The Reluctant Medium

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The Reluctant Medium Page 20

by GG Anderson

  He froze, weighing my words.

  “We, could stay the night,” I took a breath, “together.”

  His hands tensed as his mind processed everything I was saying and implying. He shook his head, “We don’t have to do this. This isn’t why I wanted you to come today, that isn’t what I was trying to make happen.”

  I touched his lips with my finger, “I know.”

  He softly took my hand away from his face. “Are you sure? We don’t have to. We can still stay, but...”

  “I know, and Tyler I am fine. This is what I want.”

  And it was. I could feel it as my mind registered my words.

  “If you are 110% sure.”

  I nodded.

  “Ok, then we’ll stay.” He pulled me close and hugged me tightly, “But we have to eat something, I am starving.”

  Food did sound good. I realized we hadn’t really eaten since leaving. Snacks but no real food.

  “Yeah. I could definitely eat.”

  “I’m going to get the woodstove started, and then we can go into town and find food.” He let go of me carefully, kissing the top of my head and walked out the back door.

  I looked around the room. “I hope you are ok with me staying,” I whispered to no one. I went back to the table and re boxed up all the treasures we had uncovered but left the picture of the house on top of the box. I put the whole thing in the cupboard below the drawer that surely had held the linens. It didn’t feel right leaving it strewn across the table and it felt safer tucked away.

  Tyler returned with an arm load of wood and started to get the woodstove lit. I took our empty cups to the kitchen and washed them, placing them back in the cupboard. Tyler’s arms wrapped around my waist. “You look good in this kitchen.”

  I hit him with the dish towel. “Yeah? So, do you.”

  He laughed, kissing my neck. “You hungry?”


  We ended up at a small burger place that seemed filled with young people. The wait staff didn’t look much older than the other customers. I wondered how long it would take before someone recognized Tyler.

  “Ty? Damn, did they already kick you out?” An oversized round-faced boy walked over to the table. He wore his letterman’s jacket from last year, and it appeared that he may have filled out a little since he ordered it.

  Tyler grinned widely, “Devo! Hey man, how’s it going?” He stood up to give him a bro hug, and slapped his shoulder, “Na, I’m just in town for the day.”

  “Hey, you should come over to Nummy’s place. We’re getting together to hang out, watch some ESPN, have a couple beers.”

  “Ahh, thanks man, but we’re driving back to campus as soon as we’re done with dinner. Got class in the morning.”

  Devo finally noticed me sitting there, and I got a big smile, “I see. Hi there.”

  “Devo this is my girlfriend Savanah. Savanah, this is Devo, we went to high school together.”

  Really? High school, hmm, I never would have guessed. I smiled, “Nice to meet you.”

  “Girlfriend?” Devo’s eyebrows raised. Wow.”

  “Yes, my serious girlfriend,” Tyler put his hand back on his shoulder, but this time it looked more of like a warning to shut up, rather than a friendly greeting.

  I blushed deeply. Serious girlfriend. Well, how about that. “Do you go to school around here?” I asked trying to be polite.

  Devo looked uncomfortable, “Nah, I got a job, saving to go to school.”

  “Oh, that’s great. Good for you. Where are you working at?”

  He blushed, “Ah, just at the farm store.”

  “That’s so smart.” They both looked at me. “Well you get to work out a little and get paid for it.”

  Devo smiled wide, “Yeah that’s exactly right.”

  They said their goodbyes and our waitress brought our drinks.

  “That was really cool.”

  I took a drink, “What was?”

  “That. With Devo.”

  “I was just being nice. I am not a complete social pariah,” I winked.

  He rolled his eyes, “Well, I’m not sure about that.” He cocked his smile and let the one dimple show, “No, about his job and stuff. That was nice.”

  I frowned. “Not everyone goes straight to college, not everyone even goes to college. They have to do their own thing.”

  Tyler looked like he was going to say something but was interrupted.

  “Oh my gosh! It’s really you!!! Ty!!! You’re back! Oh, damn you look good.” A tiny blonde was leaning over Tyler, hugging him, “Have you filled out? College looks good on you.”

  Tyler pealed her off, “Alexis, how’s it going?”

  “Good now. How long are you back for? Are you on a break?” Alexis just noticed me, sized me up and dismissed me in a split second.

  “No, we were just up for the day, we’re heading back to campus after dinner.” He kept his eyes on me as he spoke. I beamed. I really liked the way he said we. He continued, “Alexis, I would like you to meet my girlfriend Savanah.”

  I held my hand out just far enough that she had to reach for it. “It’s so nice to meet you. Did you go to school with Tyler?” She reached for it, and barely brushed it as a handshake.

  Alexis put her arm on his shoulder, letting her hand trail down to caress his bicep. “I guess you could say that. We were high school sweethearts.”

  I shifted to Tyler’s expression, and it wasn’t ashamed, it read more like exaggeration. I smiled politely again, “High school crushes are the best.”

  Tyler held back a laugh by clearing his throat. “Yeah, Savanah, I told you about Alexis, she and I went out on and off in high school.”

  I wrinkled my face, “I don’t remember.” I looked at Alexis, “I mean there were so many, right?” I laughed a little too high.

  Alexis flared her nostrils a bit. “Well it was good to see you Ty. I’ll see you around.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I smiled as wide as I could at her.

  “You are so cute when you are jealous.” Tyler reached for my hand across the table.

  “I don’t like her.”

  “Yeah, well neither did I.”

  “But I thought you were high school sweethearts.” I made air quotes.

  “Not exactly. She was,” he looked down, “never mind.”

  “She must have been a sure thing.” I smiled taking another drink.

  “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

  Our dinner came and we changed the subject. It was good food, and I couldn’t believe how hungry I was.

  “I hope you are ok with me saying we are heading back tonight. I didn’t want any pressure to hang out with people.” Tyler leaned in close to keep from being overheard.

  I furrowed my brow. “I figured. It’s totally good.”

  We left the restaurant, while Tyler said hi to a few more people here and there.

  He pulled into a grocery store parking lot. “You can stay in the car; I will be right back. I’m going to grab something for the morning. I have practice, and you have class at one, right?”

  I nodded, and he slipped out of the car.

  I took the alone time to text Camryn and let her know we were staying here for the night, and that I didn’t want to hear a word.

  Her text back was the best, “Love you and tell him to be nice.”

  I rolled my eyes. She was so funny.

  Tyler was back in no time. He put the bag in the back seat, and we were headed to the ranch.

  We walked in and Tyler noticed the box was moved.

  “Sorry, I just gathered it up and put it in the shelf in the dining room. I figured you wouldn’t really want that just lying around.” I opened the cupboard I stashed it in.

  He went to retrieve it, “Yeah, no that is a really good idea. I’m going to put it in the safe.”

  “Safe? He has a safe, and yet he stored that out in the freezer?” I took the bag to the kitchen to unload it. A box of donuts and some mu
ffins. He’d also picked up a shampoo and conditioner, a couple of toothbrushes and that is when my hand froze. A box of condoms.

  “Hey, I just wanted to be prepared. It doesn’t mean we have to. Seriously, I’m not pressuring you.”

  I nodded, even though the blush ran deeply down my neck at this point, I was glad he stood behind me. “Thank you, this was all very thoughtful.”

  “Savanah, I mean it, we don’t have to do anything. Although, I would like to sleep,” He grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I’m tired.” I smiled, turning into him.

  He kissed me lightly, then went to add more wood to the woodstove. It had warmed the house up nicely while we were gone. I followed him as he led me upstairs to the bedrooms. The entire home was just perfect. His grandparents' room stood pristine, as if they had made the bed that morning. The other two rooms straddled a bathroom. He walked into a sparsely furnished room that housed an old metal framed double bed.

  “I will see what I can find for clothes for you.” He slipped out, and I continued to take in the details. A little metal truck sat on the windowsill above a wooden toy chest. I visualized Tyler as a little boy playing on the floor, imagination going wild. The pictures were family photos, mixed with sports themed ones. The lamp on the bedside table was the white knobby glass style, my own grandma had.

  It was perfect. Just like everything in this house.

  Just like today had been.

  My emotions started to tighten my throat.

  “Hey, I found some flannel pants, or boxers, and a couple of t-shirts to choose from. He sat the stack on the dresser. I’m not sure what you like to sleep in.”

  “Usually I sleep in the nude,” I laughed, watching his face, register my sarcasm. “Boxers and a t-shirt are perfect.”

  He nodded his head. “Ok, I left the toothbrushes and everything in the bathroom.” He grabbed a few things for himself and stepped into the other small bedroom. I heard the door close and wondered if he was more nervous or I was.

  I went into the bathroom, changing, brushing my teeth, and talking myself into being the strong confident woman I strove to be. Even if it was only in my own mind.

  Stepping into the bedroom, Tyler laid out casually on the bed. He wore the pajama pants I’d passed on, and no shirt. I stood for a moment staring at how absolutely beautiful he was.

  My brain clicked off, and my heart took over.

  My feet carried me to the bed, and I kissed him, while climbing to straddle his hips. His lips were rushed this time, harder more intense. He nipped at my neck and I buried my hands in his hair. I gripped his curls, then let my fingers run down his back, down his shoulders, back up his neck all at once. He rolled us over gently, kissing me deeply, and pulling himself up on his elbow. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, staring straight into his eyes. His gaze never left my face as his hands slowly pulled up my t-shirt and tossed it. He crushed his lips to mine and wrapped his arms around my bare body. “You are so beautiful.” He whispered, as his lips paused on their way down my shoulder.

  My nails burned up his back, and I couldn’t get close enough. Couldn’t quench the thirst for him that had ignited.

  It was perfect, and carnal, and weird and magical all rolled into one.

  When we finished, his arms wrapped around my body, caressing me gently. “Are you ok?”

  I nodded, not sure if I could trust my voice.


  I turned to look at his perfect face. “I love you.”

  My damn emotions flooded up through my eyes, and I couldn’t speak as my throat thickened. I touched his face, “You don’t have to say that. I really am ok.”

  “I don’t have to say it, but it’s true. I am completely in love with you. I have been for months. Hell, probably since the first night I walked you home. I have never felt like this about anyone before.” He kissed my forehead, “I just wanted you to know.”

  Tears were rolling down my cheeks at strange angles, and I inhaled deeply, “I love you too.” I whispered. I knew it was true.

  He kissed me softly and we were again submerged in the magic of lust and love.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  We locked the house up early and as he hid the key, I wondered if someday I would live here. A piece of me speculated what our future may be.

  “I think that would be nice.” The voice didn’t belong to Tyler, and I looked on the back steps to see his grandpa.

  “Hello sir. Thank you for letting us stay last night.”

  He waved his hand in front of his face, “It’s his house now.”

  “He really misses you.”

  “Yeah, but it’s time for me to move on. I understand that now.” He looked over my shoulder and looked at Tyler, “He’s going to be ok, you made sure of that.”

  “I just did what I could do.”

  “Well, you were right, I could trust you. I thank you for helping them.”

  “Of course, I am glad that it worked out.”

  “Never did trust that uncle of his.” His eyes sparkled, “Don’t tell his grandma that.” He smiled again. He took a step down the stairs, “Well, I best be going. Take care of our boy for me.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Tears started to crest my eyes. Damn emotions.

  “Ah, don’t cry, this is what’s supposed to happen.” He walked toward the barn, pausing to place a hand on Tyler’s shoulder. Tyler looked around, curiosity and confusion clouding his expression. His grandpa walked on towards the barn, fading as he went.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” Tyler saw my tears and made his way towards me. I shook my head, not being able to speak. “Savanah, what happened?”

  I reached up to wipe my cheeks, inhaling staggered breaths. “He’s gone.”

  Tyler looked at my face and followed my gaze. “Who? Gramps?”

  I nodded, wiping my chin and cheeks again. I breathed deep and exhaled, “Yeah, I think he is gone for good.”

  Tyler looked back, “Was that him I felt?”

  I nodded, “Yes, he really loves you.”

  I smiled, trying to keep it as positive as it should have been. Tyler had already grieved his passing; he didn’t need to experience it all over again.

  “Thank you, love you, Gramps.” He spoke to the empty air, but I didn’t correct him, I let him believe that his message was delivered.

  He turned back towards me, “You ready?” I nodded, looking back at the house, and taking in the old barn one last time.

  As we drove, Tyler left a voice mail for his mom. He told her he found the box and let her know he put it in the house safe. I stared out the window as he talked into her recording.

  I started to think about the ghosts on campus, especially Karson. I wondered what I could do to help her pass over and be at peace. It had worked for his grandpa, maybe it would work for her.

  “Savanah, you ok?” Tyler reached over and touched my knee, rubbing it with his thumb.

  I faced him and smiled. “I’m great. You love me.”

  He laughed, “That is true.” He stared out the windshield for a moment and then added, “I’ve never said that to anyone else. Just so you don’t think it’s something I say often.”

  I turned in my seat to face him. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure,” suspicion crossed his face.

  “Have you ever done that-there-before?”

  He looked at me alarmed. “At my grandparents’ house? In the room I spent summers in. Definitely not.”

  “Did you on their property before?” I had no idea why I asked that. It made no difference, but it popped in my mind, and out my mouth anyway.

  He paused in thought, “I don’t want to lie, so hang on.” He thought through everything and shook his head, “No.” He grinned that dimple grin, “Came close once in the barn, but no.”

  “Who with?” I smiled. My jealousy and insecurity from when we left on this trip was completely gone, replaced by simple curiosity. />
  He laughed lightly, “Alexis.” He glanced at me guiltily.

  “Well, that shouldn’t surprise me.” I smirked out the side window, “So, in a way, I was first in your house.”

  He chuckled, “This is true.” He reached over to take my hand. “You sure you’re ok?”

  I turned to him. “I am. I feel exactly the same and completely different at the same time.”

  He pulled my hand to his lips, “Me too.”

  We barely made it to campus for me to get changed and head to class. It was lab, and I felt like I was my own science experiment. Did everyone know I had sex? I left to use the restroom and met two new ghosts in the hallway. The lab ghosts I had decided were just passing through. I hadn’t seen the same one twice, and I figured that was the normal there.

  After lab, I met up with Camryn for a quick coffee. She had insisted.

  She met me with a huge hug, “I am so happy for you.”

  I hugged her back. “Thank you?”

  She laughed, “I told you he was crazy about you.”

  I picked up my coffee and waited for her, “Yeah, I think he really is.”

  “So, it’s serious now?” She asked, picking her cup up, and heading out to the patio to enjoy the thin warmth of the early spring sun.

  “Yes, it’s serious.” I opened the door, “I even met the ex-girlfriend.” I giggled as I described Alexis.

  “She sounds terrible.” That was so Camryn, always having my back.

  I laughed again, “Yeah, she is pretty terrible.”

  We chatted about her, and track and the drama happening with Crystel and her girlfriend. “I don’t know if they are going to make it. It’s sad. They’ve been together since like sophomore year.”

  I frowned and took a sip. I felt bad for Crystel. It would be really hard to go through a breakup, now that I understood how deep those feelings could run. “Well, I hope they work it out, if not I hope they both find happiness.”

  “Look at you, all light and sunshine. You are a regular Pollyanna! Love looks good on you.” She took a drink, "I am going to have to head out, class, trainer session, and then I got practice. Want to do dinner?”

  “Yeah. Sounds good,” I smiled.

  “Tell Tyler he can come if he has too,” she winked and walked away. I smiled watching her. I my whole world had really changed since I got here.


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