Snared (Grizzly MC Book 2)

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Snared (Grizzly MC Book 2) Page 18

by Brook Wilder

  I hesitate. I’m not even sure if I can speak right now, even if I tried.

  “You okay, Dom?”

  “Never been better. You totally surprised me.”

  “I thought you like surprises.”

  “Keep that up and we’re getting married tomorrow.”

  She laughs.

  “I really liked it.”


  “I always wanted you to take control, just like that. You were fucking amazing.”

  “No, Amy. That was all you. I have to say, this is the best day I’ve had in a long time. I take that back. This might be the best day ever.”

  “Well, we both deserve it.”

  “Amy, I love you so much. You’re everything I want. You’re smart and gorgeous and in the bedroom... Oh my God! That’s all I can say.”

  She stands up.

  “I’m about to take a shower. You wanna join me?”

  “You don’t have to ask twice.”

  I smack Amy’s ass as I follow her into the bathroom. She giggles. Damn, she looks so sexy from every angle. Within a few seconds, we’re underneath the warm water, face to face.

  I kiss her soft lips, and with her close to me I’m hard again in an instant. She looks down at my cock and grins.

  “You’re nothing but trouble.”

  “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  She holds me closer, wrapping her arms all around me. Amy is everything I need and then some. I smile, thinking about how I just fucked Amy like never before.

  She touches my face.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  I kiss her.

  “That’s what I was thinking about.”

  More blood rushes to my cock. I can’t wait to fuck her, over and over again for the rest of my life. Without a doubt, Amy Miller is the best I ever had.


  Amy and I are at Walmart. I push a big cart down the aisle. It’s filled up with all types of stuff for the baby. A video monitor, a crib, toys, blankets... That kind of stuff.

  As we pass by the lingerie section, Amy turns to me.

  “I need some new bras.”

  I follow her.

  “Let me go by myself.”

  “Why? I’ve already seen everything you’ve got underneath those clothes.”

  “True. What the hell.”

  I turn the cart down the aisle. Amy holds up a purple satin bra to her chest. The blood rushes to my cock. Damn. I can’t control myself around Amy. She’s just too much. The past few weeks it’s been nothing but back-to-back mind-blowing sex.

  I remember hearing from a guy I knew that his girlfriend didn’t want to have sex anymore after she got pregnant. Well, it’s just the opposite with Amy. She wants it all the time. After she has this baby, I might have to mess around and get her pregnant again.

  In the middle of the store, surrounded by strangers, all I can think about is how good it feels to be deep inside her pussy and that sweet, tight asshole of hers. Stop it, Dom. I try think of something else. Anything else. But it’s no use.

  She looks up at me.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  She tosses a few bras into the cart.

  “Okay. That’s all I needed.”

  That’s not all I needed, I think to myself as I follow her to the checkout line.

  As usual, it’s crowded. Mundane things like shopping used to bore the hell outta me. But with a woman like Amy at my side, everything is more tolerable.

  An old woman standing behind us grins.

  “You two are gonna make a beautiful baby. I just know it.”

  Amy smiles.

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  I wrap my arm around Amy.

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  The cashier rings us up and we walk out of the store. Amy looks beautiful in the sunlight. Her skin is flawless. Her blonde hair flowing in the wind.

  I load up the stuff in the trunk of the car and start up the engine. She looks serene in the passenger’s seat. I hum the song that I wrote for her as I pull out of the parking lot. For once, everything seems right with the world.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I step out of the shower and dry off. I feel refreshed from head to toe. I wrap the towel around my body and step out into the hallway. Dom is still sleep in bed. I know he’s exhausted from all the mind-blowing sex we’ve been having.

  I smile at the thought of all the ways Dom pleases me with his cock and his tongue. I get a little moist just imagining him deep inside me. No man has ever made me feel this way. I just want it to last forever.

  As I make my way to the bedroom, I pass by the nursery. The door is wide open. Inside, there’s a mahogany wooden crib. Dom and I had a helluva time putting it together. Those instructions were confusing, and the illustrations didn’t help at all. But after we’d finished it, Dom and I bonded on a deeper level.

  It dawned on me at that moment that we were are about to become parents. Speaking of the baby, I feel it kick. I smile and rub my belly. I can’t wait to meet this perfect little human in a few months’ time.

  I walk into the bedroom and quietly get dressed. I don’t want to wake Dom. He looks so sexy and peaceful. And I know he could use the rest. Lately, he’s been putting on a lot of shows onstage – and in the bedroom.

  I blush at the thought of all the wild things we try. Dom turns me on so much when he takes total control. I love being dominated. I never thought I could find someone to satisfy all my needs. Now I know I’ll never have to look any further.

  I slip on my maternity jeans and a t-shirt. Dom slowly opens his eyes and grins at me.

  “Hey, sexy.”

  “Hey yourself.”

  “Come here.”

  I walk over to him and climb on top. I look down at his handsome face. He cuffs my ass. I lean in for a kiss.

  “Where are you going this early, baby?”

  “We need groceries, Dom.”

  “I know, but I need something too.”

  I feel his hard cock pressing against my thighs. I kiss his lips sweetly and pull away.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “I’m gonna hold you to that.”

  Just then, my cell phone rings.

  “Whoever it is can wait.”

  Dom slips his hands under my shirt and grabs my tits. I let out a little moan.

  “Stop it. You’re always getting me in trouble.”

  “That’s just the way you like it.”

  “Hang on.”

  I get out of bed and walk over to my cell phone on the dresser.

  “It’s probably just a telemarketer.”

  I look down and see Abel’s name lighting up the screen. I answer right away.


  “Hey, is Dom there?”

  “Yeah. Why? What’s going on?”

  “Look, I can’t go into it. Not on the phone. I need you guys to... Can you come down to the station?”

  “Sure. Is everything alright?”

  There’s a long pause.


  “I gotta go. Get here as soon as you can.”


  I hang up the phone and turn to Dom. He must see the concern in my eyes, because his whole demeanor is different now. He sits up in bed and frowns.

  “Amy, what’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. Abel wouldn’t say. He just asked if we could come down to the station.”

  Dom takes a deep breath.

  “I’m getting a bad vibe about this somehow.”

  “Yeah. Me too.”

  “I’ll tell you what. I’ll take a quick shower, and then we can meet him there.”

  “I hope this doesn’t have anything to do with Lyle.”

  Dom gets out of bed and stops in his tracks.

  “If that motherfucker did something else, I swear…”

  “I’m trying not to think the wo
rst, but there’s no telling what it is.”

  Twenty minutes later, Dom and I are walking out of the house. I hand him the keys to my car. I kinda like when he drives, especially since my belly is growing by the second.

  Dom pushes the speed limit as we ride to the station. It seems like an ordinary day in Tomahawk, but there’s nothing normal at all about the call I got from Abel this morning. I’m troubled by the way he said he couldn’t really talk on the phone.

  Dom pulls into the station parking lot. There are a few cruisers parked. I also notice a familiar motorcycle too. I point to it.

  “Isn’t that James’s bike?”

  Dom nods.

  “Yeah. We gotta find out what the hell is going on.”

  Dom walks around and opens the car door for me. I smile. Even in the middle of the craziest moments, he’s still a gentleman. Except in the bedroom, where I like him to just have his way with me.

  Dom and I walk into the station. A few sheriffs wave at us. I recognize Denise, one of the women who works for the department. She looks down at my belly and smiles.

  “Any day now, huh?”

  “That’s what it feels like.”

  “Well, I’m happy for both of you. I think it’s great.”

  “Thanks. Do you know where Abel is?”

  “Oh. He’s in the back. Last room on the right.”

  She points down the hallway.

  I take a deep breath as Dom and I make our towards the room. He wraps his arm around me. I feel safer and more secure, but I’m still on high alert. My brother doesn’t usually hold back from me. I am worried.

  Dom knocks on the door. Abel answers it. He looks stressed, but he manages a slight smile.



  “Come in.”

  Abel steps aside as Dom and I walk into the room. James sits in a chair, drinking a cup of coffee.



  Abel closes the door behind us. I turn to him.

  “What is it?”

  Abel hesitates.

  “Does it have anything to do with Lyle?”

  “That bastard is still in jail where he belongs. Nothing worse than somebody who betrays the badge. I think it’s a done deal for him. He’ll die in prison.”

  “So... What’s going on?”

  “I’m sorry to say, but from the looks of it there’s more than one serial killer in Tomahawk.”


  Dom turns to Abel.

  “You sure about that?”

  Abel nods.

  “I wish I wasn’t. But I’ve had my suspicions for a while. After Lyle got arrested, it seemed like everything calmed down around here. But a couple of weeks ago, we got a call into the station. Whoever it was that spoke to the dispatcher, they were scared.

  “Make a long story short, they told us to look by the river. And turns out there was a dead body. The guy was in his thirties, but he looked a lot older. I didn’t even recognize him at first. But it turns out that he was a Bear.”

  Dom’s eyes get wide.

  “What? How come we didn’t know anything about this?”

  “It was a single gunshot to the head. But it didn’t look like murder. The coroner thought it was a suicide. But the final autopsy came back that it was a murder.”

  The mood in the room is solemn.

  James takes a deep breath.

  “That’s fucked up. Who was the guy?”

  “His name was Nick Meyers.”

  “I never heard of him. How do you know for sure that he was even a Bear?”

  “He had the paw tattoo on his chest and everything. Nick grew up here most of his life, but he split when he was a teenager. He was kinda a drifter, traveling the west coast. He had a rap sheet, but nothing too heavy. He had been busted for selling meth and stealing cars, that kind of shit. I didn’t realize it but, he came back to town recently. I don’t know what for. But I figured that he was trying to get in on some of the meth ring action. And maybe somebody didn’t want competition, ‘cause a few weeks after Nick came back he ended up dead.”

  “So what else do you know?”

  “I kept wondering why Nick came back. I came to find out that he had a girlfriend back in high school. I got in touch with her. She told me that she got pregnant right before they graduated, and they ended up having a big fight. He split and decided to hitch-hike up and down the coast. Meanwhile, she never told him about the kid.

  “But now the kid is, like, thirteen, and she started feeling guilty every time she got daddy questions. So, she tracks Nick down and calls him. She finally tells him about the kid. He sees this as a sign to turn his life around. He takes the first Greyhound bus back to Tomahawk to meet his kid. He applies for some jobs and apartments. He wants to go straight. And then he’s dead. Back when we thought it was a suicide, we kept it out of the papers, out of respect to his family. But now we know the truth. And Nick isn’t the only one.”


  “There are more victims. All of ‘em are Grizzlies.”


  “I’m getting closer to putting everything together, but as far as I can tell there’s one Viper who’s behind all of this. He’s been doing all of this under the radar.”

  “Those motherfuckers can’t just let us be. It’s always some shit with them.”

  “Yeah. I mean, I thought for sure things might be different after Lyle. But sometimes, the more things change…”

  I turn to Abel.

  “…the more they stay the same.”

  Dom is visibly upset.

  “This is crazy. They can’t get away with this.”

  Abel takes a deep breath.

  “Nothing is gonna stop ‘em. They’re on a mission to kill every Bear in their sights.”

  I look up at Abel.

  “You said Nick wasn’t the only one... How many are there?”

  “Nick and two others. At least. Probably more. Like I said, I’m still putting the evidence together.”

  “Are you sure this doesn’t have anything to do with Lyle?”

  “That bastard was always full of surprises, but these murders are different. Lyle was mostly targeting young women and girls. This new killer, he’s going after the Grizzlies.

  “Around here, we don’t have a lot of resources for forensics and shit like that. I could always bring in the FBI, but that might cause more headaches. A lot of folks around here, they don’t trust the feds. If they come around asking questions, people are gonna get real quiet.

  “This is one of those situations where I have to go with my gut. And I know that it has to be a Viper. Might be more than one. I have to catch him before everything goes to shit.”

  There’s an awkward pause.

  “Nick’s old girlfriend has been calling me every day. She says the kid is torn up about this whole thing. This is personal to me. All of this crap between the Vipers and Grizzlies has been going on since before we were born, but now they’re taking too far. Somebody’s gotta stop them.”

  I look into my brother’s eyes. I see nothing but anger and sadness.

  “This is dangerous, Abel. We all know what they’re capable of.”

  Abel hesitates for a moment, then he takes a deep breath.

  “None of this shit is easy. But that’s not what I signed up for. If I don’t deal with this once and for all, we’ll never have any peace around here. We can’t go on like this. That’s why I’ve got to catch this Viper bastard before it’s too late. If I don’t, every Bear is a sitting duck. There’s no telling when they’ll strike again.”

  Abel turns to Dom and James.

  “I need you guys to help me.”

  I shake my head no. The thought of the man I love putting himself in harm’s way again is just too much.

  “Please, Abel. Don’t.”


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