Arousing Family

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Arousing Family Page 83

by Emelia Andersen

  Carrie broke away this time to rip the polo and bra from Bobbie and fling them away, leaning forward slightly to take a rock hard nipple in her mouth swirling her tongue around it and applying gentle suction.

  Bobbie moaned and pushed Carrie's shoulders back into the recliner grabbing her hips and sliding her ass to the edge then attacking her breasts with her tongue, lightly nipping here and there around the gorgeous globes teasingly as she tried to slide the pink thong down with both hands. Grasping Carrie around the calves she thrust her legs up over her head as she ducked allowing her to pull the offending garment completely off her.

  Her hands went back to Carrie's breasts as her tongue went down to lazily circle her navel a few times as she scooted back a bit and settled in between Carrie's thighs placing her legs over her shoulders. She planted gentle kisses down from navel to mound and then back and forth across between her pelvic bones making Carrie moan.

  Carrie grabbed Bobbie by the head and pulled her face into her, humping and grinding trying anything to get her tongue exactly where she wanted it.

  Bobbie grinned and chuckled, the vibrations making Carrie whimper and then buried her tongue inside her as deep as she could, reaching down with one hand to thrum her clit with her thumb. Carrie's breathing stopped and she stiffened arching her back and flooding Bobbie with her juices as an orgasm washed over her.

  Bobbie wasn't about to let up now and replaced her tongue with two fingers curling them and searching for Carrie's spot. Carrie arched again whimpering loudly and she knew she had found it. She sucked Carrie's clit between her lips and began an ever intensifying dance around it with her tongue. It took only a few moments and Carrie was arching again flooding Bobbies hand and crying out in ecstasy. She slowed her ministrations allowing Carrie to come down easy, finally laying her head on Carrie's stomach and moaning herself, but Carrie could tell that this moan was not one of pleasure but one of pain.

  "What? Oh! Your knees! Get off of your knees, right now! Stand up you idiot!"

  Bobbie struggled to her feet, flexing her legs and rocking up on the balls of her feet to stretch the muscles and tendons in her legs wincing slightly. " Knees? What knees?"

  Carrie pulled Bobbie to her wrapping her arms around her waist and laying her head against her stomach. "I don't want you to ever hurt yourself. You have had enough pain, this is supposed to be all about pleasure."

  The close contact forced the base of Bobbie's strap on against her clit and she groaned grinding her hips into Carrie and sighing. Carrie, feeling the bulge grind against her released Bobbie's waist and unbuttoned her jeans, sliding both them and her boxers down her thighs. The silicone cock popped free and bobbed before Carrie's face.

  "Now it's my turn to please you, just relax, enjoy and try not to fall over." She leaned forward and ran her tongue playfully down the length of Bobbies cock taking the head between her lips.

  Bobbie gasped loudly pulling away slightly "Uh, Uh, wait! I've, I've never, umm.. "

  "What? You've never had a blow job? Where in the world have you been hiding you poor deprived Butch?" Carrie pulled Bobbie back closer and wrapped her lips around her again sinking deep and grinding the base of the cock against Bobbie's clit making her cry out and begin to thrust slightly.

  Bobbie could not believe what was happening, she would never have thought that this could be so very erotic and sensual. Her knees were about to buckle now from the sheer pleasure over taking her. Finally she couldn't stand it anymore she pulled back from Carrie and struggled free of her pants and boxers. "Turn around, on your knees in the chair, Please! Now!"

  Carrie turned onto her knees in the chair, leaning up against the back of it and spreading her legs wide. Bobbie waded in close to her and entered her from behind in short quick strokes, wrapping her arms around Carrie's chest and pulling her more upright in the chair. She then began toying with Carries nipples while slowly rocking the chair and thrusting her hips, sliding the cock up into her to the hilt again and again with ever increasing force.

  The chair rocked faster and faster, both women moaning in unison as they built up both speed and passion. Bobbie knew she wouldn't be able to last much longer at this pace. She was rapidly approaching the edge so she moved one hand down to find Carrie's clit with her finger flicking it in rhythm with the rocking of the chair and her hips. That pushed Carrie to her limit and she screamed out as her body began to spasm and she tightened up in the throes of passion, in turn driving the base of the cock harder into Bobbie sending her into spasms as well.

  Both of them were there, frozen in pleasure as the door to the clinic that had been left ajar burst open and Chance flapped through swooping and diving at their heads, hissing and smacking Bobbie in back of the head with his closed talons.

  "Damn it Chance! How the hell did you get out of your jesses again!" Carrie squealed and curled into a ball in the chair throwing her arms over her head for protection as Bobbie pulled out of her and chased the errant owl across the room. Grasping the big bird around both legs at the ankle Bobbie turned him upside down making him freeze immediately. All Bobbie could do was laugh at this point. "That is why Bev calls you a demon you jealous old owl! I swear, I am going to turn you into cat food one of these days!"


  Bobbie and Carrie sat at the dining table in the kitchen of the main house, the sheriff had called this morning to say that the roads should be cleared by noon and Bobbie had told him that they no longer needed the rescue squad, she would drive Carrie in to the hospital herself. It had been a glorious week of love making and exploration but now the mood had turned somber. They both knew their time together was coming to an end at least for now.

  Bobbie cleared her throat nervously "I'm having several small cabins built this spring to house the new veterinarian and some full time assistants. I'm going to open this place up as a release site for the rest of the rehabilitators in the state as well as running the clinic. I think, with the artifacts thing and all it would be a good idea if I hired some on site security staff as well."

  Carrie sighed " Yes, that would be good, if we add cameras to the areas they have been raiding we should catch them in no time. I'll have to be heading back to Washington soon to report and finish up all the paper work. I am surprised I got to stay here as long as I did."

  "Well, I umm was wondering, I mean, I know a government job has great benefits and you probably get to spend a lot of time traveling around the country and stuff but, would you consider being my chief of security? I'll be setting up a good insurance plan and 401k for all the new employees, you would get paid vacations and I can promise you lots of nice fringe benefits as well."

  Carrie looked up at Bobbie and smiled "Oh? Fringe benefits you say? Like what?"

  "Oh, I don't know like a king sized bed always warm and full of creaky old Butch, a hot tub, lots of little animals to play with and one very jealous old owl. If I don't turn him into cat food that is. But I do have to warn you, it is a very wild life I lead here!"

  The End.

  Her Sanity Day

  Two decades of marriage, and I had been totally faithful to Hank. I never even felt tempted, really. Not until that day.

  When my son asked if Colin could stay over for a few nights, I didn't think anything of it. My son, Steve, explained that this Colin was having some kind of trouble with his parents, and I pictured Steve's friend as some scrawny kid. When the doorbell rang and I pulled open the door, however, I was surprised by the boy's athletic body, his angelic face, and his bee-stung lips. He may have been my son's age, but he sure didn't look like my son. This kid was a babe.

  "Hi. I'm Colin. Steve said I could come."

  "Sure," I said. "Come on in."

  Colin wasn't all that graceful; he did a poor job of hiding his glace at my tits as he walked in. But he had a certain cool charm. He reminded me of the boys I had crushed on when I was in high school. If I were still a teenager, I would have jumped to date him.

  I pushed those
thoughts aside as I strolled to the kitchen and left Colin with Steve. I wasn't still a teenager. I was a married mom. And Colin was my son's friend. Cheating would be wrong, and sleeping with my son's friend would add another layer of awkwardness. Besides, Steve was only 17, and since Colin was Steve's classmate, they were probably the same age, putting Colin off-limits for me even if I were still single.

  The boys played video games in the living room while I cooked dinner. I admit I glanced at Colin once, his face beaming with excitement as he played, but I knew I would never act on any attraction I might feel. I had never slept with anyone but Hank, and after all these years, why would that change?

  Being faithful should have been easier than ever these days. As I closed in on my 40th birthday, the hoard of men available was thinning. There had been a time when I was sick of men always hitting on me, always looking at my body, sometimes crossing the line into harassment. At work I would sometimes skip lunch because I knew when I hit the nearby deli alone there would be men pestering to join me. Now that daily annoyance was gone, but a part of me, I supposed, missed it.

  The moment I had opened the door to Colin was the first time in months I had noticed someone glancing at my chest. Maybe that was the magic Colin held: he reminded me what it was like to be a teenager again, to still have all those romantic possibilities wide open.

  "Yes!" gushed Colin as he made some video game move.

  Hearing those joyful moans caused me to glance again at him. There was something about Colin's voice, low but passionate, that warmed my flesh.

  There was no harm, I supposed, in thinking about Colin while I cooked. It wasn't like this could really go anywhere. So what was wrong with a few private thoughts? With imagining what I might do if I were still a girl Colin's age? As long as no one knew.

  When Hank got home, I explained that Colin would be sleeping on our couch for a few days.

  "I guess that's okay, Linda," he said. "I just wish you had checked with me first, is all."

  Colin said, "Thanks again, Linda, for putting me up. I really appreciate it."

  I liked that he called me "Linda." Another of Steve's friends once called me "Ms. Marcoida," like I was some old lady. Colin calling me "Linda" made me feel like I could still be one of his peers. The name was like a caress slipping right off his tongue.

  "No problem," I told Colin. "What else could I do? I mean, at 17, I'm sure hotels won't let you rent a room, right?"

  "Actually, I'm 18, but a lot of hotels still discriminate."

  He's legal, I thought.

  Then I caught myself. Why did I care that Colin was 18? He was still my son's friend. And I was still a married woman. Legal or not, he was off-limits.

  Colin, Hank, and Steve all sat at the dining table when I brought out the food. "Since today's Earth Day, I thought I'd make something vegan: marinated mushrooms and rice."

  "Awesome," said Colin.

  "What does vegan have to do with Earth Day?" my husband asked.

  "Like I explained last year, Hank, livestock farming is a major cause of global warming. Going vegan, even if it's just for one day, does good things for the environment."

  "I'm glad you thought of that, Linda," Colin said. "I should have told you, I happen to be a vegan, so I'm glad it's something I can eat."

  "I didn't know that," Steve said.

  "Yeah. I've been vegan 2 years now."

  "That's amazing," I marveled. "How do you go without meat and cheese and ice cream and all that?"

  "It's easier than you think," Colin said. "I have almost no will power, so if I can do it, anyone can."

  "What made you decide to go vegan?" I asked.

  "Mainly it's because I play football, so I have to stay in shape."

  "Oh, yeah?"

  "But I also care about the environment and about animals, so it made sense."

  "And did it make you better at football?" I asked.

  "I'm still not good enough to get a scholarship out of it. But I'm healthier than I used to be, and I'm stronger. I think going vegan helped."

  "Interesting," I said. I loved that this kid with his coverboy looks also cared about the world and knew how to be more responsible while keeping his body in good shape. He had looks and he had depth.

  "Mmmm," Colin said as a forkful of food entered his mouth.

  "You like it?"

  Colin swallowed and said, "This is good! I think I want to eat here more often."

  As I watched another forkful enter his mouth, I thought he really knew how to appreciate things. Thoughts of him "eating" something more personal flickered in my mind, but I pushed the images out and got control of myself.

  I glanced at Hank. If he had any idea what fantasies I was enjoying, he would have killed me. He was showing nothing. I was safe for the moment, but I had to be keep myself in check.

  Somehow I made it through the evening without betraying my thoughts. But that night I couldn't sleep. While Hank snored beside me, all I could think about was Colin.

  A girlfriend once told me vegan men had tastier cum. I was envious that she had sampled enough men to compare. I had tasted Hank's cum time after time, but could only wonder if other men tasted better. I wondered what it might be like to suck Colin's 18-year-old cock, to taste his vegan cum shoot down my throat. But of course that wouldn't happen.

  Even if I made a pass at Colin, where would it get me? I was old enough to be his mother. He couldn't find me that attractive.

  Of course, he had looked at my breasts. He must have felt some level of attraction. And men are supposed to be always horny, aren't they? I could probably have this kid if I wanted.

  But that would be wrong.

  Or would it? Did I want to die without at least knowing what I was missing? Once I satisfied my curiosity, I could be a more faithful wife than ever. If my husband didn't know ... and if my son didn't know ... then who would be hurt?

  Just the thought of what I could do with the 18-year-old was making me wet as I lay there in the dark silence. Without even meaning to, I slipped a hand down between my legs, gently gliding through my fur, and touched my most sensitive spot.

  "Hank," I breathed.

  He didn't respond.

  I gently lifted my blanket so I could slide out of bed without waking my husband. I looked down at him and assured myself he was still fast asleep.

  I was terrified of what Hank might do if he found out, but that didn't dull my excitement -- it enflamed it. Whatever happened, this would be a moment in my life I would remember.

  I slipped on my bathrobe. Quietly, I tip-toed out of our bedroom and past our son's room. Every creak of the floorboard amplified in my mind as I headed down the stairs.

  Should I really do this?

  Could I? Sure, he had glanced at my tits, but that didn't mean he would really want to sleep with me, did it? I was probably reading way too much into a brief moment. In Colin's mind it might well have been a meaningless glance. In mine, it was a moment of magic. I wanted to believe he could be as drawn to me as I now was to him.

  A few months ago, I'd gotten my first gray hair. Was I really going to wake up a teenaged stud and ask him to fuck me? He would reject me. He would tell Steve I had made a pass. Even Hank might find out. I was crazy to take this risk. Wasn't I?

  As I crept down the dark staircase, I found the living room bathed in blue light. Colin must have fallen asleep with the television on. Or was he still awake at this hour?

  No, it wasn't the TV after all. It was the computer screen. But Colin was not at the desk, he was sitting on the couch watching moving images on the screen. I thought it was odd he had turned the sound off to watch a movie until I realized he was watching a porn film! I couldn't believe it. A 1-minute clip repeating itself just showed a man and a woman fucking.

  I meant to turn away, and I should have, but first I glanced at Colin and got another shock. He was still dressed, but his fly was open and his hands were wrapped around a cock that could have competed with the one i
n the movie stretching the actress's pussy.

  Wow! I didn't know what to think. I felt so bad about invading his privacy like this, and I felt so excited seeing in person the vegan cock I had been dreaming about, and I felt so dirty being here.

  Should I stand here and watch this admittedly captivating sight? Should I turn back before he caught me? Should I just walk up to him and say, Hey, Big Boy, why wear out your hands when you could use what I've got?

  This could be my best chance, since he was already aroused. But if I announced my presence, he might also be shocked and embarrassed to the point that I would never get another chance at him. And maybe he would make so much noise it would wake up the household.

  My head was telling me to turn around now, even as something else urged me forward.

  I tried to think. If I were alone in my bed, rubbing my clit, and then discovered Colin watching me, how would I react? I wasn't even sure. A part of me thought I would relish finding his eyes on my pussy and would jump at the chance to let him satisfy my need. Another part of me thought no, I would feel violated. And that part seemed more realistic.

  I quietly crept away from the scene of this young man rubbing his generous cock. I finally turned and tip-toed back up the stairs. I snuck past my son's room. My paranoid mind imagined him awake inside knowing what his mother had just tried to do, but I pushed that thought out of my mind. A bigger fear was in the room ahead.

  The door to my bedroom, mine and Hank's, was open, just the way I had left it. My husband, it seemed, had not touched it, but did that mean he was still asleep? What would I say if he asked me -?

  I crept into our bedroom and found Hank in bed still snoozing. He had no idea. I had gotten away with it and no harm had been done, I assured myself. I closed our door, hung up my robe, and tiptoed naked to the bed. I gently lifted the blanket. Hank's snoring was undisturbed. Even my loudly pounding heart did not wake him. I slipped into the bed beside him. And then he started to wake up!

  "Hmm?" he said.

  I slipped my arms around him. "I'm in the mood," I whispered.


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