Coming Home for Christmas

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Coming Home for Christmas Page 10

by Max Hudson

At least Miles Rodney’s actions seemed to be slipping. He was beginning to look more and more crazy. Stewart was glad Megan was away from it all now. Only a couple more days and then she would be joining Jonathan.

  “I still think it’s ridiculous.” Stewart found himself bouncing in his chair, rocking back and forth. “For someone who’s meant to be a chaplain at a school, he’s not very Christian.”

  Jonathan snorted.

  “Christian? He’s a control freak, that’s what he is. Ideas above his station, Captain Park said. He’s now beginning to realize why I limit my leave time. Oh, and he’s signed the documents needed to let Megan onto the base. They’ll be faxed over to your home within the next day or so, valid from New Year’s Day. I’m currently sorting out transfer papers for high school.”

  Stewart grinned.

  “That’s good. Have you told Megan?”

  “Yes, I have. She’s excited.”

  “It’s going to be a bit of a shock for her, remember. Moving nearly six hours away to somewhere where the only person she knows is you. That’s a big step.”

  “I know. But it will do her good. Things were getting incredibly tense at home.”

  If the last few days were anything to go by, tense was an understatement. Miles and Lynn Rodney seemed to be going downhill, if their phone call to Jonathan’s boss was anything to go by.

  “Megan’s a tough cookie, Jonathan. She’ll be fine.” He rubbed at his eyes. “Your father is sixty years old, not six. All of this pathetic behavior? This sounds like a child throwing his toys out of the pram for not getting his own way.”

  “You should know him by now. He’s very vindictive.”

  “I certainly know.” Stewart grunted. “It’s a good thing he didn’t become a doctor. His bedside manner would be atrocious, and very single-minded.”

  “Among all the other things that stopped him.” Jonathan said. “Nothing to do with his lack of ability. Listen, I’m just getting my things into the car.”

  “You’re coming back?”

  Stewart’s pulse leapt at that. Jonathan was coming back.

  “Yep. With the traffic and everything, it’ll probably be nearer eleven or twelve before I get there, but I still want to come back.” There was the sound of something closing. “I was planning on spending the rest of the year with you guys while we organize a U-Haul to transfer Megan’s things. That is,” He added hesitantly, “If you’re okay with me staying at yours.”

  “You know that I want you here.” Stewart said, almost a little too eagerly. “Here, in my bed and at my disposal.”

  Jonathan chuckled.

  “I thought you were only dominant in the bedroom.”

  “Which is exactly where I want you right now.”

  They had spent a few short hours together intimately, and Stewart wanted more. A whole lot more. Jonathan was everything he wanted and then some. Stewart wanted to explore it further, which they would be able to do once Jonathan got back.

  Hopefully, he wouldn’t be too tired to try a few things, just so Stewart could get a taste of him again.

  “Thank you, Stewart.”

  Stewart jolted. He had wandered off in his own thoughts again.

  “What are you thanking me for?”

  “I was beginning to think after a couple of days, you might have cooled off and decided that those few hours on Boxing Day were simply you having scratched an itch.”

  Stewart stared at the phone in his hand. He must have misheard that.

  “Come on, Jonathan, how long have you known me? I don’t do that. And when I said I’ve wanted you for years, it’s not something that goes away after a couple of nights.”

  “Does that mean there’s something going on from now?”

  Jonathan sounded hopeful. Stewart smiled.

  “From my end, certainly. And if you want it to, from your end as well. But only if I’m in control in the bedroom.”

  There was a moment of silence. And then Jonathan laughed. Really laughed. It was the nicest sound Stewart had heard all week.

  “You’ve got me, Stewart. Completely. Who can deny a gorgeous man like you who can make me cum harder than I’ve done before?”

  Stewart laughed.

  “I hope you’re not saying that where colleagues can hear you.”

  “No, nobody can hear me. And I would’ve said it regardless.”

  “You, Lieutenant Commander Rodney, are good for my ego.”

  “I aim to please, sir.”

  “And I love it when you call me that.” Stewart noticed a light blinking on his phone, indicating someone was waiting to talk to him. “I’d better go. I’ve got a call coming through. Talk to you when we get here.”

  “No problem. Bye.”

  “Bye.” Stewart hung up and switched over to the other call. “Genealogy department, Stewart Houghton.”

  “Stewart, it’s Deacon Wyatt.”

  His neighbor. Stewart sat up.

  “Deacon? What’s up?”

  “I was just calling to…” Deacon hesitated. “You locked the door this morning, didn’t you?”

  “Of course, I did. Why?”

  “Because it’s wide open right now. And the bay window looks like it’s been smashed.”

  Stewart’s chest tightened, his stomach dropping. Someone broke into his house. Oh, God. Megan.

  “Have you called the cops? And where’s Megan?”

  “She’s not there. My wife’s calling them now. I thought I’d let you know.”

  Stewart didn’t hear any further than that. He had already dropped the phone and was running toward the door.

  Chapter Nine

  Normally, a six-hour drive for Jonathan meant having a break twice in the journey to break up the driving so he could stretch his legs. After having a blood clot three years before, he wasn’t too keen on having another one. But this time he only stopped once. Jonathan was coming out of the restroom when Megan called him, quite upset. Someone had broken into Stewart’s house, stolen his TV and laptop, along with some other electronic equipment.

  And Buster was gone. Her cat was missing.

  Jonathan was in the car before Megan had finished and Stewart was calling. Putting him on loudspeaker, Jonathan got back onto the highway and got everything else out of Stewart. His boyfriend - calling Stewart his boyfriend was far easier than he expected - was shaken and angry. Very angry. His neighbors had seen the door wide open and the front window broken. Even with his neighbors working from home, they didn’t see anything until some time later. Everyone else were either at work or visiting relatives. The street was practically dead.

  Apart from Miles and Lynn Rodney. They didn’t go to visit anyone else. People came to visit them.

  Jonathan knew that it was something to do with them. It had to be. If they didn’t go in themselves to take Stewart’s belongings and Buster, they had someone else do it for them. He wouldn’t put it past Miles to do that. Get their own back on Stewart in the pettiest moves possible.

  He didn’t even know his parents anymore. They had turned into complete strangers who were trying to do everything they could to make themselves look good. It was pathetic. Completely pathetic.

  It was a little closer to ten when Jonathan finally arrived in the suburban area his parents lived in. He parked outside Stewart’s house and got out. But instead of going into Stewart’s home, Jonathan crossed the street and charged up the drive to his father’s home. He was so angry he could have taken a swing at the bastard. That would certainly make his father happy.

  Lynn opened the door after Jonathan pounded on the door for what felt like forever. Her eyes widened and she was about to reach for him for an embrace when Jonathan pushed past her.

  “Where’s Dad?”

  “He’s in his office...Jonathan, wait!”

  Jonathan ignored his mother and stormed through the house. Miles’ office was at the back of the house, next to the kitchen. He almost slammed his shoulder into the door as he barged through, finding his fa
ther sitting behind his desk tapping away on his computer.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Dad?” Jonathan demanded.

  “Jonathan.” Miles took off his glasses and put them aside. “I didn’t hear you knock.”

  “Don’t mess me around, Dad. What did you do to Stewart’s house?”

  Miles raised his eyebrows.

  “I didn’t realize something had happened. Is that why there were cop cars outside a few hours ago?”

  He was calm. Too calm. Jonathan knew his father too well. He had committed the burglary. He put his hands on the desk, watching as his father’s jaw tightened at the gesture. But Jonathan was past the point of caring.

  “You know perfectly well why they are there. Stewart’s house was broken into, and it comes after you find out that I’m not going to be charged by the navy for dishonorable conduct. Not to mention that Buster is gone.”

  “Buster probably ran away once the door was left open.” Lynn said. She was standing in the doorway, looking just as calm as her husband. “That girl couldn’t look after herself, never mind an animal.”

  “Don’t talk rubbish, Mom.” Jonathan snapped. “I don’t believe in coincidences after everything on Christmas Day and I know neither of you don’t believe in them.”

  “Well, it is all a coincidence.” Miles sighed. He sounded like he was talking to a child who wasn’t listening properly. “I don’t know where you’re getting this from, but I’ve never done anything of the sort. If there has been a burglary, it’s nothing to do with me. I assure you.”

  “Oh, really?” Jonathan sneered. “And you never saw anything even though you two were home all day? With your house right across the street?”

  “No, we didn’t.” Miles shook his head. “You’re far too suspicious, Jonathan. Maybe you should save your suspicions for your job instead of your family.”

  “Speaking of my job, I’m sure you know by now that I’m clear of all charges. And I know my captain is going to discuss whether or not to bring charges against you for a false report. How did the conversation go with the captain of the local precinct, by the way? We weren’t told what happened.”

  Miles’ composure began to slip a little. His face started to go red. He might have tried to be the innocent party, but there was no denying anything once things started to slip. Jonathan could see it in his eyes.

  “Well, this wouldn’t have happened to Stewart at all.” Miles’ voice was tight. “If he wouldn’t decide to harbor a thief and a runaway, he wouldn’t be having all this trouble.”

  “So, it was you!”

  “I didn’t say that.” Miles rose to his feet, hands on the desk as he mirrored his son’s stance. “Megan stole from us and ran away. And you all let her. You’re supposed to be an authority figure, Jonathan. Keep things in order. And you can’t do that with your own sister?”

  “I’m not my sister’s keeper, Dad, and now she’s an adult you aren’t, either.” Jonathan refused to back down as his father glared back. “Megan left and took her property with her. You just don’t want her to have the one thing that is solely hers because you can keep control.”

  “Buster was never Megan’s cat.”

  “Stop being a prat, Dad!” Jonathan paced away from the desk, glaring at his mother on the way. She didn’t look upset about her actions, either. “We all know Buster belongs to Megan. We were there when Carly gave her Buster, heard her say it was for Megan.” He shook his head. “You just don’t want her to have Buster. And what were you trying to do with that phone call? Humiliate me?”

  Miles bared his teeth.

  “You helped Megan get away and you stood up to me. I won’t have that.”

  “You won’t have anyone tell you that you’re wrong?” Jonathan shot back. “That you need to take a step back and realize that you might have got things wrong over the years? Maybe that’s why none of your children speak to you outside of the holidays we have to spend here?”

  Miles came around the desk. He looked ready for a fight. Jonathan was ready for one this time; he was bigger than his father. He could take him on. In his anger, he was willing to take anyone on.

  Miles jabbed a finger at Jonathan’s face before prodding him hard in the chest.

  “Your mother and I have done our best to be good parents. Something that none of you have appreciated!”

  Jonathan pushed his hand away and squared up to his father. He felt a thrill of satisfaction as Miles stepped back a little. Good. He needed to be scared.

  “All we wanted is for you to appreciate that we’re successful, healthy people and we’re doing things to make you proud. We want you to realize that while we may not have become what you wanted, we are doing really well. Emily’s got a great business and you won’t acknowledge that she’s done all of this on her own, that she’s sacrificed a lot to sell what she makes. And the rest of us...high-flying careers or they’re about to take off, and yet you treat us like we’ve become criminals, something that you’ve stepped in and can’t get off your shoe.” Jonathan shook his head. “Treating us the way you do because you’re not getting your way...I mean, that’s just childish.”

  That was the most Jonathan had ever said to his father. In thirty-seven years, that was the most they had ever conversed. Jonathan didn’t think he would ever get the courage to say all that.

  “Childish?” Miles snorted. “I wouldn’t call it childish. I would call it something else. I had high hopes for everyone!”

  “And we surpassed your expectations.” Jonathan shot back. His fury was close to boiling point. “Yet your intent on making us fall into line. Your way or no way.” He paced away with a shake of his head. “God, Dad, have you not figured out why we don’t talk to you and Mom when it’s not a major holiday? Or why none of us call home? Because we want nothing to do with you. We only come here because Megan’s still home. Now she’s gone,” Jonathan spread his arms wide, “We’ve got no reason to come at all. You want to lose us all for good? Because you will if you keep your head up your backside and believe you’ve done nothing wrong.”

  Lynn looked like she was about to faint. Her eyes were swimming with tears. Jonathan had a moment of pause, wanting to go and hug his mother. But then he remembered that she was a part of this as well. Miles growled, practically doing everything except stomp his foot.

  “Your mother and I did not raise you to be ungrateful!” He shouted.

  “No, Dad. You raised us to realize that love is conditional when it’s coming from you.” Jonathan smirked. He was looking forward to this. “Oh, by the way, accusing me of sleeping with a criminal? Well, joke’s on you. Captain Park’s known about my sexuality for years. He’s not exactly shocked. He would’ve been more shocked if he heard I was sleeping with a woman.”

  The reaction was electric. Lynn gasped, her hands going to her mouth. Miles had all the color draining out of his face. He looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

  “ mean…?”

  “That I really am gay? Yes, I am.” Jonathan snorted as he looked from one parent to another. He was enjoying the stunned shock. “It’s not something I discuss with people who wanted to fit me into a specific mold and then threw me away when I refused to fit in it. If it was meant to embarrass me, it didn’t work.” He headed toward the door, stepping around his mother. “Have fun wallowing in your ego.”

  The house was very silent even as Jonathan left the house. But the satisfaction of shocking his parents didn’t last for long. By the time he reached Stewart’s home, Jonathan felt drained.


  When Jonathan walked in through the door, Stewart could see how angry he was. He had watched Jonathan go over to his parents’ home and then come back out again. The man was practically shaking as he came into the house.

  Stewart hadn’t known what to say to him. Only allow Jonathan to come straight into his arms, burying his face into Stewart’s neck. He was trembling, and Stewart’s heart broke. This was too much for him, and Jonathan�
��s strength was struggling to keep him up.

  His plan of dragging Jonathan to bed to seduce him went out the window. Jonathan was certainly not in the mood, and Stewart didn’t think his anger would disappear with a bout of passion.

  Instead, he urged Jonathan to sit on the couch with him, leaning against the cushions while Jonathan rested against him, head on Stewart’s lap. Stewart switched the TV on and found one of the many channels that wasn’t a soap opera. They sat in silence watching the skiing, Stewart not really taking it in as he stroked Jonathan’s hair. Jonathan was still shaking, his breathing uneven. Certainly not in the current mood for talking.

  Megan did come in and sit with them for a while, her face pale and evident that she had been crying. But then she escaped back upstairs, barely saying a word to either of them. Stewart couldn’t blame her; it wasn’t exactly an evening to celebrate Jonathan being back.

  “Dad’s gone too far.”

  Jonathan’s voice was quiet, Stewart almost missing him speak. He put the television on mute.

  “What happened?”

  “Too much for me to take in.” Jonathan shifted onto his back, his head still in Stewart’s lap. “I told him a few choice words, a few home truths. I know he committed the robbery - I know him too well - and then I told him about who I really was.”

  “And their reaction?”

  “I didn’t see beyond the shock. I left at that point.”

  Stewart would have loved to have seen that reaction. He cupped Jonathan’s cheek.

  “You don’t need to waste anything on them. He’s just a stupid little man with a big complex and it went wrong for him.”

  “Saying that doesn’t make me feel any better, Stewart.” Jonathan said sharply. “He tried to jeopardize my career, he had your house robbed and he’s tried to have you and Megan arrested. I’d say Dad’s losing his grip on reality if he thinks that’s going to make it any better for us.”

  He had a point. Stewart could feel his leg going to sleep, but he didn’t want to move.

  “Have you ever wondered if your father’s mentally ill?”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if he was. No mentally stable man would do this to his own children.”


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