Thicker tentacles with rows of what felt like moist lips on the underside wrapped around Phil. He shivered as they left lines of wet kisses along his exposed flesh.

  Sighing with pleasure, the ctenophox rocked up and down on him. Gelatinous suction gripped Phil's twitching erection. Her slender feeler continued to tickle away in his ass. His loins felt weird—hot, fervid. His testicles felt bloated and were growing more and more swollen, encouraged to expand by the soft suckers wrapped around them. Hidden within the mist, the ctenophox was doing something to his genitals, something that made him feel like his semen was building up as though he'd been denied release for months.

  "Mmm, I like my men to fill me with a nice big load," the ctenophox said.

  She closed her eyes and squeezed her big blue breasts together. The thick tentacles lined with hot kissing lips squeezed Phil's body. Her weight settled deeper into his lap, pushing his erection up deeper inside her until the tip pressed up against a soft gelatinous cushion that enfolded his glans and sucked on him. Waves of gentle squeezes ran up his shaft. They spread outwards throughout his body until it felt like everything within him was being focused down to his groin and then up his shaft and into the head of his throbbing cock.

  "Oh yes, you're going to give me a big load."

  She gave him another squeeze, more powerful this time. Soft gelatinous flesh pressed all around and smothered his over-sensitised manhood. Too much. Phil groaned as a wave washed through him, stimulating the muscles of his legs and buttocks, forcing his hips upwards and driving his cock deeper into something soft and smothering that engulfed him and began to suck. His swollen balls contracted and it felt like a dam had been breached as his semen surged up his shaft and erupted outwards in glorious release. He twitched and trembled helplessly beneath the ctenophox as she encouraged more and more semen from him with her pulsating jelly sheath. More, more, a constant eruption into her quivering centre as thick, billowing clouds rolled over him and the ctenophox moaned and writhed on top of him.

  Not quite constant, thankfully. Just as Phil was starting to worry he was going to keep ejaculating until he deflated to an empty husk, the ctenophox's jelly sheath opened up and released him. Completely spent, Phil sank, exhausted, into the soft gel underneath him.

  The ctenophox sighed. "So nice. I wish I could suck it all out of you, but then you'd be dried up and dead and I can't do that as it would violate the terms of our agreement."

  She lay down until her curvaceous upper body rested against Phil's. Her moist lips pressed against his in a gentle kiss. A probing feeler found Phil's left ear and slithered inside. A spark flashed inside his brain. He saw the circle he'd chalked on the ground superimposed on his vision as though it had been etched into his eyeballs in sparkling sapphire. As he watched, the design changed. Complex lines and spirals were added to the central circle as if drawn by an invisible hand.

  "My name is Ctenylla," the ctenophox whispered in his ear. "You can summon me directly next time."

  Phil blinked and the sapphire lines faded from his vision. But not from his thoughts. The design was still there, marked indelibly into his memory and available for retrieval any time he desired.

  Ctenylla got up off him. She put a hand to her mouth and blew him a kiss. The kiss became a dense pink and blue cloud that expanded to fill Phil's vision and obscure Ctenylla's body. When the cloud dissipated Ctenylla was gone, returned to whichever plane she'd been summoned from. The jelly cushions underneath him liquefied and evaporated until Phil was lying naked on the stone floor in the centre of a smudged chalk circle.

  He lay there for a while, waiting for his breath to come back. He was still alive? He supposed that mea
nt, technically, the summoning had been a success.

  * * * *

  Humming a tune to herself, C?r?l?a skipped between the shelves. She ran her finger along the spines of various ancient books, looking for one in particular. Smiling, she identified the tome and pulled it out from the shelf. It was bound in leather or some other less wholesome material. The title, Daemonica Malefique, looked like it had been scorched into the cover with a brand. It looked like an exact duplicate of the book lying open next to Phil's prone body.

  C?r?l?a tapped her tail on the floor and Mr Grinstead rose up out of the centre of a glowing arcane circle.

  "You can put this one back now." She passed the book to the imp. Bowing, it grasped the book to its chest and sank back down into the floor.

  C?r?l?a looked over to where Phil was lying on the stone floor. The rise and fall of his chest indicated he was still alive. She smiled and fires sparkled in the depths of her ruby-red eyes.

  The End.


  We burst through the door as we entered our home; happy, exuberant and eager to undress and make love. It was after midnight and we were returning from celebrating our 20th anniversary with a small group of family and friends.

  "Twenty years," I told my wife Lila, "twenty years and not a single regret. I love you more now than ever and I thank you for every minute we have been together."

  "I love you too." she replied, "You are the only man I have ever loved or want to love. I am happier now than I have ever been."

  "No regrets?" I questioned, picking up on her omission.

  "Not a one......except..........well........maybe...."

  "Come on, out with it. You know you can't keep any secrets from me."

  "It's not a secret; it's just some thing that I realized when I was having a talk with Kerry this afternoon."

  "She's in college and nineteen years old. She must be accustomed to being away from home. Surely you talked to her about the birds and the bees before this."

  "Of course I have," she replied, "our daughter is very knowledgeable when it comes to sex; much more so than I was at her age."

  "You were nineteen when we got married, so how can she know more than you did?"

  "That's exactly it. I was a virgin when we married. You are the only man I have ever been with. She has been with two boys in high school and Ryan is the second one she has slept with in college so far."

  "So far? Are you telling me our daughter is a slut? What the hell is going on under my nose? I'm not about to support a son and daughter to sleep around in college. And what about if she has a baby.......?"

  "Calm down honey," she interrupted my tirade, "her virginity is long gone and no one seems to care about that these days anyway."

  "Then why are we talking about this? How did we get on this subject when we were so happily celebrating our anniversary?"

  "You asked if I had any regrets and all I could possibly think of is that Kerry already has had a much more varied sex life than I ever had."

  "Well let me show you that quality trumps variety anytime," and I took her to bed and made love to her the best way I knew how. When we cuddled afterwards I kissed her and said, "Good night Lila, I love you, you're all the woman I will ever want."

  "I love you too Max, good night."


  I am a lawyer, a pretty good one, and I put in a lot highly paid billable hours. Lila and I lead a very comfortable life. But I come from very humble circumstances. My paternal grand parents come over from Eastern Europe bringing my father as an infant. Grandpa worked in the steel mills around Pittsburgh and my father followed him into the mills until they closed down in the seventies and eighties. Times were tough for us then but somehow my parents made it through and my Dad made sure I went to college and law school so I would never have to be dependent on a mill job like he was.

  My way of giving back for what they did for me was to run the pro bono section in our law firm. Pro bono is a free service we provide for people who have been wronged, often by the intricacies of the law, and cannot afford the legal fees needed to obtain justice. I did it once a week, after office hours, from 6 pm until we finished up, often until midnight. I donated my time and paid the one secretary who stayed late to help me. I had been doing this for many years every Thursday evening and Janet Hobbs was the secretary who most often stayed as my assistant. She needed the money because she was a recent widow with two teen aged children to support.

  About a week after our anniversary we were finishing dinner when Lila brought up the subject again.

  "Max," she said, "I have been thinking....." She let the subject hang.

  "About what?" I bit.

  "About age and experience."

  "What are you getting at Lila?"

  "I'm 39 years old and in a few more years I will start menopause. I'm getting old and I am so inexperi0enced. My daughter has had more varied sexual experiences than I have had and the six years you had in college and law school gave you a lot more chances with a lot more women before we got married,

  "Lila, you have had twenty years experience with me. We have tried lots of things together, even some things you didn't like and refused to do. I never forced you."

  "That's just it, you never forced me. You love me too much."

  "How can I love you too much?" I didn't like where this conversation was going. "Just what is it that you are trying to say?"

  She hesitated, afraid to say what was on her mind and then suddenly blurted out, "I want someone different than you, some one who doesn't love me, some one who just wants to fuck me. I just want to try someone different and I want your permission before I do it."

  There it was; a big fat elephant in the room, sitting on his rump, his truck upraised trumpeting his triumph and that stupid elephant smile on his face.

  "You want my permission to fuck other men? Are you crazy? You are my wife! How can I give you permission to fuck some one else? Well my answer is, NO! It's like playing with fire. Some one will get burnt. No good can out of such an arrangement."

  "Please Max; this is something I have to do. I don't want to do it behind your back, I don't want to cheat. I'll tell you all about it when it happens, every detail."

  "Good grief woman, why would I want to know that? I don't want to know about it, I don't want to hear about it and I certainly don't want to hear the details about it. I won't ask and you won't have to tell."

  What I didn't realize was that with what I said, she took it that I implied permission for her to pursue her delusion as long as she didn't tell me about it.

  The following week after the discussion I had with Lila, I finished up my Thursday night pro bono work earlier than usual. When I got home Lila wasn't there. As I was preparing for bed she came home. I could tell she had been drinking and she smelled of cigarette smoke.

  "Where have you been and why are you dressed like that?" I challenged her. She was wearing tight jeans and an even tighter sweater. She looked very sexy.

  "I was out. I didn't feel like staying home alone. It's not like when I had the kids for company every Thursday while you worked late."

  "Does this have anything to do with what we talked about last week?"

  After a moments hesitation she gave me defiant, "Yes."

  "Lila, please don't do this. We have had twenty wonderful years together, two children to be proud of and a lifetime of good living in front of us. Please don't jeopardize our future together."

  "I haven't done anything that I am ashamed of nor do I intend to do anything that I can't tell you about. I will freely discuss anything you want to know any time you ask."

  "No thanks, if what you are doing is what I think it is, it's not something I can be comfortable with. I'm not one of those guys who gets off on his wife's adventures. I didn't give yon permission to do this and there is no way I can stop you if you persist except to say that you are putting our marriage in jeopardy."

  "Well I'm not doing anything wrong and if you don't w
ant to ask then I don't want to tell so let's just leave it at that."

  Well, I couldn't just leave it at that, I had to know what was going on, on Thursday evenings. So I hired a private detective to follow her. The report came back and it wasn't all that bad. She was going to a bar/restaurant called 'The Cougar's Club', an up scale establishment not far from where we lived. There, she spent the evening seated at the bar conversing, and some times flirting and dancing with several men and even some women. There was nothing in her behavior that was really objectionable. She was always home by midnight and I called off the surveillance, until the night she came home drunk and horny.

  I had walked in a few minutes before her and I had just started washing up before going to bed. She walked up behind me as I was standing in front of the sink, I could see her reflected in the mirror. Her hair was tousled and her face was flushed. She was wearing a scoop necked sweater and her pushed up tits were almost overflowing her neckline. Her skirt was as least four inches above her knees. She looked sexy as all hell and acted just the way she looked. She also smelled of booze, pot and after shave.

  She walked up behind me and put her arms around my waist, pressing her erect nipples against my back and her pelvis against my ass. It was obvious that some one had her hot and horny and all worked up and she had not been satisfied.

  "Come on honey, take me to bed and fuck my brains out." she said as she kissed my back and her hands crept inside of my boxers to play with my cock. I don't know why, but I was pissed off because I imagined what some guy must have done to have gotten her so aroused. Someone else must have had his hands on her ass, or tits and gotten her to the point that she wanted to be fucked.

  I knew she hadn't been brought to completion but I still felt as if she was offering me sloppy seconds and I turned her down.

  "I'm sorry babe, it's just been too long a day, and I don't think I can get it up."


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