Coming Home for Christmas

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Coming Home for Christmas Page 5

by Max Hudson

  Jonathan tried to focus on his drink, but all he was aware of was Stewart’s hand touching his.

  “Having one child not speaking to you unless absolutely necessary because of your actions is bad enough.” Stewart said. “But when all of them are saying the same thing about your parenting and how you’ve gone about their lives? As a parent, you would have to wonder if something went wrong somewhere along the line.”

  Jonathan grunted. He couldn’t agree more with that.

  “Mom and Dad won’t admit to being in the wrong. Especially Dad. In their eyes, they did everything for us. We rebelled by refusing to listen to them.”

  Well, they listened. All of them knew what they wanted in life. But it didn’t line up with what Miles and Lynn wanted.

  Jonathan knew his parents’ actions were bordering on abuse, if not well into that territory. But they were very good at making sure nobody else paid any attention to it, or if they did notice, it was just in passing. Very good at hiding it. And Jonathan knew all of his brothers and sisters were embarrassed to admit to anyone except those very close to them that their parents had taken too much control. They were proud people.

  “What did they want from you?” Stewart asked.

  Jonathan sighed.

  “I’m not entirely sure. But they didn’t want us to become as we are today.”

  “Molds of them. Living vicariously through all of you.”

  “You could say that.” Jonathan looked up. “I look at your parents and I do get jealous. They’re very calm, laidback. You can do anything and they still love you.”

  “Mom grew up in the same environment you did.” Stewart shrugged. “She made sure she didn’t make the same mistakes.”

  Jonathan grunted.

  “It feels like conditional love with Mom and Dad. I want to love them, but I think it’s disappeared after…” He looked away with a grimace. “That sounds awful, doesn’t it?”

  “No, it doesn’t. I understand.” Stewart put his coffee mug aside and folded his arms. His biceps seemed to flex under his t-shirt. “Dad calls them helicopter parents. And he’s right. Children who have helicopter parents lash out at some point when they’re able, when they’ve had enough. And somehow, you seven have turned out okay. Most kids don’t get that and struggle on in life because they haven’t had the opportunity to use their independence.”

  “I suppose.”

  Stewart snorted.

  “Come on, Jonathan. You’re a lieutenant commander in the navy. Carly works for ICE, Thomas is a paramedic, Emily has her own business, Chris is an ADA in New York and Blake has just got his detective status. I’d say all of you are very successful, something to be proud of. Megan will be the same, I’m sure of it.”

  Jonathan found his face getting warm. He kept his eyes on the mug in his hands as he wandered across the kitchen, leaning against the center island.

  “We’re all successful, yes, but Mom and Dad wanted more. A different kind of success. I don’t know exactly what they wanted, but they’ve never been entirely happy with our choices.”

  “Even with your jobs?”

  “Even then.” Jonathan sighed. “Dad wanted to be a doctor but couldn’t get into medical school, and Mom was set on becoming a lawyer but failed the bar three times before she gave up.”

  “But Chris and Thomas are in those job sectors.”

  “Chris is supposed to be working corporate, white-collar stuff. Thomas wanted to be an EMT or a nurse, not a doctor.” Jonathan made a face. “Mom and Dad didn’t get the jobs they wanted, so they want us to get them instead.”

  “And live through you as a result.” Stewart shook his head. “Honestly, those two are mad. They should know by now that trying to take charge of someone else’s life, especially an adult’s, is not the best thing to do. Or even advisable. Everyone’s different, and everyone can be successful in their own right.”

  “Try telling them that.” Jonathan grumbled. He sipped his coffee. “I wish they were more relaxed like your parents. They’re awesome.”

  A smile tugged at Stewart’s mouth.

  “I’ll let them know when I talk to them.” He paused. “Would you have told them that you were gay before if they were more relaxed?”

  “Definitely.” Jonathan didn’t even need to think. “But I know they’ll be furious, and I needed to stick around for Megan.”

  “Well, now you don’t need to hide.” Stewart pointed out. “You don’t have to worry about Megan to tell them.”

  “I will worry about Megan until she’s under my roof and off this street.” Jonathan winced. “Sorry, that sounded like I was being disrespectful.”

  “I know what you meant, and I’m not offended.” Stewart shrugged. “I’m refuge for a short time, but I live across the street. Not exactly the most secure of places.”

  “But you’re a better option than anyone else.” Jonathan insisted. He saw Stewart’s cheeks flush red. “I’ll let them know eventually. But not when we’re in the same room.”

  It was a wonder none of his neighbors had said a thing. Jonathan kept his sexuality a secret except to his siblings. Stewart and his family had figured it out pretty quickly, but they hadn’t said a word. Mavis Houghton had said it wasn’t their secret to disperse. Most of their neighbors had to know that Jonathan preferred men, even though he was very careful.

  How it hadn’t got back to Miles that his son wasn’t going to marry a nice wealthy girl and give him grandchildren to boss over, Jonathan had no idea.

  “Those two need to take a deep breath and a huge step back.” Stewart declared.

  Jonathan snorted.

  “Try telling them that.” He finished off the rest of his coffee and put the mug on the counter. “I’d better get back. I’m worn out myself. Megan is safe here, isn’t she?”

  “Of course. I’ve got security cameras up and I always set the alarm.”

  Stewart was looking at him oddly. As he should be; Jonathan knew the home was secure or he wouldn’t have put Megan in Stewart’s protection. But the doubts were always there, and with their father across the street…

  “Right. I…” Swallowing, Jonathan headed into the hall. “Sorry, I just…”

  He reached the door and turned back. Stewart had followed behind him. He didn’t look offended. If anything, he looked sympathetic. He pressed a hand to Jonathan’s shoulder.

  “I get it. I do. And you know I’m on hand for anything you guys need.”

  Carly was right. This man really was a saint. Someone who was worth his weight in gold, and then some.

  Jonathan then realized that they were standing close, closer than normal. And Stewart still had his hand on Jonathan’s arm, moving up to his shoulder. It could have been a comfort thing, but in Jonathan’s mind it felt like something else. Lust shot through him, and now Jonathan’s jeans were much tighter than they had been earlier. His cock was awake, even at this late hour, and Jonathan had to stop himself from adjusting his crotch.

  Lusting after his parents’ neighbor was one thing. Acting on it was something else. And while Jonathan was eager to get his hands on Stewart and find out if his lean frame was as solid as he thought, his doubts kept him back.

  If only he was as confident with his private life as he was with his professional life. Then he wouldn’t be hesitating now.

  “I…” Jonathan coughed and fumbled for the door handle. “I’d better go.”

  “Yeah.” Sighing, Stewart lowered his hand. “If you have to. Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas.” Jonathan managed to get the door open, unable to look Stewart in the eye. “I’ll see you later.”


  Jonathan barely responded in return before he headed out onto the porch, almost slipping on the ice. Now he felt even more like a fool.

  Chapter Four

  Jonathan was too tired to do anything except go up to bed as soon as he got back inside, setting the alarm so it looked like nobody had left the house. He was at a tense sta
te of arousal, but Jonathan didn’t think he would get any release anytime soon.

  Not when he had all his family around him. Trying to have private time as a teenager had been bad enough, but as an adult? His siblings would be ribbing him for it. The house was huge, but it was surprisingly easy to hear something at the other end of the house. Jonathan knew he was not known for being quiet in his throes of passion - several flings had commented on it in varying degrees of compliments or annoyances - and everyone would certainly hear him.

  Thomas wouldn’t appreciate it, seeing as they were sleeping in the same room.

  Trying to force back his thoughts of going back to Stewart’s house and shoving him against a wall to get a taste of him, Jonathan undressed and crawled into the bottom bunk. Thomas was fast asleep on the top one, snoring away heavily. For some reason, even though they had all shared at some point when they were kids, their parents had never switched the beds to twin beds. So, even close to forty, they were sleeping in bunk beds. Jonathan was surprised they had not fallen apart years ago.

  He couldn’t remember falling asleep, but the next thing Jonathan knew he was jolted awake by a large bellow that seemed to make the whole house vibrate.

  “MEGAN!!! Where are you?”

  Jonathan sat up, banging his head on the wooden slats on the top bunk. Dazed, Jonathan eased back and heard the heavy footsteps of his father as he stormed around the house.

  “Where is she?” He demanded, the sound of a door banging. “Where is my daughter?”

  Feet appeared by Jonathan’s head and his brother eased himself onto the floor, dressed in pajama bottoms and a black t-shirt, his hair standing up on end.

  “Sounds like Dad’s figured out Megan isn’t here.” He said with a yawn.

  “What?” Jonathan looked at the clock. It took a moment for his bleary eyes to focus. “At this time of the morning? What on earth is he doing going into Megan’s room at this hour? It’s not even light outside.”

  “It’s Dad. He doesn’t need an explanation.”

  He did have a point. Jonathan managed to climb out from the bottom bunk and was straightening up with a grimace when the door to their bedroom burst open and Miles stormed in. He looked like he was about to explode, his face bright red and his eyes blazing.

  “Dad, what are you doing?” Jonathan rubbed at his eyes. “It’s six in the morning!”

  “Where’s Megan?”

  “What are you doing checking on her at this hour?”

  Miles snarled.

  “I don’t answer to you, Jonathan! Where is she? Her bedroom’s bare of her things. From what I can tell, everything’s gone. What have you done with her?”

  Thomas was shuffling from foot to foot. Jonathan glanced at him. Even at thirty-four and over six feet, Thomas could take on the burliest of drunks in his ambulance but he couldn’t handle his father. Especially when he was in such a rage like this.

  Jonathan turned to Miles.

  “Dad, we can discuss this with you. But could you leave the room and let us get dressed?”

  “No, I will not leave the room to let you get dressed!” Miles bellowed. His hands were clenched at his sides. “I want answers, Jonathan!”

  Normally, Jonathan would acquiesce and tell him everything before Miles had finished. But not this time. Something had clicked inside him. He took a step toward his father, seeing a flash of surprise in Miles’ eyes. This emboldened him as Jonathan stood toe-to-toe with Miles.

  “And you will get answers, Dad.” He said evenly, using the voice that he used for naval personnel that tried to breach the rules. “But first you will leave the room and go downstairs. Let all of us get dressed. Then we’ll talk to you and not before. Got it?”

  Miles looked like someone had slapped him. He opened his mouth to speak, but Jonathan simply glared at him. Miles closed his mouth, still scowling, and left the room. He closed the door behind him with barely a slam. Jonathan slumped against the bunk beds, rubbing at his chest. His heart was racing.

  “Whoa.” Thomas whistled. “I’ve never seen Dad do that before. You should be like that more often.”

  “You’re joking, of course.”

  To think he was a high-ranking officer in the navy, and he ended up cowering in front of a man who couldn’t pass the psychological evaluation if he tried. Jonathan straightened up.

  “Let’s get dressed. We’d better get this over and done with.”


  It didn’t take long to get dressed. Jonathan knew there was going to be a shitstorm over this. Only this time, none of them were going to stand down and do what Miles ordered. They had made a pact during the night; now Megan was out, they were going to filter out. Carly wanted to disappear completely from their lives, but Jonathan said they needed to air their grievances first. If they weren’t able to, a letter would suffice and then Miles and Lynn couldn’t claim that they didn’t know about the cutting of contact.

  First, they had to get through to their parents that they had practically run Megan out of the house with their smothering and ridiculous demands of her.

  Jonathan and Thomas headed down to the living room, only to find the rest of their siblings sitting around the room. They were all dressed, all scowling at Miles as he paced around the carpet. Lynn was also there, sitting in her usual chair with a sharp glare at her children. Jonathan had half-hoped that his mother would snap out of it and realize that being loyal to her husband had been detrimental to her. But from the look on her face now, he didn’t think she even noticed or cared.

  “Now, Jonathan.” Miles swung around on him. His face was still red. He was seething. “You said you would give me answers. Answer me. Where’s Megan gone?”

  Jonathan folded his arms. As the eldest brother, he had to take the lead. This was going to be harder than he anticipated, but he was willing to do it.

  “And you’re that concerned that you called a family meeting?”

  “Your father went to check on Megan this morning and found her gone.” Lynn said evenly. Her voice was steady, her eyes clear as she focused on Jonathan. “Her bed has not been slept in.”

  “He went to check on her at six in the morning?”

  “The time is not important.” Miles snapped. “What is important is that Megan is gone.” He glared around the room. “There are nine people in this house and nobody heard her leave? I don’t believe that. You had something to do with it, I’m sure.”

  Jonathan looked at Carly and Blake. Both were standing closest to him, both with dark scowls. Blake shook his head. Carly shrugged.

  “We told them that we didn’t know anything, as we agreed.”

  “As you agreed?” Miles narrowed his eyes. “What does that mean?”

  Jonathan glanced at Blake, who moved a little closer. If Miles took to attack him, Blake would be able to get between them. He was the biggest of the lot.

  “Last night, when you and Mom were asleep, we helped Megan leave.”

  Miles looked like he was about to have a heart attack. Lynn’s face paled.

  “You did what?”

  “She wanted to leave the house, and she knew you would kick up a fuss and make sure she couldn’t leave.” Jonathan could see the rest of his siblings nodding in agreement. “She’s eighteen, Dad. She’s allowed to leave without parental consent, and she chose to move out.”

  “She’s not allowed to move out!” Miles bellowed.

  Jonathan snorted.

  “You forced me out when I was younger than her and yet she’s not allowed to go without your consent?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Jonathan. You were not forced out.”

  Chris barked out a laugh.

  “Come off it, Dad! You brought all of us into the room to declare that Jonathan was out and we weren’t allowed to let him back in unless you said so. You can’t change history to fit your purpose.”

  “Megan was unhappy, Dad.” Carly added. “You were being awful to her in spite of everything. It was affecting her, and we
could see it. At some point it was going to boil over. For her sake, we helped her leave.”

  “And we did it in the middle of the night because we knew there would be a fight.” Blake chimed in. “You would end up calling the cops for something that doesn’t need to have them involved.”

  Miles had looked furious and ready to tear into his children at the start. Now he was looking staggered. Jonathan wondered if anyone had ever stood up to him like this. Lynn was still looking bewildered.

  “Megan left? But…” She shook her head. “What did we do to her? We did our best for all of you and this is the thanks we get?”

  Jonathan had to stop himself from bursting out laughing. Thomas and Chris didn’t. Emily was staring at her mother in stunned amazement.

  “Mom, are you really that blind? Why do you think we all left as quickly as we were able? Why we never talk to you about our private lives and why we don’t come around except on special holidays? Because of your behavior toward us. Megan is hot-tempered like Dad, and she was beginning to crack. She wanted out, and she was old enough to decide that for herself, so we gave her an out.”

  Miles let out a growl and threw his hands up in the air.

  “This is unacceptable!” He bellowed.

  “They’re right, Dad.” Jonathan said. “Things are not meant to be your way or no way all the time. It’s give and take, even with family. Something you’ve forgotten about.”

  “I’m the father here!” Miles swung around on him, advancing on Jonathan. “I’m the one in charge!”

  Blake started to move in front of Jonathan, but Jonathan touched Blake’s shoulder and shook his head. He would take this on himself.

  “We’re adults, Dad. And no, you’re not in charge. And Megan is not coming back here, no matter what you say. Once the paperwork’s been sorted, she’s coming to the base to live with me.”


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