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Arousing Family

Page 109

by Emelia Andersen

  Your mouth opens in a faint attempt to speak. No sound escapes before she presses a finger to your lips, silencing you. "Relax." She speaks only one word before tilting her head to consider you. You feel her looking over your body, your own eyes not able to leave her. The smile never leaves her lips as she looks back to your eyes, winking before turning and leaving you there without another word.

  Unable to keep your eyes open any longer as she disappears from your view, you feel your body relax and you begin to think. You feel dizzy with all the questions hitting you at once again. It's like a dream that you just cannot wake up from and you don't know what has brought you to this point.

  After a few moments of being able to do nothing but breathe, you are able to open your eyes once more and you look around you. You were right. This wasn't your bed. You didn't recognize the room around you. It was dark, dimly lit by a single flickering black candle beside the bed.

  Black candle? Why did that feel familiar? Why did you suddenly feel a fear filling your mind? What was the significance of it?

  The entire room seemed blurry around you, slowly coming in to focus. Light moonlight helped illuminate the room, coming in from an open window. A cool breeze came along with it. You hadn't felt it before but it was calming now. You could feel it. You could feel something other than the pain. One thought filled your mind. You were still alive.

  Alive? Was there doubt of that? Why did that seem so significant in your mind?

  Your strength came back slowly as you looked around, the room feeling familiar, though you were almost positive you'd never seen it before. The walls were high and made of stone, the windows set close to the heightened ceiling. You racked your brain once more, struggling to piece things together, when your eyes fell on the high-set windows once more. You were underground.

  Underground? But that didn't make sense. How had you gotten there? And what WAS this place?

  A small panic filled you as you looked around the room once more, struggling to find another clue. Another answer. You pull yourself to a sitting position clumsily, nearly knocking over the glass of water at your bedside. Your strength returning slowly as your body fumbles to move to an upright position to get a better view of the room around you.

  Wait. Water? Your eyes snap back to the glass next to you. The need to analyze your surroundings halted for a brief moment as you became aware that you were thirsty. With a shaking hand you reach out for the glass and begin to drink, finishing the entire glass as it you had been dying of thirst.

  As you replace the glass on the table beside the vast bed you see your own wrist in the candlelight. Dark circles surround your wrists. Bruises, you think. Bruises? Where did they come from? You hold your wrist closer to the black candle to inspect the markings closer and then it hits you. Like a wave of fear and panic, it hits you. You start to sweat as you begin to feel the memories swarming your mind, completely overtaking you. Unable to stay upright any longer, your body falls limply to the side once more, your strength focused solely on remembering what brought you here...and it begins to come back, piece by piece. You drifted off, as if dreaming, slowly reliving what had happened.


  It had been five days. Five days in chastity. Your Mistress had demanded it. You remember cursing her for the initial proposal, however she had been adamant about it. There was no arguing the point as she had locked the device around your cock after last making love to you. She had been so gentle that night, something that was not unlike her, but still different.

  You had questioned the device. What had you done to deserve the denial of pleasure like this? Had you upset her? You were still unsure. She had dismissed your questions as quickly as you had asked them. The only response you had given you was "Relax, my pet. You will thank me later. It is for your own good."

  She had left you that way. Five days since you had seen her, leaving you with no reasoning for the metal device locked around your manhood, leaving you unable to pleasure yourself.

  You weren't sure if it was the denial, her absence, or the helpless feeling that filled you by being locked in chastity for your Mistress that made the urge to touch your cock greater than usual, but it grew with each day. The need to simply touch your cock, to stroke it and feel yourself get hard for her became harder to bare with each day, and by the end of the fifth day, with no word from the woman who held the key to the metal obstacle, you began to grow frustrated and angry with her.

  It was that night that you began to give up on fearing what punishment she may enforce on you. The need was becoming so great that you could no longer ignore it. You had not seen her in five days and you had needs that were becoming overwhelming.

  You began to search the house. The key. It had to be there, you told yourself. There had to be another. She had taken one with her, but there had to be another, you told yourself.

  The house was almost completely dark as you searched. The aching need to remove your cock from its confines blinded you to any worry of her catching you in your attempt to find the key. You had to remove it. You had to feel pleasure. It was all your mind would process. You needed this. Surely she would understand.

  You turned the house upside down, searching for what would unlock the device and free your cock. It was nowhere to be found. The bitch had taken it with her, you thought. Only one key and she'd taken it with her! You were angry. How could she deny your needs without even contacting you like this?

  You were on your way to return to the bedroom, still cursing her under your breath as you heard it. Something low, barely reaching your ears. It couldn't have been what you thought. Definitely not. Your mind was playing tricks on you now. It had to be. But you couldn't resist following where the noise had come from.

  Then it happened again. And again. You followed the noise. It led you to a door. One you'd never used before. The basement. It had always been unfinished. There was nothing there. You reached for the doorknob when you stopped yourself. This is crazy, you thought. There's nothing down there.

  As you turned around to leave the door, you heard it once more. Clearly this time. You'd been right. It was louder now and you spun back to face the door. It was moaning. Someone was moaning.

  You stood frozen for a moment before you reached for the doorknob once more, slowly grasping it and turning. Curiousity had completely overtaken you now as you slowly, quietly opened the door, revealing a large staircase, unlike anything that would have belonged in the house. It was dark and what should have left you frightened now filled you with the new need to discover where it led to.

  After taking one step down the dark staircase, your mind told you to turn back. Then it came again. Another moan. It was a low, gutteral noise, and there was no denying it was a moan of pleasure. With that, all possibility of you turning back disappeared and you began to slowly fumble down the steps, careful not to lose your footing, which could send you falling down what seemed like an endless staircase.

  The low moans were coming louder and just hearing them fueled you to keep descending until you reached a large wooden door. It was closed. Please, don't let this be locked, you thought. The moans were louder now. Whoever was making them was on the other side of this door and you had to find out. You decided to slowly reach out, barely touching the large doorhandle and pulling slightly. It opened. It was unlocked.

  Your heart skipped several beats as you pulled the door, slowly, quietly opening it only a crack. Unable to do much more than take a single deep breath, you lean forward, peeking through the small crack in the doorway, nearly falling backwards as you take in the sight before you.

  The room was dark except for a small glowing area near the center of the room. There was barely enough light to see, but it took only a moment for your brain to process the sight before you.

  It was a woman. She was resting her back against luxurious pillows of a large bed, her body barely showing in the dim candlelight. But you could see her. And what she was doing.

  You wer
e suddenly aware of the hard metal confines around your cock as it began to struggle to rise at the sight. The woman was nude, her legs spread as she rested on the bed. One hand was on her breast, pinching and pulling at her full breasts as the other hand was lower, between her smooth, parted thighs.

  She was pleasuring herself. You fought back a gasp as your manhood twitched in the device again, aching to be freed, as you took in the unbelievable sight. There you were, watching this strange woman, with her fingers between her legs, toying with her pussy. And you could see it. It was clearer now. Your eyes were adjusting and you could see the glistening juices on her fingers as they slid across her soft petals before sinking between them again.

  You heard another moan, but this was different, and it wasn't until her eyes raised and locked on the door, zoning in directly on where you stood behind the door, that you realized that it had been you that moaned. And she had heard you.

  Unable to move to return up the endless staircase, you stood there frozen behind the door, watching as she raised from the bed. She moved towards the door, slowly. Her body swayed with each step, the candlelight still illuminating her curvy figure, her breasts bouncing slightly with each step as she moved to the door in front of you.

  As if by instinct, you released your hold on the door and just stood there and stared, waiting for it to reopen before you. And it did. She was standing there, her body not far away now, and you could smell her sex. The musky scent hit your nostrils and brought another quiet moan from your lips.

  Her giggle surprised you. She wasn't angry, you thought, breathing a sigh of relief. She seemed happy to see you. Smiling as if it did not bother her in the least to be interupted by a total stranger while pleasuring herself in this dark room of your house.

  Was this still your house? You questioned it yourself. This was unlike anything you had ever seen and you couldn't help but feel like whether you had entered a door from your own home, this was her domain and you had trespassed. But she remained smiling, nearly giddy as she stood before you.

  "Well are you going to introduce yourself and come in, or would you rather I close the door and you can continue to just peek in?" she giggled as she spoke.

  It was overwhelming and you couldn't speak. You weren't even sure this was all real and you stood there totally silent, staring at her, the shock of it all paralyzing you there.

  She rolled her eyes teasingly, grabbing your hand and pulling you through the door, speaking again, still holding a happy, giggly tone. "That's fine, names aren't important, I suppose. Why don't you come get comfortable?" She hopped up on the massive bed and patted directly next to her. It was as if your body was obeying her demand as you climbed up, unsure of your own actions, coming to a rest next to her still completely nude form.

  She was pale, with dark eyes. You couldn't help but wonder to yourself if she was always down here. If she had ever seen sunlight before. Was she some sort of prisoner? She seemed too happy to believe she had been kept here against her will.

  Questions began to swim through your mind again before her hand on your thigh snapped you back to focus on her. The touch felt electric, even through the thick denim of your jeans. You jumped from the sensation and it brought another happy noise from her. She was a cheerful thing, you thought as you looked at her. Her body seemed perky and her expression did not change from the same smile she had greeted you with.

  You began to look around, fighting to ignore the returning need for the release of your manhood from its constricting cage. You took in the sight of the room, what you could see of it at least, telling yourself to focus. You couldn't have this gorgeous, naked woman knowing the condition you were in.

  "So do we just go ahead and start or would you like some kind of foreplay?" The blunt question made your eyes snap back to hers in disbelief. You were completely shocked and still speechless, however you could feel that familiar twitch in your pants once more.

  The silence caused her to sigh, closing her eyes as she shook her head. You couldn't tear your eyes away from her now. It was a moment before she looked back to you, and when she did, it was different. A different that nearly made your heart stop beating.

  Her eyes were flaming. Their dark color was replaced by a crimson hue that seemed to be flickering along with the candlelight in the room. This couldn't be real, you thought, but you seemed so sure. It appeared to be fire burning in her eyes as she looked at you again. This was different. Her expression was different. The smile was gone. She did not look angry, but she appeared to be something else. It was hard to read at first, and then it hit you.

  Hungry. She looked hungry and she was looking at you like her first meal in a lifetime.

  Panic set in once more and you turned to the edge of the bed, making an attempt to flee the bed and the room, your mind not processing anything but escape now. But your escape was ended quickly as she moved swiftly, a single finger hooking into the collar of your shirt and yanking you back to lay on the bed.

  She moved faster than you could've ever imagined. Before you realized what had happened she had forced you back onto the bed and was over you, kneeling over your waist with her hands on your wrists, pinning them beside you.

  "Silly boy, its too late now" she purred, an amused tone in her voice as she looked down, those firey eyes burning into your soul as you felt your strength begin to fade. She was too strong. How could she overpower you like this? It made no sense.

  "Please. Let me go. I shouldn't have come down here. It was a mistake. Please. I'll never speak of this to anyone." You pleaded with her but her grip never loosened. She was still over you, hovering there as you felt the control of your own limbs slipping from you.

  She felt it too. It was when you could no longer imagine even attempting to lift your arms or move your body that she released her grip on you. The smile returning, an almost wicked smile now as she leaned down to press her lips to yours. They were full and soft and even in the helpless state you knew you should fight, but your body betrayed you as her lush lips pressed and teased at your own.

  It clouded your mind in a way you'd never felt. Something was taking over your body. You knew the feeling but it had never been this strong before. It was lust. Her kiss had effected you in a way you had never known and you whimpered almost silently as your cock strained against the chastity belt.

  You could tell she had heard the whimper as she pulled back, she looked pleased with the reaction. Unsure of what to say, you lay there, nearly unable to move beneath her, watching her every movement, the scent of her womanhood becoming stronger. You could tell she was aroused and you couldn't believe how much the smell of her was making your head spin.

  In a single moment, you felt your eyes close, trying to get a grip on the situation in some way, and at that very same moment, she gripped your clothing and roughly ripped it from your body, causing you to gasp and your eyes to fly open in shock once more.

  A small feeling began to build in you, through the lustfilled haze in your mind, you thought back to your Mistress's words. "You will thank me for this." You knew now. This woman would be stopped by the device. You searched for her face, finding it in the dark again as you looked to see how she would react to the locked cage around your cock, confining it and blocking her from it.

  You feel a jolt of disappointment as you see in her eyes that she is not stopping. Her hands roam over your now naked body, each touch pulling your strength from you as she feels your skin. You close your eyes to attempt to fight off the pleasure of her claws gently raking down your chest.

  Her claws? Your eyes fly back open and you look again. She looked different now. It was claws that you had felt. Claws that were dark colored, matching the darkening skintone of the woman hovering over you. How could this be? She hadn't looked like this a second ago. It was like she was changing before your eyes.

  And she was. Her form was changing, her skin becoming darker, taking on a reddish hue. You could only blink repeatedly, trying to make sense of this, tr
ying to refocus to see the woman that had been there before. Each blink brought new changes, though. Her skin became darker, her body appeared to become taller, her fingers were no longer soft gentle things but were tipped with dark claws, her smile widened to reveal sharp fangs, and her body moved differently now. She was animalistic. Feral.

  You could do little more than clench your eyes shut and take several deep breaths, but it did no good, as you breathed in more of her scent, filling your nostrils with it once more as it overtook your mind, causing another wave of lust to fill your body. You moaned once more, your aching cock still held in the increasingly uncomfortable metal casing.

  As your eyes opened again, she had changed completely, the beautiful woman you had seen while peeking through the cracked door was gone and was now replaced by a demonic beast of a woman. She had sharp-tipped horns poking through her hair and you caught the glimpse of something swaying behind her. She had a tail. And wings. You gasped at the sight but were still unable to pull yourself away from the hellish woman.

  She was barely touching you as you felt pinned to the bed and you could feel a mix of emotions for the cage on your shaft. You were thankful it was there to keep the beast from having her way with you, but a part of you screamed in need, her pheromones clouding your senses as you wished for nothing more than for it to be removed so you could gain release from this intense lust.

  As if reading your mind, she reached down with a single claw-tipped finger, and dragged it over the metal of the device. The sound was nauseating for a moment but then you felt it. Your manhood was free. You gasped in disbelief and looked down. She had clawed right through the chastity belt and tossed it aside without batting an eye.

  It was only seconds before your cock was rock hard, twitching in the cool air, ignoring any effort you put forth to resist the urgency in your groin. It bobbed there before her, her eyes lighting up, as if the blaze in them was reignited, as she watched it bounce in front of her eyes.


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