The Love Between Us

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The Love Between Us Page 6

by Max Hudson

  He was in no doubt about what he wanted. He wanted John. The man had been hiding a fiery side that Chris found addictive. He didn’t want to lose that anytime soon. Hopefully, John felt the same.

  From the way he had been during the night, the sentiment was certainly mutual.

  Chris’ mood deteriorated when he turned into his carport and saw a familiar snazzy car with the top down in his usual parking spot. It looked very much out of place in the middle of the countryside.

  What did she want now? Couldn’t she take a hint? Violet was a stubborn woman, and it was beginning to wear on Chris’ patience. He wished she would just leave him alone.

  He wondered what Violet would say when she found out he was now sleeping with her brother. It wouldn’t go down well. Then again, it wasn’t any of her business.

  He parked up beside Violet’s car and got out. Violet was pacing around on the porch, looking at her phone with a bored expression. She looked up as Chris approached and scowled at him.

  “Where have you been? Open the door, it’s muddy out here.”

  Chris sighed. He climbed onto the porch and stood there, folding his arms. There was no way he was letting her inside. She wouldn’t leave, and then Chris would have to call the police to remove her. Too much of a hassle.

  “If you didn’t like the mud, you shouldn’t have come out here.”

  “Well, you should be letting me in.” Violet shot back. “Or you should’ve been home. I know you weren’t at work last night, so where the hell were you?”

  “I thought we went over this before, Violet. I’m not your husband anymore. I don’t need to tell you where I’ve been.”

  “You do when I need to talk to you.”

  Chris rolled his eyes.

  “Talk to me? Or try to get back into my bed? Come off it, Violet, that hasn’t worked for the last two years. Don’t you get tired of doing the same thing over and over?”

  Violet pouted. Then she put her phone away and sauntered over, rubbing her hands over Chris’ chest.

  “Don’t be like that, Chris,” she simpered, flexing her fingers on his pecs. “I just wanted to talk.”

  “No, you didn’t.” Chris grasped her wrists and set her away from him. “And I would appreciate it if you didn’t touch me.”

  Violet snorted. She pulled her hands away, planting them on her hips.

  “Come off it. It’s not as if you’ve got someone more worthwhile on the go. You haven’t dated since the divorce.”

  “Only because you keep interfering.” Chris smirked. “And who says I’m not dating?”

  Violet’s smugness faltered. Her mouth fell open.

  “What? Who is she?”

  “Who said it was a woman?”

  Chris found it difficult to fight back the laughter as Violet’s eyes went as wide as saucers and she looked like she was going to keel over. She spluttered.

  “What? You…?”

  “Oh, grow up, Violet. You know I’m bisexual. I was dating a guy when we met. And you’ve slept with women during our marriage, so why should my bed partners be any different?” Chris knew he shouldn’t find it satisfying to see Violet pale, but he did. “I’m dating someone who’s a damned sight better than you, and you are not going to screw it up. You try, and I’ll make sure you regret it.”

  Violet was shaking. Her mouth closed and her eyes narrowed.

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “Yes, I am. Call it a taste of your own medicine.” Chris turned away, fishing out his keys and unlocking the door. “Now, fuck off.”

  He got through the door and shut it again before Violet could follow him, locking it and putting the deadbolt on as a second thought.

  Chapter Twelve

  John laughed as Chris picked up his wine glass and took a sip, smacking his lips. He had an urge to lick the taste of the wine off Chris’ mouth.

  “I didn’t think you’d be a wine drinker, Chris.”

  “Why not?”

  “It just doesn’t seem to be you.”

  Chris arched an eyebrow and swirled the wine in the glass.

  “I like to surprise. And wine tastes sweeter to me.”

  “More than beer?”


  John grinned, taking a swig from his beer bottle. He had been looking forward to this since he and Chris parted ways the day before. Not seeing him had made John antsy, constantly looking at his watch and counting down the seconds before he saw Chris again.

  It felt like a dream. But it was very much real. John had tasted Chris, made love to him, held him. It was real, and Chris wasn’t pushing him away. John hadn’t realized Chris was a passionate man.

  Violet really had been throwing a special person away. And Chris definitely looked fine in a black shirt open at the neck and dark gray pants. He looked relaxed, the tension gone from his eyes. Some younger women from a nearby table kept looking over at him, giving him interested looks. But other than nodding a greeting at them, Chris had ignored the giggles and the saucy smiles. His attention was on John.

  John liked that.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”


  Chris tapped the side of his head.

  “You went off into your own world there, John. What’s going on?”

  “Not much.”

  “Is your head still hurting?” Chris started to frown. “Maybe drinking when your still not well…”

  “My head’s not hurting anymore. I’m perfectly fine.” John took another gulp of his drink. “I was just thinking that this feels strange.”


  “You and me. I mean,” John went on quickly as Chris’ frown turned to confusion, “We’ve danced around each other for a long time. I never thought we’d actually...well, hook up.”

  Chris grunted.

  “This is more than a hook-up.”

  “You know what I mean,” John sighed and shook his head. “I’m not making this sound good, am I?”

  “I know exactly what you mean, and I do agree.” Chris’ mouth twitched in a small smile. “If you’d shown any indication that you wanted me as much as I wanted you, this would have happened a lot sooner.”

  “And I would have jumped you when you started stripping while watching the Super Bowl.” John laughed. “Do you know I hate football?”

  “So do I, but I couldn’t wait for the baseball season to start.”

  “You didn’t need to find an excuse. You knew I was gay.”

  “But I had no idea if you would consider me as someone you would want to go to bed with.” Chris shrugged. “Let’s face it, you’re not exactly confident in showing what you want. Once the ground rules are laid down and you know where you stand, it’s a different matter. I was trying to put the ground rules down.”

  “And I ended up practically running away.” John chuckled. “Even when it’s obvious, I am blind.”

  “No comment.”


  Chris laughed, and then he winced as John kicked his shin. He rubbed his leg and glared at John, mirth glinting in his eyes.

  “You’re going to pay for that, John.”

  “Am I?” John sat forward. “And how are you going to do that?”

  Chris grinned and cupped John’s jaw, running his hand over his cheek.

  “I’ll think of something,” he whispered before he brushed a kiss across John’s lips.

  John wanted to drag the man across and kiss him harder, but they weren’t exactly in a private place. He drew back, and then caught the eye of one of the women at the table close by. She was staring at them with wide eyes. Then she blushed bright red and turned away quickly.

  John sat up.

  “Do you think people will be okay with what we’ve got?” he asked.

  “Why should we be concerned with anyone else? It’s not their business.”

  “I mean, you were married to my sister.”

  Chris snorted and waved away John’s concerns.

�Let people think what they want. And don’t worry about what Violet’s going to think.”

  “I didn’t say anything about her.”

  “I could hear you thinking it.” Chris shook his head. “John, Violet is my ex, nothing more. I want nothing to do with her. She’s not important.”

  John found himself relaxing. Even though he hadn’t been too concerned about what his sister would say, hearing that from Chris made him feel better. Once Violet found out what was going on, she would certainly try to ruin it between them. She was very good at doing that, but John wasn’t about to be broken by Violet.

  Chris had been stroking his hand along John’s thigh, brushing up the inside and getting closer to his groin. John could feel his cock waking up, pressing painfully against his zipper. Chris wouldn’t be so brazen as to fondle him in public, would he? John wasn’t an exhibitionist, but the thought of doing anything beyond kissing where there was a chance of being caught or someone watching them was more exciting than he expected.

  “I see someone’s eager again.” Chris grinned. He put his glass on the table. “Fancy getting out of here?”

  His pupils had dilated, and his expression was hungry. John put his bottle aside and took Chris’ hand as he stood.

  “My place is closer.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chris didn’t want to wait until he got to John’s place. He had spent the last thirty-six hours aching to touch John, to taste him again. To see if that ass of his was as tight as before. Now John was practically in his arms again, Chris wasn’t about to wait another fifteen minutes.

  He followed John out to the parking lot. But then he tugged John sharply to the left, pulling him into an alley. There, Chris pressed John up against a wall as he sought John’s mouth, urging John’s lips apart so his tongue could dive in and twist around John’s. John moaned and clutched at Chris’ shoulders.

  “Whoa, ease up.” John managed to break away with a breathless pant, but he didn’t push Chris away. “I thought we were going to wait.”

  “I can’t wait.” Chris pressed his erection against John’s pelvis, groaning as he felt John’s cock twitching. He rolled his hips, which had John groaning. “I want a bit of you now.”

  “Out here?”

  “Why not?”

  John was still panting, his arms tightening around Chris’ shoulders, as Chris started kissing down his neck, nipping at his skin with his teeth.

  “You’re seriously considering fucking in an alley?”

  “Not all-out.” Chris unsnapped John’s jeans and tugged the zipper down. His hand slid underneath and he grasped John’s cock with a groan. “Just a little taste to make you want more.”

  “I always want more.” John thrust his hips into Chris’ hand, his cock twitching and hardening even more. “You didn’t need to tease me here.”

  “Maybe I want to.”

  Chris stroked John’s cock as he tugged John’s head back, kissing him hard. John tasted delicious, just as before. Chris had no idea how he had managed to keep his hands off John for so long; the man was addictive.


  John was pressing on his shoulders. Chris stilled. This wasn’t a passionate embrace, and John certainly didn’t sound aroused. He sounded worried. He lifted his head.

  “What is it?”

  “We’re being watched.”

  Chris snorted and lowered his head.

  “Let them watch.”

  “No, really.” John ducked his head away. “I think I saw a knife.”

  Then Chris heard some sniggering. He pulled away and turned, keeping John behind him. As John adjusted himself and his clothing, Chris’ eyes adjusted to the darkness. He could see three people in the shadows, hovering by the dumpster. Then Chris saw a flash of a blade.

  “That is just disgusting.” A female voice sneered.

  Why did that sound familiar? Then another voice, this one male and barely broken, spoke.

  “No wonder he came to his rescue. They’re fucking each other.”

  They wandered out into the moonlight, and Chris recognized them. It was the three kids who had tried to mug John before in the company parking lot. They didn’t have their hoods up, revealing their acne-covered faces and greasy hair. The girl couldn’t have been any older than sixteen, the boys even younger and looked as though their balls hadn’t dropped. Chris could smell the stench of marijuana across the alley.

  “Get lost,” he snapped. “Haven’t you three got a curfew?”

  “Curfews are for wimps,” the girl said. She came forward, waving the knife in Chris’ face. “We’re not going to take no for an answer. Give us your wallets and maybe we won’t cut you so badly.”

  Chris sighed. He wasn’t in the mood for a few teenagers looking for a thrill.

  “No, you won’t. And don’t make me hurt a girl.”

  The boys laughed. That laugh was far too high. The girl smirked and shook her head.

  “You wouldn’t hurt me. I’ll cry rape if you do touch me.”

  “Nice try, little lady.” He snatched the knife out of the girl’s hand, flicking the blade back into the handle. “Get lost. You’re way in over your head.”

  The girl’s mouth fell opened. Her eyes widened as she realized what had happened. Then one of the boys let out a yell that could have resembled a battle cry and charged past her. Chris stepped to the side and let the knife go past him. He grabbed the kid’s wrist and twisted. The kid yelled and hit the ground with his knees hard enough for something to crack. Chris flicked the knife from the boy’s fingers and held it out behind him.

  “Take it, John. We can’t have these kiddies hurting themselves, can we?”

  He felt the knife leaving his hand, and Chris hauled the boy to his feet. Then he took out his cell phone, holding it up to the kid’s face.

  “I don’t hurt children,” he said as he snapped a picture, the light flashing in the boy’s eyes. “But I am sorely tempted.” He took one of the girl, who whined at the bright light. “Go home, the lot of you. And these,” he carried on as he took the final picture of the third teenager, who had been hovering in the background, “are going to the police. I’m sure your parents would love to know what you do with your evenings.”

  “They wouldn’t believe you,” the girl sneered.

  “You want to try it and see?” Chris pushed the boy away, the kid careering into his friend. “Now fuck off. I think your teddy bears are missing their bed partners.”

  The kids hesitated. The girl, especially, looked as though she wanted to attack him again. But the third kid, the one who had kept out of the way, started tugging his friends toward the exit. His friends allowed him to pull them away, giving Chris large scowls as they went past.

  Chris watched them go. Children never seemed to learn, especially when they thought crime was fun.


  Chris felt someone touch his back. He turned. John was frowning at him. Chris managed a smile.

  “I’m okay.”

  “You’re bleeding.”


  John took Chris’ hand. Then Chris realized there was blood on his palm. He hadn’t realized one of the knives had cut him, slicing open the side of his hand. As John inspected the wound, Chris began to feel the pain. His hand felt like it was on fire.

  “That’s going to need to be cleaned up.” John looked up. “I have a first-aid kit at the house.”

  “No hospital?”

  “It’s not bad enough for that.” John shook his head. “You’re an idiot, Chris.”

  “What? They were just a bunch of kids.”

  “With knives. And you got stabbed.”

  “I didn’t get stabbed.” Chris grumbled. “I just mistimed grabbing it.”

  “Same difference.” John sighed and tugged Chris by the wrist. “Come on, let’s get to my car. I’ll clean it up.”

  Chris smirked.

  “Are you going to get a nurse’s outfit on?”

not funny, Chris. Get moving.”

  Chris sighed. It was worth a try. Even with the attempted mugging, arousal was still burning in his veins. It was going to be a while for it to ease off, and it wouldn’t help with John’s long fingers tending to his wounds.

  Maybe he should have pretended he got kicked somewhere sensitive. Then Chris could get John to kiss it better.

  Chapter Fourteen

  What had he been thinking? John knew Chris would be one to stop a fight rather than start one, but even he should have realized what he was doing was idiotic. Facing three people with knives, even if he did outweigh all of them when they were soaking wet, was just asking for trouble.

  John wished he had been able to do something. But he had simply frozen. And that felt like an embarrassment. Freezing in front of teens? They shouldn’t have been a threat at all. But Chris had sent them off with their tails between their legs.

  Now John needed to tend to Chris’ wounds. The cut didn’t look deep, and John hoped they didn’t need to take him to hospital for stitches. Not that Chris would go; he was one of those people who hated hospitals. He preferred to treat things himself.

  He was the most stubborn person John had ever come across.

  John drove them back to his home in silence. Chris followed him up the path and they were greeted by Walrider, who trotted up to them and jumped up with a welcoming bark.

  “Down, boy.” John scratched his dog’s head. “Chris is hurt. Don’t go jumping on him.”

  Walrider yipped and trotted by Chris’ side as they headed into the kitchen. John waved a hand at the stools around the center counter.

  “Take a seat. It shouldn’t take long to sort that out.”

  “It’s only a graze,” Chris complained. “You don’t need to do anything.”

  “Only a graze?” John snorted. “You’ve got more than a layer of epidermis off your hand. Now, sit down and shut up.”

  “Yes, sir.” Chris hopped onto one of the stools. “Damn, you’re bossy when you want to be.”

  “Because you’re so damn pig-headed.” John opened the cupboard under the sink and retrieved the first-aid kit. “I have to be bossy for you just to listen to me.”


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