The Love Between Us

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The Love Between Us Page 4

by Max Hudson

  John had to go through the hills and steep slopes to get back home. That meant going on roads that could get flooded and were often too dangerous to drive in bad weather. The place was completely avoided in the winter when the snow fell, although there were always a few idiots who attempted it and ended up sliding down the hill, their car going to the junkyard while the driver went to the hospital or worse. David had told him it wasn’t safe to drive back, but John needed to get home. He had work the next morning, and Walrider was at home. His neighbor was keeping an eye on his dog, but John knew Walrider would settle once he was back.

  But as John drove through the hills and along the roads, he realized that he should have taken the much longer route around the edge of the hills. The rain had got worse, turning into a storm. The wind howled and John could feel it rocking the car. The tires kept slipping, moving back and forth erratically before he was able to get back in control.

  He should have turned back. Headed back to his parents’ house or gone around the long way. It meant he would be back at almost midnight, but it meant he would be in one piece. However, John’s stubbornness won out. He wanted to go home. And that meant taking the storm on head-on.

  The road was starting to flatten out when there was a loud squeal and the back of the car started to slide widely to one side. John grasped onto the wheel and tried to keep it straight, but soon his car was sliding sideways down the road. He couldn’t get the car back on track, so John braced himself and put the handbrake on.

  The front of the car hit the rocky slope, knocking the car around sharply so now it was going down the hill trunk first. John was thrown against the window, slamming his head against the glass, as the trunk then hit the rocks, sending the car into a spin. He found himself grabbing onto the wheel, trying to stop the spinning.

  When the car finally stopped, it was after it hit the side of the hill, bringing everything to a juddering halt. John’s head hit the steering wheel, and he began to see stars. He lay slumped against the wheel for a moment, waiting until the world stopped tilting everywhere. Even then, his head was pounding. It felt like it was going to split open.

  Somehow, John managed to get his door open. Climbing out gingerly, John leaned on his car as he inspected the damage. The front bumper was crushed and one front tire had gone. Several of the windows were shattered, and there was blood on the driver’s window. John could feel the blood trickling down his head.

  Now what was he going to do? There wasn’t a hospital nearby, and the nearest inhabitants were further down the hill. John didn’t think he would be able to get down there without injuring himself further. There wouldn’t even be any phone signal up here.


  John kicked at his car and lost his balance, toppling onto the ground. His head spun more wildly, and he had to lie there for a moment before everything righted again. Then John crawled over to the car and propped himself up against the wheel. He couldn’t stay here; he could freeze and die of hypothermia. And he could end up seriously ill if he stayed out in the storm.

  John couldn’t think of anything else he could do. Except get back into the car once his head stopped spinning.

  Bright lights appeared off to his right, and John felt it going straight into his brain. He covered his eyes, but the lights only got brighter. Then he heard an engine. What other person was stupid enough to follow his example?

  The engine got closer and then turned into a simmering rumble. A door opened and closed, and John could hear footsteps splashing toward him.


  John lowered his hand and looked up. Chris was standing over him, wearing a waterproof jacket zipped up to the neck and matching pants, black wellington boots on his feet. He was staring at John with a startled look, water dripping off his hair and trickling down his face.


  “What are you doing out here?”

  “I…” John could feel the world spinning again. He rested his head back on the car. “I lost control of the car. The road’s rather slippery.”

  “I can tell.” Chris knelt beside him. His brow furrowed and he reached out. “You’re bleeding.”

  John flinched as Chris’ fingers brushed across his forehead. That hurt.

  “I’m fine. It’s nothing.”

  Chris snorted.

  “Bullshit. You’re bleeding and it’s bad.”

  “I’m okay.”

  “Try that with someone who will believe you.” Chris took his arm and hauled John to his feet, pulling so hard John nearly toppled over. “Come with me.”


  “My place is further down the hill.” Chris said grimly, leading John toward his Jeep. “This is going to become a big storm, and the roads going back to town aren’t going to be fun. It’s best that we take shelter at my home.”

  Chris’ home. The cabin he had constructed just after he and Violet had got married. John had forgotten it was up in the hills, away from the bustle of the city. Chris liked his solitude, and it was a simple route straight to their workplace. John hadn’t been there for a while. Not for a year, at least.

  But being in a confined space with Chris? Alone? John could feel his cock hardening at the thought. He swallowed and tried to pull away.

  “Just take me back to my house.”

  Chris looked at him like he had gone mad.

  “You can’t be serious? In this weather?”


  “Not a chance. The forecast said it was going to get worse in a couple of hours. This isn’t the half of it.” Chris grasped John’s arm and hauled him toward the Jeep. “You need somewhere that’s warm and dry to wait out the storm. I’m sure I’ll have some spare clothes for you.”

  He opened the passenger door and urged John inside. John huddled on his seat, soaked to the skin and shivering. But it suddenly started getting warmer once Chris climbed in behind the wheel, much closer than John anticipated. Chris’ arm brushed against John’s elbow as he took the handbrake off and negotiated his Jeep down the slope.

  If just the mere brush of the man’s arm got him in a hot sweat, John didn’t want to think how he would react if it was anything else.

  Chapter Eight

  Chris was very much aware of how close John was in the passenger seat, sliding over to his side whenever they turned a corner. The road was getting bumpy and bogged down with mud, which had the Jeep bouncing around madly. John was getting thrown around on his side and he kept slumped against Chris once the bumping stopped. As soon as he realized what he was doing, John jerked away like he had been burned and huddled by the door.

  Did he find him repulsive? Chris glanced at John, who was staring out at the storm, out the front windshield. Anywhere but at him. Had Violet told him something and John believed it? Chris didn’t think so. He had been the one Chris had turned to once he had walked in and found Violet cheating on him. John had supported him throughout the divorce. It was only in the last year that they had started getting distant. John was pulling away, trying to find excuses not to be in his presence.

  What had he done wrong?

  Chris had tried to ask John directly, but John was evasive. His former brother-in-law, his friend, had just moved back. It was like they were strangers now. And that hurt. Chris felt the knot in his belly whenever he saw John. The man filled his thoughts, and it was beginning to affect his work.

  Being attracted to his ex-brother-in-law was surely going to raise some eyebrows. However, Chris was getting to the point where he didn’t care.

  They needed a talk. And very soon.

  It wasn’t long before they turned off the main road, going down a trail to Chris’ cabin. He had always wanted a cabin of his own out in the countryside, and it was perfect. The views were incredible, and the cabin was protected from the worst of the weather. All the amenities were there, except for a couple of log fires instead of radiators and heaters. Chris had fallen in love with log fires as a boy, and that had been one of the first thin
gs he installed. Easy access to the city and he could still have his own solitude.

  Violet had complained about it all the time. She had thought it was sweet and idyllic, but those comments didn’t last long. At least she hadn’t tried to take his home in the divorce; Chris wasn’t about to give up his pride and joy.

  Pulling into the carport, Chris hurried around to the passenger side and opened the door. That was when he saw John slumped in the seat.


  He hadn’t noticed that John had fallen unconscious in the journey. And there was more blood on his head than Chris anticipated. The man was dead weight as Chris hauled him off the seat, raising him into a fireman’s carry. But he was breathing. Chris could feel warm breath tickling his cheek.

  Kicking his Jeep door shut, Chris hurried to his cabin and managed to get inside without dropping John or his keys. Nudging the door shut, Chris went through the cabin to his bedroom. He lay John down on the bed and checked his vital signs. They were strong. John had simply passed out.

  He was going to get hypothermia. The temperature had dropped significantly since the storm started, and John’s clothes were soaked through. Chris knew he was going to need to get John’s things off him, but the idea of stripping the unconscious man completely naked felt bad. If he was going to strip John, the man was going to be awake.

  “Enough,” he growled, hurrying into the bathroom. “Now’s not the time.”

  Searching through the cabinet, he found a pair of surgical scissors, some gauze and bandages along with some wet wipes. Chris came back into the bedroom and sat on the bed. John barely moved, but a small sigh came from his mouth. Even with blood on his face, he looked very peaceful.

  Chris swallowed and began to carefully clean the head wound with the wet wipes. It wasn’t too bad a wound, merely splitting the skin open. At least John wouldn’t have anything more than a headache and a concussion.

  Once he had finished, Chris got to his feet and braced himself. Then he started checking John’s body, sliding his hands over the man’s arms and shoulders. This was just to make sure nothing else was broken, he told himself. It was for medical reasons, nothing more.

  But when Chris got to John’s waist, his hand brushed against John’s crotch. That was when he saw that John had an erection. And it was a big one. Chris’ mouth went dry. How long had John been sporting that? Was he the reason?

  The urge to touch John’s erection was great. Chris knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help himself. Just as his hand brushed over John’s cock, John stirred. Chris jumped back abruptly, moving out of reach as John rolled onto his side.

  “Oh, fuck. What hit me?”

  “A brick wall, from the way you’re acting.” Chris quipped.

  John looked up. His bloodshot eyes focused on Chris. His normally bronzed complexion was very pale, and he looked like he was going to pass out again. John sat up slowly, raising a hand to his head.

  “What happened? Where are we?”

  “At my cabin. You passed out on the way.” Chris reached the bed and took hold of John’s hand as he started prodding his wound. “Don’t. I’ve just got it to stop bleeding.”

  “It hurts.”

  “All the more reason why you shouldn’t be prodding it.” Chris shot back. “You’ve more than likely got a concussion, so you’re going to need to rest.”


  John sounded rather faraway. The concussion was still taking a strong hold on him. Chris resisted the urge to kiss his head and stroke his hair. He wanted to see if it was as soft as he had often thought.

  “Do you want some painkillers?”

  “Yes.” John flinched as he tried to nod. “Please. And can I have a shower?”

  “No problem. There’s plenty of hot water.” Chris cleared his throat. The thought of John naked was building his own arousal a little too much. “I’ll find some clothes you can wear until yours have dried off.”

  “Okay.” John sighed heavily, closing his eyes. “I feel really sick.”

  “As long as you don’t puke on my floor.” Chris grunted. He hurried toward the door. “I’ll get you some clothes. Put those in the hamper in the bathroom when you’re ready.”

  He couldn’t get out the room fast enough. If he had stayed, Chris knew he would be helping John to get undressed. And getting naked as well.

  Chapter Nine

  John felt like he had been hit over the head with a sledgehammer. He hadn’t realized that he had passed out. His stomach was churning, and his head wanted to explode. And he couldn’t stop shivering.

  Stumbling into the bathroom, John managed to get his clothes off with his freezing fingers. It wasn’t easy, and it was beginning to hurt. John contemplated calling for Chris to help him, but decided against it. Much as he wanted to have Chris’ hands on him, John was in no fit state for anything else. He just wanted to get warm and try to sleep.

  The shower was divine. John stayed under the spray for a long time, feeling the warmth seeping into his bones. It felt like heaven. He washed himself with Chris’ mango shower gel, washing his hair twice, before shutting off the water and stepping out. It felt good to feel remotely human now.

  Chris had come back in while John was in the bathroom. A clean set of clothes were laid on the bed and a glass of water with two white tablets were on the bedside cabinet. John swallowed the tablets, gulping the water down. Then he eyed the clothes. Should he put on Chris’ clothes, or should he put on the bathrobe John had seen hanging on the door? Wearing anything of Chris’ felt rather intimate.

  Telling himself not to be so stupid, John dressed in the sweatpants. Light gray in color, they were a size too big and had Arizona State University printed all over them. John rolled up the legs and the sleeves before checking himself in the mirror. He looked like he had been in a fight, but now he didn’t look like a drowned rat.

  Taking a deep breath, John headed through the cabin. It had been a while since he had been here. About fourteen months, to be exact. Chris had been feeling low, so John had offered to watch the Super Bowl with him at the cabin. They could act like teenagers with lots of booze and junk food, being single men.

  It had been a blast. John had enjoyed himself. Until Chris took off his sweater after spilling one of his beers down his front and showed off the deliciously carved chest and toned abs that John hadn’t realized were there. John hadn’t been able to stop staring. Chris’ body was gorgeous, like an Adonis.

  Then it was realized that the crush had been harboring for Chris for years hadn’t abated. If anything, it had got even stronger. John knew if Chris had given him any indication that he wanted more than friendship he would have jumped on him and ripped his pants off as well.

  But that shouldn’t happen. Chris hadn’t been divorced for long, and he hadn’t invited John over for a simple fuck. They were friends, and John didn’t want to ruin that.

  After that, he had begun to distance himself, unable to trust himself if they were in close quarters again. Much like now.

  Chris had no idea what he was doing to him.

  John found Chris in the lounge, sitting by the log fire. John loved the fire. He had never seen a log fire outside of movies before, and he could find himself sitting by the fire for hours staring into the flames. It was relaxing. Chris was reading a Robert Craig novel, his eyes intent behind his glasses. He looked up as John entered and sat up.

  “Hey.” He took off his glasses and put them to one side. “How’s your head?”

  “It’s a little better.” John rubbed his belly. “I’m not feeling as sick as I was. I think the shower helped.”

  Chris nodded.

  “That’s good. Do you want anything to eat?”

  “No, thanks.” John looked out the window. Even with the insulation, he could hear the wind howling. Rain was pounding against the glass. “It’s looking worse out there.”

  “We were lucky not to get caught out in that.” Chris said grimly. “But the forecast said it would ea
se off around dawn tomorrow. Once you’ve had some sleep, I’ll walk you back home.”

  A night with Chris? In the same enclosed space? John swallowed. This was dangerous.

  “Couldn’t you take me now?”

  “You what?” Chris stared at him. “Are you insane? I’m not driving out there in that weather. We were lucky not to come off the road again. God only knows what it’s going to look like further down the hill. You need to rest and I’ll take you back in the morning.”


  John could see he wasn’t going to get around Chris, and he knew he was in no fit state to drive, not to mention that his car was wrecked. Somehow, he would have to keep his distance, even though John could feel the urge to reach out and run his hands through Chris’ hair. The man had shaved today. He looked good clean-shaven. Very good.

  Chris frowned. He stood and walked over to John.

  “What the hell’s the matter with you, John?” He demanded. “You’ve been off with me for a while.”

  “I’ve just been in a car crash.”

  “I mean before the car crash. In the past year, you’ve done everything but run away from me.” Chris put his hands on his hips. “What happened? What did I do to you?”

  “I…” John gulped. “Nothing. You didn’t do anything.”

  “Oh, really?” Chris snorted. “Because ever since the Super Bowl when you were here, you refuse to be alone with me. Even be in the same room. It’s like we’ve gone from friends to strangers within seconds. And you won’t tell me what I’ve done wrong. So I’m left trying to figure out what the fuck I’ve done to make you turn your back on me.”

  John wanted to tell him. But nerves still kept him holding back. When things were uncertain, John preferred to keep quiet. Chris needed to take the lead on this.

  “It’’s a little complicated, Chris.”


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